October 15, 2018

Saudi Arabia Officials Offer $20 Million for The Rock to become WWE Champion

  1. Boards
  2. Pro Wrestling: WWE
  3. Saudi Arabia Officials Offer $20 Million for The Rock to become WWE Champion
JoCrazy 3 weeks ago#1
We previously noted how WWE’s big money deal with Saudi Arabia is going to result in the in-ring return of Shawn Michaels at the WWE Crown Jewel PPV on November 2. Saudi Arabia officials are also funding appearances of stars like The Undertaker, HBK, Brock Lesnar and more to build-up to the WWE Crown Jewel PPV.

We have noted multiple times before that Saudi Arabia officials are big fans of Old School Wrestlers and requested a number of Old School wrestlers to work the Greatest Royal Rumble earlier this year.

Well, the Saudi officials now want another big Old School Star to appear at their show.

According to the Dirty Sheets, Saudi Arabia officials want Old School WWF Legend The Rock to appear as WWE Champion at the planned April 2019 show in Saudi Arabia and they have offered to give $20 million for this appearance!

Dirty Sheets noted last month that WWE officials have discussed Roman Reigns vs. The Rock for the Universal Championship at WrestleMania 35 and Rock is reportedly set to make $4 million from that WrestleMania match if it goes down.

If The Rock agrees to work WrestleMania 35, then it is almost certain that he will work the Saudi Arabia show as well and become the champion. This would mean that The Rock would make make $24 million in a single month from just 2 matches!

Dirty Sheets also noted that if The Rock walks out of the Saudi Arabia show still the champion and works SummerSlam 2019 (where he would drop the Title), then The Rock would make a total of $26 million from just 3 matches!

No wrestler in the history of Professional Wrestling has made this much money from just 3 matches.

It was noted that “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and John Cena have made more than $10 million in a single year, but never this much for just 3 matches!

We’ll keep you updated on this situation.

X-Box One Gamertag: KrankDaddy - Currently playing: Mass Effect, WWE 2K17, GTA Online
https://www.twitch.tv/krankdaddy & https://beam.pro/KrankDaddy
ThexFury 3 weeks ago#2
Guess we'll be seeing this soon:

Bah Gawd!!! That Batista is an Animal!!! - JR
Aloner 3 weeks ago#3
Governments literally buying storylines.
Anyone can make a fake leak.
SeamusOHassey 3 weeks ago#4
And people say WWE doesn't push black wrestlers, yet here we are with the Great One possibly getting another run with the title he created.
You're not funny and nobody likes you.
My future wife - https://imgur.com/eilKhgh
JoCrazy 3 weeks ago#5
While it will be Roman vs Rock, I want AJ Styles vs The Rock. That's more of a dream match for me.
X-Box One Gamertag: KrankDaddy - Currently playing: Mass Effect, WWE 2K17, GTA Online
https://www.twitch.tv/krankdaddy & https://beam.pro/KrankDaddy
Boneduster 3 weeks ago#6
Dynedux 3 weeks ago#7
Who are they offering $20 million to? Vince or The Dwayne? Because either way they wipe their ass with $20 million
The idea of "doxxing" is idiotic. Why should anyone be able to hide behind the anonymity of the internet?-AndreLeGeant
Mr_Karate_II  PLASMA CASH3 weeks ago#8
The crock needs to stay away from WWE.
Currently Playing: Resident Evil 4 Mercenaries Mode,Resident Evil 6 Mercenaries Mode & Call of Duty Ghosts
bigpatpunchhard 3 weeks ago#9
Why are you posting Billi Bhatti's bullshit?
Name me a more iconic duo... I'll wait
sniperfox29 3 weeks ago#10
Dynedux posted...
Who are they offering $20 million to? Vince or The Dwayne? Because either way they wipe their ass with $20 million

The Rock, and then presumably money to Vince to convince him to alter any storylines he may or may not have planned.

Imagine if you were a billionaire you too could alter WWE booking plans just by throwing money at them.
I love to watch you cry
GT - Sniperfox29
187mike 3 weeks ago#11
ThexFury posted...
Guess we'll be seeing this soon:

I hate that version of his theme 

Prefer this one 

Deal with it
MilleniumWEAPON 3 weeks ago#12
Boneduster posted...
Fake news
"I focus on revenue-producing public statements. Anything else is a waste of my time, and my time is limited. I have things to do." - Paul Heyman
SeamusOHassey 3 weeks ago#13
Mr_Karate_II posted...
The crock needs to stay away from WWE.

