November 10, 2020

Trump could have won, all he had to do was


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  • Man Trump had such an easy path to a 2nd term, all he had to do was simply not..
  • MaddenDude-- 6 hours ago#1
    • Suspends FHA mortgage insurance cut (Cost average homeowner $500 per year)
    • Approved the Keystone Pipeline
    • Bans people from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya from entering the US – (Action overturned in courts)
    • Rescinded Obama administration orders for the federal government to prepare for the impact of climate change
    • Rescinded goals of reducing greenhouse emissions 32% from 2005 levels by 2030
    • Rescinded moratorium on coal leasing on federal lands
    • Rescinded federal government policy was "to ensure that the current impacts of climate change, and those anticipated in the coming decades, be identified and considered" in terms of national security policies and plans
    • Rescinds government authority to protect ponds and other small bodies of water from pollution
    • Rescinded order to cut carbon pollution in America, and to preparing infrastructure for the impact of climate change and making the United States a global leader on efforts to combat climate change, the call for reduction of greenhouse gases, and a strategy on methane and a commitment to protect forests
    • Ends protections on student loans that prevented debt collectors from charging high interest rates on past-due student loans
    • Rescinds law barring companies from receiving federal contracts if they had a history of violating wage, labor or workplace safety laws
    • Rescinds law required that federally funded teacher preparation programs be evaluated based on the academic outcomes of those teachers' students
    • Ends effort to identify failing schools and come up with plans to improve them
    • Lowered the number of refugees to be admitted into the United States in 2017 to 50,000, suspended the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) for 120 days, suspended the entry of Syrian refugees indefinitely, directed some cabinet secretaries to suspend entry of those whose countries do not meet adjudication standards under U.S. immigration law, and included exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Homeland Security lists these countries as Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
    • Ended clean air standards for gasoline
    • Allows the IRS to not to prohibit nonprofits such as churches and charities from "directly or indirectly" engaging in a political campaign.
    • Rescinded laws that prevents ISPs from selling customers’ data and using new invasive ways to track and deliver targeted ads to customers and would have required those companies to protect customers’ data against hackers
    • Took away the FCC’s ability to make laws to protect users from having their privacy invaded.
    • Halted all U.S. grants to the United Nations Population Fund, an international humanitarian aid organization that provides reproductive health care and works to end child marriage and female genital cutting in more than 150 countries.
    • Repeals Alaska’s ban on killing the vulnerable bears, along with wolf cubs in dens. It also allows for hunters to target the animals from helicopters.
    • Greenlights pesticide known to damage kid’s brains
    • Rescinds law restricting coal companies from dumping waste into streams
    • Rescinds rules on bathrooms for transgender student
    • Rescinds workplace injury reporting rule
    • Rescinds protections for women workers
    • Rescinds two legal rules preventing Cadiz Inc. from using an existing federal railroad right-of-way in its long-standing project to pump groundwater from the project’s planned well field in the Mojave Desert and sell it to urban areas
    • Ends ban on lead bullets
    • Rescinds order preventing states from defunding Planned Parenthood or other health organizations because they offer abortion, even though the longstanding Hyde Amendment prevents any federal money from being used to pay for abortion.
    • Rescinds rule allowing cities to create retirement funds for private sector employees who don't have 401(k) plans
    • Ends allowing public to see White House visitor logs
    • Clamps down on H-B1 guest worker visa program while exempting the H-2B seasonal visa program which he uses to staff his Mar-a-Lago resort
    • Ends Michelle Obama program which facilitates educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries
    • Ends Obama-era restrictions on high-sodium, sugary, and high-fat products as well as recommendations for more fruits and vegetables in school lunches
    • Undergraduate loans from the Department of Education interest rate rises from 3.76 percent to 4.45 percent.
    • Denies Pennsylvania's request for federal disaster aid to help cover damages from March (2017) snowstorm.
    • Rescinds Obama-Era Drug Sentencing Reforms
    • Applies anti-abortion rule to $8.8 billion in global health funding, meaning a clinic receiving U.S. assistance for HIV or Zika relief will lose all that money if it gives pregnant women information about safe abortion care.
    • Ends plan to measure carbon pollution from cars and trucks
    • German Chancellor Angela Merkel says the United States under President Donald Trump are no longer reliable partners.
    • Abandons Paris Climate agreement
    • Announces nothing will be done to prevent schools from discriminating against LGBTQ students.
    • Refuses to sign treaty between 68 countries designed to prevent “treaty shopping” by companies looking to avoid paying U.S. corporate taxes.
    • Bans Trans troop from serving in the military
    • Ends funding for 81 teen pregnancy prevention programs
    • Signs bill giving $2 billion giving veterans private medical care
    • Rolls back Federal Flood Risk Management Standard, established by Obama in 2015
    • Disbands panel for the National Climate Assessment
    • Ends study of health impacts to people living near strip mines across Central Appalachia
    • Repeal the only infrastructure and jobs program in existence at the federal level.
    • Pardoned Sherriff Joe Arpaio, Sherriff who targeted Latinos and defied court orders to stop doing so
    • Rescinded Obama’s order to stop local police from getting military grade hardware like tanks and rocket launchers
    • Reduces Corporate taxes from 35% to 21%
    • 83% of tax cut benefits in tax bill went to the 1%.
    • Rescinded Obama’s order to require companies to share data of wage levels for women and minorities
    • ENDS program that grants work permits to undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children (DACA)
    • Rescinds Obama-era policy on campus sexual assault - making it harder for victims to report attacks
    • Fails to renew CHIP Children’s Health Insurance Program, which has reduced the uninsured rate among kids to 5% from 14%
    • Ended Obama-era mandate requiring companies to guarantee free contraceptive coverage for female employees. Insurers can now deny birth control benefits on the grounds of "religious or moral objection
    • Rescinds 72 guidance documents that assist disabled children in schools and education including transition to work and access issues:
    • Strips consumers of the right to join class action suits against banks and financial institutions
    • Expands religious exemption to Obamacare mandates
    • Allows employers to opt out of birth control requirements by citing religious or moral convictions
    • Dismantling program that provides discounted access to phone, internet, and more recently broadband, to low-income communities.
    • Dismantle two of Utah’s national monuments for oil, gas and other development
    • Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, crushing chances for Middle East peace.

