October 21, 2016


Tadamoto9 1 hour ago#1
Since women can get relationships much easier than guys can. They realize this. So it's nothing for them to leave you, and two weeks later be underneath some other dude. And they could leave you for any reason, at any given time. No matter how insignificant it might seem to you. She could simply be bored, not attracted to you anymore, has eyes for another guy she likes better, etc. In other words, superficial reasons. Men don't have this luxury. It's much more difficult for men to get dates and relationships. The amount of single guys compared to single women is much higher. I know guys who stay single for years, despite actively trying. Myself included. Even if you do manage to get a gf, you're constantly on your toes to satisfy her, for fear of her leaving. So in other words, she's never truly "yours" It was just "your turn"
http://i.imgtc.com/GOunQGg.gif, http://i.imgtc.com/ukV92YU.gif,
http://i.imgtc.com/jyRq6FW.gif, http://i.imgtc.com/0Xkvla1.jpg
Conflict  refugee love block me1 hour ago#2
I have no idea why you're trying to make a broad assessment of something you have no experience in
He just smiled and gave me a Vegemite sandwich
Tadamoto9 1 hour ago#3
Conflict posted...
I have no idea why you're trying to make a broad assessment of something you have no experience in

I've learned through observation. So-called 'single' women often have several options available to them. Their definition of single is completely different to men. A single man is the one who has no options and has to pursue everything. With anxiety - this is more or less impossible. The only exceptions are really good looking guys or those who act the most cocky, egotistical and domineering to attract female attention...

This is why the dating game really is so on-sided that as a regular man and one who is quieter than usual, it's like trying to fight against the entire Battle of Waterloo with your hands tied behind your back. It's pointless. There's no fairness for men and no equal legwork from both sexes.
http://i.imgtc.com/GOunQGg.gif, http://i.imgtc.com/ukV92YU.gif,
http://i.imgtc.com/jyRq6FW.gif, http://i.imgtc.com/0Xkvla1.jpg
Kineth  BLM sympathizer1 hour ago#4
If I think like that, then I surely am.

October 19, 2016

No Whites Allowed

The Admiral 5 hours ago#1

Last week the University of Michigan held “diversity” forums sponsored by the Residential College (RC), but some were irked that the events were separated by race — one was for people of color, the other “open to all.”

Because it was geared “to create an open dialogue geared specifically to all people of color involved in the program,” a reporter from The Michigan Daily was asked to leave the forum for non-white students.

The reporter was permitted to attend the other event.

Senior Admissions and Recruitment Coordinator Logan Corey defended the racial separation, saying it was “to ensure that students and faculty of color felt safe raising concerns and sitting in solidarity with other people of color, given the current climate on campus.”

Director of Residential College Jonathan Wells added that the separate events were appropriate because it gave “people of color a space to talk without feeling ‘watched.’”

More racial discrimination justified by the need for minorities to have their safe spaces. What a wonderful generation of Charmin-soft sissies we're fostering.
- The Admiral