You should stop making bad posts. Just saying.
You're not funny and nobody likes you.
My future wife - https://imgur.com/eilKhgh
ad_Talking_He 3 weeks ago#14
Dynedux posted...
Who are they offering $20 million to? Vince or The Dwayne? Because either way they wipe their ass with $20 million

20 mil for a few days in saudi arabia and a 20 minute match is p dope
Letron_James 3 weeks ago#15
Vince would sell Shane for a bag of chips and a bj from a diva. So cant wait to see Rocky vs Roman
Ask me if I would eat da booty.
Arizona_Joe 3 weeks ago#16
sniperfox29 posted...
Dynedux posted...
Who are they offering $20 million to? Vince or The Dwayne? Because either way they wipe their ass with $20 million

The Rock, and then presumably money to Vince to convince him to alter any storylines he may or may not have planned.

Imagine if you were a billionaire you too could alter WWE booking plans just by throwing money at them.

I'm willing to commit 200 million to the XFL. But... Roman can never main event a WrestleMania again.

Vince: I don't need your money. Get the hell out of here.
TheCurseX2 3 weeks ago#17
Saudi Arabia is saving wrestling.
As a Level 37 Sage, I expect to be treated with proper respect and acknowledged for my dedication to the GameFAQs Message Board Community as a whole. Thank you.
DARK ANDY 3 weeks ago#18
Considering The Rock did Skyscraper, I can see him accepting this too.
*points to self* "Superstar..." *points to everybody else* "..LOOOSER!"
http://www.youtube.com/user/DARKISANDY MY V-LOGS
Behaviorism 3 weeks ago#19
Arizona_Joe posted...
sniperfox29 posted...
Dynedux posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

The Rock, and then presumably money to Vince to convince him to alter any storylines he may or may not have planned.

Imagine if you were a billionaire you too could alter WWE booking plans just by throwing money at them.

I'm willing to commit 200 million to the XFL. But... Roman can never main event a WrestleMania again.

Vince: I don't need your money. Get the hell out of here.

I miss Summer Rae
WarGreymon77 3 weeks ago#20
I wish I could remember the Family Guy joke about "your 80s music that we just got here last week". But yeah, let the fools on the 2K board tell these guys that legends don't draw in 2018.
Creator of the official Digimon: Digital Monsters community board!
AndreLeGeant 3 weeks ago#21
LOL. This is great. They should just buy WWE. They'd probably book some version of WM15/14 hybrid
"Not only is Andre way smarter than you, he's also way smarter than you think you are." - SaikyoStyle
Arizona_Joe 3 weeks ago#22
AndreLeGeant posted...
LOL. This is great. They should just buy WWE. They'd probably book some version of WM15/14 hybrid

1st Women's veil on a pole match. The men in attendance will turn their back for 5mins and the women fight to cover their sin before they turn around. Loser gets stoned to death. Winner too cause you know 1 asshole in the crowd is gonna turn around and be offended at the sight of ankle.
iPullout 3 weeks ago#23
I like it use that oil money....
The best dreams are the wet dreams.
BabaBzaa 3 weeks ago#24
I hope this is fake. WWE between catering to networks, politics, and governments at our expense has got me turned off of WWE. I'm really about to try to get into more alternatives as far as wrestling goes.
Currently playing:. FPWW
Arizona_Joe 3 weeks ago#25
BabaBzaa posted...
I hope this is fake. WWE between catering to networks, politics, and governments at our expense has got me turned off of WWE. I'm really about to try to get into more alternatives as far as wrestling goes.

WWE understands most of it's fanbase isn't going anywhere. They're focused on other markets and expanding their fanbase rather than giving it's loyal fans a better overall product. They'd rather have 5 kinda fans who never leave vs making the 1 super fan happy.
AndreLeGeant 2 weeks ago#26
Arizona_Joe posted...
BabaBzaa posted...
I hope this is fake. WWE between catering to networks, politics, and governments at our expense has got me turned off of WWE. I'm really about to try to get into more alternatives as far as wrestling goes.

WWE understands most of it's fanbase isn't going anywhere. They're focused on other markets and expanding their fanbase rather than giving it's loyal fans a better overall product. They'd rather have 5 kinda fans who never leave vs making the 1 super fan happy.

Untrue. They haven’t expanded the fan base in almost 20 years
"Not only is Andre way smarter than you, he's also way smarter than you think you are." - SaikyoStyle
pycho316 2 weeks ago#27
Aloner posted...
Governments literally buying storylines.

Pretty much this! 

This sounds terrible. Which means it's probably gonna happen. 

