March 10, 2018

What Trump is not putting in consideration about video games

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  2. Nonstop Gaming - General
  3. What Trump is not putting in consideration about video games
As Trump blames violent video games for mass shootings, please see below

Video Game sales per person per year:
🎮 Japan = $96.06
🎮 USA = $63.45

Gun deaths per 10,000,000 people per year:
🔫 Japan = 6
🔫 U.S.A = 1016

The problem is NOT Video Games
The problem is ASSAULT RIFLES
iPhone. iTypos. iApologize.
DrunkenBagpipe 1 day ago#2
Also 40,000 car deaths in the U.S last year, should we ban cars also?
iPhone. iTypos. iApologize.
metaIslugg 1 day ago#3
I can't say I would be opposed to banning cars. Fuck cars
DrunkenBagpipe 1 day ago#4
metaIslugg posted...
I can't say I would be opposed to banning cars. Fuck cars

Exactly fuck cars, we don't need them as public transportation is becoming more accessible every year.
But on the topic of videogames, should they e banned? No they shouldn't and won't but they should tone some things down.
iPhone. iTypos. iApologize.
MediumRare 1 day ago#5
Obviously Trump knew that video games aren't to blame, he is just looking for scapegoat.
FFBE GL ID 691 863 218
Currently playing : Gwent: The Witcher Card Game, Toukiden 2 (PS4) Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki FC Evolution (Vita)
Foppe 1 day ago#6
The answer is... Japan doesnt got the same access to guns like USA.

It got absolutely nothing to do with a guncrazy culture and NRA throwing around money, no sir!
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Bat178 1 day ago#7
Europe make and play plenty of games too, and you don't get massacres like this there.
Awww, isn't that cute? He thinks he can beat me!
sarris98 1 day ago#8
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
Also 40,000 car deaths in the U.S last year, should we ban cars also?

Yes. Go on diets, walk everywhere, become swolle as fuck and you'll see how healthy the US will start becoming.
Look, a signature! *Runs away!*
<<Karma's a b****!>>Especially true on Gamefaqs! XD
People don't realize that the vast majority of people behind gun deaths, particularly gun crimes, won't stop without guns. America has a gang and youth violence problem that has so many more factors behind it that whining about guns:

1) Won't get rid of the guns.
2) Doesn't address the root causes as to why the guns are being used in the first place.
Stop reporting each other. Go post in other topics and chill. -spartan99ruler (Moderator)
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
really desperate to try out emojis here aren't you
CaIiber345 1 day ago#11
Trump doesn’t give a shit about video games. Blaming something tangible, despite how ridiculous it is, is a good public relations move in the wake of a tragedy and is designed to improve his ratings. This has nothing to do with gaming. Learn to politics.
"All the bees" 
All gamers should have the option to play all games on their brand of choice. It is long overdue.
red_robin 1 day ago#12
Trump doesn't put a lot of things in consideration. Like what is good for the country or anybody that isn't him.

Hes well aware of what the issue is. He's also well aware of. How much money he gets from the NRA.
Jdsmart 21 hours ago#13
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
Also 40,000 car deaths in the U.S last year, should we ban cars also?

We need to ban Mario Kart!
3/36 games completed (backlog created from X1 board). Due 3/1/2020
Next up: undecided
Shuriko 21 hours ago#14
correlating two things and disregarding the context doesn't prove any sort of causation.

i don't agree with the line of thinking either but don't make us look worse with garbage interpretation of statistics
Vlajdermen 20 hours ago#15
No, the problem is the lack of assault rifles. If everyone has a gun, everyone can defend himself. If guns were to be banned, nobody could defend himself. Criminals would still be able to get guns the same way people get drugs.

The problem isn't vidya or guns. If I referred to the problem directly, I'd be banned. I'll just say they don't have that problem in Poland.
Remember, no amount of pokemon-loving soy boys using the word "overrated" will ever lessen the quality of a genuinely good game
Vlajdermen 20 hours ago#16
CaIiber345 posted...
Trump doesn’t give a shit about video games. Blaming something tangible, despite how ridiculous it is, is a good public relations move in the wake of a tragedy and is designed to improve his ratings. This has nothing to do with gaming. Learn to politics.

