October 23, 2017

You think NEET life is fun?

So you want to go into neet life? Here's what to expect.

>No vehicle ownership except bicycle
This saves me about 3000 euros a year.
No fuel, no maintenance, no tax, no depreciation. Probably the biggest safer if you don't need it.

>toilet paper
Toilet paper is a scam and unhygienic.
If you do squatpooping (the natural way)
you get much less stuck shit. Also shaving your butthair helps. I use a reusable wet cloth that I clean afterwards.

>Pee inside water bottles instead of the toilet to save water costs

>No showering, just rinse yourself off with wet cloth, bucket of water and some soap. 

>No visiting to hair stylist. Just cut off all your hair yourself and go buzz cut. 

>No smoking or drinking or eating at restaurants

>Buying only the essential foods, mostly in bulk. Clean diet without sweets, chips and other trash. Just drink tapwater (super clean here), english tea, milk and coffee. 

>Low room temperature to save heating bills
Dress extra warm.

>Buy all your clothes and furniture (if you need furniture) at thrift shops. Nothing new. 

>Apply for all government grants possible. If you live in a European country there's likely something you can get free money for. 
See it as receiving your tax dollars back

>Since you are a neet and don't need to commute, live in some unknown town with cheap rent with all utilities nearby. 

>Don't spend money on girls (huge savings) 
>Never go on holidays.
>No chance to start a real family. 
>Don't own pets. 

These are some of the sacrifices that I have to make to live as a NEET. If working 5 days a week and standing up early is not your thing, THIS is the only alternative. All in all I manage to live in less than 10k a year.
It's not that hard to scrape that together, but the sacrifices are tough, and it's not for every one. But I also have lots of benefits. I am basically free to do what I want. No obligations to anyone. In the mean time I do shitcoin trading and build some longterm wealth.

Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault (again)

  1. Boards
  2. Current Events
  3. Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault (again)
deeewooh 1 day ago#1
Awesome 1 day ago#2
second time hes done it. someone should contact her and get the full story so something can be done.
NeoGAF mods are 100% damage controlling over there right now. It's hilarious.
Awesome 1 day ago#4
the site is a liberal hivemind that hates straight white males and its owned by a straight white male. now the straight while male owner is going to realize that his creation will be his downfall. similar thing is happening in hollywood right now, these people blame others for being evil but theyve been evil the whole time. turns out the women he assaulted in spain years ago (which he admitted to doing) is a friend of a user on neogaf, somebody should get in contact with her so she can tell her story, so that makes two women hes assaulted.
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
neogaf manages to be worse than gamefaqs in terms of moderation
SSJ4Broly 1 day ago#6
SavenForever posted...
NeoGAF mods are 100% damage controlling over there right now. It's hilarious.

Yup and they're being super protective of him.

Fucking hypocrites all of them.
Kislevic 1 day ago#7
I really wish that site would just shut down
"They'll outlive your cowardice trolling and main account" ~ Universquall
Awesome 1 day ago#8
Kislevic posted...
I really wish that site would just shut down

4chan and twitter have a hold of it right now, once kotaku and polygon make articles about it then its over.
Kislevic 1 day ago#9
His been accused before but nothing happned
"They'll outlive your cowardice trolling and main account" ~ Universquall
FightingGames posted...
neogaf manages to be worse than gamefaqs in terms of moderation

They actually have way better moderation than Gamefaqs. This site needs to have NeoGaf mod standards.
Awesome 1 day ago#11
they say evilore is preparing a statement and will come out with it soon, more like hes crapping bricks and his lawyer is advising him what to not say and do while his lawyer prepares the statement.
calimelee 1 day ago#12
Malcolm_McGuffi posted...
FightingGames posted...
neogaf manages to be worse than gamefaqs in terms of moderation

They actually have way better moderation than Gamefaqs. This site needs to have NeoGaf mod standards.

so pedophile mods?
Not surprised, more often white males that go SJW do it to try to get sex from women
Steam/NNID/XBLA/PSN/LoL: BloodFislandMan
Unbiased Gamer / NP: FFXIV, Zelda BotW, Atelier Sophie, Witcher 3, and Pokemon Sun
Vyrulisse 1 day ago#14
Vyrulisse 1 day ago#15

Must be chaos... are they still trying to cover it up or are they going to address this stuff like adults?
Awesome 1 day ago#16
thats what happens when you are a hypocrite leading a site full of a bunch of vile angry leftists. hollywood and neogaf burning in the same two weeks is pretty good.

Vyrulisse 1 day ago#17
Why does it seem like these super SJW male "allies" are often the worst offenders? Fucking disgusting and if he did that I hope he gets arrested.
(message deleted)
Vyrulisse 1 day ago#19
Leverage, I saw that and I agree. It's a heavy accusation to levy against someone, that's why I said "if". Silence, deleting posts discussing it and mods jumping ship over this isn't a good look though but we'll see.
LIsJustice 1 day ago#20
Vyrulisse posted...
Why does it seem like these super SJW male "allies" are often the worst offenders? Fucking disgusting and if he did that I hope he gets arrested.

Kinda like how a lot of people who are against same sex marriage end up being in the closet themselves or worse.
Bethesda is the best western publisher this gen by far.
Vyrulisse posted...
Why does it seem like these super SJW male "allies" are often the worst offenders? Fucking disgusting and if he did that I hope he gets arrested.

Well it is easier to attack then defend.
Like when that Harvey guy was outted as a serial abuser alot of people here started digging up anything they can to point at conservatives and say they are worst.
I used to be a gamefaq poster like you until I took an arrow to my face.
LIsJustice 1 day ago#22
Few mods have left lol. They crashing.
Bethesda is the best western publisher this gen by far.
Awesome 1 day ago#23
HiddenLurker posted...
Well it is easier to attack then defend.

