October 2, 2016

Obama Confessions

Do you remember Obamania? For maybe 3 months before his first term, the mood that many millennials who wouldn't be voting was "BLACK PRESIDENT 2008, OBAMA WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING." And then he didn't. I'm glad I identified that the craze around Obama was just a trend that would pass, but I saw much of the same trendy-sentiment towards Bernie Sanders anddefinitely with Trump as well(who I'm likely voting for.)

I'm glad I voted for Romney.
(Didn't vote first term.)
The Greatest Swordsman of all Demons.
(edited 1 week ago)
Will_1231 1 week ago#2
A little ashamed to say no. Not because I didn't vote for Obama, but because I didn't vote. I turned 18 New Year's Eve of 2007, so that was the first election I could have voted. Sadly, I was one of the very apathetic millenials/Americans, and I am sort of trying to make up for lost time. Looking back, I probably would not have voted for him, but I understand why many people wanted a change in the direction in 2008, even if I disagree with the direction they went.
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Was too young in 2008. Voted Obama in 2012 because I preferred him to Romney, and still do, simple as that.

If he could legally run for a 3rd term, I'd probably vote for him again given the current choices.
Games are like women, they don't have to be smokin' hawt to make me happy.-Mr_X_Returns
Member of the IRDC, where everything's a dirty joke.
Moorish_Idol 1 week ago#4
I voted for Obama both times. The first time because I didn't want another Bush; the second time I was conflicted all the way up until I put my pen onto the ballot and decided if I hadn't been convinced of Romney by that point, I wasn't ever going to be.
Not everything has to be about something.
(edited 1 week ago)
Ziggyshack 1 week ago#5
Voted for him both times. Much more hopeful the first time, the second time I figured it's better to go with the devil you know than the Mormon you don't.
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I've never voted for Obama. 

I was tempted to when it was him vs. Romney, because Romney is just everything terrible about normal Republicans wrapped up into one and I felt that even though I deeply didn't like Obama's first 4 years that the only criticisms Republicans ever brought up about them were completely unfair and bogus. I still didn't though, because Obama's moderation is deeply unthrilling for me a liberal voter.

These last couple of years though, I've really warmed up to Obama. I think he has made a lot of wrong decisions mind you. But I at least get a sense that he thinks about them before he makes them, something I never felt about Bush. And I get a sense of him being a person who does try to do what he believes is right, something I don't get from about 90% of all politicians. And I feel that, with no political capital and having lost any hope at ever getting a Republican to work with him, he has been freed up to be at least somewhat liberal.

I didn't have much expectations for Obama 8 years ago, and so he pretty easily flew past those expectations and became a president I feel actually quite positively about. For Hillary, my expectations are resoundingly more negative, so hopefully it'll be even easier for her to become something I'm pleasantly surprised in.
Disobedience is the stamp of the hero. -Ragnar Redbeard
Also, this is Kagata.
(edited 1 week ago)
DJStrong 1 week ago#7
I did not vote for obama either time. I liked Rommney a lot and voted for him in the 2008 primary.
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood"
Starks 1 week ago#8
Only in 2008
Realpolitik - A place for serious, civil political discussion.
Atreides825 1 week ago#9
Not in 2008; that was the last time I voted Republican (I spent Obama's first term growing up and realizing that that the current Republican party cares nothing for America or Americans, unless the latter is white, male, Christian and wealthy). I quite happily voted for Obama in 2012.
"We're the Imperial fething Guard and it's our lot in life to be fethed."
- Major Rawne, Tanith First-and-Only
Time 1 week ago#10
I was too young in 2008 but I did vote for him in 2012.
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sfcalimari 1 week ago#11
Gogandantess_XV posted...
Do you remember Obamania? For maybe 3 months before his first term, the mood that many millennials who wouldn't be voting was "BLACK PRESIDENT 2008, OBAMA WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING." And then he didn't. I'm glad I identified that the craze around Obama was just a trend that would pass, but I saw much of the same trendy-sentiment towards Bernie Sanders anddefinitely with Trump as well(who I'm likely voting for.)

I'm glad I voted for Romney.
(Didn't vote first term.)

Yes, damn Obama for making all those Republicans into racist buffoons.

