November 28, 2015

"Racism" 2

As a patient of doctors maybe these future doctors need to think about what their customers will be looking for in the future, because without customers a doctor is going to have a hard time paying off that debt they racked up.
I don't want a doctor from a medical school that hired X number of blacks, X number of women just to make some liberals happy. I want a doctor that had the best teachers whether they were black, white, or transvestites... I don't care... and neither should you as a student.
What I am now starting to realize with all the universities and their quotas, is that I should avoid any minority at all costs with the exception of asians, because I know the odds of the minority actually being as qualified as the white is very low... In fact I know that I should also avoid the whites as well if my other option is an Asian because the asian I'm going to get whether a doctor or employee is going to be the cream of the crop even within the universe of all Asians in the US since the Asians are scrutinized even more than any other group by universities....
So there, that's what all this quota crap has done... It's shown customers and employers that the best option they have is the asian and the worst option is the other minority. Aren't you happy with your quotas now?

There is no such thing as micro aggression. It is code word for anything I don't like. "An online system for reporting biases". YSM will go full bore East German Stasi snitch society, where everyone is afraid of everyone else. "Students of color" will find themselves completely isolated. Who will take the risk of offending them and end up on the bias report? The backlash coming over this in the form of plunging donations is going to be historic. This administration better get a grip on this cry bullying or there will be no end to it.

Anything other than merit-based selection is de facto racism, but with fields of study where lives can be at stake in the professional arena, it becomes glaringly obvious that no one should ever be admitted for any reason other than merit. An applicants skin colour should have absolutely nothing to do with the decision.
Honestly, where has the Entitlement Generation managed to pick up this beliefs? Who is responsible for pushing this absurd racist agenda into the mainstream? I'm not much older than the Entitlement Generation and I never saw anything like this while I was growing up, nor while I was at university.
Has a black student ever failed to graduate from Yale's medical school. No. They may never pass their boards (board exams are color-blind) but they are not allowed to fail to earn a degree. Unlimited resources will be thrown at them in order to prevent it.
The med students seem to be subtly upping the ante in multiculti three-card-monty word game. "Inclusiveness" is so 2014. The new standard is "genuine inclusiveness". Still flogging that old "micro-aggressions" horse though. Can't somebody spice that up a little? The term has been used more often as the punchline of a joke lately.
If these kind of demands make anyone feel more nervous about the prospect of getting a black doctor the next time you are admitted to the hospital... keep it to yourselves, you racists.

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