They're some cucks, but I guess since they're so progressive they'd never rape that they have to have someone do it for them.
You're dumb
Dumb, or do I pay attention to recent events and then remember similar events in other countries with similar populations?
I'm from the Netherlands. I think muslim immigration is very bad for Europe. This mass immigration is gonna stop soon. Public opinion is changing fast everywhere, especially in Germany.
That being said, the wave of immigration is only big in Germany and Sweden. In all other countries, people overestimate the numbers. In my country there are only like 50% more immigrants than in any other year (in 2015 we had about 50,000 refugees, mostly Syrians, compared to 20,000 to 30,000 in an average year). With a population of 17 million and a strong economy we can easily handle this. Most Syrians will obey the law and eventually find a job, or return to Syria when the war is over.
Until 2050 the population of Africa will double.
Around 950mio. Africans and muslim Asians will want to leave until 2050 and start migrating.
>That being said, the wave of immigration is only big in Germany and Sweden.
Austria took 95,000 of these motherfucking Muslims. 95,000. With the ones that came in this month, it will be more than in other EU country per capita, more than Sweden (which closed its borders).
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O, glad to see that thread. I'm from Russia and our media say that situation is awful and soon 90% of europeans will be muslims. Do they lie saying that?
>>663526174 (OP)
i think it's funny, thank god i don't live there
I support this one.
Surprisingly enough this time the ruskie media is correct.
That means USA is the only queit place in the entire world now. Blyat.
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>Picture related
Don't blame a small group of People with an other Culture or Religion for Things that exist in yours as well
>>663526174 (OP)
>What does /b/ think of the illegal muslim immigrants flooding Europe?
Britfag here, I think it wouldn't be a bad time for Hitler to come out from his bunker and try again, but with another demographic and fuck off the EU.
The worst bit about the whole thing is that WE ALL SAID THIS WOULD HAPPEN, we knew that mass importing people from the 3rd world with a degenerate culture where we can't perform any background checks would result in shootings, rapes and assaults, but now they are happening lefty dipshits say things like "its just ammo for the right!!" and "saying I told you so isn't helping!".
The worst bit is that regardless of where these savages get accepted to, they can freely move to any other country (UK, Germany, any which virtually give away free money regardless of if you can prove you have X amount of kids/family members)
In reality we (the UN) should step in and take over a large chunk of land in the middle east and export these people to it while governing them, Sharia countries simply don't work.
I've never been so glad me, my wife and kids train in self defence as I've never felt so unsafe (living in Luton), I'm in the process of trying to migrate us to Australia, my family understand, things are better out there and we can be away from dirty middle eastern/african men who try and prey on girls at bus stops.
That's actually the worst of all.
I never wanted to live in America. But now. Sooner or later I have to work like a bitch to get my Greencard.
I'll work my ass for hoping for a American Citizienship for living there legally for I'm no cuck.
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>you actually drank the kool aid
...but that's because most of them are passing through to Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and UK
>>663526174 (OP)
I wish trump could be president here in France, we need a fucking wall
>Don't blame a small group of People with an other Culture or Religion for Things that exist in yours as well
Remind me when people in Europe are beheading those who disagree in the streets or throwing people from buildings because of what they do with their genitals?
Remind me how we dictate women's clothing and knowingly cause our unborn kids to have rickets?
Remind me how we are pressuring other countries to accept our culture under the guise of tolerance despite leaving our homes because of the same culture?
Those pictures are bullshit, nobody is branding everyone a terrorist, in fact most migrants are not even women or children, but young men who are now participating in mass rapes in public.
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>>663526174 (OP)
I live in Germany and around here, you see these foreigners everywhere. They don't have jobs or anything to do, so they just hang around the city enter. They beg for money or shoplift. They go up to women and say things like "I suck your cock" or some other shit they picked up.