It's also easier to lump everyone in with the worse "actors" of whatever group two or more people may associate with and then use it as confirmation bias to stereotype the whole. Which happens far far too often.

What is this NeoGAF site anyway? I've only ever seen it referenced one other time here and that was to bitch about it being a liberal hivemind
u_mad 1 day ago#25
GameFAQs is back on top baby. I knew spending years supporting this failing forum would pay dividends eventually
One of the greatest light heavyweights, of the night.
jayj350 1 day ago#26
That guy is such a piece of shit, wouldn't surprise me to see him doing depraved shit to people, I mean we all know how he loves doing that kind of shit to people on his website so it only makes sense that his behavior would trickle down to reality as well.
This is my signature
jayj350 1 day ago#27
u_mad posted...
GameFAQs is back on top baby. I knew spending years supporting this failing forum would pay dividends eventually

KNACK 2 baby!
This is my signature
jayj350 1 day ago#28
LIsJustice posted...
Vyrulisse posted...
Why does it seem like these super SJW male "allies" are often the worst offenders? Fucking disgusting and if he did that I hope he gets arrested.

Kinda like how a lot of people who are against same sex marriage end up being in the closet themselves or worse.

Reminds me of Mike Pence. That guy seems like a total closet case, I mean you can tell just by looking at him with his wife... clearly just a bullshit sexless cover marriage.
This is my signature
Awesome 1 day ago#29
Vyrulisse posted...
Why does it seem like these super SJW male "allies" are often the worst offenders? Fucking disgusting and if he did that I hope he gets arrested.

I guess it's to feel less guilty about their offences, or some sort of cheap pat on the back.
Initial D - First Drifts scene
jayj350 1 day ago#31
snesmaster40 posted...
Vyrulisse posted...
Why does it seem like these super SJW male "allies" are often the worst offenders? Fucking disgusting and if he did that I hope he gets arrested.

I guess it's to feel less guilty about their offences, or some sort of cheap pat on the back.

It's the same reason why hardcore racists/homophobes try to pretend to be "good christians"
This is my signature
Malcolm_McGuffi posted...
FightingGames posted...
neogaf manages to be worse than gamefaqs in terms of moderation

They actually have way better moderation than Gamefaqs. This site needs to have NeoGaf mod standards.

LMFAO no they don't and you know they don't. I actually got a one week suspension over there once for saying that Sony is being arrogant again after they were pulling scummy moves like not supporting modding out of nowhere unlike Microsoft, upping their PS Plus price for no reason, etc. The message I got for my suspension was "CONSOLE WARZ NONSENSE!!!"

If you say anything bad about liberalism or Sony over there, you will get bannned. The mods here aren't all that great, but you can express your opinion without getting suspended.
I got banned for saying I was disappointed I didn't get to ask a question at the Spencer speech. I said I felt I had something good to say and put those scumbags in their place and was disappointed some girl skipped the line right in front of me. They started calling me racist for some reason. They're a fucking cesspool. I'm racist for wanting to call out Richard spencer to his face? What the fuck? They're insane.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
SavenForever posted...
NeoGAF mods are 100% damage controlling over there right now. It's hilarious.

Could you post the thread please?
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
ChainedRedone posted...
SavenForever posted...
NeoGAF mods are 100% damage controlling over there right now. It's hilarious.

Could you post the thread please?

It's been deleted by the mods since (surprise, surprise).

Here's part two with a screencap. Better get in quick though because the mods have already closed the thread. Four mods have stepped down today.

Dathrowed1 1 day ago#36
Vyrulisse posted...
Why does it seem like these super SJW male "allies" are often the worst offenders? Fucking disgusting and if he did that I hope he gets arrested.

1. They are hypocrites

2. Their experience with women is pretty low and being feminists gives them access to women they normally wouldn't have. Think about it, if these dudes weren't feminists, they would be what?
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
SavenForever posted...
ChainedRedone posted... 
SavenForever posted... 
NeoGAF mods are 100% damage controlling over there right now. It's hilarious.

Could you post the thread please?

It's been deleted by the mods since (surprise, surprise). 

Here's part two with a screencap. Better get in quick though because the mods have already closed the thread. Four mods have stepped down today. 


Ahaha. Let it burn. My banned is lifted in 2 weeks. I'll be sure to say something. Fucking cesspool. Still can't believe everyone mobbed on me for saying I wanted to start a anti-spencer chant at the mic. Fucking losers. If you say anything, they'll call you a racist.
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
(edited 1 day ago)reportquote
Did NeoGAF spin off GameFAQs originally or what?
#NotMyPresident #JusticeDemocrats #PathOfExile #WolfPAC #Bitcoin
#WeAre12 #12thMan #Seahawks #Belieber #UBI #PokemonGo #twitterfriends #MMA #PopularHashtags
Awesome 1 day ago#39
twitterfriends posted...
Did NeoGAF spin off GameFAQs originally or what?

off of some other crap site.

and wow people on neogaf are making topics about it and arent going to just let it go unnoticed, good for them.
Vyrulisse posted...

Must be chaos... are they still trying to cover it up or are they going to address this stuff like adults?

Wow that’s from a mod @_@
Steam/NNID/XBLA/PSN/LoL: BloodFislandMan
Unbiased Gamer / NP: FFXIV, Zelda BotW, Atelier Sophie, Witcher 3, and Pokemon Sun
Awesome 1 day ago#41
Awesome posted...


That's about right...
"Dad, you have no idea what I'm capable of..."

