November 18, 2016

classic cuts: I think I inadvertently met my girlfriend's physical boyfriend today

Being the mental boyfriend, I am there for emotional support and having a rich relationship. The back story is this: we met two years ago and she was my first hug, hand hold, kiss, etc. I bought her tons of gifts to lead up to telling her I loved her, and then I told her I loved her after a month and wanted to try having sex. She told me she ruined too many relationships because having sex with someone takes away from the mental aspect of the relationship. She wanted me to stay a pure virgin and love her as much as I always did.

Anyways, today I was walking through the hallway at school and I took out my Droid, which has a picture of me and her on the lock screen. This guy was looking down at me from above on the second floor and started laughing at me for some reason. I turned around and he winked at me, and I realized he had perfect view of my phone.

So I went home and explained how he looked to my girlfriend and asked her if it was him, and she was giggling and wouldn't tell me yes or no. She told me I shouldn't know who it is because it will mess up the dynamics of our relationship for when we get married.

What do you guys think? Do I have the right to know now that I have most likely seen who the physical boyfriend is?

sean murray is running away with no man's sky money

your game will NEVER be updated: sorry.

they got the money, millions of them. they don't care anymore sean murray is retiring with the millions he made from NMS. 

the players dropped from 50k to 200 ish now. but they don't care. they've got their hands on multiple millions dollars divided among a small team. 

why do people easily buy hype and don't make smart purchase? because people are dumb. people like this exist because idiots. the gaming industry thrive because of idiots. 

i don't get why most people doenst even refund. steam offered full refund with no time limit, no question asked.

maybe because people are idiots too.

i am an idiot, you are and idiot, everyone is an idiot. there are idiots who are less stupid than the others, but humans are still idiots.