September 29, 2015

John 2

53 KBYou know what the fuck you're looking at?

That's right: a NAIA National Wrestling Champion, and two-time NJCAA All-American in amateur wrestling. I was undefeated in college with a record of 85-0. Not only that but I hold a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and Sambo. I currently compete in mixed martial arts, and will most likely be competing in the big leagues (UFC) if I maintain my success.

They're already calling me the next Brock Lesnar.

With my 6'4 and 280 lbs frame, not to mention my sheer brute force and amazing agility normally associated with men half my size, I have no doubt in my mind that if any of you pencil-necked faggots faced me one-on-one, you would be on the ground before you fucking knew it.

Hey Arnold! SJW Recap

Out of all the kids on Hey Arnold!, Wolfgang probably grew up most successfully. He's white, tall, and confident. He's of course probably held back by the fact that he's growing up in a poor neighborhood like the rest of the kids, but he's definitely the most likely to escape poverty. Why?

Because he isn't a a manlet for starters. For a young man to have the physique of Don Jardine or Jerry Rice is very impressive and puts him leaps and bounds ahead of the other kids.

Migrant kills Mother and son in Sweden IKEA

Ukbagabir explained that he “just lost control” after learning that he was going to be sent back to Italy, according to his interview. “That’s why he committed the acts inside Ikea against these two individuals … to make people understand him.”

September 28, 2015

Without Naming Names

All of your precious video games? They have to go.

The sexist, misogynistic, video game culture being created by the racist 3D worlds is going to come to a end. Get over it. Only racists and bigots will disagree.

Take content out of context to call games sexist when there was no sexist intent. Called Hitman misogynistic because you can kill girls, as if you don't spend 99% of the game killing men. Like many "feminists" there will be no promoting a feminist agenda, be clearly sexist yourself but pass it off as "feminism".

But now because of this huge fear of looking "politically correct" you're not allowed to criticize anyone and other important people take her seriously when anybody with an ounce of common sense could see through her poorly formed arguments and utter lack of basis.Shes a hack writer who twists information to create false claims.

She steals other peoples footage and art for her own commercial use.

Any criticism of her is labelled as misogynistic harassment (even if the criticism comes from other women).

Claims to be against tropes that paint women as frail and weak that need to be protected at all times...then plays up that same s*** in reference to real life people including using it to her own advantage in reference to herself.

And quite frankly, shes a bit f***ed in the mind.

Too bad people don't realize that ignoring her would have solved the problem to begin with. Now its far too late.her videos are pure confirmation bias, sometimes going so far as to record herself doing misogynistic things to show the game can be misogynistic (see the Hitman video) 

She's a branch of PC outrage culture that exists only to whine about things, and do so in an entirely backwards way. She doesn't study video games and learn they're sexist. She decided they're sexist and finds every little thing that can somehow be skewed into evidence 

She'd be fine, but she's getting more attention than anyone with her lack of intellectuality should get, and it makes people rightfully upset. 

1. Because she's a woman who doesn't play games often, and she's criticizing them.

2. Because sometimes she isn't entirely truthful with her analysis.

3. Because sometimes she has a point.

Those are the main three reasons, honestly, and the strongest catalyst is unfortunately her gender. There are men who have said the same s*** as Sarkeesian and they aren't treated with nearly as much rage. The whole "she stole footage from other people" line is garbage--no one gives a f*** about that. It's an afterthought. And the complaints about how much money her kickstarter raised are similarly disingenuous: if your trolling was good enough to make a profit some of y'all would be in trolling tournaments on ESPN3.
People care way too much about her. As someone said, she's basically Jack Thompson 2.0. She herself has very little if any real influence in video games, but we eat up everything she says despite wishing terrible things upon her.
I have an odd kind of respect for her. 

She creates her KS, gets massive amounts of negative response, and is basically making a living capitalizing on that. Where others might balk at that, she decided to use it. It's a self-perpetuating cycle, too, because she likely won't stop while she can still get attention, and the negative response won't stop while people on the Internet remain a******s.

The worst part is that these a******s are "our people". They're gamers like us. I wonder if a lot of the hate directed at her is born of self-hate of the gamer community.

For my part, I'm doing my best to ignore her and avoid signal boosting her where I can, because I don't think she's a fit representative for the improvement of video games.
Jack Thompson a right wing christian seeking to ban video games, Anita a left wing woman desiring to allow women a stronger role in the industry and speaking out against sexism. People assume Anita wants to ban them because, she talks about issues relating to women. Why is it wrong for her to talk about sexism in the industry? Why is she a "professional victim" for She's not even calling for censoring, she saying that women would play more games if games stopped treating them as sex objects. Gamers complain all the time about video games being brain dead but, when she talks about it it's get the pitchforks time. 

