November 15, 2016

Abortion Monologues

It's more responsible than running away from what you did and not stepping up to actually face it. The only time abortion is justified is if the woman would die if she had the kid

No, it's actually quite smart and responsible to avoid bringing an unwanted life into the world. Forcing it into the world anyway just so *you* can give yourself a pat on the back and nothing else is f***ing ridiculous, doubly so when the moment it's out in the world, people like you want to drop your concern for it like hot garbage. (It never ceases to amaze me how some of the same people that are pro-life are often anti-welfare too.)

Nothing. Doesn't mean that the kid should die though. What did the fetus do?

You do realize that trying to force/guilt-trip a rape victim into carrying her assailant's child is literally punishing her for being a victim, right? Exactly what "responsibility" do you think she's obligated to uphold?

pro woman or pro baby

I'll admit, that's a legitimately good suggestion. Makes it quite clear and concise as to which entity each side shows concerns for, what part of the equation they're perfectly keen to dismiss, and it doesn't p****foot around the required cold-heartedness that comes with picking a side.

Adoption only goes so far. It's a very expensive, obtuse system that a lot of people circumvent by going to places where adoption laws are less suffocating, and there are problems in the system that leave kids who never get adopted in a pretty bad way. Adoption is a whole other can of worms that never gets discussed. It's seen as an easy solution, but it's not.

Adoption has enough problems without throwing excess humans onto the pile. Even now there's thousands of kids in orphanages and foster homes across the US, and the conditions in some of those places are poor to downright vile, and it only gets worse for them the older they get until the fateful day they're 18 and out on their ass.

As said, both sides demonize the other, they believe they are right and will refuse to calmly talk about things.

At least I'm not propping myself up as some moral crusader. I know full well and damn well that abortion might be constituted as murder and I don't care. The woman always takes priority, period, and it's argued on the grounds of practicality because if you ask me what matters more; The life of the fully actualized woman, or the hypothetical life of the almost-baby, the one that's actually f***ing real and standing in front me gets my vote.

Contrast that with pro-lifers who *always* think they're proving themselves to have the biggest bleeding hearts in the world my siding with the fetus, despite how every single one of their lines of defense treats the woman like a slab of meat that doesn't matter (and it only gets more disgusting as the "who cares if they were raped/could die" crowd shows up). I'll gladly owe up to the fact that I sound like a monstrous asshole because that's far and beyond better than being a self-righteous hypocrite any goddamn day of the week.

Veteran's Free Meal Taken Away At Chilli's Because He Supports Trump

U.S. Army veteran Ernest Walker was eating at a Chili’s restaurant when a manager came over to question his service and take away his food.

Chili’s was offering free meals to veterans for Veterans Day, but according to Walker, a man wearing a Trump T-shirt questioned his service.

“He said he was in Germany, and that they did not let Blacks serve over there,” Walker wrote on Facebook of the incident.

Walker then said that the manager of the Texas eatery came to question him, saying that Walker was “not a real soldier because [he] had [his] hat on indoors.” Eventually, Walker’s meal was taken away even though he showed the manager his ID and discharge paperwork.

Walker recorded the incident and posted the video to social media, saying he felt “grossly offended, embarrassed, dehumanized.”

Although Chili’s released a statement of apology and said it was reaching out to Walker, the veteran told the Dallas Morning News that he had not been directly contacted. He blamed the current political climate surrounding the election for the incident.

“I do believe that the election has changed the hearts and changed the motives of people so much so that he believed in his heart and mind after talking to the Trump supporter that I was stealing food.