August 5, 2013

Do You Tip McDonalds

McDonalds employees are forbidden to accept tips, because their corporate masters know what is best for them. Now take your financial planning literature provided too you by them, and accept it. Take it as gospel, because when the true unemployment numbers are to be revealed at 20% your going not even going to be microwaving hamburgers at mcdonalds..much less looking for that precious second job. There will be no jobs. They are going to pop the service bubble like the popped the dot com bubble. The light promised too you at the end of the tunnel won't be there, and you will willingly place the chains upon yourself to get certified in clown college for a degree to work in the madhouse of USA serfdom. Accept it, we are going back to the era of serfs and debt slaves where its all or nothing. You either get the degree to work in the prison, your a prisoner of debt, or you are serving the food in the cafeteria like a good boy.

August 2, 2013

David Stern & George Zimmerman; opposition to free America, Tillman/Webb/Hastings

the order goes out, you're out. out of the club.

Whether it is a CIA hitman coming to blow your jaw off with a shotgun, or your own brothers killing you then trying to lie about all ends the same. Like David gives his minions the authority to pick and choose what stars actually show up to the are in a hamster cage waiting for your turn. Your turn on the wheel. it doesnt matter if you are innocent or not, you are painted with the brush of new America. Home owner or renter, dipped in the bucket of market over saturation. Let it consume you, the disbelieve. the debt thats not meant to be payed back. average citizen thinks he will escape the consolidation. All hail the collective. Its coming to a point where you are not allowed anything bigger then a 16 ounce soda unless it is in the corporate houses of Stern and Goodell. simulate the combat in the arena, bring on the death panels, bring on the abortions for people under 18 without parent consent its a mandate now. The schools are the new parents now, didn't you hear? They are the "co-parents"..and if you kids draws a picture of somebody with a gun? then you are going to get swat teamed for it. In the new America, logic is a menace and truth is fiction. There is no more free speech, there are no more guns rights, the founding fathers were racists.

"its an alt! its a troll! its gotta be a troll!"

Now just stand down, and accept it. Accept that our troops only went to Afghanistan to increase opium production. Accept that the Taliban, and Al Qaeda are on our side now. We give them the weapons, the initiate the Arab spring. We fund them, against us. That is the New America. And if you want to write about it, you are going to get car bombed like its an action movie. It is an action movie to them. They are Arnold, and you are the scum that he is beating down on. Allow the MSM to make everything race based. Keep letting the public schools teach race based liberation theology, funded by we all know whom. It's a good thing. All of this is endemic of where our nation is the top. the top of everything. top unemployment, top personal debt, top national bring top sickness and disease with Obamacare to keep the status quo. Planned parenthood is a good thing. The united nations running sex trafficking rings is just some tinfoil hat garbage though, oh no! dont believe that! the united nations is a GOOD thing!. China to America, "disarm your people, take their guns..we cant come forclose on that debt if every citizen has the right to be armed"....yes, ban ki moon, we will..we will teach the kids to be scared of guns. We will make them think gun right are stupid. We will make Ron Paul the Villain.

"shut him up! admins! shut him up he's trolling! my paradigms are collapsing in on themselves"

White, straight, Libertetian, Conservative gun owners who are for states rights are the terrorists now. They are the new Taliban. They are the new Al Queda. We must shut down free talk radio and limit the free spirit of the internet if we ever want to curb the setting trend of these damn tinfoil hatters. It's racist to disagree with ANYTHING the president ever does. President Obama's favorite sandwich is a corned beef sandwich. From here on out, not liking corned beef sandwiches is racist according to the true big 3..FOX, CNN, MSNBC..but wait? what about the original big 3?

Bosh, Wade, and Lebron are the stars, not you. You aspire to be, but that is the whole endgame of PRISM. To build you up, your expectations to what your life will only put you in a pod at the end of it all. Now go, go back to your American Idol, go back to 'the voice', go back too your Xboxes, playstations, and nintendos.....dont read books, dont listen to the radio..and by God..if you see ANYBODY being critical of the president be sure to call him a racist. Remember, the founding fathers were "old white guys".....nothing more.