That too
Remember, no amount of pokemon-loving soy boys using the word "overrated" will ever lessen the quality of a genuinely good game
Foppe 20 hours ago#17
Jdsmart posted...
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
Also 40,000 car deaths in the U.S last year, should we ban cars also?

We need to ban Mario Kart!

No, we need to ban Gran Turismo and Forza!
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
metaIslugg posted...
I can't say I would be opposed to banning cars. Fuck cars

Exactly fuck cars, we don't need them as public transportation is becoming more accessible every year.

I sincerely hope this is facetious.
You should aspire to live forever or die in the attempt.
Divine Tonberry posted...
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
metaIslugg posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Exactly fuck cars, we don't need them as public transportation is becoming more accessible every year.

I sincerely hope this is facetious.

Must be nice living six blocks from your job.
Stop reporting each other. Go post in other topics and chill. -spartan99ruler (Moderator)
ooshrooms 12 hours ago#20
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

TC mocks Trump for not understanding while completely misinterpreting the statistics.

1016 total gun deaths/10MMyr
648 gun suicides/10MMyr
334 gun homicides/10mmyr
7 rifle homicides/10mmyr

"The problem is ASSAULT RIFLES" deeeeerrrrrrp

Could we cut down on mass murder rates by getting rid of assault rifles? Maybe. We don't have enough data to say. 
Could it have an appreciable effect on the overall gun violence rate? Not a chance. The data is overwhelmingly clear. 

Using total "gun death" or even gun homicide rates to argue against assault rifles is either an underhanded ploy or oblivious ignorance just as bad as blaming video games.
let me inform you of my superior social skills while chatting on this online message board about video games - Mewchu3
BANGSBASS 12 hours ago#21
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
The problem is ASSAULT RIFLES
My Shenmue Designs!
innerfall 12 hours ago#22
BANGSBASS posted...
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
The problem is ASSAULT RIFLES

"More than half of all mass shooters possessed high-capacity magazines, assault weapons, or both
I didn't realize how problematic assault weapons actually were, thanks
LaManoNeraII 12 hours ago#23
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
Also 40,000 car deaths in the U.S last year, should we ban cars also?

Cars have more laws and regulations than I can list here. Just like guns should have
The_Undying_84 11 hours ago#24
All semi automatic guns should be banned.
Slimeknight 11 hours ago#25
Japanese games have more positive values.
What's a more awkward title? Final Fantasy II or the Neverending Story II?
FLOUR 11 hours ago#26
Did anyone here even once consider the issue is not the video games nor the guns but actually the drugs these killers were taking? Try taking THAT into consideration.

I'm gonna take this toilet lid sized hand and smack the tastes outta ya mouths. - Vinnie Vegas
MediumRare posted...
Obviously Trump knew that video games aren't to blame, he is just looking for scapegoat.

This. Supreme Court already ruled in on this nearly a decade ago. 

This is all just a bunch of bullshit political theater to distract you from the actual problem: the goddamn guns.
sanjeust 9 hours ago#28
It's a scapegoat, in the art of misdirecting attention.
"I'm confident that, if there's a real problem [with climate change], He [God] can take care of it." - Michigan Republican congressman Tim Walberg LOL
(edited 8 hours ago)reportquote
The_Undying_84 posted...
All semi automatic guns should be banned.

Hand loading is the future, got it. No more M1911s.

Understand that this useless buzzword proposal necessarily bans the common handgun and forces a revolution.

LaManoNeraII posted...
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
Also 40,000 car deaths in the U.S last year, should we ban cars also?

Cars have more laws and regulations than I can list here. Just like guns should have

There are hundreds if not thousands of pre-existing laws and restrictions on firearms. How many more will be enough?

FLOUR posted...
Did anyone here even once consider the issue is not the video games nor the guns but actually the drugs these killers were taking? Try taking THAT into consideration.


