March 7, 2016


Oh great it's another millennial who thinks they have to be to a famous rapper or world-changing biotech genius to be successful. "Follow your heart," and, "reach for the stars," just like Drake told you to do, right faggot?

Don't let me ever catch you talking down the local store owner again, kid. That guy with the two Quiznos franchises? He moved to America with nothing in his pockets than a few crumbs of sourdough bread and a hole at the bottom. He worked in the backs of restaurants, washing dishes. He saved pennies he found on the street while attending night classes to speak better English, then he ate a bowl of turnip soup to save on food expenses. And he DIDNT do all that so his faggot kid could post on the internet about how much of a loser his old man is, from the college he's paying for. 

Cause guess what, lightweight? You're never gonna be rich and famous. You're never gonna, "grow fantastic spices with hydroponic technology." You know why? Because you have no respect and it shows. Unfounded haughtiness oozes from your sockless loafers and skin-tight shorts. You look like a gay man from the late 90s. And you think it looks cool. You have confidence, but you've never done anything. The minute you get out of that college your daddy bought you, the real world is gonna eat you up, kid. And when it spits you out, you'll be back begging for a job at Johnny's Corner Store and Liquors. But Johnny's a loser in your eyes. And while you sweep the funk off his floors, he'll walk by you one night and give you a couple words of solace, real softly:

"Keep it up, kid. You might own this place one day."

NEET priv

I really fucking hate normies.

I don't care what colour you are. I don't care where you're from. I don't care what you do for a living. I don't care what class you are, how you dress, what you smoke or drink or who you know or whom you've fucked.

I hate you all. I hate every last living, breathing, snot and feces producing, promiscuously copulating, celebrity obsessed, opinionated one of you. From right here in Toronto right around the planet and back, coast to coast, nationwide and internationally. Every. Single. Last. One. Of. You.

Fuck love. Fuck your insipid grasping at some abstract concept of chemical imbalances and reasonless actions, fumbling around in the crowd trying to find some cinematic supposition for real human interaction.

Fuck lust, too. Fuck you all, from the lowlife dirtbags that think dropping trou and waving the little soldier in a sloppy arc is a pick-up line to the sniveling of the desperate 'nice guys' who never get the girl due to a total lack of testosterone grown stones.

Fuck you all, from the crazy, under dressed sluts that judge a persons character by the price of their shirt, right down to the fat chicks that think personality is enough.

Fuck your culture. Fuck your race. Fuck your sense of entitlement. Fuck your sense of uniqueness. Fuck you all for the belief that you have something unique and interesting to contribute. Fuck you for filling the internet with your useless garbage. Fuck your blogs, your wikis, your forums. Fuck your "roasting". And most of all, fuck whatever you believe. It's all shit. Fuck it.

Fuck your complaints. Fuck your addictions. Fuck your dependencies. Fuck your pain. Fuck your tears. Fuck selling whatever it is you sell. Fuck your manipulation of others. Fuck movies. Fuck fucking. Fuck everything you own. Fuck your allergies. Fuck your stupid commons sense. Fuck your spelling and fuck your lack of education, or your ignorance, whatever is applicable.

I don't give a fuck. Shut the fuck up about it.