For the record: she's not always right and says a lot of stupid s*** but, at least she's speaking out. Why should vidoe games be considered a boys only thing? When a majority of females are wearing skimpy outfits, and exist to be saved by their "heroic" male friends. What makes you think women are going to be intersted in that? People somehow believe that she wants to ban sex, and ban your video games when that's not what she's aiming to do.

When Anita allowed comments all her sections were filled with insults towards her and "SJWs". But, apparently that's ok as it's "criticisms". This is an industry that complains about SJW pandering for including gay/black/trans characters in a game. So, I'll take what you people say at face value. This is an industry that's fine harassing people under the guise of ethics, and then accusing them of being "third party" trolls but, when we do it then well that represents us all as we all support harassing and doxing people.
The problem here is that she isn't outright saying anything. She's making a bunch of claims and letting the media make assumptions on the implications of her claims. And the implications of phrases like "it's disgusting that this is normal" and "it's shocking how people are cheering for bodies ripped apart" are clearly implying that she wants at least less violence in games. 

By the way, what makes you say most people aren't already like that? I'm sure most adults do realize violent games often have bad messages and aren't something to be taken seriously into their work/social lives. She's not making a revelation here.

Also "video games cause aggression" "video games cause violence". There's not much difference in there other than wanting to sugarcoat it so that it sounds better. It's still the same sentiment.

ISPs can barely stop pirates. I seriously doubt they're going to be efficient at stopping trolls.

Although I admit this isn't something I have to worry about. I don't needlessly attack or bully people on the internet. I don't seek out people's information and try to cause them harm. So admittedly maybe I'm lax about this because it's not something that will affect me.

Aggression is hostility and anger residing in someone but hasn't been expressed physically yet. Violence is a physical act. I do understand the nuance between the two words but it's reaching and is indeed sugar coating what is the same sentiment. Being aggressive is the same as being violent. The articles are implying that aggression can lead to violence. It is also an terrible arguer's tactic to accuse someone of not understanding something but then not bother to explain how they're wrong. It only makes you look like you don't actually have an argument. You're better than that, man.
You will have your internet access taken away for calling a woman a liar. To think that such a thing would be allowed is beyond stupid.

She's defining harassment as the day to day grind of receiving these insults on a regular basis. If it's a bunch of individuals doing it they're not likely to face any punishment (the internet and cable companies would never allow such profit loss) but if it's one person constantly harassing her, impersonating her friends on Twitter just to insult her, doxxing her or sending her death threats, then maybe that individual deserves to be disconnected.

Not Being Able to Kill Kids is a Cop Out

I love the game overall, but I got to these chapters and was quite disappointed to see the atypical approach to children in video games. 

"It doesn't matter what kind of horrible imagery we show you, you can NEVER EVER HARM A CHILD!"

Miller: Boss you killed a CHILD! I'm aborting the mission!

No, just no. 

For a game about running living behind a gun, killing thousands of Soviets, Africans and building up an organisation solely dedicated to invoking war "just because that's who we are" AND building nuclear weapons etc it sure does go nancy suddenly, just because I shoot a child who's got no issue with putting ME down. 

Who is Miller to judge when he's the one encouraging all this war and death solely for revenge....

For a series about the reality of war, philosophy and moral decisions, it sure does cop out completely at this point. It's not that I want to kill kids, but on top of it being a video game and it's context....Do they really think shooting them back in self defense is oh so terrible?

Plus I'm the BOSS. Not you Miller. I decide when to abort. Mr. I won't wear a prosthetic limb as am excuse to wuss out of combat. Pain to ensure you don't forget MY ASS!

September 24, 2015

No Charges for Caitlyn B. Jenner

Bruce is probably a cisgendered male who is making himself out to be transgendered in order to avoid prosecution. You can't make a villain out of a hero who has the courage to come out as transgendered and be the self-appointed voice of the community.

Except, if he was actually a woman, I think she'd be a proponent of same-sex marriage. I think she'd admit to being a lesbian instead of trying to claim male heterosexuality while presenting himself as a woman who likes women. And I think that she'd go through with the cosmetic surgery.

In short, I think I think s/he is a fraud trying to evade prison. And I think he's doing a lot of harm to transgendered people along the way. If and when he returns to publicly being Bruce, I think it's going to reaffirm to transphobic individuals that it's a "choice" or a "phase" instead of a biological truth.

Either Way, we need to repeal texting and driving. It's not longer a issue. If you can murder while texting on a phone, then fines and demerit points will be the first to go.

