October 27, 2016

Nintendo Switch-aro; it's already failing!

Meanwhile 3DS isn't doing as well as the DS because the 3D gimmick sucks, although it is experiencing success because of 3rd parties, rehashes, and somehow Animal Crossing which is the most biggest piece of shit casual game I've ever played (on GC) sold millions to girls.

Mass appeal doesn't have anything to do with quality, CoD is the perfect example to counter this argument. This is because CoD is the worst game in existence and it's also the game that every casual gamer hop on to "get into" gaming nowadays. The reason why CoD sells is because of marketing appeal which was generated by hype, not quality. The market isn't as smart as you make them out to be, all that they want is what's popular and voids what isn't. If a piece of shit is popular, then they will buy it or are you going to add that a piece of shit is a solid high quality product too?

I don't agree with the anon that's posting about sales=quality, but you have to understand that a very large portion of people who buy games don't give a rat's ass about how good they are. Work at a Gamestop, and you'll see. Half of the people who come in are parents looking to buy something to babysit their kid, and literally just want the most popular thing. Sometimes I lie to them and give them something good instead of CoD, and they don't know the difference.

You have to understand that a good portion of people just want to consume media, and it doesn't matter to them how good it is. If they see a bunch of marketing for it, they'll just pick that one. It doesn't mean that they're stupid, it just means that they don't want to invest time into figuring out what the best game is.

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