July 4, 2017

Comments of Public Record

Shaun McDonald Even though I consider myself a moderate, there is no question in my mind that this country needs conservative leadership NOW. The Liberals are too busy being SJW's and the NDP continues to destroy our ecomony with their pie in the sky ideals.
7 hrs
Klaus Nenn How do ideals destroy a country? Things like the 40 hour week? Healthcare? Labour legislation? Basic education? No, I do not believe you, you are not a moderate.
4 hrs
Sean Morrisey Yea... conservatives did such a great job last time... right?
4 hrs
Jonathan Barber Are you kidding me? The conservatives did a lot better then the KID who is in office now, are you serious? i would go back to Conservative government in a nanosecond over the serious lack of intelligent leadership going on now!
Harper did lower taxes, better then bringing in wild refugees, destroying our speech rights and the other garbage, seriously???
We need a new leadership thats proper fast!
4 hrs
Ken Anderson I'll take Harper back any time. I miss his steady guidance and sober thought.
4 hrs
Sean Morrisey Lol did you two sleep through the 8 years of harpers dictatorship where science was muzzled, rights were taken, money was pulled from vets and social programs? Where omnibus bills were shoved down our throats along with C52 and the tpp? Or where we were promised surpluses and instead found ourselves almost $150billion further in debt? That sober thought? Seriously?
4 hrs
Ken Anderson And balanced budget and surplus...
4 hrs
Nik Ita Klaus Nenn Things listed have nothing to do with left ideology, logical fallacy detected
Reply3 hrs
Nik Ita Sean Morrisey // 8 years of harpers dictatorship where science was muzzled, rights were taken, money was pulled from vets and social programs// Liar liar pants on fire 8)
3 hrs
Judith Smith We had the same problem with Obama. Clinton would have been more of the same. Such a shame that liberals don't understand that when Islam takes over that they'll be the first to go.
3 hrs
Sean Morrisey Ken Anderson he did no such thing except in his last year. A 2 million surplus after years of lies and deficits. Again we were almost $150million more in the hole after Harper. And Nik I don't know what lies you are talking about. Everything there was truth
3 hrs
Phil Vogler Judith Smith do tell .... I hope their master plan is not as bad as the Catholic Church and their try at controlling the world through religion.
3 hrsEdited
Andrew R. Speirs So you're a moderate who is against social progress and a social safety net. What exactly are you "moderate" on?
3 hrs
Anne McIntyre This is (and should be) the tipping point for the liberal party. I am so disgusted.
3 hrs
Natalie Richler Regardless of government, the SUPREME COURT made the decision, not even the NDP or UN could prevent this. The Govt. does not control the Supreme Court.
2 hrs
Gaetan Landry Ken Anderson go have your prescription check.....
2 hrs
Matt Lejeune Ken Anderson. It was the Supreme Court in 2010 under Harper that made the ruling that led to this eventual settlement. This was a decision made by the courts at that time. The law suit was filed then and was expected to settle for closer to 20 million. So I don't know what your point is on this particular issue
1 hr
Sheila Loranger Natalie Richler amazing that people don't know this.
1 hr
Ken Friedrich This judgment started before the LIberals entered office...
1 hr
Alex Crocker Ken Anderson and hsi steady hand as he fistfucks the public interest.
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Greg Mayrhofer either way either goverment the supreme court made a real bad decsion,and has pissed off millions of canadians, not to mention all veterans !!!!!!
1 hrEdited
Kees Govers Jonathan Barber Harper was very busy undermining yours and my rights. He was trying to play games with judicial appointments to make the judiciairy political.He brought forward unconstitutional legislation on a regular basis. If he had not been stopped, the consequences to Canada's democracy would have been severe. As it is he did enough social and economic damage to last a generation.
1 hr
Carole Humphreys Jonathan Barber if you are paying lots of taxes you are making lots of money quit whining.
Reply1 hr
Miguel Sanchez Funny you bring up parties and not particular issues
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John Lovedove Spr Sean Morrisey yes they did.. for ten years actually..
Reply1 hr
Zippy O'Brain This HAPPENED because of the F*CKING conservatives you dickhead. The settlement is to pre-empty a bigger judgement. That is why government settle.