September 20, 2015

5th Column Refugees, Meet Ahmed Style Clocks

Provocation and plagiarism is what will set up your private invitation to the White House. If you didn't have the aptitude to be a Stanley Cup champion, win the Superbowl, or claim a NBA title then this is your chance. No longer will there be any stigma of taking apart a radio shack alarm clock to put in a pencil case modeled after a suitcase. 

Let's really analyze who is against this. First we have to look at everybody who was on board with Ahmed until Microsoft gave him that free stuff. Once that happened, the lobsters needed to drag him back into the pot.

When the gay pride parades march through the Muslim neighborhoods, whose side will you take? Who is to blame for letting the fifth column in?

Iphone toting "refugees" who turn down food and water and demand money and property. There is no plans for assimilation. It is you the citizens that will assimilate with the sleepers being placed here through the proxy of the new world order.

It is racist to disagree. All whites are racist, and all non-whites are victims.

The societal cuckold is here. No opposition is aloud. It's funny since there's a blatant correct choice (hint: it's the group that can't help being born a certain way) but give liberals a choice between "what group will I get more brownie points for protecting" when both of them are often supported by liberals and they just break down. I was always curious if robots are among us and now I know. Like Nick Diaz, they are innocent victims.Non-muslim teachers wear hijabs at state funded muslim schools. Black Lives Matter.
"Tony, lean into the wind my brother. Much love. HH."

September 13, 2015

the true meaning behind the ending too "charlie and the chocolate factory"

The viewer is left with a happy boy and his grandpa(?) slowly descending in an elevator with the revelations that they can now live a life out of poverty thanks to now owning a candy/chocolate factory.

Now I don't know about you, but this is a horrible joke by Mr. Willy Wonka, who manages to escape with no blame while the kid will most likely have to file for bankruptcy to not end up worse off than when he was before winning the Golden Ticket, thanks to everything that happened in the previous 50+ minutes.

1. Lawsuits everywhere. You have 4 or 5 (I can't remember) kids who all got ****** up in the factory. 

2. Unsanitary conditions. I mean they have a ******* lake of chocolate out in the open. The employees aren't seen with proper head/hair nets half the time. And I haven't seen a single bathroom in the entire movie. That's a fine from the Health Department.

3. No ******* permits. Where is the elevator permit? You expect the city of whereever-this-movie-takes-place to not enforce a safety code of an unregistered and never inspected elevator operating in a work environment? OSHA and the City would like to have a word with you.

4. Undocumented midgets working slave labor. Who the **** are these midgets with skin conditions? Undocumented. Most likely not paid. Working god knows how long.

No wonder Wonka wanted to pawn off the factory as fast as he could. He saw a sinking ship and jumped before the iceberg of the law caught up to end him and his oppressive and unsafe operations.

September 11, 2015

Diplomat who raped women in India claims immunity and will get off scot-free

The Saudi diplomat in New Delhi who has been accused of holding two Nepalese women as sex slaves and gang-raping them has reportedly claimed diplomatic immunity and filed a report against local police for invading his private property. The Saudi Embassy conveyed the diplomat’s complaint to Indian officials on Wednesday, sources told The Indian Express. The Saudis protested the invasion of diplomatic property and voiced concern that “unwarranted media briefings” on allegations had been held before a proper investigation had been carried out. Indian authorities responded that police did not know the premises in the financial suburb of Gurgaon belonged to the Saudi diplomat when raiding the property to rescue two women. The suspect’s identity is known, but has not been disclosed. Police are said to have been informed about the sexual abuse by an NGO, Maiti Nepal India, which received a tip-off from a shocked newly-hired housemaid who ran away “within three days” of starting her job.

According to the 1961 Vienna Convention, to which India is a party, diplomatic immunity cannot be violated unless the diplomat’s country decides to waive it, making the chances of prosecution extremely unlikely. Meanwhile, shocking details of the women’s ordeal has been reported to the Indian media, uncovering not only the alleged perverse practices of Saudi diplomats, but also a human trafficking ring capitalizing on the plight of the Nepalese women in the aftermath of the deadly April 2015 earthquake. The second victim, a 44-year-old woman, revealed horrendous details of the time the two were held captive: “There were days when seven to eight men — all from Saudi Arabia — would assault us. If we resisted, the diplomat and his family would threaten to kill us and dispose of our bodies in the sewer.”

September 6, 2015

Crossdessing Trap Takeover

Few men these days actually act like it. Society creates androgynous nerds that cannot embrace their own sexuality and prevents people from embracing themselves. I see this regularly in my day to day life.

Oh well. Just makes it easier for people who understand the game of life and want to actually make progress for future generations. For every kid that wants to go to school for climate change or microbiology theres hundreds that think money is evil and taboo is god and would rather sit around and complain, never progressing. I was one of these people for years and years.