Ahaha a not so subtle thread asking if people should step down due to sexual assault allegations
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
Vyrulisse 1 day ago#44
"Our apologies for the temporary inconvenience. NeoGAF is currently down for scheduled maintenance. Please be patient while the site is down."

"Dad, you have no idea what I'm capable of..."
The mods couldn't ban people fast enough so they closed the site lol
Oda break tracker 2017- 8 (3) | THE Ohio State: 6-1 | Oakland Raiders: 3-4
Super Mario Maker Profile: 1237-0000-0073-02FE
Awesome posted...
site isnt loading well, its getting there.

It is for me but the Off Topic section is quite on topic
Steam/NNID/XBLA/PSN/LoL: BloodFislandMan
Unbiased Gamer / NP: FFXIV, Zelda BotW, Atelier Sophie, Witcher 3, and Pokemon Sun
voldothegr8 posted...
The mods couldn't ban people fast enough so they closed the site lol

It's working for me
Posted with GameRaven 3.3
Vyrulisse 1 day ago#49
It's still up, probably getting hammered because the news is spreading fast.
Yeah, like others said hypocritical as fuck. So people get modded and banned for saying marginally sexist or non-liberal remarks, but the mods protect the man who sexually assaultswomen like he's the damn king. Disgusting. I got banned there just for saying that Sarkesian bitch doesn't deserve the praise she gets. 

In other news....
  1. Boards
  2. Current Events
  3. Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault (again)
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events
    3. Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault (again)
    Awesome posted...


    Steam/NNID/XBLA/PSN/LoL: BloodFislandMan
    Unbiased Gamer / NP: FFXIV, Zelda BotW, Atelier Sophie, Witcher 3, and Pokemon Sun
    nocato 1 day ago#52
    Magoichi 1 day ago#53
    nocato posted...
    lmao gamefaqs won

    by having a nonexistent staff most of the day lol

    This is what happens when you engage your members and add "personality" behind an agenda to a site that was just supposed to be about video games with other random crap thrown in

    NeoGAF is down!! I repeat, NEOGAF IS DOWN!!!!
    NOM 1 day ago#55
    Down for "scheduled maintenance" LMAO
    I dream broken dreams
    I make them come true
    Vyrulisse 1 day ago#56
    Yeah they clearly couldn't keep up with all the threads popping up. Just leave it down until the statement is ready and then prepare for Chaos 2.0.
    "Dad, you have no idea what I'm capable of..."
    DragonPick 1 day ago#58
    I mean when the word "Evil" is in your name...
    DragonPick! - All this time and still not playing runescape
    Uh I still have access. Not down from here.
    Posted with GameRaven 3.3
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    ChainedRedone posted...
    Uh I still have access

    It's back up now, yeah.

    "Dad, you have no idea what I'm capable of..."
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Magoichi 1 day ago#61
    What's the body count now? 8 mods and 2 were admins?
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Just saw a thread that said, "Fuck you Tyler Malka" and as soon as I clicked on it, it was gone. LOL
    "Dad, you have no idea what I'm capable of..."
    jayj350 1 day ago#63
    nocato posted...
    lmao gamefaqs won

    Slow and steady wins the race.
    This is my signature
    Lolruz 1 day ago#64
    and nothing of value was lost
    Esrac 1 day ago#66
    Terra-enforcer posted...
    Yeah, like others said hypocritical as fuck. So people get modded and banned for saying marginally sexist or non-liberal remarks, but the mods protect the man who sexually assaults women like he's the damn king. Disgusting. I got banned there just for saying that Sarkesian bitch doesn't deserve the praise she gets. 

    In other news....

    Hey, it's Jim.

    Ha. Wonder if he'll make a video.
    DesuDeku 1 day ago#67
    This is why I like gamefaqs mods. Error senpai and his friends would never do this to us.
    Some dumb takes in this topic. The idea that it's the "male feminists" who are always the worst offenders is really stupid. Yeah, I'm sure that the average serial rapist self identifies as a feminist. 

    I got banned there just for saying that Sarkesian b**** doesn't deserve the praise she gets.

    Bitch is a sexist term for a woman so....
    The meteor is in control and he says "No saved games!"
    Also, nice that freespeechlords are all, "Well, the solution is to nuke the entire site hur hur hur."
    The meteor is in control and he says "No saved games!"
    monsefuz 1 day ago#70
    "Sit down. Shut up. Wait." - Kimahri Ronso
    @ASeriousCosby posted...
    Some dumb takes in this topic. The idea that it's the "male feminists" who are always the worst offenders is really stupid. Yeah, I'm sure that the average serial rapist self identifies as a feminist. 

    I got banned there just for saying that Sarkesian b**** doesn't deserve the praise she gets.

    Bitch is a sexist term for a woman so....

    I didn't call her that when I got banned. I said what I typed in that post after the "bitch" part.

    EDIT: I'll try to find it, but I actually didn't even go that far. Someone said something along the lines of 'Anita whatever is the goddess the video game industry needs but doesn't deserve' and I said "Is this a joke?" and got banned.

    Also censoring words on gamefaqs kek
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    monsefuz 1 day ago#72
    the site is dead lol
    "Sit down. Shut up. Wait." - Kimahri Ronso
    Wasn't one of the mods outed as a pedophile a few months ago?
    DesuDeku 1 day ago#74
    RobertPires posted...
    Wasn't one of the mods outed as a pedophile a few months ago?

    Story time?