Let's not forget that Harper's government settled with Maher Arar because the Canadian Government didn't
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38 mins
Pascal Quesnel War is war. I have no idea how it's like on the battlefield and chances are you don't either. Imagine a 15 years old boy, hard to imagine right? With all the variables in play, no news source can get the story straight.

You think 10 mil is too much? It's debatable, but being tortured, literally, for years and years as a teenager, scarred for life... the 10 million doesn't seem that much.
Reply30 mins
Princess Mowat Dude this lawsuit has been in the courts since 2004. I wish ppl would read up on things and be completely informed.
Reply8 mins
Pat Hebert Kees Govers and oddly enough , the liberals have not rescinded many of the reforms . Funny how their campaign promises to do so , have been forgotten . Tell the people what they want to hear , then do whatever the F they want .
Reply5 mins
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Sharron Friesen So embarrassed!!! The Americans must be laughing at us right now !!! Hope he has the decency to give it to the widow and her two children !!!!!!!! Can't believe someone kills someone and is awarded with money !!!! Shame on our government and the lawyers
7 hrs
Randy de Bruijn Time to sue this guy for damages....start at 20 million......ideas?
6 hrs
Heather Peters Actually Randy de Bruijn the widow of the murdered medic actually already was awarded 134 million in damages in 2015.....I hope she is able to collect at least 10 million of this now
6 hrs
John Pardell As long has he remains in Canada, Heather Peters his money is safe....maybe she can hire someone to kidnap him..I am sure the border guards will be on break as he is dragged across the line..
6 hrs
Ina DiSapio Americans are not laughing they are angry! This piece of trash murdered an American soldier and Canada is rewarding him with 10 million thanks to the taxpayers. SICKENING!
5 hrs
Sharron Friesen Your so correct !!! I'd be more then angry
Reply5 hrs
Jackie Mudge Askren Sharron Friesen, I am AMERICAN, and I can only say, this is so far from funny. I truly don't believe us Americans are laughing at Canada. This is horrible that your government would award this person for murders!! What is wrong with these leaders??? I truly believe AMERICA (our new President anyway) is trying to bring back good, honest Government. Seems every country should try the same thing. 😥🙏
5 hrs
Will Russell Unfortunately we trade them back.
Reply5 hrs
Sharron Friesen Jackie Mudge Askren yes I don't blame you for being so angry !!! I'm so embarrassed!!!! And at least your laws are soooo much better !
4 hrs
Talavan Cohen If y'all cowards mad we'll trade you 

Trudeau for Trump
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4 hrs
Richard Nielsen As absurd as your situation may seem, we have no standing to laugh at anyone. Most of us are trying to fix things, but this cartoon in the US could go on for a bit. Please stand by - we'll be back in proper form, eventually. But for now, we humbly j...See More
Reply4 hrs
Jackie Mudge Askren Ina DiSapio Obama is an evil man!!!! He is still trying to interfere with our new President! I never voted for him!!! So wrong!!!! I will pray for Canada just as I do for the USA!!!!🙏🙏🙏
4 hrs
Jackie Mudge Askren Sharron Friesen I would hope our Government would not do this for a murderer!! Obama would have.
4 hrs
Jackie Mudge Askren Ina DiSapio Trudeau needs to wake up!!!!!
4 hrs
Jackie Mudge Askren Talavan Cohen no......sorry, we will keep Trump.......
4 hrs
Richard Nielsen Jackie Mudge Askren So we can't even escape the blinded Trump fans in a conversation with a bunch of Canadians? To our friends to the north, a very small (but vocal - on soc media) % of US voters still stand with Trump. Turns out, he's going to find...See More
4 hrsEdited
Ryan Morris As an American, we true patriots know better than to blame all the countrymen for the failure of their leadership. We are just as guilty of electing weak apologist "leaders" but I have faith that the solid foundation both our countries were built on will cause the pendulum to swing back the right way.
4 hrs
Don Tamaski Then you guys go and pay him?? Could you imagine what its like to be a family member of the medic he killed?
Reply4 hrs
Richard Nielsen Don Tamaski ... we flipped and we now are talking about the US and its major headaches. Sorry.
