November 7, 2010

American Supremacy

you are on an american website on an america made internet on an american computer system that runs an american OS which allows you to run american software so you can download and listen to american music while you watch an american movie in the background as you sit drinking your favorite american carbonated drink thinking of how much you hate americans.

face it, you and everyone else wants to be american.

internet = american (build by the US government in the '70's, thats why we have *.gov & *.mil and you dont. your *.gov.* != a real TLD. www != internet even tho the guy made this one of many protocols used on the internet IN america in '91 and lives and teaches in america)

your computer = american (amd, intel, ibm, hp, dell, cisco, xerox, apple/mac, 3com, 3m, etc. doesnt matter where it was assembled or if you made it yourself. we are getting YOUR check for the parts.)

your OS = american (red hat, gnu(unix/linux), microsoft, osx, etc. again getting your checks.)

software = american (firefox, winamp, anything from google, windows, adobe, wow, etc. again thank you for YOUR money)

music = american (do i really have to list this shit? just goto any music website, there is your list. and no you do not listen to just a handful of artists.)

movie = american (you post pictures on here from our movies & celebrities more than we do)

drink = american (you have to be an idiot to not figure this out, and you dont drink beer all day. derp)

go ahead, reach for the bottom of the bag like saying americans = europeans because then someone can say europeans = albino africans since mankind came from africa. it doesnt negate the fact you want to be american.


  1. Might want to look up the new super computer in china. With their new advances silicone valley just might be moving to their in the near future.

    Your post is true tho.

  2. Oddly enough, this reminds me of a song from a German band.

    Pretty much the same point from the translations I've seen. Everyone hates on Americans, but most places in the world try to live lives like ours.

    I know some will disagree with me on the meaning of the song, but it really is talking about globalization and assimilation. Not necessarily in a bad way either. When something works, it gets replicated.

    In before it doesn't work, fat American hate, etc.

  3. deep stuff, 2 much for my hangover tho

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Yes, you're right, but, pal.. you should look a map, America is a continent.

  6. Mm...a good deal of the early infrastructure that lead to the creation of the world wide web actually came from outside of the united states. We just had DARPA, that kinda moved things along faster.

  7. oh my god that is so true, never thought about it in these terms

  8. Hmmm..... The world has now shifted into a state which is hard to discern from others time in history, what your saying may be partially true, but I think theres more than meets the eye.

  9. Eagletearneverforget.jpg

  10. music = american do i really have to list this shit? HA HA HA !!!

  11. I can (kind of) see your point (I think you're making one). But I definitely don't think having American products means you want to be American. Unless, of course, you aren't meaning that literally.

  12. The United States of America is a country, whereas North America is a continent....


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