I feel complete knowing that my only goal in life is to make a minuscule contribution to this world, or maybe inspire somebody that will. Anything to help future generations live on this beautiful planet.

For once in my life, i’ve actually begun to understand a deeper concept of who I am and I wish I would have when I was younger. For once I feel completely in control of my own life, for months consistently.

Theres real ass people out there who try to step up and grasp life and you sitting on tumblr isn’t gonna change you. One thing I’ve noticed in my short and humble life is that the biggest complainers are always white and privileged, and I’m including myself into this. If you rely on beards and shitty tattoos to define you, you probably suck. At some point you just gotta learn that real life isnt like this, and some people never do. Fuckin’ step up and give back.

September 5, 2015

ISIS Refugees

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>ISIS "refugees" infiltrating europe
>Let people from a country full of terrorists go through europe unchecked
How do people expect this to end? Theyre gonna bomb the shit out of europe and leftists will continue to claim "it was just one guy muh moderate islam" until they literally storm their houses and behead them.

Im seriously expecting liberal tweets right before their beheading supporting the guys about to behead them

>its not their fault! it was the white oppression that led us here! Im losing my head over this, why white people why you do this to us
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>We're not loyal enough to defend our HOME-COUNTRY but we will surely assimilate and become productive citizens of countries we actually hate
>For real you guys
so we build a wall and let everyone die ?
No, lets evacuate the whole planet and move it to europe, that seems like a logical solution
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>>639331935 (OP)
Sounds like a solution.
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>tfw they threaten europe with THEIR and THEIR CHILDREN'S lives
>>639331935 (OP)
why do you think canada told the UN to fuck off? we sent those ships back to europe
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We Want An Immediate End To Police Brutality And the Murder Of Black, Brown & All Oppressed People

Every 28 hours a black person in the United States is killed by someone employed or protected by the government of the United States. Other communities are also criminalized, targeted, attacked and brutalized. We want an immediate end to state sanctioned violence against our communities.
We Want Full Employment For Our People

Every individual has the human right to employment and a living wage. Inability to access employment and fair pay continues to marginalize our communities, ready us for imprisonment, and deny us of our right to a life with dignity.
We Want Decent Housing Fit For The Shelter Of Human Beings

Our communities have a human right to access quality housing that protects our families and allows for our children to be free from harm.
We Want an End to the School to Prison Pipeline & Quality Education for All

We want an end to policies that criminalize our young people as well as discriminatory discipline practices that bar access to quality education. Furthermore, we want all children to be able to access free, quality education. Including free or affordable public university.
We Want Freedom from Mass Incarceration and an End to the Prison Industrial Complex

We want an end to the over policing and surveillance of our communities. This will hasten an end to the criminalization of black and brown people and hyper incarceration everywhere. Policing in the United States has historically helped to enforce racist laws, policies and norms. The result is a massive prison industrial complex built on the warehousing of black people. We call for the cessation of mass incarceration and the eradication of the prison industrial complex all together. In its place we will address harm and conflict in our communities through community based, restorative solutions.
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Fuck off OP.
Go back to /pol/.
>>639331935 (OP)
The guys who posted these were some ISIS wannabes who got arrested already.
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>if you discuss one of the biggest immigration shitstorms ever you only must do it on /pol/ because muh feels
>>639331935 (OP)
I am so glad I am an american , enjoy the terrorism for once Europe
>>639331935 (OP)
wow, that's 10 minutes from where I live
So close for 888 GET
you dont really see where this is going do you?
germany looks like its "taking one for the team" when in reality they do so just so they can say to everyone else "we did our share, your fucking turn now" they are already doing that with the UK
america is no exception
>>639331935 (OP)
ISIS doesn't fucking exist you stupid cunt.
Nothing more than CIA/Mossad in rags.
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yeah man, religion of peace and all

enjoy your sharia law
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>>639331935 (OP)
>importing terrorism

Europe got exactly what it asked for
>>639331935 (OP)
I don't think ISIS would use the refugees to get their people to Europe. They could just fly them in by themselves. They are awefully rich bruh.
is it true that you muslims don't wipe your asses?
you didnt understand what he was saying did you faggot..

We don't need to build a wall, just turn the ships back or pull an australia and have the navy engage any that don't and very quickly no-one else tries.
dont worry, the majority europe has very lax gun laws just like here in america, so they will be able to defend themselves when shit hits the fan.

oh wait... they dont believe in guns have have strict gun laws. LOL!
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sure thing m8
>going in with a bunch of million people, with no checkpoints, no IDs whatsoever to ANYWHERE in europe they want to go
>using planes with fake IDs
you do realize that they dont do that shit because its more cheap right? Its not a vacation bargain

They'd probably get caught.

