March 22, 2016

Complete Unreadable Misdirection1

it didnt make any sense. he wants a monopoly authority to provide him good quality services? how does he even measure if its good or not with nothing to compare it to? how does he even know its the best provided service with the most efficiency if its some monopoly that never changes? the author also fails to mention that their countries are basically living off their past inherited wealth. and are also leeching off the innovations from other countries that compete in services. its socialist services still use the world market prices as in indicator of them. if the whole world adopted these Nordic policies, they would run into the same calculation problems as all past failed socialism.

he wants to feel secure in the world by paying out the ass for high cost services instead of say putting it in a bank account and using it for free market services that would undoubtedly be cheaper and more plentiful and more innovative if the need ever came? again it didnt make sense and im having a hard time seeing the logic in it all. it also seemed contradictory. he claimed it for him then he claimed it was for providing for everyone. well which is it?

i also dont think the fact that there are going to invariably be successful business people in any country is any indication the nordic model produces great people. so it has successful businessmen... so? thats not b/c of the nordic model is probably b/c they inherited high I.Q.s. legos btw are expensive as hell. its only successful b/c they use govts of the world to enforce its monopoly by enforcing patents.

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