December 26, 2018

Judge denies motion to revoke Dawkins' bond

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  3. Judge denies motion to revoke Dawkins' bond.
"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
Sunhawk 2 days ago#2
What does that mean?

But it sounds good, i.e. not in XSquader's favour.
It has been days since something interesting happened.
Thrill me, chill me, fulfil me.
Is his court and legal drama for real?
AlecSkorpio 2 days ago#4
The episode of Down The Rabbit Hole on Xsquadder is going to be a doozy
BeyondWalls 2 days ago#5
Sunhawk posted...
What does that mean?

It means that Dustin actually outsmarted a Judge with his stupid voice changer and “my girlfriend did it” tactics. 

They drug him in for violating the court order on using social media and the Judge actually sided with Dustin and said there was no proof it was him. 

Basically, Dustin won.
Punished “Venom” Dawkins
IslamMD 2 days ago#7
Kevin Durant. Lord of the Warriors. Swisher of Hoops.
Garioshi 2 days ago#8
"I play with myself" - Darklit_Minuet, 2018
Zikten 2 days ago#9
he has some kind of super power that gets him to get away with things
LittleScootaIoo posted...
Is his court and legal drama for real?

Yes. This is 100% real and the court records are public
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Sunhawk 2 days ago#11
Sad. Does this mean he's not going to prison for the 3rd time?
It has been days since something interesting happened.
Thrill me, chill me, fulfil me.
YookaLaylee 2 days ago#12
I can't wait to see what happens in season 4
BeyondWalls posted...
Sunhawk posted...
What does that mean?

It means that Dustin actually outsmarted a Judge with his stupid voice changer and “my girlfriend did it” tactics. 

They drug him in for violating the court order on using social media and the Judge actually sided with Dustin and said there was no proof it was him. 

Basically, Dustin won.

Maybe the Judge just doesn't want the train wreck to end just yet.
Audio Theater: For discussion of podcasts, radio, audiobooks, and the like
Master_Bass 2 days ago#15
SmidgeIsntBack posted...
BeyondWalls posted...
Sunhawk posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

It means that Dustin actually outsmarted a Judge with his stupid voice changer and “my girlfriend did it” tactics. 

They drug him in for violating the court order on using social media and the Judge actually sided with Dustin and said there was no proof it was him. 

Basically, Dustin won.

Maybe the Judge just doesn't want the train wreck to end just yet.

Damn CEmen judges.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
smoliske 2 days ago#16
Garioshi posted...

EdgeMaster 2 days ago#17
Garioshi posted...

This kills me lmao
If you don't have anything nice to say, say it on the internet.
****poster Extraordinaire
LightningAce11 1 day ago#18
FursonaNonGrata posted...
Punished “Venom” Dawkins

"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
Laserion 1 day ago#19
All they have to do is have P say it was her, and let them compare her voice, if it was really her.
There is no "would of", "should of" or "could of".
There is "would've", "should've" and "could've".
CM_Ponch 1 day ago#20
CM_Ponch posted...

Either Dustin is a criminal mastermind or the Maryland legal system really is as dumb as he claims.
bover_87 10 hours ago#22
Laserion posted...
All they have to do is have P say it was her, and let them compare her voice, if it was really her.

They're not going to spend that much money doing a voice analysis for something this minor.
I...I shall consume. 
Consume...consume everything. ~ [FFRK] rcr6 - Chosen Traveler/Forbidden Power/Divine Veil Grimoire
Laserion 8 hours ago#23
bover_87 posted...
Laserion posted...
All they have to do is have P say it was her, and let them compare her voice, if it was really her.

They're not going to spend that much money doing a voice analysis for something this minor.

I meant just a normal by-ear comparison, nothing fancy like a police procedural show.
There is no "would of", "should of" or "could of".
There is "would've", "should've" and "could've".
bover_87 19 minutes ago#24
They'd still have to call in an expert witness, which would be quite expensive. Just some rando saying it's the his voice isn't going to be enough if he used a voice modifier.
I...I shall consume. 
Consume...consume everything. ~ [FFRK] rcr6 - Chosen Traveler/Forbidden Power/Divine Veil Grimoire
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  2. Current Events 
  3. Judge denies motion to revoke Dawkins' bond.

