October 3, 2010

Feds Use Pre-Crime To Target Disgruntled Veterans

The government seems to be obsessed with targeting disgruntled veterans with pre-crime and other unconstitutional forms of surveillance, demonization and harassment, the latest example being an Orwellian software program that purports to identify potential terrorists by analyzing the tone of phone conversations and emails to detect “resentment toward government”.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Mind Machine Project, which is currently being demonstrated to law enforcement officials around the country, is primarily aimed at weeding out ‘troubled veterans’ who may be planning to commit terrorist bombings or political assassinations, by illegally wiretapping their phone calls and Internet communications in order to build psychological profiles.

While the CIA blocks a lawsuit brought by veterans concerning illegal experiments on troops between the 50’s and 70’s, and while police officers beat those same veterans nearly to death, the authorities continue to make vets the number one domestic target of the war on terror, a sobering reminder of the fact that the feds have identified the American people as their main enemy and are now focusing the vast and expanding force of big government against those who have considered themselves patriots for their entire lives.


  1. That's messed up. Just shows how paranoid the government can be. Since when do we suspect rather then support the people who live under us.

  2. Well veterans are fucked in the head anyway.

  3. I don't think veterans fought in a war for their country just to put up this bullshit :|

  4. yea our government shouldnt really be treating our veterans like this

  5. "the CIA blocks a lawsuit brought by veterans concerning illegal experiments on troops..."
    that's sad.. =\\

  6. Shit like this is just getting out of control.

  7. We're being robbed of our freedom everyday...

  8. It is sad that these guys put there lives on the line, just to get treated terribly when there work is done.

  9. freedom is definetly getting away

  10. I've heard of the government doing experiments on its troops in the 50s and 60s, interesting post bro
    keep'em coming~

  11. Nothing teaches you to fear and distrust our government like working for it...or being on the other end of their guns.

  12. America, free?

    You're more free in Europe..

  13. there is no such thing as freedom anymore:) at least in america

  14. Good thing about living in NY is that I'm about 5 hours from the Canadian border.
    It might come down to that one of these days.

  15. Vets? really? You mean people who already risked everything to fight for us?

  16. i say that europe is better than america, america just has the name, but the truth is worse

  17. fuck that bullshit... a few reasons why I hate USA...

  18. "by illegally wiretapping their phone calls and Internet communications"

    enough said

  19. i wondering why they think these people will commit a terrorist act against their own country.

  20. Keep up the good posts! Reminds me of minority report....almost unreal they actually do this stuff...

  21. they say its a free country, yeah its free til you realize your in prison even at home.

  22. gaww this kinda stuff angers me but i guess its better than living somewhere even more restrcitive

  23. I guess the only way to escape from the government is to go live on pluto. But they'll get you even there eventually.

  24. i still think america wuould be better to live in than the uk

  25. Let big sister take care of everything...

  26. I still don't see a solution, can you give it, sir? Orwelian technology, waging war thereafter, but in the end, (if there is any) actually, scratch that.

  27. That's beyond sad and just plain fucked up! Yeah turn against those who sacrificed so much for this country, not like it matters since we have plenty more where they came from.


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