November 26, 2015

Thank SJW for lack of DOAX3

  • We do not bring DOAX3 to the west and won't have any plan change in the future. Thank you for asking.
  • Do you know many issues happening in video game industry with regard to how to treat female in video game industry? We do not want to talk those things here. But certainly we have gone through in last year or two to come to our decision. Thank you.

  • Just incase you ever hear "we aren't trying to take away your games"
  • Play-Asia will have the Asian English version available.
    Even a moderate amount of sales will show that there is demand for these games.
    Opposition who will die on a cross to say there isn't, dont even play video games anyways.

    Only SJW's who are being called out, are upset.


  1. play asia boycott? lol

    SJWs are always bitching about wanting more feminine protagonists, but as soon as anyone makes one, they throw a fit because no portrayal satisfies them. In reality, they are only looking for ammunition to push their agenda and receive pity cash. That's why most devs take the easy way out and just don't have female protagonists.

    DOA XVB is an easy target because they can simply point at female skin and mentally-challenged drones will come running to shield them. The more they get away with this, the more they'll be able to point their fingers at anything and receive the same attention. Idiots like Sterling don't realize they're defending and nurturing that environment.

    I personally don't care about DOA XVB (never played any of them), but this entire development is beyond disgusting and depressing.

    Uh, and now that I'm looking at the names of those tweeters... what the hell?
    Carolyn Velociraptor? Dancer Vesperman? Nathan Cocks? Are those real names? I've certainly never heard of them.

  2. One of the sad puppies said it best, "they have this marxist view of the world that any piece of art that doesnt push its ideology is dicarded as useless"

    They always look at the meaning in things, they are pseudointelectual hipsters.

    Oh and they dont even know wtf they talking about, most of them never read the sources of their ideological benchmark, which is why they say "educate yourself"

    Jimbo sterling is a classic example of a person who was attacked by them for criticizing femminsm so leigh alexander matt lees mandy whats her name and his wife plus others hipsters in progressive san fransisco forced him to become a femminst.

  3. Play Asia could have just sat there silently, and people would still have bought the game from them. But they went out of their way not only to remind people that they're selling it, but even to mock the reason why it's not being localized.

    I think the thing here is that if Koei Tecmo's fears are truly legitimately significant, then Play Asia even tweeting about the game should have resulted in them immediately being burned to the ground and destroyed as a business.

    That Play Asia is receiving huge support instead shows that Koei Tecmo should've had a little more backbone and stood up to the rabid SJW minority who wouldn't buy their game anyway.

    Other businesses ought to look at the huge influx of support for Play Asia and ask themselves if continued pandering to non-customers actually rakes in profit or not.

  4. those asshole SJWs are implying "you will stock only the games I am personally interested in or approve of, or I will gather mobs to find ways to put you out of business".

    there has got to be a way to strike back.
    there has got to be a way to shut them the fuck up once and for all.
    all SJW's all like little house flies....they wont fuck off until they are destroyed.

  5. Of course the gaffots and other puritans were never going to buy it in the first place; all they ever wanted was to take away the ability for others to purchase whatever they personally don't like, just because it's a game from the evil misogynist country of Japan invading their safe spaces.

    All while continuing to claim that this is not at all their fault, because they totally don't want to take away our games.

    Edit: Good example of what they now perceive to the real issue:

    "This decision basically gave those Gamergate assholes some validation in their (ridiculous) belief that feminism is trying kill gaming. I'm actually kind of upset right now."

    Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball 3: because to a SJW "safe spaces" is an excuse to be racist to whites....but you can "never be racist to a white"....capiche?

    Gotta keep clinging to those narratives.

  6. i hate feminists who are like "fuck capitalism" and then i ask them what they'd prefer instead, like "communism?" and they're like "oh fuck no" like what the fuck do you want then? just a different form of capitalism? seriously fucking feminists just need to be forced to just suck a dick and shut the fuck up, we only gave in to sufragettes because they actually had a fucking point, and didn't moan about what t shirt some guy wears, They just want a society where women are given free shit constantly for nothing and have all the power.


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