Reply4 hrs
Susan Rose Volk I sooo. Agree with you !! His freedom should be enough. What an insult to all Canadians and especially our military men and women. And to the USA as well
4 hrs
Don Tamaski Youre one of those russia collusion idiots now that I've read, thanks. Consider this, michael flynn was fired for meeting as a senator with a russian ambassador 4 times in the year in his official capacity and not putting it on an entrance form at the ...See More
4 hrs
Don Tamaski Whos openly and scandalously taken money from the red chinese since the 90s? Where did old Hillarys hubby go to study moscow right?
4 hrs
Don Tamaski Just telling you how misinformed you are is all
4 hrs
Robert Lucas We are. But it's all good. JT needs to grow a pair.
4 hrs
Bob Milincevich Jackie Mudge Askren We want NOTHING to do with Trump.
Reply4 hrs
Don Tamaski The election numbers you claim are highly disputed with all the exposed open and publicly known democratic voter fraud. In chicago we have a saying your a voter long after your gone
4 hrs
Judith Smith No one is laughing at the Canadians. Obama and Clinton were in the same stripe as Trudeau. While Trump was elected because people with knowledge of Clinton over the past 40 years knew what a totally corrupt politician she was he is at least keeping out the terrorists. I hope that continues.
3 hrsEdited
Joey Kogut Jr We aren't laughing at all. We can laugh when we talk hockey but not this travesty of justice.
3 hrs
Joey Kogut Jr Don Tamaski Pam Zekman proved that .
Reply3 hrs
Kimberly Ross Jackie Mudge Askren Jesus are you serious? Your new president and the word honest don't belong in the same sentence.
Reply3 hrs
Michelangelo Maccabee Don't worry about what Americans think, most of us can't point out Canada on a map... of Canada.
3 hrs
Anita Bruce WE know how you feel! WE know what it is like to have a traitor for a President. Thank GOD for President Trump who understands what justice, law and order and putting HIS Citizens first means!
2 hrs
Matthieu Bourque First of all I get why you people are pissed off, but secondly i don't Understand why you guys think JT can go against the Supreme Court... You want to blame the government fine, but remember whatever laws that are in place that got him this kind of money were prob put in place long before Trudeau was in office. Just think about that for a second.
2 hrs
Ken Friedrich Conservatives are so full of hate that they can't even do research... This has zero to do with Trudeau... Harper was in power when this went to court... I'm not defending Trudeau just stating a fact ppl...
1 hr
Ken Friedrich And I could care less what our neighbors think
Reply1 hr
Anna Childres Nobody knows on facebook if this guy actually did any terrorist act. This kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time. So sad that Canada left him to the U.S.
1 hrEdited
Donna Wildfong Ina DiSapio do you even know the story? A child soldier=a victim. 10 years being abused/tortured in Guantanamo until he finally confessed after weeks of sleep deprivation. Watch the documentary on Omar and maybe you and others won't be so quick to judge.
1 hr
Nelson Dyck Ina DiSapio Why is Obama evil? Obama is not stupid like Trump is.
Reply1 hr
Nelson Dyck Anita Bruce Who was a traitor? Barrack Obama? What did he do to the USA except give healthcare to millions of people.
1 hr
Nelson Dyck Anita Bruce Authoritarians love JUSTICE. Where is the justice for the people killed with Omar by the Americans while they defended their country? Where is the justice for all the civilians that American drones have killed?
1 hr
Lynda Burgess Johnson That's turdo for you
Reply29 mins
Joey Kogut Jr Ken Friedrich least I can name your provinces lol
Reply17 mins
Joey Kogut Jr Nelson Dyck read a bit more about fast and furious and his bombings
Reply16 mins
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Josh Sawatzky Happy 150th Canada!! JT omitting Alberta from his Canada speech, paying Khadr $10,000,000 (a convicted terrorist, regardless if he was manipulated into it or not, he killed a medic and was a part in assembling and planting bombs that killed 97 Canadian...See More
7 hrs
Heather Peters You forgot his other brainwave of not revoking the citizenship of convicted terrorists......JT is just an all around special kind of stupid 😠😠
6 hrs
Elfie Haycraft Heather Peters he truly is stupid and you can not fix stupid
5 hrs
Steven Bilodeau You seem to not be concerned when WE blow up children, hospitols and families. We conduct deadly terror attacks on these people every few decades.
5 hrs
Dan McIntyre Steven Bilodeau you're a wingnut. Go give cuzzin Trudeau a hug.