Much easier to mingle with thousands of others without having to worry about passports or any other ID.

Don't be so racist anon
We build a wall and let OTHER people die.
Fuck those guys.
fuck off ahmed
Yeah, just what we need. Sandniggers with easy access to guns.
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>>639331935 (OP)
Heres a question?

Who gives a shit?

Europe needs their own 9/11, I wonder if they'll cry about it with their bucktoothed leaders whining on tv and trying to say poetic bullshit about war or if they'll go the USA route and war their economy into oblivion.

Either way Islam wins.

Germany are the biggest fucking traitors, not in any bullshit 'race' way, but as in they know what they are doing by saying they'll take everyone - just letting them in so they can force us to take them as EU citizens.
>>639331935 (OP)
Eurofags, why are you letting these people in at all? I dont get it.
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>>639331935 (OP)

It's racist to stand up for Europe or speak out against the obvious threat immigrants pose.

Let's not forget that 3 Americans saved a train full of people from an ISIS jihadi 3 weeks ago.

Remove kebab, now. Lay waste to Calais, kill the entire population of them. Show future "refugees" they're not welcomed.

Not welcome here in Ireland. As a farmer I am armed and prepared to fight this invasion.
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>>639331935 (OP)
well now...
Just waiting for the shitstorm to start and hope I'm not in the middle of it.
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yeah and america with muh guns is doing a great job with those 8 millions ragheads over there

come to think of it, they defended those twin towers pretty well with them guns
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>>639331935 (OP)


And it's not cheaper. They spend much more on people traffickers, bribes, train travel etc.
you realize they're fighting a territorial war of expansion, not trying to lose as many people as possible in suicide bombings or meaningless shootings
right, because it will be extremely easy for refugees coming into europe to get guns to threaten us non-gun-owners. oh wait

Makes total sense, you've really narrowed down all the possibilities. Implying I'm Muslim or favor the religion in anyway because I don't believe in a fake terror group. Enjoy your little bubble while it lasts. [Embed] [Embed]
For once? Shows how little you know about Europe you fucking retard.
because noone really asked us and most of the population are normalfags getting emotionally manipulated on FB by some dead kid who drowned because his father wanted some new teeth, while they were already in a country with no war
Any time a muslim commits an act of terror against a citizen of the Western world we should punish our local muslim populations to set an example. For example, I believe the 9/11 attacks justified the rounding up of at least 15% of the American muslim population with public executions.
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>>639331935 (OP)
It feels like a war just started, but it's a covert one, where the invaders infiltrate silently instead of marching in with guns drawn.
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Germany is gone.
Sweden is gone.
France is gone.
The UK is gone.

We've failed Eurobros, should we just allow these Sandmonkeys to impose Sharia on us?

Doubt most are ISIS, though some certainly will be. However at best most of them are sympathetic to them - look at the demographic, they are all young men. If they were truly refugees it would be all types of people, instead they are clearly opportunistic economic migrants.

But being young men they must be at best indifferent to ISIS as they are willing to try get some cash abroad when their home is being ravaged by the army. If they were against it these hundreds of thousands of young men would be fighting them.
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>because a gun can stop a plane

Also, protip: a plane is one of the few places you simply can't use a gun. I wonder if anybody would remember 9/11 if ANYBODY on that plane did have a gun.

Gun vs fake bomb and boxcutters? I wonder who'd win
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>>639331935 (OP)
I wonder who are you gonna blame when buses and stadiums start blowing up. Mossad probably right?
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No country has ever asked for guns back. I'd rather my terrorists only have access to knives or bombs, not fucking gunning people down.

Remember when you did that recreation of Hebdo to see if armed civilians would help and you still all got fucked up?
Since 9/11 there have been 0 terrorist attacks in the US. There have been 21 in the EU.
Here in Europe we dont go around in a constant state of paranoia thinking the whole world wants to kill us. So not much need for muh guns.
Just start rounding the Muslims up in mass numbers and executing them
yeah because before they detonate the bomb they warn you about it so you can get your gun out and shoot it, right?
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>German schools, 2015
These Apes want to rape your daughters, murder your sons, and convert your land by force.

>8 million out of 400,000,000 citizens
>cities in Europe like London and Dublin with majority immigrant population 
>complete loss of control over boarders
>herp derp murrica stoopid

How does it feel to live in a place with more non-indigenous people per capita than Canada, Australia or New Zealand or America?
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Think you responded to the wrong person there
probably the rightwing people who've been setting fire to buildings all year
the boston marathon bombing was just a holiday
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no you should not
you should fight regardless [Embed]

Plenty of guns in Europe. If you want a gun, find an Irish person. They always know someone that knows someone.
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'the fuck youre talking about?
where are you from?
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>fake bomb
>they didnt have a real bomb
>tons of people on the plane said on the phone they believed/knew it was a fake
>passengers were forced into third class with a curtain hiding the terrorist in first class
>fake bomb wiedling terrorist with mace behind a curtain
>200 Murricans with guns behind the curtain
>who wins?
you think correctly
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There are good ones too. Granted, probably under 1%, but they exist.
But we will show the rest what we think about Islam.