Please leave this kind of childish kool-aid crap on 261.
Blagojevich 2016
EvilTrash 1 week ago#12
I supported Obama in 2008. It was very easy, because I recognized instantaneously that Sarah Palin was the worst person ever to run on a ticket as President or Vice President, and there was no way I could fail to do my part in ensuring she never gets that close to the oval office. McCain made the worst VP pick in the history of this country, easily. I think that election might have been much closer if he had picked a competent running mate.
RCtheWSBC 1 week ago#13
CoyoteTheGreat posted...
I've never voted for Obama.

Same. Too young in 2008, registered to vote in 2010, and voted Gary Johnson in 2012.
the White-Sounding Black Chick
Luminozero 1 week ago#14
sfcalimari posted...
Yes, damn Obama for making all those Republicans into racist buffoons.

Please leave this kind of childish kool-aid crap on 261.

He's making a reference to the fanatical followers, which Obama absolutely had in 2008. Calm your t***.

Anyway, I did vote for him twice, for all it mattered (I live in NY). Honestly, I felt Obama was playing a very dangerous game appealing to the young people with his message of 'Hope and Change'. Not because I don't think he believed it, I absolutely think the man really wanted to change what he said he would. But because he was courting a capricious, childish and ignorant demographic that expected instant gratification.

They didn't understand that Democracy is about compromise. You never get it exactly the way you want it, and it never happens quickly. The moment these voters discovered that Obama wasn't going to wave his magic wand and do everything he promised, they turned on him hard.
"The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him."
-Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Radar 1 week ago#15
Yes. The second McCain stopped being a "renegade" and bent over for the GOP, I switched.
Bring back v12!
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kozlo100 1 week ago#16
I didn't vote for him either time, ended up going third party in both of those elections.

All told though, his presidency seems like one of the better ones. I wouldn't be that disappointed if I had voted for him.
Time flies like the wind, 
and fruit flies like a banana.
Of course. I'd vote for an Obama 3rd term if I could!
"Tear down this wall!" - Republicans in 1986
"Build a wall and make someone else pay for it!" - Republicans in 2016
sfcalimari 1 week ago#18
Luminozero posted...
He's making a reference to the fanatical followers, which Obama absolutely had in 2008. Calm your t***.

No, he's mocking people who supported Obama for being a decent guy and a good politician, just like people did in 2008. It started with all the Hillary voters who mocked us for daring to be optimistic about a politician and for actually liking his policies. Then the GOP troll army mocked us for the same s*** in 2008 and 2012 because they knew their candidates were s***. I was there and I remember.
Blagojevich 2016
Nix 1 week ago#19
Both times. Baby.

GOP needs better candidates. I had no choice.
All for profit and profit for all.
Giants and Yankees!
wally 1 week ago#20
I voted for him twice, and it's difficult to imagine any scenario in the next five presidential cycles where I would even consider voting for a Republican. For anything.
Home is behind, the world ahead. And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow to the edge of night, until the stars are all alight
itcheyness 1 week ago#21
I was too young in 2008, but I voted in 2012 for him.
Green Bay Packers 1-1 
Seattle Sounders 9-13-5 32pts
Clout2k 1 week ago#22
I voted for obama both times and i'm pretty proud of it.


Given his campaign promises he did a good job IMO especially with a congress that would rather see America in flames than let him do what the citizens of the country want. Here is the break down in case people don't want to click the link.

Promise Kept 45%
Compromise 25%
Promise Broken 22%
Stalled 1%
In the Works 6%
Not yet rated 0%

So nah i don't think it was an Obama-craze like you are suggesting TC. I think the people who were disappointed didn't really know what Obama planned on doing. The one thing i was massively disappointed in was them caving on the Public Option, but everything else seems about where i'd expect. 

Other disappointments would be that he is bombing more people than i thought he would. I knew there was no way in hell we'd close gitmo and i'm pretty sure we are still torturing people, but at least we aren't bragging about it anymore. Baby steps.
Yes, both times.
-Daffy Duck for POTUS 2016
CONFESS: Did you vote for Obama?




hum nooo?

But then I'm not an American Citizen?
"Je prefere mourir debout que vivre a genoux" Charb RIP
jasten 1 week ago#25
Nope... Didn't vote in 2008 and voted third party in 2012. I don't tend to vote for either party unless it is on the local level and they tend to be less extreme and idiotic on both sides.
It is amazing the delusions the weak and simple minds believe in.
Yep, sure did. 

