January 18, 2017

Fluffy Abuse Skettis

>Be anon
>Be walking through park on day off
>Step in fluffy shit
>Follow shit trail to bushes
>Hear fluffies babbling within
>Clearly a nest
>Lift bushes and reveal dirty, hot pink fluffy with purple mane
>Shit staining the fluff around its ass
>Obviously the culprit
>Filthy fat whore fluffy is hiding a handful of foals underneath her
>Smack her in the face
>Smack again, then grab by throat and hurl into the park
>Hear a satisfying thud followed by that same retarded "huhuhu" crying noise they make
>Grab the healthiest, cleanest looking foal
>Plump little tan thing with a white mane and a budding little horn
>Stupid thing can talk
>"Scawy munsta huwt mummah!" it sobs
>Pisses in your hand
>Enraged, you thwap it in its eye
>"SCREEEE" it shrieks
>You hold it under its forelegs with your thumb and index finger, squeezing it hard enough to inflict pain
>"Huhuhuhu" it moans as you walk towards its filthy fat mother
>The stupid mother fluffy is limping back towards the nest with a clearly busted up back leg, you must have thrown her pretty far
>It sees you and tries to run away
>You swiftly stroll up to her, place your leg on her back and push her down onto her stomach, careful to avoid getting any more of her shit on your shoes
>"WOWSTEST HUWTIES" she screams as the pressure on her damaged leg causes her intense pain
>Tears are flowing from he eyes
>Without a word, you smack her in the back of the head with your free hand again
>Then you grab her by the skull and force her eyes open
>You then tighten your grip on her foal, and hurl the thing as hard as you can into the ground right in front of her face
>You grab her mangled leg and squeeze it again for good measure, making her shriek again
>Then you go to the nearest bahtroom and rinse the piss from your hands and the shit from your shoes and enjoy the rest of your day
>With her limp, the mother and foals will now surely die

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