This. In most european countries over half the population votes for conservative government and immigration restriction, but the left control social media and media in general and throw huge sjw fits out of proportion claiming to speak for "the people", then our politicians are so afraid of receiving facebook abuse and not selling lots of their autobiographies so they cave in. Thus europe is totally fucked.

At least I voted UKIP.
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>>639331935 (OP)
Looks like another one of Nostradamus's prophecy's has just come true

A mass exodus from the middle east to europe

Beware europe from the enemy within

the end of the world is coming holy shit
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>How does it feel to live in a place with more non-indigenous people per capita than Canada, Australia or New Zealand or America?
terrible, my point was that when this shit starts happening here, it will start happening there too man.8million muslims and all it takes is 50 of them to organize some shit.The population might be 400billions but we're not talking about hand-to-hand combat here
Dublin? You are making yourself look like a full retard now. Fuck off and do some real research before you comment otherwise you just look foolish.
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It's my attitude. The SJW cucks who did this to us will be the ones who islam totally buttfucks.

Try being a pony-kin polyqueer slag under sharia. The cis-white boogeyman who the left sacrificed everything in their battle to defeat will be more or less fine I imagine.
If only they knew the true meaning of the word.
They seek refuge... for a limited time? Or will they leave again... let's say when the war in Syria is over, however that will ever work.
They'd be dumb to leave imho.
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Not a terrorist attack, just some crazy kids.
what situation are you talking about? is it something specific? my point was that you can have 10 trillions of guns, they wont save you from the bomb in the bus when it detonates

Master Blaster.

wow. you are really deep into the internet.
>domestic terrorism but eh who gives a fuck


There are tens of millions of armed people in the USA that are mentally ill, let one thr rational people with either military training or at least the ability to gather a small militia of their friends to fuck shit up.


I live in Cobh, used to live in Dublin. I left because of all the foreigners.
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If only liberals were smart enough to grasp this point.
Would it work to just throw away my passport and pose as a refugee while keeping my real job?

I'm 100% Swedish but I think they'd be too afraid to offend someone to turn me down.

referencing 9/11. As in the point of my original post.
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You moron, I live in Newry. IRA capital in the past, there is almost no gun crime at all.
oh ok, it was just some rascals shaking things up, my bad
where were your guns then?
my grandfather killed for the nazis, that's where i'm from.
i'm talking about neonazis in germany
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Can we please nuke Iraq and Syria now?
All the ones that cared for their lives have left, we just need to nuke the everloving shit out of Iraq and Syria, maybe Iran too, then round up the leftovers.

I for one welcome a new world order, but not one run by filthy sandniggers.

88 fuckers
Fuck me... Bomb the fuckin boats.
i seriously want to slap the shit out of those two blonde cucks.
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Got my popcorn.. just waiting for the simultaneous attacks to happen
why is it that these muslim sandniggers are only being forced into western nations? And yes, build a wall and let them die. Better for them to die in their country instead of infiltrating our society only to commit mass murder in the name of their sandnigger religion.
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True dat. The US just can't fail again. Let's hope they stay vigilante.
But I'm also certain that within my lifetime we will have a 'dirty' bomb on times square.
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I really hope this Nazi cunt has something up her sleeve. I'm not talking about anything in accordance to the Geneva convention either.
Makes you miss the IRA, now they were a courteous bunch of terrorists
my friend's a cop and he thinks BLM is racist... I don't know what to think because I stopped watching the news
wait so, youre telling me 9/11 happened just because nobody had a gun on the plane?
Arent there marshals on the flights? NOONE had a gun on them?
And even if your point stands, that situation took a lot of time to develop, it was a hijack first, the guy who bombs a public space or a bus doesnt hijack it first, noone realizes something is wrong until limbs start flying in the air like confetti

Honestly they're going to get hit fucking hard when they realize "oppressive white civilization" is the most accepting to have ever existed and the only one that would ever birth these people. Islam is going to fucking wreck them.

Whilst I hate islam too, the amount of stupid I see in the news, social media etc makes me apathetic and think at least one way or another one of the sides is getting rekt.
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oh phwell...
oldschool nazis are welcome tho
You should know better then Cork boy. Non nationals aren't a majority in Dublin and they aren't anywhere else in Ireland. I'm 100% Irish and I know this for a FACT.
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okay so in the future i plan on leaving to Europe or japan because i know America is gunna be in the shitter soon, whats a good country to go to to avoid all this bullshit?

