October 4, 2020

Remember when Goku just gave up?


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  • Remember when Goku just gave up?
  • smoke_break 2 hours ago#1

    As a kid this blew my mind, I was like WTF is he doing. He can't just give up! He's Goku! >__>
    Cell was the good guy
    Trucking Legend Don Schneider!
    K181 2 hours ago#3
    Remember when Goku just gave up?

    Yes. I remember when he gave up as a dad.

    I swear, Gohan has to be subconsciously pissed at Goten for having a dad when he's growing up.
    Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
    Goku supported child abuse by not actually trying to keep his son safe, Gohan was powerful but the way Goku just throws him to the wolves even pissed pff Piccolo who one can argue is more of a father to Gohan then Goku..
    doa-plus.com - We Press Forward. . . By Pressing Back.
    (edited 2 hours ago)reportquote
    smoke_break 2 hours ago#5
    KiwiTerraRizing posted...
    Cell was the good guy
    I dunno.

    K181 posted...
    Yes. I remember when he gave up as a dad.

    I swear, Gohan has to be subconsciously pissed at Goten for having a dad when he's growing up.
    I don't think Gohan's too mad. He did have a father figure in his life after all, by the name of Piccolo. He even chose to wear his clothes instead of Goku's. <__<

    RiKuToTheMiGhtY posted...
    Goku supported child abuse by not actually trying to keep his son safe, Gohan was powerful but the way Goku just throws him to the wolves even pissed pff Piccolo who one can argue is more of a father to Gohan then Goku.
    He even gave Cell a senzu bean, like WTF dude.

    Kami_no_Kami 2 hours ago#6
    I feel like that was supposed to be his final fight scene because it showed that he’d finally grown the tiniest bit as a character by not needing to fight every strong opponent he lays eyes on and instead passing the torch.

    They walked that waaaaaayyyy back since then though, which makes that scene feel goofy in retrospect, especially because the guy he passed the torch to turned out to not like fighting.
    It’s also s***ty with how he decides to “stay dead” instead of returning to be a husband and father but being a deadbeat dad is his thing. Even cold and distant Vegeta becomes a better father just by staying in his family’s life instead of leaving post cell
    doa-plus.com - We Press Forward. . . By Pressing Back.
    smoke_break 2 hours ago#8
    Kami_no_Kami posted...
    I feel like that was supposed to be his final fight scene because it showed that he’d finally grown the tiniest bit as a character by not needing to fight every strong opponent he lays eyes on and instead passing the torch.

    They walked that waaaaaayyyy back since then though, which makes that scene feel goofy in retrospect, especially because the guy he passed the torch to turned out to not like fighting.
    Yeah, I heard Gohan was supposed to be the focal character after this point but fans complained or something. I can't confirm this though.

    RiKuToTheMiGhtY posted...
    It’s also s***ty with how he decides to “stay dead” instead of returning to be a husband and father but being a deadbeat dad is his thing. Even cold and distant Vegeta becomes a better father just by staying in his family’s life instead of leaving post cell
    That was kind of selfish of him, yeah.
    DrizztLink 1 hour ago#9
    K181 posted...
    I swear, Gohan has to be subconsciously pissed at Goten for having a dad when he's growing up.
    Wasn't Goku dead for like half of Goten's childhood?
    fan357 1 hour ago#10
    Have you guys not watched Abridged? You should if you haven’t.
    Never forget where you came from.
    squarion 1 hour ago#11
    He wanted Gohan to take the spotlight
    Favorite Game of All Time: Donkey Kong Country 2
    K181 1 hour ago#12
    DrizztLink posted...
    Wasn't Goku dead for like half of Goten's childhood?

    He remained so by choice.
    Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
    (edited 1 hour ago)reportquote
    This was some inception teir WWE s***
    "All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
    I also remember him healing Cell and handing his son over to him for an ass whooping. Don't give me that, "believed in him" s***, he allowed Gohan to experience physical and emotional trauma all for the sake of having him unlock his true power.
    Officer, I promise, she's a 300-year-old Vampire Dragon.
    You dare challenge probabilitizzle? Don't step to the wizard, 'cause the wizard don't play nice.
    Remember when he had the choice of rescuing his own son, or rescuin Mr Satan and leaving his son to die, and Goku chose Satan?
    #1 Kaiju Fangirl ^_^
    saspa 57 minutes ago#16
    InhumaneRaider posted...
    I also remember him healing Cell and handing his son over to him for an ass whooping. Don't give me that, "believed in him" s***, he allowed Gohan to experience physical and emotional trauma all for the sake of having him unlock his true power.

     https://youtu.be/VXmOOXMg8Wc?t=777 (click to expand) 

    Lol that scene always gets me
    Tsukasa1891 54 minutes ago#17
    InhumaneRaider posted...
    I also remember him healing Cell and handing his son over to him for an ass whooping. Don't give me that, "believed in him" s***, he allowed Gohan to experience physical and emotional trauma all for the sake of having him unlock his true power.
    Oh the horror. One child had a bad day to save the world.
    Shadowplay 33 minutes ago#18
    I also remember that Piccolo coerced him into teaming up against Cell until Gohan stopped them.
    I make a topic in Final Fantasy 12 to ask if Tifa! They said no Tifa. Hardness gone!-gandob
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    3. Remember when Goku just gave up?

    September 13, 2020

    Tom Hanks Deletes Tweets


    Here we go. People were already yelling about Tom Hanks moving to Greece earlier this year, and now people are posting tweet figures like they were doing with Chrissy Teigen.

    If news comes out that implicates Tom Hanks in pedophile shit, then I'll gladly eat crow. But this qanon conspiracy shit keeps getting wilder and wilder, to the point of bad-faith instigators actively making shit up to make their targets look guilty in the eyes of the conspiracy theory.

    I would like to take this shit at face value, but qanon dipshits have been questioning Tom Hanks for months now and this just feels like those crazy fuckheads surfacing a bunch of bullshit to sway public opinion during a time of crisis. Making Tom Hanks a target gives these qanon dipshits something to rally against and keep the movement lively.

    But again - I could easily be wrong, and in the event of a trusted source giving this idea legitimacy, I would be open to changing my mind. But I find it extremely hard to view any qanon-related shit in good faith after the absurd claims they've been making for years. When there's rumblings that this is true from a source I respect and trust, I'll consider reconsidering my stance.

    For now, as much as I would like to give this news the benefit of the doubt, I can't find it in myself to give this the weight it deserves considering the machinations behind accusations of this nature from the recent past.