4 hrs
Kevin Weddell Trudeau didn't award the money the Supreme Court did and Trudeau doesn't get to overrule them. Who do you think he is Donald Trump. Laws govern our land. This decision was based on the Harper government's choice to knowingly allow his torture during captivity. Khadr was also released under Stephen Harper. Read up and get educated so you know who to be angry with.
4 hrs
Stephen French When was he convicted?
Reply4 hrs
Dolly Napo payed by whoo
Reply4 hrs
Josh Sawatzky That is incorrect, I work with a group that operates 2 dozen emergency health clinics in Syria and Afghanistan. I put my personal, hard earned money to making sure families of all ages, faiths and nationalities get emergency care when it is needed. I...See More
4 hrsEdited
Elfie Haycraft Josh Sawatzky thank you Josh for all you do and thank you for your sacrifice. There are so many innocent people living in those countries that get caught up in all this violence and my heart goes out to all of them, nobody should be living in fear on a daily basis. Instead of awarding terrorists we should put the money into groups like yours. Great job Josh and all people involved
4 hrs
Jane Etenac kevin,yea,blame harper...he probably asked the US to released this man,right?...i see,that is why you crucify him when he try to pass a law requiring women to uncover their faces when they were taking oath of citizenship,etc...
4 hrs
Mike Barbados Steven Bilodeau i want steve and idiots like this to pony up ALL TEN MILLION..that would shut his moronic pie hole
Reply4 hrs
Josh Sawatzky Mike, Im not sure calling them stupid and moronic does anything other than widen the gap between two groups. Thats never the intent, but if it was possible, it would be interesting to see how many would put voluntarily put their money towards this if it was optional. Of course, that conversation can be had on many issues, which is why it doesn't exist.
3 hrsEdited
Isabella Eklund Kevin Weddell , you are a dimwit , by taking a swipe at Trump and Harper you lose credibility because you make it about politics and not the case at hand which is a Canadian father and son leave the country to go to a war zone to fight against us. The ...See More
3 hrs
Isabella Eklund Stephen French , eye witnesses and he confessed and was convicted.
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Elfie Haycraft Isabella Eklund they already did, but they will never see a penny, our laws protect him .
Reply1 hr
Grace Elizabeth What do you expect when a PM is elected solely on the basis of his last name. Pierre Trudeau once called Canadian voters obtuse. Sadly, he was obviously right.
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Pete Valenta Trudeau is not giving him this money.. it has nothing to do with him.. get your facts straight
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Marian Ngo I am finding it hard to even articulate my rage. We pay lip service to our men and women in uniform, fail to provide proper services to our veterans and reward terrorists who kill the heros that lay their lives on the line to protect our freedoms and quality of life.
7 hrs
Hendrik Vanderburgh Try writing to your government to not use abusive interrogation practices. This wouldn't have happened if they had stopped.
3 hrs
Marian Ngo If you want to disregard the life of Christopher Speer and those he left behind to make it easier to stomach your political stance, that is your call. I will not waste an ounce of energy writing said letters on behalf of terrorists. If you want to be a defender of murderers feel free the front the bill yourself.
3 hrs
Ruth Derbowka Since when does 10= million dollars change what has happened in this man's life ?? BUT he confessed to all charges so he got put in prisoner . Everything should have stopped there, but no it didn't thanks to our PM.!!.
Reply3 hrs
Sharla Denee Very well said, Marian ... I agree.
Reply2 hrs
Hendrik Vanderburgh Marian Ngo The point was that the money is restitution, not a reward. Channel your rage into something productive.
Reply2 hrs
Neil Van Den Bussche Hendrik Vanderburgh we did not interrogate him the Americans did he went to another country to kill people and their is no excuse or forgiveness for this person
1 hr
Marian Ngo Hendrik Vanderburgh - his act of murder was what initiated tragedy for the innocent family of a medic on the grounds to save lives. Channel you sympathy for actual victims.
Reply54 mins
Charles Hopper Good points.
Reply21 mins
Steven Bilodeau @Marion Canadian soldiers haven't defended our freedoms and values since WWII. Ever since we have been nothing more than pawns for the U.S. helping them attack 3rd world countries that are using tech that is decades old. WE are the bad guys, regardless of what you tell yourselves.