The IRA was disbanded and disarmed before your birth. Provos don't count as guerilla rebels they're wannabe faggots.

The IRA were good at 2 thing: selling drugs and selling guns.

That's it.
I know fam

Even black people are waking up and smelling the coffee
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Plastic paddy's fuck off.

Yeah, shot my uncle when he was in his car dropping his kids off at school. Real courteous heroes.
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I wish, SandNiggers are worse than Niggers if you think about it. Niggers can wreck a city, but SandNiggers can wreck whole countries.

Good luck getting into japan.

You'd be better moving to syria, they're all leaving.
Can you be more retarded
And if you left because of foreigners then your weak.
nope, fuck off.
Why aren't all the people who don't want this scum here doing anything ? The leftist faggots are having their manifestations but we're all sitting there like retards complaining. We deserve it.
Fuck you, you leftist piece of shit
What do you mean? Why pose as a refugee? Whats the gain?

Plus getting up from your overcrowded temporary asylum room to catch a bus to work everyday? Är du dum i huvudet eller?

You are talking about the old IRA. What.

Also nice avoiding any actual reply, best not make yourself look stupid.
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My dad's first girlfriend was blown up in a bomb by the IRA.

He fucked off to Australia after that.

Weird to think if it wasn't for the IRA, I probably wouldn't be alive.


Dublin is also a festering shitehole.
>free house
>free food
you know, the reasons that asshole lead to his kids drowning?
Russia or one of the smaller eastern countries. Bulgaria/Macedonia/Romania/Serbia are all great candidates. No feminist/left wing bullshit and both genders work together as equals. Make sure you're white and have money though.

I debate it and talk about it with plenty of people, but the influence of the left is everywhere. Good luck getting a job if you go out on the street protesting against taking migrants.

I'm a medical student and the uni would kick me out for sure.

The new IRA, as in provos, are do nothing faggots without the means of perpetuating their own cause let alone secure a safe environment for irish in ireland. Couldn't even get the brits out.
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Sometimes they have to die for the better good. It's not europes job to be the cucks and go out to the cuck shed while migrants fuck their wives, but they'll do it anyway.

Do europeans really like nigger cock that much?
the balcans are gonna develop like shit with this situation.Most whites will probably flock there making them superpowers in the next years
Indonesia has state run ethnic cleansing programs?

> Bulgaria/Serbia
> White
Stupid eurofag thinks sandnigger did 911 what a faggot
>plastic paddys

It's patties like St patties day ya dingus
whiter than most europe will be in a couple of years, thats for sure

Our liberated women all now have a reputation with local men so are bringing in thousands of new ones who will still sleep with them. Hence why they are all men.
>poor Eastern European Slavic/Balkin/Gypsie shitholes

Dear God no, those people are worse than the sandmonkeys.
It would be at least 10k SEK extra per month for doing nothing, I'd be stupid for not taking the opportunity our government is giving us.

I've already paid for it after all.
I've been thinking about Russia, language is moderate to learn but ill be okay, thanks anon

Got me there.
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where did I imply that? my point was that a gun doesnt do shit against a bomber in the crowd
Most of the Idiots who post about the IRA on here have never lived through the troubles. I have and they brought nothing but misery to a lot of families on this Island. So when 12 year olds start going on about the good old days they should ask their parents what it was really like.

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Amerifat here, should I be worried? What if we start doing this shit?
tiny dick europeans, you guys are fuckin scary
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>what if
Cobh isn't much better so get a grip of yourself.

No one celebrates that American holiday here you know...a few floats for kids throw some candy, have a pint & call it a day.

A paddy, or the slur. A patty, are on the burgers your morbidly obese self consumes on an hourly basis.

Again, fuck off with your "muh 8% irish heritage!" Pathetic.

Cobh are suburbs of Cork city. It's glorious here, not a single shit skin has ever come here...ever.

It's a fishing community, there aren't any free handouts here like the lilywhites up in Dublin.
I don't know if you've ever been to Bulgaria but the Roma there live on the streets/ghettos like gypsies and live off scraps. You can basically just go up to one of them and give them $15 to work for you for an entire day on whatever you want. The country is too poor to help them so noone gives a shit.
Precisely. My dad, just like most people living in Belfast, hated the senseless violence and fucked off because of it (that and the shitty weather).

