December 24, 2018

sjw's DONT exist!

They are either being willfully dishonest or are simply delusional.

Things you should know about SJWs in reality:

- Most people who would self-identify as a "SJW" are well-meaning and primarily want to make the world a better place for disenfranchised groups. Not all SJWs know how best to achieve their goals, but they aren't malicious.

- The term "SJW" has an inherently positive connotation (referring to a person who fights for increased societal justice), but anti-SJWs have made changed how internet culture at large views the term. There's a good chance that you associate the term with annoying and/or stupid people, but that's only because of propaganda.

- While there are some "SJWs" who are annoying, stupid, or even toxic, these are only a vocal minority that in no way represent the majority of people who seek improved societal justice. And the vast majority of these toxic individuals are mostly harmless.

- "SJWs" are nowhere near as influential towards pop culture trends as anti-SJWs like to suggest. The increased prevalence of progressive ideas in pop culture is a product of a generally more progressive society than what existed in the past, a society where racism, sexism, and bigotry of all forms are much less socially acceptable than they were in the past. "SJWs" are just a small part of a much larger societal trend towards increased societal justice.

Don't let the anti-SJWs convince you that SJWs are a legitimate problem. Don't be intellectually lazy.

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