October 29, 2014

White Males Don't Care About Cat Calling

A few years ago i made a Draenei female on World of Warcraft. I didn't think much of it at the time, i just liked the way it looked. I started doing quests in the area so i could get to level 10, and proceeded on my way to Stormwind. When i got there i had planned to take up some professions, so i started making my way to their respective areas until some random guys began talking to me. I didn't know who they were, and i was just minding my own business. They started asking me how old i was, if i had a webcam, if i wanted to join their guild. I said no but that didn't stop them. I was annoyed.

Eventually i left to do something else. I started walking to Westfall because i always enjoyed that quest line. Well, i was having some trouble and this guy noticed it and asked if i wanted to party. I was like sure. He started talking in party chat, asking me if i was pretty, how long I've been playing WoW, etc. I finally had enough when he outright called me babe.

I enjoyed my time as a Shaman, when i wasn't actively being harassed. I made it to level 40 before making the conscience decision to delete that character and remake one as a male. 

The point is, i just wanted to play a game. If you see a girl walking down the street, she's probably busy and doesn't want to be bothered. If you are trying to get a girlfriend, be respectful towards women. Go to actual places where they don't mind being chatted up. Or just use a dating website. Just because you call a girl sexy, or beautiful, doesn't mean you she owes you anything.

September 17, 2014

Power Brokers, Seat At the Table

It's going to be a slow bleed of a devalued dollar in conjecture with higher taxes and no services, Detroit is the model..once there is no more bread and circus is when the masses stop investing their whole personalities behind race, cartoon ponies and class...arguing if sushi chefs can be white and other things that don't matter while the industry is being sent offshore on purpose to force you into a service based economy where anybody who doesn't have connections to royal patronage (government job, because that's what the government will be..royalty) will be capped at 29 hours a week and forced to buy insurance......as they cripple us and bring us to our knees from all directions its only a matter of time before the few that can see through the lies go silently into the night at the hands of secret police and everybody else has that has the strength the fight back will go along with the lunacy out of fear of ridicule and eventual destruction. All evil takes to prosper is for good men to stand down..and those good men have already checked out, given up and left the building..the ones remaining will be the first to go. In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

I won't go silently into the night....they might come for me, but I will put up a fight.

As for everybody who takes their seat at the red herring feast?

Enjoy the buffet. Our fates won't be so different.