November 2, 2016

Tai Lopez, the modern day Tom Vu with

Signs someone is scamming you under the guise of "business training" or whatever he calls it:

>his paycheck depends on you believing he's successful
>he takes an hour to say what could be said in 5 minutes. seriously any successful person would teach you #1 value your time and his time above all else.
>he has failed at legitimate careers. depends on your definition of failure, but for me it fits.
>he is telling you his system will turn your life around
>he is telling you his system will make you money

I could go on and on but the bottom line is he raises a lot of red flags and minimal research reveals he's just making a living selling some bullshit.

I like a lot of his message and I'm sure there's lessons to be learned in his videos, but every video you watch is an hour you could have spent working, studying, interacting with people, or applying yourself in some other way.

Trump X Clinton files 1

Once other countries decide to stop using the US dollar as their reserve currency, it's game over. If the rest of the world stops buying our bonds, it's game over. If the US government stops printing money (the only thing propping up our fake economy), it's game over. 

Massive amounts of deficit-financed spending does not "make" a strong economy. Inflation of the stocks and other assets does not "create" wealth. Federal Reserve interest rate controls are effectively broken and stuck at or near zero for many years now. If the interest rates rise, the US can hardly afford to pay the interest payments alone on the national debt. 

No presidential candidate has a solution for this. The cumulative effect of economic stimulus is murder. A recession is needed to allow the economy to cure inefficiencies and return to equilibrium. We need the Federal Reserve to stop printing money and allow interest rates to naturally rise. Rising rates will discourage reckless borrowing and spending, and encourage savings and capital investments. 

There is a lot of short term pain down the road to curing the economy. Good luck getting votes for that...
The election is a reality TV show designed to keep you from learning that we live in a bubble economy about to burst.

Assets are continuously inflating, giving people a false sense of wealth. Government inflation measures such as CPI have been repeatedly changed to understate inflation. Likewise, methods of measuring employment have been changed to hide unemployment..

The government can only keep printing money hoping to stave off complete disaster. The last tool they have... really is just psychology. The Fed is desperately trying to convince the public that the new inflation is a new "normal" and is a good thing. 

The US can hardly afford to pay the interest alone on the national debt. Federal Reserve interest rate controls are effectively broken and stuck at or near zero for many years now. Inevitably, the rest of the world will realize we have no choice but to default on our obligations.
The United States is drunk. Our liquor is debt. Debt is our #1 export. Soon, the rest of the world will begin to realize that we have no choice but to default on our massive national debt. Already, other countries are openly discussing plans to ditch the inflating US dollar as a reserve currency. Once this begins, it's game over. 

Hillary can't fix this.

Trump can't fix this.

Pouring the drunk another drink is not the solution. Massive amounts of deficit-financed spending does not "make" a strong economy. Continuous rounds of quantitative easing (money printing) by the Federal Reserve is causing massive asset inflation and does not "create" wealth. A rising stock and real estate market are the result of a large asset-inflation bubble, not any type of economic recovery as the government would have you believe. 

The Federal Reserve interest rate control mechanism is effectively broken and the interest rate has been stuck at or near zero since 2009. Without printing money to do so, United States can hardly afford to pay the interest alone on the increasing national debt. 

A real solution requires that we all endure a painful hangover. A recession is actually needed to allow the economy to cure itself of its inefficiencies and reallocate resources to productive sectors. The Federal Reserve must concede that it is impossible to prevent the coming recession indefinitely. Trying to to do so by continuously printing money is fatal to our economy, and our country. 

Stop quantitative easing, stop asset inflation, and allow interest rates to rise. Higher interest rates will discourage borrowing and spending, and encourage personal savings. We must restart non-debt financed capital investment in this country - the true engine of a productive, sustainable economy.

isolationism is not protectionism, which is what you're talking about.

Economies throughout the world are already interwoven without the need for a completely free market, which is why for example Britain would never dream of a war against France. A globalize do market is not necessary to prevent trade wars.

Secondly, complete globalization fuck the working class more than anything (working class tend to be the "uneducated white males" you're talking about). A free global market means that corporations that have the money to outsource to foreign countries are able to get cheap material, labor, land, you name it, in countries around the world that have cheaper rates than America. There's nothing stopping them from taking their work elsewhere.

Thirdly, you never answered my first question; are you white?

To understand Russia's position in Syria you need to understand the war itself.

America, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Yemen are all funding probably like 6 different rebel groups in Syria. Syria has been Russia's ally since like 2012 I think (?), so when the different factions started tearing Syria apart Russia pledged air support while Iran (another ally) provided ground support.

Russia and its allies have been fighting Islamist rebels there since 2014, the west wants to make it seem like they are the bad guys but they're just trying to stop the country from being annihilated.

Hillary only wants to arm the Kurds, which honestly isn't that bad of an idea, but the only reason the Kurds currently exist is because ISIS, the FSA, and the SAA are all locked in hard fighting right now. The second one side makes a break the Kurds are getting rolled over.




Go back about 35ish minutes small segment on LYNCH and the FBI.GOV/VAULT DROPS.

We must keep pushing the LORETTA LYNCH and PETER KADZIK.

PETER KADZIK is currently in charge of the FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation...

PETER KADZIK is also PODESTA's lawyer!