    I am Dan_Haren
    MaddenDude-- 6 hours ago#2
    • ENDS Net Neutrality
    • Repeals rule that allowed the spouses of H1-B visa holders to work
    • Repealed the individual healthcare mandate
    • Cut corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%
    • Dissolves Voter Fraud Panel
    • Waived punishments for five megabanks whose affiliates were convicted and fined for manipulating global interest rates. Including Deutsche Bank — which Trumps owes at least $130 million.
    • Four months after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico still only has 60% of its powered restored. Compared to hurricane Wilma and Hurricane Irma where 100% was achieved within 15 days.
    • Reversed 2011 ruling that helped workers form smaller unions within a single larger workplace
    • Bars Hattians from getting low-skilled visas to work in the US.
    • Revokes $45 million in food aid for Palestinians pledged as part of West Bank/Gaza Emergency Appeal
    • Revokes Obama rule aimed at blocking coal-mines from dumping waste into waterways
    • Revokes ban on importing hunted elephant trophies
    • Revokes rules tightening restrictions on disposal of coal ash
    • Adds 25% tariff on steel and 10% tariff on aluminum
    • Bans transgender individuals from joining the military,
    • Deploys National Guard to the border
    • Removed public transparency requirements of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection by reclassifying them agency as a “security agency,”
    • Revoked restrictions on the deployment of anti-personnel landmines by American forces.
    • Waived interest on all student loans in response to student loans
    • Ended pandemic early-warning program two months before the coronaviruses outbreak.
    • Pushed hydroxychloroquine as a unproven cure for coronavirus, when it had little effect and can worsen outcomes and increase the risk of death
    • Reneges on Iran nuclear deal
    • Re-imposes sanction on Iran
    • Axes Funding For NASA System Monitoring Greenhouse Gases
    • Ended** Obama administration effort to protect transgender prisoners from sexual abuse and assault.
    • Withdraws from the United Nations Human Rights Council
    • Revoked Obama’s National Ocean Policy, Opens Oceans to Drilling
    • Eliminated Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    • Remains of what is believed to be US troops killed during the Korean War 65 years ago
    • Reimposed harsh sanctions lifted under the Iran nuclear deal
    • Zero tolerance policy at border. Will prosecute all who attempt to cross border including separating children from their families
    • Taking children away from families who are applying for asylum. Not illegally crossing. “They put them in foster care or whatever.” (Direct quote from John Kelly)
    • Initiated a 10 percent aluminum and 25 percent steel tariff on imports from Mexico, Canada and the European Union.
    • Ordered The Office of Refugee Resettlement, funding organizations representing unaccompanied minors in immigration court to stop taking new cases.
    • Approves $50 billion of tariffs on Chinese goods
    • Opens tent city near El Paso to house separated immigrant children
    • Revokes Obama’s 2010 oceans policy
    • Revokes [24 protections for minorities]([
    • Immigrant Army reservists and recruits who enlisted with a promised path to citizenship are being abruptly discharged
    • Halted billions of dollars in payments to health insurers under the Obamacare healthcare law
    • Rescinds rule that forced employers to disclose outside consultants they hire to counter workers' union organizing efforts.
    • Rescinding rules established by the Obama Administration regulating the disposal of spent coal
    • Signs workforce development bill enabling state grants for STEM education
    • Revokes Obama rule aimed at blocking coal-mines from dumping waste into waterways
    • Revokes ban on importing hunted elephant trophies
    • Revokes rules tightening restrictions on disposal of coal ash
    • Adds 25% tariff on steel and 10% tariff on aluminum
    • Bans transgender individuals from joining the military,
    • Deploys National Guard to the border
    • Signs Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA), a bill that aims to fight sex trafficking by reducing legal protections for online platforms.