I'm definitely pleased with my vote. I can imagine some of the super extreme folks who really had him elevated to weird levels are probably disappointed, but I feel like he has done as well as, or better than, any reasonable person expected.
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Will_1231 1 week ago#27

Is that supposed to represent a pimple? <_<
Realpolitik - A place for serious, civil political discussion.
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Will_1231 posted...

Is that supposed to represent a pimple? <_<

Nope it's a sweatdrop.

"Je prefere mourir debout que vivre a genoux" Charb RIP
Al-Uzza 1 week ago#29
In 08 yeah. Didn't vote at all the second time.
NikoIai 1 week ago#30
I actually voted Romney in 2012. Regret it. I was 19 and was most interested in seeing the s*** storm of a president losing midterms
I did it for The Motherland
Giants. Knicks. Marlins.
Will_1231 1 week ago#31
Nope it's a sweatdrop.


I figured as much. I generally use an apostrophe or two, but I thought the idea of a pimple was funnier. :P
Realpolitik - A place for serious, civil political discussion.
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/1289-realpolitik (PM for details)
Liquefy 1 week ago#32
Yes, in 2008 and 2012.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Dream Code: 1500-2565-5525 Refurbished Items on Display
SNeIa 1 week ago#33
I voted for Obama in 2012. I was too young to vote in 2008.
mgtonvac55 1 week ago#34
Yep. Both times. A much better option than either of the alternatives.
"'I'm offended by that.' Well so f***ing what?" -- Stephen Fry
Heineken14 1 week ago#35
Both times and I do not regret either decision.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
I voted for Obama in 2008 and I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012.
Yup, both times. 2012 had me think about it for a bit since he did some stuff I really didn't like in his 1st term but his second one was much better.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee
Gogandantess_XV 1 week ago#38
Steel_Shadows posted...
Was too young in 2008. Voted Obama in 2012 because I preferred him to Romney, and still do, simple as that.

If he could legally run for a 3rd term, I'd probably vote for him again given the current choices.

I worked in Massachusetts during Romney's governance and honestly a lot of people there liked him especially "ROMNEYCARE."
The Greatest Swordsman of all Demons.
Gogandantess_XV 1 week ago#39
NikoIai posted...
I actually voted Romney in 2012. Regret it. I was 19 and was most interested in seeing the s*** storm of a president losing midterms

Romney campaigning for presidency was not the same Romney that was a Governor in Massachusetts.
The Greatest Swordsman of all Demons.
metroid13 1 week ago#40
NikoIai posted...
I actually voted Romney in 2012. Regret it. I was 19 and was most interested in seeing the s*** storm of a president losing midterms

This kind of reasoning frightens me. Sincerely. It feels like the kind of logic that drives a fair sized chunk of Trump supporters. 

Anyway, yeah, voted for Obama twice. I would vote for him for a third term if it were possible.
It's hard work living as a sloth, but he finds time to relax.
Shimakaze 1 week ago#41
The first time, yes. I got caught up in the hype of 'first black president!!' like everyone else, really regret it.

Didn't vote that way a second time.
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I voted for him in both primaries (the latter obviously being just a rubberstamp). I think I just randomly voted third party in Presidential because, you know, Washington state.
we're not all geniuses like you Maverick. >_> - AWrulez
Goldice 6 days ago#43
Both times.
New England Patriots: Super Bowl XLIX Champions
I enthusiastically backed him in 2008 but was too young to vote. I reluctantly voted for him in 2012. I intend to vote for Jill Stein this time.
I couldn't vote yet in 2008 and in 2012 I voted for the president from Idiocracy, but because I already knew Obama was wiping out Romney in a landslide, otherwise I would have voted for him.
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October 1, 2016


Hyena 20 53 minutes ago#1
The shale boom is saving our economy http://yhoo.it/1aoHBRk Good for jobs, national security & trade balance. Frack Now & Frack Fast! (25 Sep 2013)

Upstate New York is suffering with record unemployment. Fracking is the answer. Frack now and Frack fast! (1 May 2013)

With our weakened dollar, gas will continue to rise. Fracking is an answer to lowering energy costs. (31 Jul 2014)

Here goes another conspiracy theory.