Drugs don't shoot people, man.

Real talk, because that requires money and brain cells. There is a huge problem in our perception of mental health and how inconsistently we treat it. But that doesn't lock in votes.
Stop reporting each other. Go post in other topics and chill. -spartan99ruler (Moderator)
Bat178 6 hours ago#30
Ecclesiastes273 posted...
The_Undying_84 posted...
All semi automatic guns should be banned.

Hand loading is the future, got it. No more M1911s.

Understand that this useless buzzword proposal necessarily bans the common handgun and forces a revolution.

LaManoNeraII posted...
DrunkenBagpipe posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

Cars have more laws and regulations than I can list here. Just like guns should have

There are hundreds if not thousands of pre-existing laws and restrictions on firearms. How many more will be enough?

FLOUR posted...
Did anyone here even once consider the issue is not the video games nor the guns but actually the drugs these killers were taking? Try taking THAT into consideration.


Drugs don't shoot people, man.

Real talk, because that requires money and brain cells. There is a huge problem in our perception of mental health and how inconsistently we treat it. But that doesn't lock in votes.

Glocks are much more common the M1911s these days.
Awww, isn't that cute? He thinks he can beat me!
My point was how basic a mechanism semi-auto is, not which handgun is the gold standard.
Stop reporting each other. Go post in other topics and chill. -spartan99ruler (Moderator)
Foppe 5 hours ago#32
Back in the 90s, the TEC-9 was the main gun for shootings.
A pistol.
The biggest school shooting in US was Virgina Tech, and the shooter used two pistols.
Im not saying that assault rifles are less dangerous, just that a dedicated shooter can do huge damage with any type of gun.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Bat178 5 hours ago#33
Foppe posted...
Back in the 90s, the TEC-9 was the main gun for shootings.
A pistol.
The biggest school shooting in US was Virgina Tech, and the shooter used two pistols.
Im not saying that assault rifles are less dangerous, just that a dedicated shooter can do huge damage with any type of gun.

The TEC-9 was originally suppose to be a submachine gun, and thus was easily converted back to full-auto.
Awww, isn't that cute? He thinks he can beat me!
Foppe 4 hours ago#34
Bat178 posted...
Foppe posted...
Back in the 90s, the TEC-9 was the main gun for shootings.
A pistol.
The biggest school shooting in US was Virgina Tech, and the shooter used two pistols.
Im not saying that assault rifles are less dangerous, just that a dedicated shooter can do huge damage with any type of gun.

The TEC-9 was originally suppose to be a submachine gun, and thus was easily converted back to full-auto.

It would be my main choice if I was crazy enough to do a school shooting.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
some09guy II 2 hours ago#35
People keep blaming guns, then conveniently forget that the most devastating mass killings in US history didn't involve guns. Including everything from terrorist attacks to school attacks. It's a cultural thing, not a video game/movie/music thing, not a weapon thing.
Shuriko 1 hour ago#36
some09guy II posted...
It's a cultural thing, not a video game/movie/music thing, not a weapon thing.

Can you explain how it's not a weapon thing when removing the weapon would prevent the thing from happening


Remember, this isn't about what you think should be the case. It's about preventing people from having their teenage children murdered, so what you think the ideal society would be is irrelevant.

Look forward to your well-reasoned reply!
(edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
Shuriko posted...
Can you explain how it's not a weapon thing when removing the weapon would prevent the thing from happening

Can you explain how removing a specific type of weapon ended the crime that weapon is commonly involved in? Did crime just up and die in one of these countries where guns were banned or confiscated?

What is this magical land where this alleged change happened?
Stop reporting each other. Go post in other topics and chill. -spartan99ruler (Moderator)
MrMegaPhoenix 9 minutes ago#38
decades ago, it was culturally acceptable to be racist
hopefully sometime soon, it will be culturally acceptable to not have a fetish for guns and have more empathy for innocent people (especially children).


hopefully :(
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  2. Nonstop Gaming - General 
  3. What Trump is not putting in consideration about video games