    • Deploys National guard to use for border patrols
    • Pardoned Lewis “Scooter” Libby on Friday, aide to who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice
    • Allowed the largest reduction of federally protected land in history
    • Delays release of JFK assassination files for four more years.
    • Creates Faith based office
    • Ends immigration program for 57,000 Hondurans who have legally lived and worked in the U.S. for two decades, giving them 18 months to leave the country.
    • Zero tolerance policy at border. Will prosecute all who attempt to cross border including separating children from their families
    • Reneges on Iran nuclear deal
    • Re-imposes sanctions on Iran
    • Axes Funding For NASA System Monitoring Greenhouse Gases
    • Ended Obama administration effort to protect transgender prisoners from sexual abuse and assault.
    • Withdraws from the United Nations Human Rights Council
    • Revoked Obama’s National Ocean Policy, Opens Oceans to Drilling
    • Eliminated Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    • Remains of what is believed to be US troops killed during the Korean War 65 years ago
    • Re-imposed harsh sanctions lifted under the Iran nuclear deal
    • Declares conserving oil is no longer an economic imperative
    • Ended White House press briefings
    • Canceled pay raises for most civilian federal employees
    • Cancel $300 million in aid to Pakistan
    • Rolled back worker safety protections affecting mine safety inspections, offshore oil rigs and line speeds in meat processing plants, among others
    • Significantly cut U.S. support for hospitals in East Jerusalem that serve Palestinian population.
    • Close Palestinian Liberation Organization Office In Washington
    • Used $10 million in FEMA funds to pay for ICE detention centers
    • Signed “Save Our Seas” act., which is aimed at cleaning up garbage in the ocean
    • Sends 5200 military troops to Mexican border for non-existent crises
    • Ends SNAP benefits to 800,000 Americans on the brink of hunger.
    • Closes down government for 3rd time from Dec 21st, 2018 thru (ongoing) in an attempt to get border wall
    • Freezes pay raises for 800,000 federal civilian employees
    • Green lights seismic air gun blasts for oil and gas drilling
    • Eases drilling controls protecting sage
    • Allows adoption agencies turn away Jews and same-sex couples
    • Shutdown government for 35 days in failed effort to get his wall
    • Withdraws from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) agreement, a landmark arms control bill signed by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev during the Cold War.
    • Bars groups providing abortions or abortion referrals from participating in the $286 million federal family planning program
    I am Dan_Haren
    MaddenDude-- 6 hours ago#3
    • Cancels requirement for intelligence officials to publish an annual report on civilian deaths from drone strikes.
    • Signs legislation providing wide protections for Joshua Tree and Death Valley National Parks
    • Recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the disputed Golan Heights territory
    • Signs executive order granting himself "inherent authority" over foreign affairs — including infrastructure permits for things like Keystone XL
    • For the first time in decades, the United Nations’ committee on racism will not contain anyone from the U.S.
    • Blocks U.S. from nominating anyone to U.N. racism committee
    • Vetoes measure to end US involvement in Yemen war
    • Withdraws from UN arms treaty
    • Stopped tracking amount of territory controlled by the Afghan government and militants - the last remaining metric tracking worsening security
    • Ends major regulations put in place after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    • Vetoed legislation ending U.S. military assistance for the Saudi-led war in Yemen
    • Rescinds fiduciary rule a regulation protecting. savers from conflicted investment advice. It required more brokers and insurance agents to disclose when they’re getting paid to steer people into certain investments. It banned the sale of certain retirement products when they aren’t in savers’ “best interest.”