@BarackObama has sold guns to Mexican drug lords while his DOJ erodes our 2nd Amendment rights. (18 Jul 2011)

Major Mexican cartel boss El Diego was just arrested with weapons provided to him through Fast and Furious *insert link to Hotair* (3 Oct 2012)

He complains about getting cheated by Mexico.

I hope the Mexican judge is more honest than the Mexican businessmen who used the court system to avoid paying me the money they owe me.(5 Mar 2015)

I have a lawsuit in Mexico’s corrupt court system that I won but so far can’t collect. Don’t do business with Mexico! (24 Feb 2015)

The Mexican legal system is corrupt, as is much of Mexico. Pay me the money that is owed me now - and stop sending criminals over our border (24 Feb 2015)

Found out what he plans to do about the national park/wildlife refuge land at the border where he wants to build his wall.

Environmental regulations stop Border Patrol from protecting 40% of the border http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/immigration-Border-Patrol-environmental-regulations/2014/07/28/id/585283/#ixzz38mkekMMd … A coup for the migrant Democrats. (29 Jul 2014)

Yeah, nothing overly condemning except for an a******-ish comment I haven't posted yet.

BTW, the bad blood between Trump and Mark Cuban apparently goes back at least as far as 2012-- a bit of a love and mostly hate relationship.
Hera is like the Greco-Roman pantheon version of Hillary Clinton.
[Independent Centrist] [Boycott EA]
Thebrah 47 minutes ago#2
I don't have an account on twitter so you posting these here really saved me from having to create one so I can go get the collection of tweets made by Trump.

The 'bad blood' with Cuban likely goes back to before October, 2004.
when paid 2 b @ a Hillary rally https://media.giphy.com/media/26FxCOdhlvEQXbeH6/giphy.gif
Hyena 20 16 minutes ago#3
Ah. All I know is that it mostly manifests as a Twitter feud between two billionares, with Trump being a bit more loud mouthed than Cuban. this is most of what I have collected. It's pretty sad. Apparently it made for years of entertainment for Trump's and Cuban's followers.

Dummy @mcuban is at it again trying to use me to get publicity for himself!

@mcuban tries so hard to be a star and he truly doesn't have what it takes and never will!
 (5 Nov 2012)

This is quite the tirade here. Obvious what set him off.

I watched Mark Cuban on Jay Leno last night - what a jerk! 

Dummy @mcuban made up a story about a visit to Mar-a-Lago last night on Leno. It never happened - I don't talk that way. 

I love watching dummy @mcuban promote on ok show named Shark Tank, but he is just a small part of that show. 

There's a reason @mcuban's partners can't stand him and on top of that, the team sucks!
 (14 Mar 2013)

Now he talks s*** about Cuban's golfing skizillz-- even bigger rant than the above one.

@mcuban is very short off the tee - and his basketball sucks also!

But @mcuban is physically weak, he has no clubhead speed or game!

@mcuban is so short off the tee he can't have much of a punch. He's just a weak man with a big mouth! 

Golf match? I've won 18 Club Championships including this weekend. @mcuban swings like a little girl with no power or talent. Mark's a loser 

Sorry folks, but Donald Trump is far richer and much better looking than dopey @mcuban! 

Does anyone remember the fight @mcuban had w/ the referee, he was weak & pathetic-- a non-athlete trying to live life thru his players.
 (19 Mar 2013)

Couple months later, he talks more s*** again. Also seems to be projecting with the TV ratings, here.

Mark Cuban is a bully who is physically very soft and therefore should immediately stop wearing T shirts. No strength! 

@mcuban is a short ball hitter who had a massive failure on television, The Benefactor. Now he is one of many on a modest ratings show, S T.

African11: Mr. Trump with all respect buy yourself a book and stop insulting people. You look bored.
Trump: But I love insulting people who don't have the goods but think they do!

The success of Shark Tank over the years is a total joke compared to the success of The Apprentice, one of the biggest hits in T.V. history.
 (11 May 2013)

Unrelated, but Trump also posted this. He might be half-joking, though.

Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault (8 May 2013)
Hera is like the Greco-Roman pantheon version of Hillary Clinton.
[Independent Centrist] [Boycott EA]
(edited 14 minutes ago)