December 31, 2015

Cosby Excuses

This saddens me. I'm a man and a human first, so obviously I'm against rape, sexual assaults, molestation, etc. However, there is much more to this story that a lot of you wont even understand. I don't even believe that in this day and time people brains even expand as far as this situation really goes. The reality is this man ‪#‎BILLCOSBY‬was getting ready to take over a huge television network called ‪#‎NBC‬. Which would have open doors for ppl of color to be on a major television station much more often. He's was speaking on positive opportunities in the black community, on race issues and things he believed black people should do to get ahead. Then and ONLY then did these outlandish accusations from 30... THIRTY YEARS AGO come out about him. One by one. When a black man is "getting too big for his bridges" Hollywood, white America has to stop him. Now he's been indicted on charges for something allegedly happen 10 years ago. This 78, lets just say 80. This 80 year old man is now in prison on a 1 million dollar bail for extremely old UNPROVEN accusations. When he should be home preparing to die, because let's just face it, he's gonna die soon and now instead of dying for being one of the greatest of all time! For being a positive successful huge black public figure, he now has to die with this stigma on him as a serial rapist. Same thing they did to Michael Jackson. The craziest part is that they don't even have to try hard because black ppl doing the dirty work for them. Working against their own. Believing the hype. Black men, comedians, etc making jokes and accusing Bill. Black Women going against him don't even know the facts or wether it's even true. Just running w/accusations. Think about this‪#‎StephenCollins‬ the father off "Seventh Heaven" was accused of and admitted to CHILD MOLESTATION and no one is talking about it. The show also airs faithfully on television still. That's what you call ‪#‎whiteprivilege‬. As long as black men are selling drugs and encouraging black ppl to do drugs and disrespecting our women and things like that they are ok with you. The minute you try to spread positivity into your black community and make major moves they handle you! ‪#‎BECAREFUL‬. #BLM

December 29, 2015

more then 500 hour LOL hours

You need to take a long hard look at your life and reflect on what it is that you are doing.

All those thousands of hours you have spent chasing nothing. Achieving nothing. Gaining nothing. All those thousands of hours you could have been learning, meeting new people, having new experiences, seeing new places, going to the gym, improving yourself, working toward your career, securing your fututre... WASTED. For what? Personal gratification? Ego derived from something that doesn't even physically exist?


It's a wasting of life my friends. It's a killing off of your potential as a human being. You could be so much more than this. Imagine where you would be or what you would have accomplished for yourself if you put every one of those thousands upon thousands of hours you've wasted playing a single video game into becoming the you that you deserve to be. Imagine where you could have been today. You could be a doctor, a scientist, and engineer, an artist, a bodybuilder, a model, an actor. Anything. And yet here you are, and the greatest accomplishment in your life is the border around your name in a video game.

I'm here today to reach out to all of you. To help UPLIFT you guys to a better life. To relay this message to you that YOU can be GREAT. You can be BETTER than this. All you have to do is realize what this game has been doing to you. Take some needed time to reflect and see how this obsession has negatively impacted your life. Then and only then can you work toward releasing yourself from it. Like a drug, it eats at your mind and body, it holds you back. Like a drug you CAN force it from your system and recover.

It all starts with you my friends.

It's time to push this childish obsession aside and take your life back. One step at a time. I believe in you all and I know you can do it.

Now it's time you start believing in yourselves too.


Female removes 6 ribs so she will look like Jessica Rabbit. Suffers health woes.

A model who famously removed her ribs to look like the Jessica Rabbit character from the 1988 movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" is now stuck in a life-threatening predicament because of the waist surgery.

Pixee Fox, 25, paid around $120,000 to achieve her severe hourglass look by having six ribs removed. Her waist is a record-breaking 14 inches, according to the Mirror. Now, doctors tell her she needs to constantly wear a corset to keep her organs in place. 

"The ribs do not grow back,” Los Angeles-based plastic surgeon Dr. Aaron Stone told CBS News.

Fox also had breast surgery, a buttock lift and other facial modifications to top off the Jessica Rabbit look.

