December 27, 2016

Expelled For Asking Girl Out (College)

I got expelled from my college for asking a girl out. I haven't checked my email in like a month. I went to go look at my records and check on my FAFSA status, and I couldn't access the page. I went to look at CANVAS to read something from the classes I took. Couldn't get on CANVAS. Then I check my email. I got an email saying that my tuition was terminated and I am kicked out of school for harassing somebody and it says that she went to the dean and complained or something. I know who it was, because I don't really talk to any girls, unless I am studying with them or something.

Well this girl was super friendly to me all semester, she always talked to me for like 45 minutes before class, because we were always early and she acted super friendly with me and we even went to Panera. I had a crush on her all semester and then I finally asked her out on the last day of class and I started panicking and I fucked myself by saying "sorry for being creepy" when she told me "no." and she told me that I am way too old for her, I'm 8 years older than her, I'm 27 and she's 19. She told me it was "uncalled for" for me to even think about pursuing her about anything unrelated to academia. And I said "i'm sorry i'm really sorry. I just love your personality and your smile, you're so cute. " and she said "stop, stop, please just stop." then she ran away and when I was walking down the stairs she was with her 35 year old lady friend and some other girls and they all just stared at me until i walked out of the building with very ugly looks on their face.

Then, a week or two ago. I wanted to go to this nature preserve by where she told me she lived, to smoke a bowl of weed. I wanted to see how rich she was (she told me she's rich) and her truck pulled up on me and followd me

I fucking hate college and I fucking hate feminism and PC SJW cultural bullshit. Fucking kids are brainwashed by their rat fink commie professors into believing literally everything is oppressive and rape.

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