November 18, 2016

you can go create your own player; come one come all, the more the merrier

Dear god Clinton making 4chan worse than it already is by trying to bring CTR and news media here.

I hope the Don gets her for treason just for shitting up my Taiwanese Pong forum.

Nobody fucking cares how some thin-skinned shitskins feel about people being realist online. This thread isn't even about race, but you first-posted some bullshit racial angle into it. You know people dislike poc?

This is why. It's not always about you! 

Dear God, just get over it. You can't be liked by everybody. 

White Priv Is Planned Parenthood Paying More $ For Aborted White Fetuses Then An Aborted Black

It's an unfortunate thought, but even in death the white system holds more value for a dead white then a dead black. Institutional racism at its core. So that's why shops are looted and cars are burned up, because their lives matter.

Illinois has a trade secret act ,so if you plan to steal former clients you can be sued by your boss


try to follow these guidelines

Limit your solicitations to those clients for whom you're the "sole and exclusive" firm contact--if you do most of the client's work but the client plays golf with your boss every week, you're not the "sole and exclusive" firm contact and should avoid soliciting that client.

Wait until after you leave the firm before sending any e-mail or written correspondence to those client with your new contact information.

Do not offer these clients any discounts or "deals" you wouldn't also give to someone who walks in off the street.

also never delete your company's mailing lists/client contact/etc...

Start contacting partners/clients after you have left

steal but don't delete business information

and try to talk about it with him first, maybe even buy the business
(you can get a loan for that if you don't have the capital)

as long as you copy the bussines model and don't steal it, contact clients independently you should be fine