During a television appearance, the Swedish model said, "It’s recommended to have something to compress your body to keep everything in place after the surgery and also to provide some protection.” Adding, "This corset was custom-made for me to fulfill that requirement."

According to a doctor that was present during the interview, relying too much on a corset has its own set of problems. "If a person wears it 24 hours a day, then their liver, kidneys and everything else are not going to be in their proper place,” said the doctor.

Amanda Lepore, a fashion designer, had the same procedure as Fox and told Into The Gloss: "I’ve had my boobs done, and my lips done, my bottom lip reduced, and my bottom rib broken and pushed in -- I think Raquel Welch and Cher did that, too. It’s illegal in the U.S., but I had it done in Mexico. They break the floating rib in the back and push it in, so there's no scar."

Full Article:

Jimmy Dean CP

i was on the train this morning, commuting to my job in the city when a 919 hottie came up to me. we were both holding onto the pole. 

i had been eating a jimmy dean's egg sandwich and i had forgotten a napkin so i was getting my grease all over the pole. the girl's hand touched my jimmy deans snail trail and she moved her hand up the pole to avoid it.

little did she know my hand was waiting there like a coiled cobra ready to strike (i wasnt going to strike this girl, its an expression). she brushed my hand on the way to grabbing the pole again. she said out loud "ugh, this pole is disgusting" and I got nervous and said "have a good day" and got off at the wrong stop. 

still it was pretty dope though. going to try and brush up against her next time if shes on the train. got to bring napkins too because i had to lick my fingers and they tasted metallic

Call Them What They Say

Did you call a transsexual person “he” or “she” when they preferred to be called “zhe?” According to a newly updated anti-discrimination law in New York City, you could be fined an eye-watering $250,000.

In the latest, astonishing act of draconian political correctness, the NYC Commission on Human Rights have updated a law on “Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Expression” to threaten staggering financial penalties against property owners who “misgender” employees or tenants.

Incidents that are deemed “wilful and malicious” will see property owners face up to $250,000 in fines, while standard violations of the law will result in a $125,000 fine. For small business owners, these sums are crippling.

It’s not as simple as referring to transmen “he” or transwomen as “she,” either. The legislation makes it clear that if an individual desires, property owners will have to make use of “zhe,” “hir” and any other preferred pronoun. From the updated legislation:

The NYCHRL requires employers and covered entities to use an individual’s preferred name, pronoun and title (e.g., Ms./Mrs.) regardless of the individual’s sex assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the sex indicated on the individual’s identification. Most individuals and many transgender people use female or male pronouns and titles.

Some transgender and gender non-conforming people prefer to use pronouns other than he/him/his or she/her/hers, such as they/them/theirs or ze/hir

Other violations of the law include refusing to allow individuals to use single-sex facilities such as bathrooms that are “consistent with their gender identity,” failing to provide employee health benefits for “gender-affirming care” and “imposing different uniforms or grooming standards based on sex or gender.”

Examples of such illegal behaviour include: “requiring female bartenders to wear makeup,” “Permitting only individuals who identify as women to wear jewellery or requiring only individuals who identify as male to have short hair,” and “permitting female but not male residents at a drug treatment facility to wear wigs and high heels.”

no democracy just islam

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Give me some good reasons why we should allow immigrants from third world Islamic countries into the United States.

I am opposed to this and would like a few solid reasons why it would NOT be detrimental. From my point of view, the vast majority of these immigrants (specifically from Islamic countries) do not want anything to do with the American way of life. They see the US as a plot of land for which they can hide out on until things settle down back home. They choose not to assimilate and do not want anything to do with our culture. It may be true that the majority are non-violent, but I believe their loyalty would still be to the jihadists if the situation ever arose where they needed to pick sides. If someone will not fight for their country, then why should we allow them in ours?

