January 3, 2017

>What tips do you have for gaining capital and finding investors?

>What tips do you have for gaining capital and finding investors?

Go start and run some businesses from scratch. 

>I have a great idea but 0 business experience!
>here's a million dollars because it's a great idea, anon!

In real life investors want to see that you know how to make money. This may be by running profitable businesses in the past, or having millions in your bank account, or making money off your current idea. Otherwise good luck. You have to explain why they should give money to you instead of someone that's started and run several successful businesses in the past. Most people have no answer for that. 

And let's be real here, they shouldn't give a kid with an idea and no experience money. That would be silly.

Also "start-up" is usually a meme. You should be able to soft-start any business. 

Start selling product/service and THEN go to your potential investors with PROOF that your idea sells.

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