December 25, 2018

Battlefield V

With such obvious little effort put into this game it's really no surprise it didn't sell well, but people seem to think the sales are bad because of some silly "don't like it, don't buy it" PR crap. The truth is the series has stagnated for years with little improvements, and clear milking of the fan base.

Battlefield 4 was released too soon after BF3. In fact it was released just 7 months after BF3's final DLC. Then Hardline just fizzled(which no one really wanted or needed) followed by a lot of lost potential with BF1(bad name aside) and now finally the awful BFV which is one of the worst WW2 games ever.

What has really changed in the last 5 games they've released? Not much. Every launch has the same problems, lag, disconnects, server issues, bugs, and glitches galore. I have beta tested every BF since Bad Company and it's the same problems over and over. They get this right, they get that wrong, they never get it all right in a single package. One step forward, two steps backwards.

Then you have to ask why do they even create single player scenarios? No one buys Battlefield for single player. Its just wasted resources. And why offer training scenarios? We don't need training. It's kinda crazy but in 4 years we'll be having a 20th year anniversary on the Battlefield series. The game has been around since 2002. Some of it's player base has been around since they were babies, we've pretty much grown up with Battlefield, and it's almost an insult at this point to put training scenarios into the game. What ever happened to just having "learning curve"?

Still... 16 years later they are still giving out beta tests like candy as if they don't know by now what needs to be done prior to releasing a game. Frostbite Engine 3.0 has had very little updates since making the jump from Bad Company 2 to BF3. The destruction has basically been left alone, and for some of us the destruction is a huge selling point. It's what makes Battlefield feel like an actual battlefield. They attempted to ramp up the destruction in BF4 but all they did was dumb it down by making one big object in every map the focal point, and neutering the rest. Hardline, BF1, and BF5 have seen no improvements here.

I sit and play BFV wondering just wtf they were thinking when they made this steaming pile of crap. The weapons and progression system is horrible. You mean I have to unlock the same pistols, and melee weapons with every single character? And what is with this ugly ass "Predator" camo being unlocked for every weapon? It's absolutely horrible Dice. Let us use our kills and our time spent playing the game to unlock what we actually want for once. You finally add a hint of character customization, and then you deliver a game with very limited weapons and maps. This 8 map standard is not enough, not when your single player is abysmal.

At this point in time the Battlefield series needs to just take a breather. The next Battlefield game shouldn't have any single player at all. It also shouldn't have a beta, if they can't get it right on release day with their history they should just stop making the series all together.

And at this point in time, the Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and any other major war in the past should just be DLC as expansion packs. WW2 has been milked to death, and this BFV game is a disgrace to what WW2 was. This is one war that doesn't need any half hearted attempts because all it shows is a blatant cash grab by a company who's already known for being greedy. Nothing about BFV is memorable as far as this war goes.

If you want to see something memorable about WW2 there are about 20 documentaries, 3 great TV shows, and a handful of excellent movies. There are actually some decent games too like...

Call Of Duty 2. Do you remember that campaign? You're damn right you do, because it was awesome. Do you remember BFV? Nope, because it's a fart in the wind.

December 24, 2018

sjw's DONT exist!

They are either being willfully dishonest or are simply delusional.

Things you should know about SJWs in reality:

- Most people who would self-identify as a "SJW" are well-meaning and primarily want to make the world a better place for disenfranchised groups. Not all SJWs know how best to achieve their goals, but they aren't malicious.

- The term "SJW" has an inherently positive connotation (referring to a person who fights for increased societal justice), but anti-SJWs have made changed how internet culture at large views the term. There's a good chance that you associate the term with annoying and/or stupid people, but that's only because of propaganda.

- While there are some "SJWs" who are annoying, stupid, or even toxic, these are only a vocal minority that in no way represent the majority of people who seek improved societal justice. And the vast majority of these toxic individuals are mostly harmless.

- "SJWs" are nowhere near as influential towards pop culture trends as anti-SJWs like to suggest. The increased prevalence of progressive ideas in pop culture is a product of a generally more progressive society than what existed in the past, a society where racism, sexism, and bigotry of all forms are much less socially acceptable than they were in the past. "SJWs" are just a small part of a much larger societal trend towards increased societal justice.

Don't let the anti-SJWs convince you that SJWs are a legitimate problem. Don't be intellectually lazy.

December 21, 2018

Dawkins threatens Cyrus Jaghoory in email.

