December 2, 2016

Regarding P2E: Take a look in the mirror at the kind of person you are.

Think about the things you see posted here every day. The trolling, the flaming, the anger, the hate. However much of it is earnest zeal, and however much of it is smug satisfaction gleaned from taunting and putting down others, please, never forget there are real people at the receiving end of every word you post.

People who are flawed and imperfect.

People with demons that haunt them.

People with emotional limits they can’t — or won’t — be driven past.

Take a look at the things you post here, and then, take a look at yourself. Your real self: not your username, not the fake persona you put on when you go online, but you. Think about your mom and your dad, or anyone else you knew growing up who loved you. Think about when you were a kid, and all the teachers you had who tried to show what it meant to be good and kind. Think about everyone who ever loved you and cared for you and went out of their way to help you, even when it was hard for them. And then, think about the things you post on here, and ask yourself whether it would make them proud. Would they be happy at the kind of person you’ve chosen to be?

I don’t know if P2E took his own life, and if he did, I don't know if the harassment contributed to his unsound state of mind. But I’m saddened it was ever posted at all. I’m saddened it was even *allowed* to be posted, *allowed* to stay up. The fact that a week later a moderator had to declare there’s “a time and a place” for that kind of thing — as if there were *ever* a just time for people to troll and harass each other the way they have in the aftermath of this person's death, or that this website should *ever* be a place for it — goes to the heart of why I think this is a pretty unappealing place anymore.

Please, whoever you are, find peace and keep it in your soul. Choose to be good, and rise above.


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