Plastic paddies in America thinking they belong to a cause make me sick.
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>St. Patties
you don't actually believe this do you?
Also Morocco, UAE?
Oi! Shut de feck up yer kunt!
>>639331935 (OP)

Damn, I'm italian and I'm fucking worried.
You should, although this could just be a joke.
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dont worry bro, Im greek, we're just gonna keep unloading all those fuckers on germany for ever

Mamamia, do not worry. Were only importing a billion goombas that you have to feed, clothe and shelter. You are now a slave for the tyrannical King JEWpa
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You're already a sand monkey, go Eat a banana.
I know where Cobh is, didn't I tell you I'm Irish. It's a shitty little town on the outskirts of Cork that is really only known for the titanic, oh yeah and the fact that thousands of Irish men and women were held in Spike Island before being shipped all over the globe by the British for petty crimes.
Here lad. Im only taking the piss. Don't need to get into a handlin about this. Don't be such a rare ballbag about it. Put down the monster munch agus dul go dti do leaba
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fuck you , no more money for you
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80% of the proceeds sinn fein gets are from yanks. Good thing I made them so mad they had to block me on Facebook.


Factually speaking there are more pure blooded irish in New Foundland, Canada and in New York & Massachusetts alone than in Ireland itself. So many left during the famine.

Oh well, my family stayed.
Oh come on, she is a blonde goyim her mouth is probably watering for a nigger cock like Merkels. lol
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oh no, no more money for the jew banks, what ever im gonna do now
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Guys in Europe. Hear me out:

Convert to Islam
Make war upon the Jews and decadent western libcucks/commies
After they are gone convert back
French here. Can speak fluently English, have lived a total of 2 years abroad (through Asia, Europe and America).

I'm seriously considering changing country now, not only because of those immigrants, but I don't see France doing anything awesome in the near future... If it wasn't for my old parents still living in France, I'd have had started the process already.

I don't know exactly where to go though, any advice?

Not the original guy were talking too mate.
>>639331935 (OP)
let them bomb us, we need some 9 11 with 3k + dieded people.
after this we will patriot act and fuck'em
Nice one Brian Murphy. Prepare your anus
This could be a good idea. The Jew and it's SJW cucks caused 100% of the problem. lol
Germany LennyFace.jpg

Good luck, most common surname in all of Ireland ;)
its sad that this seems the only "reasonable" solution

I hope these fuckers will assimilate, but we all know they wont
Well we all make mistakes mate
Just move out of the big cities. Paris is lost. I've been there a couple of times and it got worse every time. At some point all trashbins were welded shut because muh terror bombs.
I'd move to St. Tropez.
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>hoping they will assimilate

Get into the cuck shed you dumb SJW. lol
Brian Murphy, tallaght. Got you well fucked now amadan
>america is no exception

One of the most popular presidential candidates is suggesting we do mass deportation and construct a massive wall to keep them from coming back. If you think Americans are open to the idea of letting hordes of Muslim refugees in, you're sorely mistaken.
I don't believe in Germany either. Sure they are doing better than France, but do they really have something besides selling their luxury cars to new rich Chinese?
fuck off underage b& and learn to fucking read


Only the Scots use that terminology.
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I say that we should spread some disease among the refugee camps (ebola, h1n1, whatever) so we give people plausible deniability to don't deal with these subhuman chimps.

Who on their right mind would even think about shaking hand with someone who MIGHT have ebola?

There's the solution. As far as I recall, I didn't see any massive inmigration last year in the ebola outbreak in niggerland.
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Spraypaint/deface Leftist art that is haram
Harass leftist sluts, shame them
Rally for palestine against the zionist scum
Eliminate the overt anti-whites who are pushing this genocide
Drive the commie jews out of europe
I heard we are pretty good at building large ships, but the Dutch are probably bettter at that.
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>>639331935 (OP)
I live in Australia where we no longer accept illegal boats so I'll be sitting here watching europe burn while I enjoy my popcorn.

We did give smallpox to aboriginals in America.

Could work.
I can read you nigger. These are your exact words fag.

I hope these fuckers will assimilate, but we all know they wont

Only a cuck would want them anything else but gone.
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we wash it first, wipe later
From which countries did your refugees come? Indonesia?
The only reason America isn't having this problem right now is geography.
>implying we don't have 150 million mexicans

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't ya?
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You retarded Anon? What will happen when it spreads to the non refugees?
That's Japanese toilet
I dont mind hard-working people who accept the ways of the place they move to and are productive with a sense of nationalism for their new home, and would prefer that shit than massive genocide.Not fucking letting them in, in the first place is the best solution though

>150 million Mexicans 

You're retarded lol.
Few casualities, but eventually sandniggers will gtfo.
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Nice job outing yourself faggot.
Yes, they should all be sent away. They can never be nationalist, they want Sharia's law and nothing more. Face the facts, bro.
>nuke with message
how thoughtful