Not trying to sound ignorant, but if that is how I come across then so be it. Give me some reasons why my way of thinking is flawed.
Everyone was an immigrants at one time
>>660045120 (OP)
Was that photo taken in America?
So because of this, we should welcome them in with open arms regardless of what it may very do to harm our country?
I can stand behind this
The American way of life is acceptance and freedom, if you don't like it leave. Otherwise gtfo. Read the new colossus you dumbass fuck, america is a land founded by immigrants.
Because they are people too you ignorant pos
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
- A fuck you from lady liberty
Fuck you op
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>>660045120 (OP)
I'll just leave this here.
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It's 2015 dude. Why do you care about a piece of land so much? If others want a part of it, they should have it. Don't be ignorant. I converted to Islam because I want them to know that the people of my country (sweden) can be accepting and progressive.
Right, because memes can't lie....
Fuck you and all you stand for, take that fascist shit and suck trumps cock with it you ignorant fuck.
>Country founded BY immigrants
>Hates immigrants 

My sides, pls no more
it's not just land, it's homeland and a way of life, and if someone doesn't like how their nation operates and they feel someone else does it better, they can leave.
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>>660045120 (OP)
Hey retard, why would they be actively trying to get away from the jihadists if their loyalty remained with jihadists? Go make America great again, because shitposting faggots like you are making /b/ worse.
Here you go.
ITS 2015
Because we are the ones that turned them into refugees by implementing CIA backed regime changes
Ever read the fucking bible? I could take a bunch of quotes from the bible out of context and demonize Christianity too, but then again I'm not a goddamn Nazi.
lol the nazi's supported islam, and vice versa
>>660045120 (OP)
>Not trying to sound ignorant, but
>I am
>>660045120 (OP)
You sound like an educated person. Honestly I know they would do nothing for anyone else, so I don't see a point in helping them.
The US was made stronger by legal immigrants that wanted to be Americans. Those people openly declare hatred and war on all things western. Let their hatred be the death of them, and no one will miss them.

Also notice, everyone who posted hate couldn't say one realistic thing. They know you are right.
I think it was sarcasm.

I agree with OP. The US is a country now and it can decide who will come. And it should decide who will come based on what is most beneficial to its citizens. The US government has an obligation to protect its citizens first and foremost. Foreigners have no right to immigrate here. We are certainly able to take in a lot of immigrants, and if they make the USA a better place they're welcome. But with the effect globalization has had on offshoring and outsourcing jobs to places with cheaper labor, and automation flat out eliminating jobs, we have more than enough low skilled workers here already. And we have plenty of people here who are busy repopulating the low skill working class so we don't need to be importing them.
It's a Christian website.
>That's a very objective source for Muslim information.
>Being this fucking stupid.
>>660045120 (OP)
The United States, as the most powerful nation in the world, has an obligation to help those in need, wherever they're from. Yeah, it might open us up to the possibility of a terrorist or something getting in, but those types will always find a way no matter what. The principles we live by mean that we accept the risk because it's worth it. Perfect assimilation into our culture is nice, but not required.

As for "someone who won't fight for their country," they're leaving because they see no hope on the horizon and recognize the possibility of a better life here in the US, away from the religious zealots wrecking their homes (aka jihadists). Maybe by welcoming a person, we'll give them something to fight for, if they "need to pick sides?"
I think you're confusing immigrants with conquerors.
>>660045120 (OP)
to kill them and rape their women
They also demonized a religion and created propaganda to make them seem subhuman... Sound familiar?
so far the only two civil people on the board

According to whom, exactly?

Lol I'm not a Christian. I don't believe in any of the magic men in the sky. Show me some verses from the New Testament that tell you to kill anybody who doesn't believe in god and I'll believe you
Two civil people in /b/ you don't say?!??
Your first sentence is wrong. Everything you said after that can be ignored. It has no obligation to anyone but its own citizens.
I think the 'harm' they'll do is vastly overblown

I mean, really, even with the most generous of immigration policies they'd be such a small fraction of the populace that it's not like there'd be any significant change, cultural, political, or otherwise.