  1. Boards
  2. Current Events
  3. Dawkins threatens Cyrus Jaghoory in email.
"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
Bruce_Somali 1 week ago#2
Not watching all that, but did legit lol @ 1:20
Look at me. I'm the Dragon now.
slimfizzle2 1 week ago#3

Put up your dukes
Solomon Grundy wants Pants Too!
Muffinz0rz 1 week ago#4
IslamMD is SHOOK rn
Not removing this until Pat Benatar is in Super Smash Bros. (Started 8/31/2010)
2018 NFLB Autumnsim (7-7):
TheoryzC 1 week ago#5
What the fuck
This is where my sigs suppose to be.
frozenshock 1 week ago#6
Cyrus probably just printed the email to PDF to add as an exhibit against Dawkins. He's not helping himself here.

And lol @ sending the email to the ACLU
I don't hate people, people hate me.
Kombucha 1 week ago#7
A_Good_Boy  muta alt? linked to him1 week ago#8
And Dawkins hands the prosecutor even more rope.
Who is? I am!
frozenshock 1 week ago#9
Required reading:
I don't hate people, people hate me.
Musourenka 1 week ago#10
Muffinz0rz posted...
IslamMD is SHOOK rn

I'm confused.

Is IslamMD Dawkins?
Shooing away pigeons crapping on debate tables is not a violation of the pigeons' free speech.
slimfizzle2 1 week ago#11
Musourenka posted...
Muffinz0rz posted...
IslamMD is SHOOK rn

I'm confused.

Is IslamMD Dawkins?

No he's Cyrus
Solomon Grundy wants Pants Too!
LordRazziel 1 week ago#12
Dude gets a speeding ticket, and Dawkins thinks he's uncovered some grand corruption. 
On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion.
Goats 1 week ago#13
Apparently he got the internet ban overturned too. He has a hearing on the 18th for it. I can see his twitter again somehow sentret.
Imagination is a weapon. Those who lack it, die first
(edited 1 week ago)reportquote
LightningAce11 1 week ago#15
Just emailed Cyrus and told him to keep up the good fight and linked him to dawkins posts on that site.
"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
refmon 1 week ago#16
who is cyrus?
If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
frozenshock 1 week ago#17
LightningAce11 posted...
Just emailed Cyrus and told him to keep up the good fight and linked him to dawkins posts on that site.


I don't hate people, people hate me.
Most ppl drive that fast on that road THE COPS MUST BE OUT TI GET HIM.
Cornmuffins 1 week ago#19
Kombucha posted...


refmon posted...
who is cyrus?

DA handling his case
Getting C's and D's, saying thanks and please.
You broke the golden rule, you're staying after school.
Musourenka posted...
Muffinz0rz posted...
IslamMD is SHOOK rn

I'm confused.

Is IslamMD Dawkins?

Dawkins thinks that IslamMD is the guy prosecuting him. No joke.
Sigless user
Kombucha 1 week ago#21
Cornmuffins posted...

RNGenie 1 week ago#22
I'm not even surprised anymore.There's always something going on with him.
TC and I shouldn't be talking - Damn_Underscore
IslamMD 1 week ago#23
Once again Dawkins deleted a video shortly after it gets posted here.
Kevin Durant. Lord of the Warriors. Swisher of Hoops.
Squadder is the living embodiment of privilege:

- he harasses cops without them “fearing for their life” and shooting or beating the shit out of him 

- he violates court orders routinely 

- he records himself doing crazy, illegal shit 

- he had CP and somehow hasn’t stepped a foot in jail AND he overturned his internet ban 

- he literally harasses the Cyrus guy via email (the prosecutor)

Despite the above, he is not dead, incarcerated, banned from the internet, he has a girlfriend and even a kid.

If Dawkins were a minority he would be a statistic by now
frozenshock 1 week ago#25
SchoolForAnts posted...
Squadder is the living embodiment of privilege:

- he harasses cops without them “fearing for their life” and shooting or beating the shit out of him 

- he violates court orders routinely 

- he records himself doing crazy, illegal shit 

- he had CP and somehow hasn’t stepped a foot in jail AND he overturned his internet ban 

- he literally harasses the Cyrus guy via email (the prosecutor)

Despite the above, he is not dead, incarcerated, banned from the internet, he has a girlfriend and even a kid.