Reply19 mins
Elsie Crews Chafe Hendrik Vanderburgh Restitution try explaining that to the family of the service men and women that either died or came back injured maybe some of that restitution should go to our service men and women that were injured fighting for our country
Reply14 mins
Marian Ngo Steven Bilodeau - I have friends and family that are in the military and I am proud and extremely grateful for their service and sacrifice. The freedoms and values they defend include allowing for folks like you to have the ability to publicly voice your conspiracy theories and accusations against them.
Reply1 min
Alice Bromley The entire Canadian Armed Forces/ Canadian Navy should resign immediately!In protest! What a kick in the face for the brave men and women who live to serve,The very words ' Afghanastan and Kwait put a dread on everyone who hears them,Imagine the fear a...See More
7 hrs
Sarah Royale Doyle The navy is part of the CAF
Reply2 hrs
Steven Bilodeau You blame the people of Afghan and Kuwait for us invading them? I bet you believe that rape victims were just asking for it too. Yes our soldiers should resign in protest, but only because they are used as pawn's by the U.S and Israel to conduct their terrorist attacks against the M.E countries that don't fall in line. Our modern soldier's are a disgrace.
Reply16 mins
Kevin Miller Can't believe what I'm reading here. Beyond disgusted with our PM and his government! God help Canada. Hope this moron is gone in 2019.
7 hrs
Denyse Lalande Totally agree
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Woodrow Franklin Call Beyond disgusted with oh sorry Canadian attitude in Ottawa. He's bomb maker a killer a terrorist now he's millionaire. Only in Canada u say.
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Ken Friedrich This started in court before Trudeau... He has no say the supreme court does... Do some research next time
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Michael Jessome He is a millionaire who owes 100 million to the family of the victim. They haven`t seen a penny yet, because you can`t get blood from a stone. That isn`t the case any more.
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Larry Francis Hey! Ho! Ho! Trudeau has got to go!
1 hr
Ayub Hassan Trudeau had nothing to do with this decision. I can't take your arguments seriously when all you do is blame the PM for everything that is out of his control.
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Pete Valenta The standing gov has nothing to do with this... do you even know how the Supreme Court works?
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Daniel Mateescu A 15 years old is not a "child" anymore and he knew what the f...k, he was doing.
From now on, they'll send their kids to kill our soldiers and in return Trudope will reward them with $10M each.
This is very encouraging.
7 hrs
Hendrik Vanderburgh If each is given inhuman treatment, they will.
Reply3 hrs
Sam Johnston Daniel.. do some research... find pictures of how he was found.. and his medical condition when he was found.. also dig up the cbc video where the partner of the medic that was killed said." we killed the guy who threw the grenade....oh.. woops.. I was...See More
3 hrsEdited
Az Sidlet Clearly you have no idea how war works. Forget that Khadr was a CHILD SOLDIER, he was a soldier in a war zone, in an open gunfight against their "enemy forces". What he did is no more murder than when an American soldier kills innocent bystanders in a ...See More
2 hrsEdited
James Cordeiro It is expressly forbidden to target fire at a medic as per the Geneva Convention. He is a war criminal regardless of age. 

Chapter IV, Article 25 of the Geneva Convention states that: "Members of the armed forces specially trained for employment, sh
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2 hrs
Az Sidlet James Cordeiro Semantics. It is only wrong to fire on medics who are carrying or searching for wounded. This medic was engaged in open fire. 

Medics in the army aren't paramedics - they are fully trained soldiers deployed with all the same tools as ot
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2 hrs
Jay Marks Az Sidlet nice touch at the bottom
Wow he left that part off
2 hrs
Sean Hayes Under Canadian law 15 IS considered a child. This isn't an argument about feelings, it's an argument about the law, and under the law, Khadr was a child.
2 hrs
Sam Johnston James Cordeiro look at how he was found.. do the research and find that he was innocent. Let me take a knife and cut a 15 inch long 3 inch deep slice out of your upper chest, and when your face and body turn blue from blood loss, try and throw somet...See More
Reply1 hr
Sam Johnston Allen Padlock.. I am going to waterboard you twice every day for 6 yeas then I will tell you, if you confess, we will move you to a real Prison and you will not be waterboarded anymore.
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Elsie Gasper Sean Hayes ...who went willingly to war against the allies of his own country.
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Reply13 mins