    Amy Chao 1 day ago#76
    I can't believe this whole outing flossing gate caused
    Stooge1969 1 day ago#77
    wow it's true. i got my gaming news from that site
    inchbytes 1 day ago#78
    Magoichi 1 day ago#79
    Stooge1969 posted...
    wow it's true. i got my gaming news from that site

    The news never stops, let that community dissolve and very little will change, it might even be better in terms of other places gaining contributors
    Terra-enforcer posted...
    @ASeriousCosby posted...
    Some dumb takes in this topic. The idea that it's the "male feminists" who are always the worst offenders is really stupid. Yeah, I'm sure that the average serial rapist self identifies as a feminist. 

    I got banned there just for saying that Sarkesian b**** doesn't deserve the praise she gets.

    Bitch is a sexist term for a woman so....

    I didn't call her that when I got banned. I said what I typed in that post after the "bitch" part.

    EDIT: I'll try to find it, but I actually didn't even go that far. Someone said something along the lines of 'Anita whatever is the goddess the video game industry needs but doesn't deserve' and I said "Is this a joke?" and got banned.

    Also censoring words on gamefaqs kek

    I saw someone this summer get banned simply for saying Anita isn’t relevant anymore. Was that you.
    Ulti was right
    Vyrulisse 1 day ago#81
    Funny seeing that shithole go down in flames. Having quite a laugh over this on the Farms.
    SSJ4Broly 1 day ago#82
    DesuDeku 1 day ago#83
    adamko 1 day ago#84
    I only went there for the weekly japan sales threads
    Awesome 1 day ago#85
    today was a great day so far, and its only going to get better. hopefully the the woman in the US that evilore violated press charges and the woman that he grabbed the behind of in spain speaks out and we can see some justice. and the vile supporters and users on that site should realize that they were drone savages kissing leftists behind and pretending to be good people thinking that everybody that didnt agree with them were evil, and the people they were defending (evilore, moderators, rapist and pedo hollywood, feminists, anita sarkeesian, democrats, hillary clinton, anti-white males solely because they are white males) are the evil ones. who would have thought that electing trump would make these hypocrite jackasses show their true colors, trump joked about grabbing women by the (youknowwhat) but it turns out that a lot of his opposition literally were grabbing women in secret. 

    bunch of savages.
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    EndOfDiscOne posted...
    Terra-enforcer posted...
    @ASeriousCosby posted...
    Some dumb takes in this topic. The idea that it's the "male feminists" who are always the worst offenders is really stupid. Yeah, I'm sure that the average serial rapist self identifies as a feminist. 

    I got banned there just for saying that Sarkesian b**** doesn't deserve the praise she gets.

    Bitch is a sexist term for a woman so....

    I didn't call her that when I got banned. I said what I typed in that post after the "bitch" part.

    EDIT: I'll try to find it, but I actually didn't even go that far. Someone said something along the lines of 'Anita whatever is the goddess the video game industry needs but doesn't deserve' and I said "Is this a joke?" and got banned.

    Also censoring words on gamefaqs kek

    I saw someone this summer get banned simply for saying Anita isn’t relevant anymore. Was that you.

    Oh dang, that could have been me. It did happen just this summer. Though I definitely remember it happening in a Street Fighter V thread. Not sure where you saw that message.
    Terra-enforcer posted...
    EndOfDiscOne posted...
    Terra-enforcer posted...
    @ASeriousCosby posted...
    Some dumb takes in this topic. The idea that it's the "male feminists" who are always the worst offenders is really stupid. Yeah, I'm sure that the average serial rapist self identifies as a feminist. 

    I got banned there just for saying that Sarkesian b**** doesn't deserve the praise she gets.

    Bitch is a sexist term for a woman so....

    I didn't call her that when I got banned. I said what I typed in that post after the "bitch" part.

    EDIT: I'll try to find it, but I actually didn't even go that far. Someone said something along the lines of 'Anita whatever is the goddess the video game industry needs but doesn't deserve' and I said "Is this a joke?" and got banned.

    Also censoring words on gamefaqs kek

    I saw someone this summer get banned simply for saying Anita isn’t relevant anymore. Was that you.

    Oh dang, that could have been me. It did happen just this summer. Though I definitely remember it happening in a Street Fighter V thread. Not sure where you saw that message.

    Nah it was an Anita thread around E3.
    Ulti was right
    Newhopes 1 day ago#88
    I am in mixed minds about this, on one hand it's hilarious to see this SJW hive mind burn on the other it's a prison burning down and the rest of the forums are going to have to deal with the escapees.
    NeoGaf had one of the worst userbases of any site I've seen, I'm glad to see it finally shut down (at least as of now). There was no such thing as an open healthy discussion on there, it was an extremely close-minded hivemind of a community that would shut down any dissenting opinions. I'm not even talking about shitposters that probably deserved to be banned, I'm talking in general where you would have to walk on eggshells to post there and avoid any thread remotely controversial because the likelihood of a mod banning you for any even slightly deviating opinions from them was cause for a permanent ban.

    Good riddance, but I'm afraid to see where their userbase will spread to and infest next.
    Awesome 1 day ago#90
    neogaf is back up and people are going crazy
    adamko 1 day ago#91
    DragonPick 1 day ago#92
    This place has turned into gamefaqs in a matter of hours and it's kind of hilarious.

    from a topic I clicked on. lol
    DragonPick! - All this time and still not playing runescape
    Awesome 1 day ago#93
    crazy how his face is now getting shown on a lot of sites, dude is going to be scared of going outside and getting noticed.
    DragonPick posted...
    This place has turned into gamefaqs in a matter of hours and it's kind of hilarious.

    from a topic I clicked on. lol

    When it was up again, that was definitely a tier below even the shittiest of CE so they can't even. I've only seen more shitposting on 4chan.
    Vyrulisse 1 day ago#95
    It's what freedom looks like. I almost feel glad for a lot of the users there, a lot of pent up shitposting in them I imagine.
    YellowSUV 1 day ago#96
    It would be great if somehow the site could be free Evilore but I doubt that will happen. I wonder if a lot of people will leave the site in mass now. It seemed like it was one of the few places for in depth discussion of breaking video game news besides 4chan. I mean sure, there is twitter, but that has the garbage character limit on posts.
    We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
    jayj350 1 day ago#97
    YellowSUV posted...
    It would be great if somehow the site could be free Evilore but I doubt that will happen. I wonder if a lot of people will leave the site in mass now. It seemed like it was one of the few places for in depth discussion of breaking video game news besides 4chan. I mean sure, there is twitter, but that has the garbage character limit on posts.