If Dawkins were a minority he would be a statistic by now

Well, he's in a small town in Maryland.

It's not exactly downtown Los Angeles.
I don't hate people, people hate me.
(message deleted)
frozenshock posted...
SchoolForAnts posted...
Squadder is the living embodiment of privilege:

- he harasses cops without them “fearing for their life” and shooting or beating the shit out of him 

- he violates court orders routinely 

- he records himself doing crazy, illegal shit 

- he had CP and somehow hasn’t stepped a foot in jail AND he overturned his internet ban 

- he literally harasses the Cyrus guy via email (the prosecutor)

Despite the above, he is not dead, incarcerated, banned from the internet, he has a girlfriend and even a kid.

If Dawkins were a minority he would be a statistic by now

Well, he's in a small town in Maryland.

It's not exactly downtown Los Angeles.

I’m not following..
Alpha218 1 week ago#28
Goats posted...
Apparently he got the internet ban overturned too. He has a hearing on the 18th for it. I can see his twitter again somehow sentret.

Wtf how
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite user on the Citadel.
Now Playing: Magic the Gathering: Arena
VectorChaos 1 week ago#29
Lmao wat
"Donald Trump has the most presidential penis of all time" - DifferentialEquation
Vyrulisse 1 week ago#30
DirkDiggles 1 week ago#31
Goats posted...
Apparently he got the internet ban overturned too. He has a hearing on the 18th for it. I can see his twitter again somehow sentret.

He didn't. His case is in January and his twitter is still private.
frozenshock posted...
SchoolForAnts posted...
Squadder is the living embodiment of privilege:

- he harasses cops without them “fearing for their life” and shooting or beating the shit out of him 

- he violates court orders routinely 

- he records himself doing crazy, illegal shit 

- he had CP and somehow hasn’t stepped a foot in jail AND he overturned his internet ban 

- he literally harasses the Cyrus guy via email (the prosecutor)

Despite the above, he is not dead, incarcerated, banned from the internet, he has a girlfriend and even a kid.

If Dawkins were a minority he would be a statistic by now

Well, he's in a small town in Maryland.

It's not exactly downtown Los Angeles.

For yucks I checked out the Hagerstown FB page. It's exactly as trashy as you'd expect and iirc the rules specifically mention him too lmao. His gf is fighting with people all the time on there
When little boys don't get 8 hours of sleep, their glands emit a pleasant berry smell that attracts pedophiles.
SpiralDrift 6 days ago#33
What did he say in the video?
Bears are my spirit animal. The kings of the desert. No natural predators in water. They have fur sometimes.
LordRazziel 6 days ago#34
@SpiralDrift posted...
What did he say in the video?

The DA got a speeding ticket, a he thought he uncovered some major scandal.
On really romantic evenings of self, I go salsa dancing with my confusion.
When little boys don't get 8 hours of sleep, their glands emit a pleasant berry smell that attracts pedophiles.
LightningAce11 4 days ago#36
@IslamMD what's he planning next?
"I'm an atheist too but still believe in hell. That's where you're headed pal." - Mr_Karate_II
Goats 4 days ago#37
DirkDiggles posted...
Goats posted...
Apparently he got the internet ban overturned too. He has a hearing on the 18th for it. I can see his twitter again somehow sentret.

He didn't. His case is in January and his twitter is still private.

I must be able to see it because he followed me before he went private. Here's the picture he posted about it earlier silcoon.

Imagination is a weapon. Those who lack it, die first
(edited 4 days ago)reportquote
Mr_Karate_II  PLASMA CASH3 days ago#38
How did he get the internet ban overturned?
Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4 Mercenaries Mode,Resident Evil 6 Mercenaries Mode & Call of Duty Ghosts
IslamMD 1 day ago#39
LightningAce11 posted...
@IslamMD what's he planning next?

Another article was written about him. He lost.
Kevin Durant. Lord of the Warriors. Swisher of Hoops.
IslamMD posted...
LightningAce11 posted...
@IslamMD what's he planning next?

Another article was written about him. He lost.

Don Aines, doing God's work. 

At this point, Don is probably one of CE's biggest contributors.
smoliske 1 day ago#41
throw the book at him
bover_87 1 day ago#42
@IslamMD posted...
LightningAce11 posted...
@IslamMD what's he planning next?

Another article was written about him. He lost.

