September 27, 2010

Kim Jong Il of North Korea May be About to Name His Successor

North Korea says it will hold its biggest political meeting in a generation, amid speculation that leader Kim Jong Il is about to name his younger son as successor – a move that would take the Kim dynasty into a third generation.

The country’s ruling communist party is to meet in Pyongyang on September 28 to elect its supreme leadership board. North Korea’s KCNA news agency carried a statement early today calling the Workers’ Party meeting “historic.”

At the conference, the party is widely expected to promote Kim’s third and youngest son, Kim Jong Un, to an important position to pave the way for the succession of the self-styled Dear Leader.


  1. Hmmm....suppose it's a waiting game now.

    I wonder if there will be difference in Korea's new rule?

  2. I just wonder when they start making some form of crest of leadership. Shaped exactly like a crown.

  3. El Lider Maximo...LOL
    May The FORCE Be With You!

  4. North Koreans will beat the Southies at StarCraft any day. Jaedong? Psssht. The North has 100x Jaedongs with 10000x better mutalisk micro.

  5. i think these guys sold me wow gold

  6. I would hope there would come a difference in the rule of N. Korea, but it's highly unlikely with it being his son.. I'm sure Jong Il will have HEAVY influence over the regime/administration until he is dead. But N. Korea, much like Afghanistan, Iran, and Russia, hate the rest of the World and only wish themselves to be in power, so I'm sure the nuclear crusade will continue and they will stay set in their ways.

    I really honestly never understood mans obsession with destruction and death. But here we still stand.

    "God bless us everyone, we're a broken nation living under loaded gun".

    "God save us everyone, we'll be burned inside the fires of a thousand suns, for the sins of our hand, the sins of our tongue, the sins of our father, the sins of our young".

    -Linkin Park

    Supportin' as always!

  7. wonder if he'll be buried with that coveted basketball signed by michael jordan

  8. A lot of bad things can be said about north korea, but I would still like to visit it. China as well ;)

  9. hmm... i wonder if they will somehow changed their outlook on the world.

  10. An old dictator gone, a new one comes... great..

  11. mmm I wonder if his son will be more reasonable and open to changed than Kim was, I guess only time will tell.

    Lifehack's guide to brushing your teeth like a MAN! Out now come check it out!

  12. If he's naming the successor, shit will stay the same. Watch.

  13. I'm not gonna lie here...

    Maybe we'll get lucky with North Korea like we seem to be about Iran. Hope they both have a nuclear meltdown.

  14. he cant be any worse right? right?

  15. Meh, as long as he doesn't decide to bomb me, i'm good.

  16. I can only imagine who he's going to pick, and the lengths his successor will have to go to maintain the image of "north korea".

  17. very depressing what's going on in North Korea.
    At the same time, liberation of a country so deeply twisted is delicate. The citizens wouldn't know what to do with the freedom.

  18. when is this nonsense with north korea going to end

  19. Man, i cant imagine living that place, must be a hell on earth.

  20. Well at least with a successor lined up when he dies there will be less confusion and chaos. There would be no worry as to who is next in charge etc.

  21. Hopefully the crazy will die down, or at least won't be as severe.

  22. those bs pictures always crack me up

  23. I'm guessing his son will be as batshit crazy as Kimmie, but I'm not sure if he would be more or less severe. He might want to surpass his father so he would just do things and make things worse than daddy.

  24. Damn, i'm kind of excited for this

  25. oh boy here we go again! thanks for all the great comments on my blog, I hope you continue to check it out!

  26. Mister it

  27. It'll be a sad day when we can no longer make fun of him

  28. kim jung il seems like he is kim jung OK :D

  29. hope it is a more insane one

  30. Just one more step for a war...

  31. His kids are even more psychotic. I'm just waiting for one of them to do something really crazy.

  32. This Bullshit.
    3rd gen.

    I hope one of them fixes that fucking dictatorship.

  33. I wonder if there will be improvements to NK or if it'll fall into chaos.

  34. this is a good post that makes me want to come back for more

  35. oh kim jeuong il, i have a secret, i can't spell your name

  36. Hey, I'm back from the dead! Come and visit my blog!

  37. I always wonder if he's Kim Jong Ill or Kim Jong 2?

  38. Randy that is so true and scary. Talking about privacy the other day I was watching a documentary where there are video cameras everywhere checking us, just imagine somebody could be watching us right now...

  39. North Korea will always be best korea. Lulz

  40. wow......he has gone absolutley mad with power...


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