October 11, 2015

secretive TPP

we dont want sovereignty, we want TPP.

Do people seriously not understand that this deal is the end of free life as we know it? Everything we hold dear: gone. All our core values that pertain to freedom, sharing of information, safeguarding our health, safeguarding our safety will be DESTROYED through this pact.

Do you like posting on this board? You can be prosecuted for about 80% of the content posted here, right now, that we see. Memes? Illegal. Linking to pastebin/wikileaks/liveleak? Illegal. Criticizing the policy of certain companies? Illegal. That is, if we're fucking lucky enough that 4chan itself doesn't get shut down.

>The TPP will shape lives across the world from North America to Chile to New Zealand, but most of the text was written in secret by negotiators and corporations, without public input. When Wikileaks revealed a portion, we got a sampling of how bad it is:

>If a nation bans a toxic chemical, or labels genetically modified foods, or tightens environmental regulations, TPP empowers companies to sue governments in secret global tribunals, run by corporate arbitrators. If the government loses, taxpayers could be forced to pay companies billions of dollars for lost profits.

>Under TPP, pharmaceutical giants could extend their monopolies so far that cheap life-saving drugs for cancer and AIDS patients could be prevented.

>The deal could criminalise those who sound the alarm on corporate illegal activity through a computer system.

Even being AFFILIATED with anonymous is likely to get you prosecuted for being a "member" of an "organization" that commits copyright infringement, "slanders" corporations and uses computer systems to commit "crimes" (and if they aren't crimes, they'll MAKE them crimes in their courts.

Internet will be DEAD if this deal passes.


  1. Google removes .bro file extension for possibly being offensive/misogynistic

  2. In my country they recently blamed us that the refugee centers are dirty. They are the ones that messed them up. They were clean before they moved in. There are people working there, but there is 300 of them per center. Some people went to check the place out, and took some pictures. The toilet room area was full off used toilet paper, brown/yellow stuff here and there, picture of trashpin that was wet, and smelled like pee etc. There are cleaning products for everything, and apparently these people can't even make food. There are people working there who makes the food for them.

    So, our politicians are saying that WE NEED these people.

    Even 6 year olds are more independent than them.


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