    • Pardons Conrad Black, convicted of fraud and obstruction of justice
    • Cancels $929 million in previously funding for California’s high-speed rail program
    • Issues an emergency declaration to sell arms to Saudi Arabia even though congress had denied it
    • Bans cruise ships and yachts from traveling to Cuba
    • Cancels English classes, soccer and legal aid for unaccompanied children
    • Responsible for the largest reduction in protected land in US history
    • Rescinds law aimed at police ineffective for-profit colleges
    • Gave authority to immigration officers to deport migrants without an appearance before a judge
    • Vetoes Senate resolutions to block the sale of $8.1 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
    • Brings back death penalty
    • Withdraws from Cold-War era nuclear treaty with Russia
    • Terminates the Haitian Family Reunification Parole program and the Filipino World War II Veterans Parole program
    • Cuts legal funding for victims of human trafficking
    • Reauthorized use of highly toxic “cyanide bombs” to kill wildlife ranchers and farmers want eliminated.
    • Significantly weakens the Endangered Species Act
    • Denies green cards to immigrants receiving public benefits
    • Ends long-standing protections preventing migrant children from being detained for more than 20 days, allowing them to be detained indefinitely.
    • Signs EO seeking to remove barriers for disabled veterans to qualify for student loan forgiveness
    • Rolls back Obama-era limits on emissions of methane at oil and gas wells
    • Rolls back lightbulb rules increasing electricity use by 80 billion Kilowatts a year
    • Diverts $3.6 billion appropriated for 127 Defense Department projects for border fencing; $400 million from 10 projects in Puerto Rico, including a power substation and a National Guard readiness center. Schools and daycare centers for military families from Kentucky to Maryland and Germany to Japan.
    • Alters weather map of coming disaster to cover up a mistake he made (an illegal act)
    • Grants a single hunter approval to import the taxidermied remains of a rare black rhinoceros
    • Revokes restrictions on fossil fuel pollution, including coal-fired power plants, automobile tailpipes, and oil and gas leaks, but have also touched on asbestos and pesticides.
    • Revokes California's 50 year old Federal Waiver allowing then to have stricter emission standards
    • Launches attacks singling out California – Uses EPA to threaten San Francisco.
    • Bars immigrants from entering the U.S. unless they are to be covered by health insurance within 30 days of entering
    • Abandons allies in Syria allowing Turkey to start immediate attacks on them
    • Cuts substantial funding to NATO
    • Rolled back Obama-era disaster prevention measures that were implemented to protect workers at and residents of communities with chemical plants. One week late a chemical plant blows up.
    • Rolled back Michelle Obama's school lunch rules on vegetables and fruits
    • Orders meat plants to stay open citing defense production act, as worker deaths rise Apr 28, 2020
    • Recommended bleach and disinfectant as a cure to the virus
    • Recommended the unproven malaria drug hydroxychloroquine that had no proven benefits to fight the virus
    • Denied the virus crisis for week and wasted critical time to enact needed action
    • Revokes funding of the World Health Organization in the middle of global pandemic
    • Terminates relationship and membership with WHO (World Health Organization) In the middle of pandemic
    • Vetoed bipartisan legislation which would have overturned new regulations from the Education Department to restrict access to federal student loan forgiveness
    • Bans grad students and researchers from China from entering the United States
    • Approved 100 percent foreign ownership of U.S. broadcast properties, overturning long-standing 25 percent limit. (
    • Deploys military and military forces and equipment on domestic soil to be used against American citizens
    • Allows dark money nonprofits to cease reporting information to the IRS that the government would need to enforce campaign finance laws