Can someone C/P the text here? It's inaccessible from the EU.
I...I shall consume. 
Consume...consume everything. ~ [FFRK] rcr6 - Chosen Traveler/Forbidden Power/Divine Veil Grimoire
iClockwork 1 day ago#43
Judge denies motion to revoke bond in Hagerstown man’s wiretapping case

By Don Aines Dec 18, 2018 Updated Dec 18, 2018

A judge on Tuesday denied a state motion to revoke the bond of a Hagerstown man accused of intercepting communications, based on allegations he violated conditions of pretrial supervision by posting items on the internet.

Dustin Cavanaugh, 30, of South Cannon Avenue was indicted in October on one count of interception of communication for allegedly recording a telephone call in September without the other person's permission, then posting it on the internet. 

At an Oct. 22 bond hearing, Circuit Judge Daniel P. Dwyer released Cavanaugh on his own recognizance. Conditions included not accessing or posting on social media; not recording people without their consent; and "to not possess any electronic devices such as cellphones, tablets, and computers," according to the motion to revoke bond.

"Unless you can produce evidence that it was Mr. Cavanaugh himself posting on social media, and not somebody on his behalf, I would respectfully deny the motion to deny bond," Dwyer told Deputy State's Attorney Gina Cirincion.

Dwyer also said there was not enough evidence presented to show Cavanaugh possessed any internet-accessible devices. 

Cirincion and Assistant Public Defender David Littrell argued the motion before Dwyer on Tuesday. The motion included exhibits purporting to show screenshots of posts on Cavanaugh's Twitter account in October and November.

However, an Oct. 24 tweet stated: "Until further notice all tweets are made by me. ... I am his girlfriend and in charge of all his social media until further notice."

Another exhibit was a Nov. 24 tweet in which, the motion stated, "the user no longer referred to Defendant in the third-person and began using the first-person description."

The motion cited a Nov. 29 tweet with a link to a Washington Post article on real estate transactions, including one for an assistant state's attorney prosecuting Cavanaugh's case.

"There has to be some evidence that these exhibits are real ... and that these exhibits can actually be tied to my client," Littrell told the judge. He said they did not prove Cavanaugh posted the items to social media, calling them "documents without any proof." 

Cirincion called the posts "self-authenticating" in that Cavanaugh's twitter account information appears on them.

Cirincion told Dwyer that Cavanaugh "violated your court order repeatedly" and expressed concern that one post included information about a prosecutor. State's attorneys are often targets of threats and harassment, she said. 

"This is not a minor transgression," Cirincion said. 

Dwyer admitted the exhibits on the basis that they showed posts "on a Twitter account with Dustin Cavanaugh's name associated with it."

The judge said he was concerned about a prosecutor's information being posted online, but noted public-domain information was accessible before social media. The internet had made it easier to access, he said. 

Cavanaugh's trial is scheduled for Jan. 28, court records said.

(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
"God I really want you to keep posting."
"People don't matter to you. Human relationships don't matter to you."~StarryKnights
The prosecutor is so worried about dawkins, that they're literally in court trying to prove that he's been tweeting.

Dawkins thinks a prosecutor is a user on here that posts news articles about him. Absolutely amazing. You couldn't make this stuff up if you tried.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
I think we can all agree that Judge Dwyer is an idiot. I mean, Jesus Christ. Dawkins literally just outsmarted a sitting state Judge. Let that sink in.
andel 1 day ago#47
BeyondWalls posted...
I think we can all agree that Judge Dwyer is an idiot. I mean, Jesus Christ. Dawkins literally just outsmarted a sitting state Judge. Let that sink in.

no he didnt, there just isnt any actual proof that he himself posted any of this stuff. while it is likely it would be hard to prove. his trail is coming up next month though and he is getting either jail time or heavily restricted probation for sure. dude is way too dumb to stay out of trouble for long
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn.-Fubonis
Peter_Griffin33 6 minutes ago#48
Isn't directing a person to post on his behalf while he watches/approves technically a violation or is that a weird loophole
MC_BatCommander  tell him to get over it36 seconds ago#49
Can you imagine how awful it must be working in the legal system and having to deal with people like him every day

Poor Cyrus, hope when he finally puts Dustin behind bars he gets a nice vacation.
The Legend is True!
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  2. Current Events 
  3. Dawkins threatens Cyrus Jaghoory in email.