January 19, 2019

Neet Redpill

>other than living with my parents which isn't really possible and also is more like being a manchild?

That's exactly what they do. Do you want to know why all the posts in this board are so shit? It's because 90% of the posting is done by neets that spend all their day in 4chan. Whenever neets migrate to a board the quality goes to shit because they really got nothing meaningful to contribute but are here all day posting like this is their personal chatroom, and whatever well thought posts are sled to the bottom of the catalog because of their inane and worthless posts. People who got jobs and a life in general, who only browse this place an hour at most, when they come back their threads are archived and can't have meaningful conversations in any way or get anything worthwhile from this place.

This is the redpill about neets. They are a cancer to society, to the internet and everywhere else they go.

Fuck, even back when I was a neet I knew this and avoided fast boards frequented by neets like the plague.

January 18, 2019


Seriously. She’s not even a good speaker and her age isn’t even the issue. Just the fact that someone so terrible can have a spotlight like she does. I cringe every time I see her on my TV. I hope I’m in the majority here because she really isn’t defendable. Especially how she takes no issue in her husband raising her lover’s son. She thinks her problem is growing old but and people want to hear the weather from someone younger. But she’s just terrible. I guess that shows how good the writers are though. You really get engaged.