    I am Dan_Haren
    MaddenDude-- 6 hours ago#4
    • First time United States added to ranks of the world’s deadliest countries for media
    • Asks Supreme Court to make it legal to ban same-sex couples from adopting
    • End environmental reviews to build new infrastructure like highways or pipelines
    • Overturned an Obama-era rule barring hunters in Alaska preserves from baiting bear traps or killing denning bear cubs and wolf pups
    • Sanctions and additional visa restrictions against International Criminal Court personnel To silence investigations Into U.S. misconduct
    • Ended health care protections for transgender people under the Affordable Care Act and defines gender as a person’s biological sex
    • OKs Beaver Killing in Oregon, Despite Harm to Endangered Salmon, Steelhead
    • Halted H-1B work visas and other temporary visas
    • Reneges on Iran nuclear deal
    • Re-imposes sanction on Iran
    • Axes Funding For NASA System Monitoring Greenhouse Gases
    • Ended Obama administration effort to protect transgender prisoners from sexual abuse and assault.
    • Withdraws from the United Nations Human Rights Council
    • Revoked Obama’s National Ocean Policy, Opens Oceans to Drilling
    • Eliminated Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    • Remains of what is believed to be US troops killed during the Korean War 65 years ago
    • Reimposed harsh sanctions lifted under the Iran nuclear deal
    • Signs Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA), a bill that aims to fight sex trafficking by reducing legal protections for online platforms.
    • Deploys National guard to use for border patrols
    • Pardoned Lewis “Scooter” Libby on Friday, aide to who was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice
    • Allowed the largest reduction of federally protected land in history
    • Delays release of JFK assassination files for four more years.
    • Creates Faith based office
    • Ends immigration program for 57,000 Hondurans who have legally lived and worked in the U.S. for two decades, giving them 18 months to leave the country.
    • Zero tolerance policy at border. Will prosecute all who attempt to cross border including separating children from their families
    • Repeals or weaken nearly 100 environmental rules and laws, loosening or eliminating rules on climate change, clean air, chemical pollution, coal mining, oil drilling, and endangered species protections. Predictions claim it will poison 60% of the nation’s waterways
    • Made it easier for cities to keep dumping raw sewage into rivers by letting them delay or otherwise change federally imposed fixes to their sewer systems
    • Bans people from Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sudan, and Tanzania from receiving immigration visas
    • Reverses Obama-era restrictions on land mines
    • Executive order aimed at preventing counterfeit products from abroad from being sold to U.S.
    I am Dan_Haren