    Well what big name developers are going to want to associate with a site run by a rapist?

    It's over, at least as far as their relevance is concerned.
    This is my signature
    CEs_EFG 1 day ago#98
    can someone give me a rundown I have not kept up with anything this entire week
    jayj350 1 day ago#99
    Awesome posted...
    crazy how his face is now getting shown on a lot of sites, dude is going to be scared of going outside and getting noticed.

    He has been such a piece of shit to so many people it's impossible to feel sorry for him.

    Karma can be a motherfucker.
    This is my signature
    YellowSUV 1 day ago#100
    jayj350 posted...
    YellowSUV posted...
    It would be great if somehow the site could be free Evilore but I doubt that will happen. I wonder if a lot of people will leave the site in mass now. It seemed like it was one of the few places for in depth discussion of breaking video game news besides 4chan. I mean sure, there is twitter, but that has the garbage character limit on posts.

    Well what big name developers are going to want to associate with a site run by a rapist?

    It's over, at least as far as their relevance is concerned.

    Has there been a big name developer associated with Neogaf in years? That doesn't necessarily matter. Before today the site was a good place to browse if you wanted a general idea of new video game news. Sure you can complain about all the "SJW" topics, but that is kind of irrelevant since you can ignore them just like shitpost topics on 4chan.
    We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events
    3. Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault (again)
      1. Boards
      2. Current Events
      3. Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault (again)
      Alucard188 1 day ago#101
      Magoichi posted...
      This is what happens when you engage your members and add "personality" behind an agenda to a site that was just supposed to be about video games with other random crap thrown in

      Quite honestly, this is why most of us stay out of the public eye for the most part. The less we engage, the less likely users will find something to needle and prod the mod staff with.
      Face it Cloud is a gaming icon and has appered in lots of games while mario has only appeared in 2 games sunshine and 64~xSlashbomBx
      pauIie 1 day ago#102
      Damn I haven't been on the internet today wtf happened
      Vyrulisse 1 day ago#103
      YellowSUV posted...
      jayj350 posted...
      YellowSUV posted...
      It would be great if somehow the site could be free Evilore but I doubt that will happen. I wonder if a lot of people will leave the site in mass now. It seemed like it was one of the few places for in depth discussion of breaking video game news besides 4chan. I mean sure, there is twitter, but that has the garbage character limit on posts.

      Well what big name developers are going to want to associate with a site run by a rapist?

      It's over, at least as far as their relevance is concerned.

      Has there been a big name developer associated with Neogaf in years? That doesn't necessarily matter. Before today the site was a good place to browse if you wanted a general idea of new video game news. Sure you can complain about all the "SJW" topics, but that is kind of irrelevant since you can ignore them just like shitpost topics on 4chan.

      The Last Night Dev is openly celebrating this. They really put him through the ringer unfairly and I'm glad to see him enjoying it.

      His Twitter feed is something to behold: https://twitter.com/timsoret
      YellowSUV 1 day ago#104
      Vyrulisse posted...
      YellowSUV posted...
      jayj350 posted...
      YellowSUV posted...
      It would be great if somehow the site could be free Evilore but I doubt that will happen. I wonder if a lot of people will leave the site in mass now. It seemed like it was one of the few places for in depth discussion of breaking video game news besides 4chan. I mean sure, there is twitter, but that has the garbage character limit on posts.

      Well what big name developers are going to want to associate with a site run by a rapist?

      It's over, at least as far as their relevance is concerned.

      Has there been a big name developer associated with Neogaf in years? That doesn't necessarily matter. Before today the site was a good place to browse if you wanted a general idea of new video game news. Sure you can complain about all the "SJW" topics, but that is kind of irrelevant since you can ignore them just like shitpost topics on 4chan.

      The Last Night Dev is openly celebrating this. They really put him through the ringer unfairly and I'm glad to see him enjoying it.

      His Twitter feed is something to behold: https://twitter.com/timsoret

      LOL, that's a good anecdote that no dev has been associated with Neogaf in years.
      We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
      SSJBSocksForWok posted...
      Awesome posted...




      Imagine those shitlords butting horns with our resident shitlords like admiral....LOL, now that is something I wound enjoy seeing.
      This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
      Vyrulisse 1 day ago#106
      sylverlolol posted...
      SSJBSocksForWok posted...
      Awesome posted...




      Imagine those shitlords butting horns with our resident shitlords like admiral....LOL, now that is something I wound enjoy seeing.

      I'd pay for that and I'm not joking.
      ce is still struggling to handle the 261fugees. Can it handle the Neogafugees?
      DragonPick! - All this time and still not playing runescape
      i hope neogaf refugees dont come to gamefaqs. they are plague. neogaf does not send its best. SBallen, please do not let neogaffers come to gamefaqs
      the neogafugees won't last two hours over at 261 when they see the resident idiot trump supporters lmao
      "Dammit, Smithers! This isn't rocket science, it's brain surgery!"
      (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
      Tmk 1 day ago#110
      Alucard188 posted...
      Magoichi posted...
      This is what happens when you engage your members and add "personality" behind an agenda to a site that was just supposed to be about video games with other random crap thrown in

      Quite honestly, this is why most of us stay out of the public eye for the most part. The less we engage, the less likely users will find something to needle and prod the mod staff with.

