September 23, 2010

After spending $300 on grocerys, the customer is always within his right.

So I was at my local grocery store here in Texas where the high was 105 degrees. I buy nearly $300 worth of groceries. Big items too. I'm talking huge bags of dog food, cases of water, soda, shit like that. I go to a check stand where I notice an elderly woman is sacking the groceries. She had to have been at least in her 70's and she was probably the only bagger there at the time. I tell her to pack as much as she can into the bags. I also requested paper which is a little harder to carry cause there aren't any handles on paper bags. So after about what seemed like 15 minutes, the old bat finally finishes sacking the groceries and putting them back into the basket. As a common courtesy, the cashier asks if I'd like someone to carry my groceries out to my car. She probably assumed I would say no since the only person available for such a task already had one leg in the grave.


The cashier looked at me in complete disbelief after I requested a carryout. So the nice elderly lady begins pushing the 700 lbs. cart as I quickly walk back to my truck. Did I mention the parking lot is at an uphill slant? I look around and witness the disbelief in the faces of the other patrons as they watch me walk in front of this poor old lady who couldn't have weighed more than 85 lbs. soaking wet, pushing my cart up hill in the blistering Texas heat.

So as soon as she gets to my truck, I hop in and start the car and blast the AC. I guess I should also mention that my truck is nearly five feet off the ground. So after about, I don't know, 20 minutes, she finally finishes loading my truck up with my groceries. She goes to tap on my window to let me know that she's finished. I politely nod and quickly back out and speed off into the sunset as I lol my way home. Felt good, man.


  1. cool post bro!
    check both my blogs are interesting! ;)
    suppin can u rtrn pls?

  2. lol nice. I would have gotten pissed that she was slow

  3. you got a whip at the store to speed her up?

  4. Well you gave a polite nod, all that was needed.

  5. Oh dear. Hopefully you didn't sweat while walking so fast in front of her. That would have been a major negative.

  6. Douchebag. But it is her job so she should expect people like you. I must admit, I think I might do that someday. Just to be a dick.

  7. hahah nice one dude. supporting

  8. following and showing daily love...

    check out my blog - still new at this

  9. you should have at least boned her in thanks.

  10. Don't mind me, just showin' some love.

  11. You could of at least tipped her if you were going to be such a dick.

  12. Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

    Showing daily love


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