    October 4, 2020

    Remember when Goku just gave up?


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  • Remember when Goku just gave up?
  • smoke_break 2 hours ago#1 

    As a kid this blew my mind, I was like WTF is he doing. He can't just give up! He's Goku! >__>
    Cell was the good guy
    Trucking Legend Don Schneider!
    K181 2 hours ago#3
    Remember when Goku just gave up?

    Yes. I remember when he gave up as a dad.

    I swear, Gohan has to be subconsciously pissed at Goten for having a dad when he's growing up.
    Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
    Goku supported child abuse by not actually trying to keep his son safe, Gohan was powerful but the way Goku just throws him to the wolves even pissed pff Piccolo who one can argue is more of a father to Gohan then Goku.. - We Press Forward. . . By Pressing Back.
    (edited 2 hours ago)reportquote
    smoke_break 2 hours ago#5
    KiwiTerraRizing posted...
    Cell was the good guy
    I dunno.

    K181 posted...
    Yes. I remember when he gave up as a dad.

    I swear, Gohan has to be subconsciously pissed at Goten for having a dad when he's growing up.
    I don't think Gohan's too mad. He did have a father figure in his life after all, by the name of Piccolo. He even chose to wear his clothes instead of Goku's. <__<

    RiKuToTheMiGhtY posted...
    Goku supported child abuse by not actually trying to keep his son safe, Gohan was powerful but the way Goku just throws him to the wolves even pissed pff Piccolo who one can argue is more of a father to Gohan then Goku.
    He even gave Cell a senzu bean, like WTF dude.

    Kami_no_Kami 2 hours ago#6
    I feel like that was supposed to be his final fight scene because it showed that he’d finally grown the tiniest bit as a character by not needing to fight every strong opponent he lays eyes on and instead passing the torch.

    They walked that waaaaaayyyy back since then though, which makes that scene feel goofy in retrospect, especially because the guy he passed the torch to turned out to not like fighting.
    It’s also s***ty with how he decides to “stay dead” instead of returning to be a husband and father but being a deadbeat dad is his thing. Even cold and distant Vegeta becomes a better father just by staying in his family’s life instead of leaving post cell - We Press Forward. . . By Pressing Back.
    smoke_break 2 hours ago#8
    Kami_no_Kami posted...
    I feel like that was supposed to be his final fight scene because it showed that he’d finally grown the tiniest bit as a character by not needing to fight every strong opponent he lays eyes on and instead passing the torch.

    They walked that waaaaaayyyy back since then though, which makes that scene feel goofy in retrospect, especially because the guy he passed the torch to turned out to not like fighting.
    Yeah, I heard Gohan was supposed to be the focal character after this point but fans complained or something. I can't confirm this though.

    RiKuToTheMiGhtY posted...
    It’s also s***ty with how he decides to “stay dead” instead of returning to be a husband and father but being a deadbeat dad is his thing. Even cold and distant Vegeta becomes a better father just by staying in his family’s life instead of leaving post cell
    That was kind of selfish of him, yeah.
    DrizztLink 1 hour ago#9
    K181 posted...
    I swear, Gohan has to be subconsciously pissed at Goten for having a dad when he's growing up.
    Wasn't Goku dead for like half of Goten's childhood?
    fan357 1 hour ago#10
    Have you guys not watched Abridged? You should if you haven’t.
    Never forget where you came from.
    squarion 1 hour ago#11
    He wanted Gohan to take the spotlight
    Favorite Game of All Time: Donkey Kong Country 2
    K181 1 hour ago#12
    DrizztLink posted...
    Wasn't Goku dead for like half of Goten's childhood?

    He remained so by choice.
    Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
    (edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
    This was some inception teir WWE s***
    "All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
    I also remember him healing Cell and handing his son over to him for an ass whooping. Don't give me that, "believed in him" s***, he allowed Gohan to experience physical and emotional trauma all for the sake of having him unlock his true power.
    Officer, I promise, she's a 300-year-old Vampire Dragon.
    You dare challenge probabilitizzle? Don't step to the wizard, 'cause the wizard don't play nice.
    Remember when he had the choice of rescuing his own son, or rescuin Mr Satan and leaving his son to die, and Goku chose Satan?
    #1 Kaiju Fangirl ^_^
    saspa 57 minutes ago#16
    InhumaneRaider posted...
    I also remember him healing Cell and handing his son over to him for an ass whooping. Don't give me that, "believed in him" s***, he allowed Gohan to experience physical and emotional trauma all for the sake of having him unlock his true power. (click to expand) 

    Lol that scene always gets me
    Tsukasa1891 54 minutes ago#17
    InhumaneRaider posted...
    I also remember him healing Cell and handing his son over to him for an ass whooping. Don't give me that, "believed in him" s***, he allowed Gohan to experience physical and emotional trauma all for the sake of having him unlock his true power.
    Oh the horror. One child had a bad day to save the world.
    Shadowplay 33 minutes ago#18
    I also remember that Piccolo coerced him into teaming up against Cell until Gohan stopped them.
    I make a topic in Final Fantasy 12 to ask if Tifa! They said no Tifa. Hardness gone!-gandob
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    3. Remember when Goku just gave up?