October 1, 2010

One in 28 US kids has a parent in prison

The US’s exceptionally high rate of incarceration is causing economic damage not only to the people behind bars but to their children and taxpayers as a whole, a new study finds.

The study from the Pew Research Center’s Economic Mobility Project, released Tuesday, reports that the US prison population has more than quadrupled since 1980, from 500,000 to 2.3 million, making the US’s incarceration rate the highest in the world, beating former champions like Russia and South Africa.

This means more than one in 100 Americans is in prison, and the cost of prisons to states now exceeds $50 billion per year, or one in every 15 state dollars spent — a figure the study describes as “staggering.”


  1. I appreciate you visiting my blog and providing input on my most recent post.

  2. That's a hell of a lot of people in prison. A lot of them for "victimless' crimes, like personal drug use.

  3. wow, one in 28 is pretty much oO

  4. I would be interested to find out how many are incarcerated over petty drug offenses. So many thousands of dollars wasted over parents slingin' pot.

  5. That is an awful lot, although I don't know anyone with parents in prision.

  6. every tax payer is feeding those convicts.

  7. im curious how many people go to prison for marijuana

  8. so much money wasted on those scum.

  9. your last comment on my blog was a good idea!

  10. ...and around 50% of those are in prison for drug offenses. We have more people locked up than China. Not per capita, either. It's fucking ridiculous.

  11. Thanks for reading my tech posts! I have more to come!

  12. that is sad, they need good role models

  13. At least our prisons have free healthcare :P

  14. how many out of 28 are black?

  15. Half of the prisoners are in there for marijuana! End the drug war!

  16. ouch, depressing statistics

  17. And someday 1 in 28 kids will be in prison too. I wonder which ones!

  18. I heard somewhere that two percent of the population and one third of the black population are in prison in the states, for one simple reason.... the prison systems are privatized and make so much money on free labor, they actually are managing to combat chinese made products these days, filthy bastards

  19. awh man its trending all right....


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