Basically the 1st gen refugees will hang out with each other & may be a mild/moderate drain on resources. 2nd gen will start to engage in community & likely contribute more than they drain. 3rd gen will basically be just as fat & american as the rest of us

It's just how immigration goes, every time there's been an influx of a specific group (see: Chinese, Irish, eastern european, etc) there's been this same backlash, and every time things turn out fine
>says "these people"
>painting with very broad brushes
Yeah something isn't adding up here.
I hardly hate immigrants. I simply see it as these people (specific group of people: immigrants from 3rd world Islamic countries who are fleeing war) do not care about us. The US is simply a place to go to until the fighting stops. And if for whatever reason, America went to war, they would flee that too. They want nothing to do with us.

ISIS representatives have even admitted their plans and that they are using the migrant crisis to further their agenda. They are telling us what they plan to do, and we are allowing it in the name of being 'progressive'. If 9 out of every 10 Muslims is supposedly non-violent, then does that not mean that 1 in every 10 immigrants from these countries is violent? We have proven time and time again that we cannot tell who is good and who is bad. So why is this even a question?

Furthermore, a non-violent Muslim is very easily converted into a violent one as Islam is already a very radical religion. This is not ignorance, just simple truth. A few hundred years ago, Christianity would be the most violent religion. It just so happens that today, Islam has taken its place.
>>660045120 (OP)
You are correct OP. The west is facing a serious number of REAL hurdles to their citizens, taking in more savages with nothing of value to offer western society isn't going to help.
No, no one has that responsibility.
IF the US has the RESPONSIBILITY to take in immigrants, then by the same logic all of you have the RESPONSIBILITY to move homeless people into your homes and support them.
Stop being afraid to offend.
3rd world countries suck because the people in them suck. End of story, the people make the country.
Those who bear bad fruit will be cut down and burned "with unquenchable fire." 3:10, 12
Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn't the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. 5:17
Jesus recommends that to avoid sin we cut off our hands and pluck out our eyes. This advice is given immediately after he says that anyone who looks with lust at any women commits adultery. 5:29-30
Jesus says that most people will go to hell. 7:13-14
Those who fail to bear "good fruit" will be "hewn down, and cast into the fire." 7:19
"The children of the kingdom [the Jews] shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." 8:12
Jesus tells a man who had just lost his father: "Let the dead bury the dead." 8:21
Jesus sends some devils into a herd of pigs, causing them to run off a cliff and drown in the waters below. 8:32
Cities that neither "receive" the disciples nor "hear" their words will be destroyed by God. It will be worse for them than for Sodom and Gomorrah. And you know what God supposedly did to those poor folks (see Gen 19:24). 10:14-15
Families will be torn apart because of Jesus (this is one of the few "prophecies" in the Bible that has actually come true). "Brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death." 10:21
Jesus says that we should fear God who is willing and "able to destroy both soul and body in hell." 10:28
Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has "come not to send peace, but a sword." 10:34-36

And that's just Matthew.
Nice dubs and also this is the correct answer
I'm speaking from a purely moral standpoint. I'm of the belief that those with the power to do so have a moral obligation to help those who need it.
>>660045120 (OP)
>No Demracy

Glad they corrected themselves, 'cause opposing democracy would've been stupid.

Also, I vote for Islam as an ideology to grow the fuck up or fuck off in flames.
Just because it happened once doesn't mean it'll happen again.