      So what you're saying is there's some real crazy people on staff and it'd make the site look bad?

      I can buy it.
      I am snazzier, hot, hot rant. Warily slight as.
      Croak rush, OK? Weirder, almighty make out. ::)
      unbias 1 day ago#111
      Not shocking. You dont virtue signal that hardcore because you are a great person. The hugbox over there was bound to come crashing down. I feel bad for the site that gets the off topic community of neogaf.
      Well Hell...
      (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
      Esrac 1 day ago#112
      Vyrulisse posted...
      YellowSUV posted...
      jayj350 posted...
      YellowSUV posted...
      It would be great if somehow the site could be free Evilore but I doubt that will happen. I wonder if a lot of people will leave the site in mass now. It seemed like it was one of the few places for in depth discussion of breaking video game news besides 4chan. I mean sure, there is twitter, but that has the garbage character limit on posts.

      Well what big name developers are going to want to associate with a site run by a rapist?

      It's over, at least as far as their relevance is concerned.

      Has there been a big name developer associated with Neogaf in years? That doesn't necessarily matter. Before today the site was a good place to browse if you wanted a general idea of new video game news. Sure you can complain about all the "SJW" topics, but that is kind of irrelevant since you can ignore them just like shitpost topics on 4chan.

      The Last Night Dev is openly celebrating this. They really put him through the ringer unfairly and I'm glad to see him enjoying it.

      His Twitter feed is something to behold: https://twitter.com/timsoret

      I love it. 

      Didn't they shit all over him because he didn't hate Gamergate enough or something? Or because he tweeted in support of GG? I thought it was something like that. 

      BlackHorse6969 posted...
      i hope neogaf refugees dont come to gamefaqs. they are plague. neogaf does not send its best. SBallen, please do not let neogaffers come to gamefaqs

      Build the wall.
      Bio1590 1 day ago#113
      Tmk posted...
      Alucard188 posted...
      Magoichi posted...
      This is what happens when you engage your members and add "personality" behind an agenda to a site that was just supposed to be about video games with other random crap thrown in

      Quite honestly, this is why most of us stay out of the public eye for the most part. The less we engage, the less likely users will find something to needle and prod the mod staff with.

      So what you're saying is there's some real crazy people on staff and it'd make the site look bad?

      I can buy it.

      Yes this site has some history with mods being bad people.
      ChainedRedone posted...
      I got banned for saying I was disappointed I didn't get to ask a question at the Spencer speech. I said I felt I had something good to say and put those scumbags in their place and was disappointed some girl skipped the line right in front of me. They started calling me racist for some reason. They're a fucking cesspool. I'm racist for wanting to call out Richard spencer to his face? What the fuck? They're insane.

      your racism and sexism is also not wanted here. neogaf was right.
      FightingGames posted...
      neogaf manages to be worse than gamefaqs in terms of moderation
      I honestly forgot that NeoGAF was even a thing.
      A guy on the GamerGate subreddit has compiled a fair bit of info on the subject.

      MundaneMatt has made a video. Mister Metokur made a two and a half hour livestream covering the situation.
      Black462 1 day ago#118
      TommyOh 1 day ago#119
      Black462 posted...
      Neogaf is still down

      Lets hope it stays that way.
      RNGenie 1 day ago#120
      TommyOh posted...
      Black462 posted...
      Neogaf is still down

      Lets hope it stays that way.

      Before I even decided to make an account here, I use to frequent NeoGAF before settling down here. I hope it stays that way as well.
      TC and I shouldn't be talking - Damn_Underscore
      Trelve 1 day ago#121
      Why is it that all the prominent anti-GamerGate voices turn out to be sex offenders?

      Really makes you think...
      DaemMkIV7 1 day ago#122
      This whole thing is hilarious, just saying.
      "I'll send in detectives! I'll send in police! I'll send in EVERYTHING IN MY POWER!!!"
      Esrac 1 day ago#123
      Trelve posted...
      Why is it that all the prominent anti-GamerGate voices turn out to be sex offenders?

      Really makes you think...

      I don't know about ALL of them, but the fact that a lot of them either turn out to have a history with it suggests that a lot of them were doing some serious projecting in 2014 and on. 

      It seems to me that the people most loudly accusing others of bad behaviour (like doxing and abusing women) are pretty likely to be taking part in that kind of behavior. Like when some known anti-Gamergaters got busted trying to actively dox the popular gamergater mombot. And all the anti-gamergate and male feminist allies who've been turning out to actually be sexual harassers and abusers all along.
      Sakuyakun 1 day ago#125
      Wtf.. I keep trying to refresh neogaf and turns out almost all the mods has step down
      Currently playing Witcher 3.
      Esrac posted...
      It seems to me that the people most loudly accusing others of bad behaviour (like doxing and abusing women) are pretty likely to be taking part in that kind of behavior. Like when some known anti-Gamergaters got busted trying to actively dox the popular gamergater mombot. And all the anti-gamergate and male feminist allies who've been turning out to actually be sexual harassers and abusers all along.