*sigh* It's gonna be a bad time to be a wrestling fan for the next year it sounds like (not that it's exactly a good time to be a wrestling fan right now).
Dude, you were the "Marty Jannetty" of a tag team with Marty Jannetty in it, shut the **** up. - DizzyTechno on Al Snow
UltiCalledIt 2 weeks ago#28
Roman's dream match is Rock at Mania. Vince might actually do this.
Zergrush80 2 weeks ago#29
If WWE is selling storyline to the highest bidder. I bid $30.....
For the Swarm!!!!!
Arizona_Joe 2 weeks ago#30
AndreLeGeant posted...
Arizona_Joe posted...
BabaBzaa posted...
 show hidden quote(s)

WWE understands most of it's fanbase isn't going anywhere. They're focused on other markets and expanding their fanbase rather than giving it's loyal fans a better overall product. They'd rather have 5 kinda fans who never leave vs making the 1 super fan happy.

Untrue. They haven’t expanded the fan base in almost 20 years

Which is why they're going to Saudi Arabia and doing Super Shows in Australia. They already know their American market. It's tapped. Time to move on.
Coca-Cola 2 weeks ago#31
I assume they mean the universal title, still, Rock winning the WWE title in the mid card would be pretty amusing.

Can they pay Austin to have one more match pls?
AndreLeGeant 2 weeks ago#32
They’re going to SA for money and Oz because of Murdoch
"Not only is Andre way smarter than you, he's also way smarter than you think you are." - SaikyoStyle
Fin_Dawg_004 2 weeks ago#33
It's finally happened. Lobbying for storylines
Dallas Cowboys : 1 - 2
Dallas Mavs : Dirk Nowitzki: 31, 187 points (6th all time) 232 from Wilt
pycho316 2 weeks ago#34
Surely there must be at least one millionaire on the PWB who wouldn't mind throwing down a cool mil or two to help get the belt on Rusev?
Dude, you were the "Marty Jannetty" of a tag team with Marty Jannetty in it, shut the **** up. - DizzyTechno on Al Snow
Ji_Ling 2 weeks ago#35
pycho316 posted...
Surely there must be at least one millionaire on the PWB who wouldn't mind throwing down a cool mil or two to help get the belt on Rusev?

Andre won't do that with his lawyer money though.
Dragonruler9999 2 weeks ago#36
I would offer Lita, Kane and HBK
20 mil each to be 17times champion

If I am a multi billionaire ofc.
...The Creator Of RyuKe...
MechaMew2 2 weeks ago#37
JoCrazy posted...

We have noted multiple times before that Saudi Arabia officials are big fans of Old School Wrestlers and requested a number of Old School wrestlers to work the Greatest Royal Rumble earlier this year.

They are going to be so disappointed.
cheese_game619 2 weeks ago#38
sniperfox29 posted...
Dynedux posted...
Who are they offering $20 million to? Vince or The Dwayne? Because either way they wipe their ass with $20 million

The Rock, and then presumably money to Vince to convince him to alter any storylines he may or may not have planned.

Imagine if you were a billionaire you too could alter WWE booking plans just by throwing money at them.

lol vince doesnt have solid plans for next week
The Kamikaze 2 weeks ago#39
they offer $20,000,000 to realize the match - doesn't mean Rock will get all of this
You can only win if you dare!
OurLadyPeace 2 weeks ago#40
I don't think I believe it

However, it was was true and they are willing to pay ridiculous money to have stats from yesteryear wrestle, there might be some very interesting requests going forward. 

Like I'm pretty sure WWE don't want Hogan to wrestle for them again...but a $20m sweetener would test their resolve. I don't think Austin wants to wrestle again...but his share of $20m might make it a far harder decision than he ever thought he'd have to make. 

But the more I think about it, the less plausible the whole '$20m for Rock to wrestle' thing seems.
Pixel Noir. Coming soon to PC/Mac/Linux/PS4/PS Vita/Xbox One
AndreLeGeant 2 weeks ago#41
The Saudis spend $50m to give us Hogan vs Austin. And pay Punk millions to come back. Why? Because that family is worth $1.4tn.
"Not only is Andre way smarter than you, he's also way smarter than you think you are." - SaikyoStyle
Ransom_Stark 2 weeks ago#42
After a quick search on Google, the only place that news item is found is on wwfoldschool.com, no other wrestling news site has that story.
Axiom ^^
0KThen 2 weeks ago#43
if I was a billionaire id see about Hulkamania running wild again and taking the WWE on a year-long joyride with him & the Universal Title, brother
ClackMan 2 weeks ago#44
Aloner posted...
Governments literally buying storylines.

what ppl think are storylines
are actually called bookings
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  1. Boards
  2. Pro Wrestling: WWE 
  3. Saudi Arabia Officials Offer $20 Million for The Rock to become WWE Champion

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