Every previous wave of immigrants came to fill a vacuum. First it was an abundance of lands, and then it was an abundance of jobs--menial bullshit from the industrial revolution when it was cheaper to ship a guy over on steerage to pull a lever than it was to figure out how to do without the lever.
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as a christian i can tell u that our loyalty is to our God first before our country. this is the same for islam, diff being their God commands them to kill non believers. there arnt any moderate muslims, theres muslims and fake muslims, they aint doin wat the quran commands them too. u wanna c wat will happen to the u.s if we allow them to come here, look wat they r doin all over europe right now.
Also, if you want to claim that the government has no obligation to anyone but its own citizens, where do "potential citizens" fit into that? The country is better when it's filled with better people, which means letting people in. Not trying to refute your point, just curious how it fits in a global culture.
What the fuck are you talking about? Christian?
It is the most comprehensive study of muslims yet, and you don't like the results, so you have to discredit the whole thing? Deluded fuck.
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Tell that to the thousands of victims of sexual assault, by the hands of 'refugees who only wanted a better life' at the expense of the people who took them in.
And what if it's not need, but exploitation? Are we still obligated to give the benefit of the doubt and just be content with being taken advantage of?
Dont be a retard. Immigrants have been coming to the US since it was before the US to escape shitty situations like war, famine, persecution etc etc. just csuse you're scared of a bunch of refugees doesn't mean we should stop accepting them
As a confirmed catholic, i don't really care about my religion and care much more for my country. That's probably why I support what america stands for, our founding principles and would like to see us take in the refugees. We should either take in these refugees or tear down the statue of liberty.
>>660045120 (OP)
theres no good reason
muslims contribute so very little to the world and those that do are never refugees and usually come from middle or high class backgrounds
Anyone who believes in sharia law (and the majority of muslims do) are incompatible with western civilization by definition.
Shouldn't the US figure out what to do about the outrageous amount of homeless citizens it already has before letting in even more people? I mean there are 610k homeless in the US, and about 50k are homeless vets. Why are we going to allow more people in to our country? We need to get our shit together first and foremost before we even consider allowing in more people.
You're working under the assumption that all (or even many) of these refugees have nefarious intentions. A few might, but is it worth turning tens of thousands away because one guy might be a Bad Guy? I'd rather take the chance and give some people in a shitty position a hand.
You're probably right tbh.

I just feel rotten about where the country is at right now. We've always been a boom and bust sort of place, but it's hard to see a niche for new people, and it won't make much difference as far as geopolitics is concerned.
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They aren't just innocent people, they are enemies to western liberal values. Holy fuck, fuck you.
>Asian gangs
diff between most immigrants come here for a better life, its documented that isis is sendin in agents wit the muslims masses, who do u think shot up paris? they wer muslim immigrants.
If the majority of Muslims agreed so wholeheartedly with sharia law, why are there so many refugees trying to escape it?

All of these are examples of what Muslims have done, when people tried to help them. They are violent animals who repeatedly bite the hand that feeds them.
They weren't refugees.
I'm not operating under that assumption, but having no check and balance system because it might upset someone is just as foolish as preventing anyone from entering. Do you leave your front door unlocked because most people would never walk in and take your stuff, even though there are some people that would?
No, SOME of them are "enemies to western values."
>>660045120 (OP)
Sweden is a perfect example of how you can allow in muslim immigrants and your country still does good. We are progressive here in Sweden. No nazis allowed. I love Islam as we have no culture and it has enriched our society. Me and a lot of my friends hope to see sweden become a Muslim country.
people have always hated immagrants, from the irish to the germans to the italians...
They don't have enough mindless fanatics for Sharia marches here quite yet. Probably England.
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>Country of religious nutcases wants to ban other religious nutcases from practicing their nutty religion

Religion as a concept the problem, not any specific school or denomination. Grow up.
Isn't freedom of religion a western value?
I'd you DONT think that it would be harmful for them too be here then you're a fucking moron. It's plain and simple. I'm not going to spell it out. If you support them coming how about YOU give me a reason why they should come here. If not here I promise you, they would did somewhere else to go, so don't tell me the "well they have no where else to go" bullshit.
I say let them in and put them into the euthanasia camps. I used to be quite the hippy liberal faggot, but then I grew up. I no longer have patience for people that make my life worse.
Okay, most of them are.
You should be put down... kill yourself
Islam is more than just a fucking religion. Have you studied islam even a little? Do you know what separates it from other religions? Apparently not.
no everyone was not. my great great great great grand parents were. not me.