      This is a common psychological tendency. Plenty of people who commit nefarious actions tend to speak out against said actions loudly as a way to tell themselves they are above said behavior. It's not restricted just to this either. How many times do you see homophobic people who are in extramarital affairs with a member of the same sex, for example? Or those who speak out against drug abuse who have their own issues with it? Projection like this tends to happen quite often but it's also important to remember it's not the norm for most people. It's usually contributed to Freud, so obviously it has it's detractors, but it's still something I think most people would admit is a truth.

      josifrees 1 day ago#127
      *whah whah whah gamefaqs is dying*
      *whah whah whah I don’t want gamefaqs to get new members*

      They ain’t coming here they’re just going to go to reddit.
      Quit Crying
      Villain 1 day ago#128
      Awesome posted...
      today was a great day so far, and its only going to get better. hopefully the the woman in the US that evilore violated press charges and the woman that he grabbed the behind of in spain speaks out and we can see some justice. and the vile supporters and users on that site should realize that they were drone savages kissing leftists behind and pretending to be good people thinking that everybody that didnt agree with them were evil, and the people they were defending (evilore, moderators, rapist and pedo hollywood, feminists, anita sarkeesian, democrats, hillary clinton, anti-white males solely because they are white males) are the evil ones. who would have thought that electing trump would make these hypocrite jackasses show their true colors, trump joked about grabbing women by the (youknowwhat) but it turns out that a lot of his opposition literally were grabbing women in secret. 

      bunch of savages.

      ...are you a crazy person or something yikes
      Formally known as Will VIIII
      Awesome 1 day ago#129
      Villain posted...
      Awesome posted...
      today was a great day so far, and its only going to get better. hopefully the the woman in the US that evilore violated press charges and the woman that he grabbed the behind of in spain speaks out and we can see some justice. and the vile supporters and users on that site should realize that they were drone savages kissing leftists behind and pretending to be good people thinking that everybody that didnt agree with them were evil, and the people they were defending (evilore, moderators, rapist and pedo hollywood, feminists, anita sarkeesian, democrats, hillary clinton, anti-white males solely because they are white males) are the evil ones. who would have thought that electing trump would make these hypocrite jackasses show their true colors, trump joked about grabbing women by the (youknowwhat) but it turns out that a lot of his opposition literally were grabbing women in secret. 

      bunch of savages.

      ...are you a crazy person or something yikes

      go back to neogaf
      Master_Sexy posted...
      ChainedRedone posted...
      I got banned for saying I was disappointed I didn't get to ask a question at the Spencer speech. I said I felt I had something good to say and put those scumbags in their place and was disappointed some girl skipped the line right in front of me. They started calling me racist for some reason. They're a fucking cesspool. I'm racist for wanting to call out Richard spencer to his face? What the fuck? They're insane.

      your racism and sexism is also not wanted here. neogaf was right.

      shut the fuck up neoturd
      NOM 1 day ago#131
      First that peodphile mod that they all knew about, now Evilore is a rapist.

      That place is fucked.
      I dream broken dreams
      I make them come true
      Villain 1 day ago#132
      Awesome posted...
      Villain posted...
      Awesome posted...
      today was a great day so far, and its only going to get better. hopefully the the woman in the US that evilore violated press charges and the woman that he grabbed the behind of in spain speaks out and we can see some justice. and the vile supporters and users on that site should realize that they were drone savages kissing leftists behind and pretending to be good people thinking that everybody that didnt agree with them were evil, and the people they were defending (evilore, moderators, rapist and pedo hollywood, feminists, anita sarkeesian, democrats, hillary clinton, anti-white males solely because they are white males) are the evil ones. who would have thought that electing trump would make these hypocrite jackasses show their true colors, trump joked about grabbing women by the (youknowwhat) but it turns out that a lot of his opposition literally were grabbing women in secret. 

      bunch of savages.

      ...are you a crazy person or something yikes

      go back to neogaf

      I never went there
      Formally known as Will VIIII
      FightingGames 23 hours ago#133
      Villain posted...
      Awesome posted...
      today was a great day so far, and its only going to get better. hopefully the the woman in the US that evilore violated press charges and the woman that he grabbed the behind of in spain speaks out and we can see some justice. and the vile supporters and users on that site should realize that they were drone savages kissing leftists behind and pretending to be good people thinking that everybody that didnt agree with them were evil, and the people they were defending (evilore, moderators, rapist and pedo hollywood, feminists, anita sarkeesian, democrats, hillary clinton, anti-white males solely because they are white males) are the evil ones. who would have thought that electing trump would make these hypocrite jackasses show their true colors, trump joked about grabbing women by the (youknowwhat) but it turns out that a lot of his opposition literally were grabbing women in secret. 

      bunch of savages.

      ...are you a crazy person or something yikes

      Yeah really, if your reaction to sexual assault is to extrapolate it and apply it to the election as a whole then you have some other serious issues to work through lmao
      Bio1590 23 hours ago#135
      The Great Muta 22 posted...
      Villain posted...
      Awesome posted...
      today was a great day so far, and its only going to get better. hopefully the the woman in the US that evilore violated press charges and the woman that he grabbed the behind of in spain speaks out and we can see some justice. and the vile supporters and users on that site should realize that they were drone savages kissing leftists behind and pretending to be good people thinking that everybody that didnt agree with them were evil, and the people they were defending (evilore, moderators, rapist and pedo hollywood, feminists, anita sarkeesian, democrats, hillary clinton, anti-white males solely because they are white males) are the evil ones. who would have thought that electing trump would make these hypocrite jackasses show their true colors, trump joked about grabbing women by the (youknowwhat) but it turns out that a lot of his opposition literally were grabbing women in secret. 

      bunch of savages.

