June 18, 2018

What is the most embarassing anime/game merchandise you own?

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  3. What is the most embarassing anime/game merchandise you own?
Sayoria 1 day ago#1
A Sasuke Uchiha body pillow?
A Suiseiseki dress?
A pair of Super Mario underwear?
A Pikachu thong with connected tail?
A sex toy of Tony Tony Chopper? 
A blow up Alex Louis Armstrong?
A fursuit with the ass missing?

What CE?
Madoka figurine

It's not particularly embarrassing but the only merchandise I own is like, a Goku figure, a Freeza t shirt and a Giratina figure I got for preordering Pokemon platinum. 

what about you
Neptunia Re;Birth 1.
Sayoria 1 day ago#4
YoungMakaiyum posted...
Madoka figurine

It's not particularly embarrassing but the only merchandise I own is like, a Goku figure, a Freeza t shirt and a Giratina figure I got for preordering Pokemon platinum. 

what about you

Probably this freebie wall poster from Best Student Council. I never saw it or anything, but they gave it for free at a con. It is of an anime girl in a bikini.
The Duke Nukem Forever Balls of Steel edition collectables.
Nothing I own is embarrassing
An atelier collectors edition that has a couple of lolis in pajamas hugging each other on the back. I said 'oh no' when it got delivered and I saw the back.
move all remaining groundhog mercenaries to the front lines. Have sheep troopers squadrons A and B flank the cows. They're using DC-17 hoof blasters.
Kaliesto 1 day ago#8
I bought the Agarest War Series, I love the battle system and music...but then I discovered this game series' Darkside.

Then it became more apparent in Agarest War 2, and I felt really uncomfortable and got rid of all my Agarest War games.
It's not stupidity, it's something much worse. It's... the GameSpot comment section!-Stebsis
Gimme dat, gimme dat, gimme dat DramaFAQs-misterbum
Behaviorism 1 day ago#9
Is a giant wallscroll of a sailor senshi over my bed embarrassing?
I love Sarah Logan(the best girl in WWE)
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Doe 1 day ago#10
Megaman50100 posted...
An atelier collectors edition that has a couple of lolis in pajamas hugging each other on the back. I said 'oh no' when it got delivered and I saw the back.

If you're too embarrassed by it I'll take it from you
Sayoria 1 day ago#12
Megaman50100 posted...
An atelier collectors edition that has a couple of lolis in pajamas hugging each other on the back. I said 'oh no' when it got delivered and I saw the back.

Lol, which one? I have a few but I don't remember this.
Itachi157 1 day ago#13
Nothing really, my room is pretty nondescipt, no posters or anything like that. Most of my anime/VN/etc shit is confined to my computer.
I guess a Zelda hat.

Most embarrassing fandom merch in general is my authentic Harry Potter robe, scarf, and wand from HP World in Universal Orlando
My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115
Esrac 1 day ago#15
I don't really collect gaming or anime stuff. So, maybe some amiibos.
16-BITTER 1 day ago#16
The only ones I own are a couple plush characters I kept from when I was a kid, Sonic, Mario, and Mega Man.
The folks who know about frostiness stay frostiest the most.
Jiek_Fafn 1 day ago#17
All of Atelier games that I own. 

I've been playing more or less the same game over and over again for like 10 years.
PSN: Jiek
FFRK: Tyro God Wall KZcv
Yu-Gi-Oh duel disk

But that was from my childhood
Calwings 1 day ago#19
Probably having Gal Gun 2 downloaded on my PS4. I don't really buy physical anime/game merch outside of the occasional t-shirt or smartphone case, but none of those have anything that I would call embarrassing.
"Someday I too will fly... and find you again!"
MrK3V 1 day ago#20
used to be that huniepop game on steam.

then i got a refund
I have some Queen's Blade figurines/figures. That's probably the worst thing I own.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
I’m going to a hatsune miku concert the end of this month. I’m also going to the love live concert at anime expo about a week after. I’m going to buy so much merch from both events.

I got peeking anime stickers on my car. No pervy stuff tho.
Princes are born. Kings are made.
BlueBoy675 1 day ago#23
Some amiibos I guess. I also have a statue of Scorpion that came with Mortal Kombat X
Hope rides alone
Doe 1 day ago#24
Oh wait it goes for any game?

Maybe my TF2 shirt......

Nope got it. It's my Spycrab plushie from the same game. It was $25 and grants you the Genunine Spycrab cosmetic ingame
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Megaman50100 4 hours ago#25
@Sayoria posted...
Lol, which one? I have a few but I don't remember this.

The Mysterious Painting
move all remaining groundhog mercenaries to the front lines. Have sheep troopers squadrons A and B flank the cows. They're using DC-17 hoof blasters.
apocalyptic_4 4 hours ago#26
Some Nintendo amiibos

And a collection of yugioh cards
PSN: Adrian396
XBL: Prime Legacy Nintendo ID: Apocalypse
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
Sayoria 4 hours ago#27
Megaman50100 posted...
@Sayoria posted...
Lol, which one? I have a few but I don't remember this.

The Mysterious Painting

Ah. I only have the Arland series and the Dusk series. Can't find a picture of what you are talking about, but definitely sounds out there.
Mr_Biscuit 4 hours ago#28
Like... maybe a Diablo mousepad?

I’ve personally always found too much game merch a little cringey.

EDIT: I guess I have the Ganondorf Amiibo somewhere for hard mode TPHD
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
Wonderbrablvd 4 hours ago#29
Any amount is an embarrassing amount.
Zodd3224 4 hours ago#30
Stagmar 4 hours ago#31
Ar Tonelico 3
11/11/1572 -- Never Forget.
  1. Boards
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  3. What is the most embarassing anime/game merchandise you own?