Trump 2016
I know is joke.
>The tale of these two communities raises an obvious question: Why do so many Somalis in the United States seem to be thriving, while their counterparts in Sweden continue to languish?
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if u value ur birth place more than ur creator then i doubt ur a committed cathloic, which means ur not a follower of christ. imo. my meaning was that any muslim comin here will not honor our laws or way of life, there belief system will come first, and that means killin us. yes we have a long history of takin ppl from all over the world, im native/mexican american myself, but these refugees are apart of a dangerous idology that means to do us harm. we aint suppose to accept enemies into our mist to help the masses. till we get a better screenin system we need to keep them all out. also more than half the u.s governors told obama they wodnt allow refugees into their states, stopped the flow. we need to protect ourselves first b4 we can others, not to mention we have our own problems.
I'm not saying we shouldn't have some kind of system to check them out, but a blind "no" doesn't do anyone any favors. If someone knocks on my door, I answer it and determine if I should let them into my house.
Take a good look at table 14.
Sounds like what Hitler said about the jewish race....
>>660045120 (OP)
why they should be let in:

>its humane
>they need halp
>its just woman and children escaping war
>destroying own country is a good cuck thing to do
>increased rape and crime = increased needs like cops, security workers - in short more jobs
>islam is religion that unites niggers and sandnigger primitives - progressive
>cultural enrichment
>massive increase in childbirth
>increased welfare - they have their needs
>more violence in country generates less faggots
How was this taken out of context?
Fuck freedom of religion. I want freedom FROM religion. These mental defects are ruining the world.
i cod b wrong but im pretty sure im right for at least one shooter.
Because its literally part of US values to accept the 'huddled masses'. Its literally part of what has made the US a great nation. We should change our values because of fear? Thats letting the terrorists win
Except hitler had nothing to back his assertions up and I do, you're a fucking failure.
What about those descended from natives?
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>>660045120 (OP)
>Give me some good reasons why we should allow immigrants from third world Catholic countries into the United States.

In retrospect, doesn't it seems silly to suggest that Irish, Italian, and German Catholics wouldn't make decent Americans when such ethnic groups have existed for decades without incident?
Look at the names, its all sandpeople. The media in the UK is terrified to say Muslims did this.
Technically where they come from is part of Europe or asia.
You should really pay attention in school.
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>the sun
>daily express
>daily mail

not a good chose nigga
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Yes. It is not however a Sharia value. Sharia supporters believe only one religion should be practiced.
Not giving a fuck which prophet's dick someone suckles doesn't preclude that person from understanding that the tolerance may not be mutual and in the case of Sharia cock suckers is in fact not mutual.
>>660045120 (OP)
Because the day they immigrate they follow the rules fuckward.. most of these people that scream they want the sharia are born here, none of them have ever lived in the oppression like their parents did.
So you are a native american mexican catholic, who uses /b/? Im actually Obama's left testicle.

I am not a committed catholic, kinda like how the refugees that want to come here are not committed to sharia law, because they are LEAVING it.
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might wanna rethink that dood
You selected a few quotes to make a biased point.
you did a great job at not making a point at all, champ.
To be fair, those guys had to say shit like that or they'd be executed. They were able to carry on their research because they occasionally threw the church a bone in the form of a soundbite.
You do realize what time they are from correct? its like comparing a modern civilazation to the roman empire..
What do you think about it pragmatically?
1st ban obesity murrica
2 nd just wait and see what will happen here in france reguarding muslims loyalty
3 rd give your country back to natives
4 th colonize mars
Are you really that fucking dense? What it comes down to is, we could let them in, even tho they wouldn't offer this country anything in return, yet we WILL have American sacrifices in the name of being politically correct, because some of the bad ones, even if 1/10, will most definitely get in with the rest. Or.... We could deny them from coming in because of the very fucking obvious terrorist and jihad situation that is going on and tell them to find somewhere else, which they would do, and we would save countless American lives from being needlessly killed. How is this even up for debate? God damn this generation wants to do good, I understand the liberal point of view, but what liberals don't realize is that not everyone else wants to do good. Some other people not only don't give a shit about you, but they in fact fucking hate you. One might even say that they want to behead you. Hmmmm... Sounds familiar.
Well, we're not creating the "propaganda". Just bringing awareness to what they actually do and believe
This is where the debate falls flat: Islam is religion and therefore must be allowed.