      ...are you a crazy person or something yikes

      Yeah really, if your reaction to sexual assault is to extrapolate it and apply it to the election as a whole then you have some other serious issues to work through lmao

      There really are some people coming out of nowhere that seem pretty fucked in the head.
      ChainedRedone 21 hours ago#136
      Awesome always hated neogaf. He's been vocal about it in the past. I didn't know it was that much of an obsession n however lmao.
      Posted with GameRaven 3.3
      Maninstagnate 21 hours ago#137
      The Great Muta 22 posted...
      Esrac posted...
      It seems to me that the people most loudly accusing others of bad behaviour (like doxing and abusing women) are pretty likely to be taking part in that kind of behavior. Like when some known anti-Gamergaters got busted trying to actively dox the popular gamergater mombot. And all the anti-gamergate and male feminist allies who've been turning out to actually be sexual harassers and abusers all along.

      This is a common psychological tendency. Plenty of people who commit nefarious actions tend to speak out against said actions loudly as a way to tell themselves they are above said behavior. It's not restricted just to this either. How many times do you see homophobic people who are in extramarital affairs with a member of the same sex, for example? Or those who speak out against drug abuse who have their own issues with it? Projection like this tends to happen quite often but it's also important to remember it's not the norm for most people. It's usually contributed to Freud, so obviously it has it's detractors, but it's still something I think most people would admit is a truth.


      Its one reason the left loss no one can stand loud hypocrites. Although I do go to Neogaf to get the the latest gaming news I never gotten an account for this reason.
      Sakuyakun 21 hours ago#138
      With all those mods stepping down and EL having a hard time making a statement (it's been a day now), only shows he seems guilty of the accusations.
      Currently playing Witcher 3.
      calimelee 20 hours ago#139
      Villain 20 hours ago#140
      Bio1590 posted...
      The Great Muta 22 posted...
      Villain posted...
      Awesome posted...
      today was a great day so far, and its only going to get better. hopefully the the woman in the US that evilore violated press charges and the woman that he grabbed the behind of in spain speaks out and we can see some justice. and the vile supporters and users on that site should realize that they were drone savages kissing leftists behind and pretending to be good people thinking that everybody that didnt agree with them were evil, and the people they were defending (evilore, moderators, rapist and pedo hollywood, feminists, anita sarkeesian, democrats, hillary clinton, anti-white males solely because they are white males) are the evil ones. who would have thought that electing trump would make these hypocrite jackasses show their true colors, trump joked about grabbing women by the (youknowwhat) but it turns out that a lot of his opposition literally were grabbing women in secret. 

      bunch of savages.

      ...are you a crazy person or something yikes

      Yeah really, if your reaction to sexual assault is to extrapolate it and apply it to the election as a whole then you have some other serious issues to work through lmao

      There really are some people coming out of nowhere that seem pretty fucked in the head.

      He's been here for over a decade. Late 20s or early 30s.
      Formally known as Will VIIII
      SSJ4Broly 19 hours ago#141
      calimelee posted...

      lmao every mod left

      I made a few new accounts, wonder if they'll still be approved...
      Darmik 19 hours ago#142
      Esrac posted...
      Didn't they s*** all over him because he didn't hate Gamergate enough or something? Or because he tweeted in support of GG? I thought it was something like that.

      He tweeted that it was a Gamergate game and the setting is a world where feminism and socialism won.
      Kind Regards,
      Howl 18 hours ago#143
      Posted with GameRaven 3.2.2
      Esrac 18 hours ago#144
      Darmik posted...
      Esrac posted...
      Didn't they s*** all over him because he didn't hate Gamergate enough or something? Or because he tweeted in support of GG? I thought it was something like that.

      He tweeted that it was a Gamergate game and the setting is a world where feminism and socialism won.

      Did he ever actually call it a Gamergate game?

      I know he mused about adding Vivian James into it. And he said it's a game in which progressivism has gone out of control. I also know he'd tweeted in the past pro-gamergate tweets and anti-feminist/pro-egalitarian sentiments sometime prior to the big reveal of The Last Night. 

      I figured Neogaf and the usual figures McIntosh, MovieBob, Zoe Quinn, etc were shitting on him for that, rather than saying it was a Gamergate game.
      Darmik 18 hours ago#145
      Esrac posted...
      Did he ever actually call it a Gamergate game?

      Yes. The direct quote was;
      The Last Night “takes place in a cyberpunk world where modern feminism won instead of egalitarianism #Gamergate

      He has since deleted it and says it doesn't reflect the game anymore.

      Personally I'm waiting for the reviews so see how it handles the politics in the game. If it's not bad I'm still interested. But I'm certainly being cautious about it.
      Kind Regards,
      Esrac 18 hours ago#146
      Darmik posted...
      Esrac posted...
      Did he ever actually call it a Gamergate game?

      Yes. The direct quote was;
      The Last Night “takes place in a cyberpunk world where modern feminism won instead of egalitarianism #Gamergate

      He has since deleted it and says it doesn't reflect the game anymore.

      Personally I'm waiting for the reviews so see how it handles the politics in the game. If it's not bad I'm still interested. But I'm certainly being cautious about it.

      Using the hashtag doesn't really say it's a Gamergate game, but I'm just nitpicking at this point. The point you're getting at is he said it's a game that aligns with Gamergate. I can see that by his post. 

      I'll look into this game when it launches and may pick it up if it looks cool and is affordable. I'm mostly optimistic.
      RedZaraki 18 hours ago#147
      Trelve posted...
      Why is it that all the prominent anti-GamerGate voices turn out to be sex offenders?

      Really makes you think...

      It's called "Projection".

      Donald Trump has built a presidency off of it.
      1. Boards
      2. Current Events 
      3. Neogaf owner Evilore accused of sexual assault (again)