February 3, 2011

Walmarts Makeup Line for 8 to 12 Year Olds

WalMart making anti aging make up for 8 year old girls. All natural products.

Walmart's new line aimed at the tween market. Geogirl. A demographic with at least 2 billion dollars in buying power. Emotional blackmail. Walmart has clout. Walmart reconizing that girls will be girls. The thin edge of the west where kids are being sexualized. Kids that just want to be grown up anyways.

Designed to attracted parents who are afraid of the chemicals in traditional makeup. Age expropriate options for "fresh, young skin." Sick fucks. Track pants with the word "juicey". Tank tops with playboy logos.

Do the walmart executives let their kids wear these clothes? Spirit days for cross dressing. Snowmageddon that didnt materialize.


  1. fucking gross. why do people think this is ok, yet when one of these children get sexually abused, everyone grabs their torches and pitchforks. moronic

  2. well, around puberty is the time when girls stop playing with dolls and start using makeup to be like mommy. females are insecure beings, this line is taking advantage of that, life goes on.

  3. fucking appalling. I really dig what you're about man. Some good reads here. Nice work.

  4. that just shows how insanely stupid anti-aging is in general.

  5. This is digusting! and its only going to hurt her in the long run.

  6. Anti Aging for 8 year olds.... hahahahaha

  7. it takes a company going to far like this to show us how far we've all gone.

  8. it takes a company going too far like this to show us how far we've all gone.

  9. Man, when I was in my first year of high school, all the girls were worried about anti aging stuff. It was really concerning.

  10. Yes, we need more ways to make 5 year old girls feel like they're old ugly hags.

    Good job bro.


  11. what has this world come to? i mean serriously


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