Islam is not just religion. Islam is everything. Islam is law, government, banking, education, social habits, bathing practices, sexuality, etc...

And because allah is infallible and that no man can override what allah states, no devout muslim will ever agree to things like democracy, women's rights, homosexuality, or the many other things that western nations care about.

Islam is not just a religion, it is everything. And to deny it can mean death.

Nope,we shouldn't debate this at all.

For those dipshits without guns, have fun. I'll enjoy my ability to defend myself with long rifles and body armor and the thousands of rounds I have.
Just because someone is Muslim doesn't mean they follow sharia law... Some people will even go as far as leaving their homes to escape it. Have you ever met a Muslim?
Step 5: Get killed by Martians..
im calvinist, we had a war to break away from catholcism lol. yes i browse the whole site, ive learned some amazing things here and talked to fascinating ppl. the guise of anonymity makes for excellent conversations. many of them wan to bring sharia law here, like they r doin in the uk and germany. the quran commands them to spread islam and sharia law.
I was born here, so not me you fucking moron
They are regressives, not true liberals. There has been a great lift in the left. A true liberal would never consistently defend an ideology or culture that goes against every liberal value there is.
>>660045120 (OP)
Hopefully if we let them trickle in they will assimilate and eventually give up their extremist bullshit. The problem arises when we let them all in at once and they form their own micro societies that breed terrorist leanings.
Autistic europig detected.
Kill yourself, worthless yuropig.
Just because a person is a Muslim doesn't make them a subject of sharia law, some even disagree with so much they are now refugees from their own country. It would be like if the evangelical christian took over the US. All of a sudden gays would be executed and anyone who opposes them branded an enemy of the state.
>>660045120 (OP)
OP here. Here are all of my points so far. I am getting a lot of emotionally charged answers here. Which is fine, but I operate more on logic. I understand that we are America, but does that automatically mean that everyone, regardless of background or intent, should be allowed here? I am of the way of thinking that if you are not willing to fight for your freedom, then you do not deserve it. If someone wants to come here for the rights and financial support that our country provides, then they should at the very least be loyal to us in times of war. Also, is it worth putting our own people at risk for those of another country? A country has a responsibility to protect its citizens from harm. It has been proven time and time again that we cannot filter who is bad and who is good. Yes it may not happen often, but it happens often enough to be a very real problem that many liberals are simply sweeping under the rug. I gaurentee you that if you had a friend or family member who was killed in an act of refugee violence, you would not care if it was the first time, or the hundredth time that it has occurred. So why do we seem to not care when it is our countrymen?
u can very well b right, i admit i dont know much about these men, havent read up on them and the such. well here is a contemporary intellect who proclaims christ. c.s lewis.
All three of those people would've also considered germs to be a result of spontaneous generation... so what? It doesn't make any sense to champion people for drawing incorrect conclusions from limited evidence. Rather, we should be thankful that these people paved the way for a scientific world which is cutting-edge and rational, where belief in organised religion is extremely low (a correlation which makes sense on the understanding that religion is antithetical to the scientific method as we understand it today).
not for the point im makin, becasue Christianity is alive and well today.
Assimilation is a thing of the past, it's all microcosms of ethnic or religious groups sticking to themselves and refusing to integrate - fuck, now they want existing residents to change THEIR ways because they don't cater to the newcomers. Erase what exists and replace it with what you want, the new assimilation.

Consider the huge number of Muslims leading as researchers in the USA right now. Mostly from Pakistan and Iran. You would be surprised to look at the names of the staff at the top universities.

You are scared of the media protrayal of Islam. Don't be scared. Most Muslims like to watch Netflix and eat McDonalds. No danger to you.
One of my best friends from childhood is a Muslim. So you can imagine how all of this anti Muslim talk/hate sounds for him and his family, its fucked up. People are so dense, not all Muslims want to spread sharia law, they want to escape it. That's why the are REFUGEES!

Lol are you that dilluted?