It is horrible. According to statistics, 40% of Magreb "refugees" have committed crimes in Germany in the last 12 months. 40%. And do you know what the German government says? They say "sorry, we can't really do anything about that.. because you know, poor suckers from Marocco... human rights and shit...". And yet, Germans can fly to Marrocco for vacation!
Yes. 1 million muslims aren't gonna make any difference to Germany which has 85 million inhabitants.
There is no country in Europe with more than 10% muslims, most countries have less than 5%, and demographic projections show that nowhere will muslims grow larger than 15% of the population.
OP here: this faggot says "small" group of people. Hahah 1.6 billion is "small" fuck off raghead lover.
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Protip: there are racial differences.
Have you experienced this, or did you read about it somewhere on the interwebs?
>...but that's because most of them are passing through to Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and UK
No. I am talking about the people who actually STAY in Austria. Int he last 6 months or so, more than 800,000 million refugees passed through, most to Germany and Scandinavia. But now Germany is starting to reject people at the border, but the Austrian government is stupid and doesn't do the same on its own border. Like 90% of Austrians are saying "no more, those Muslims need to stay out", but the socialists say "we need them to all come here". They hand them freaking 800 Euros in social welfare each month. Plus all kinds of other goodies. No questions asked, they don't even have to want to work!
They hate us. So I'm still wondering they are coming here.
They are invading Europe, they don't respect our laws and our women.
All sandniggers should be sent back home.
experience, m8
That's something the sovereign-citizen white-panic militia crowd do isn't it?
>They hate us. So I'm still wondering they are coming here.
They want to take over! Around here, in public schools more than 50% are Arabs, Turks etc. German girls who do not wear the hijab are called "sluts" and "bitches" by the Muslims. I am not kidding.
Hitlerdubs from a German, there's no arguing with this.
Hitler was an asstard. The Jews are our natural friends. The Jews were Germans. It is the Islamists who are our naturral enemy. Do people forget 732? Do they forget 1683?
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Yeah, yeah. Sure thing Gunter, say it loud and often enough and we'll all believe you.
>>663526174 (OP)
But you CANCEROUS WEAKLING just sit there wanking off to cartoons from the untermenschen! SLAUGHTER THEM ALL OR DIE WITH THEM! DEUTERONOMY 13!
>> /pol/ faggot
Fuck off cuck
Believe what? That Chrisitans and Muslims have been at war for 1400 years?
>With a population of 17 million and a strong economy we can easily handle this.
We could.
All of bloody Europe could, if only they used their pitiful starved brain cells to formulate a plan that went further than standing near the airport with a sign saying "refugees welcome".
There's no plan for housing, no plan for education, food or anything else that is important.
But no, why help when you can stand at the sideline and get more praise for no effort?
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>>663526174 (OP)
I think good riddance.
You make the bed you sleep in, Angela Murkka-Durk Jihad Enabler
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>>663526174 (OP)
>Let me in
Aren't people like you ever fucking ashamed of their horrific ignorance? The flow of jihadists has been exactly the opposite.
That you and the Jews are all OK now and you all hate Hitler. *wink*
Extermination is bad too. Now we have a huge crowds of queit people who will assimilate in 10-15 years and some little percentage of agressive monkeys, who don't give a fuck for our lives. Now we are at war with second and you want to declare a war to first too.
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>Most Syrians will obey the law and eventually find a job, or return to Syria when the war is over.
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>>663526174 (OP)
I am part Jewish myself and part German. And I don't think we should let a single Muslims in. Nor should we let them wear their Muslim clothes in public. Attaturk never allowed it, why should we?
Another crusade, anybody?
this is hot but idk why
But he is almost right. No one will want to return to ruined country, but most of immigrants want to be a part of european world. It's a big pity that they all together are much less noticeable than their stupid agressive coreligionists.
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>No one will want to return to ruined country, but most of immigrants want to be a part of european world.
They don't really have a choice.
That's how the refugee system works.
After a time you simply have to leave again
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>Remind me how we are pressuring other countries to accept our culture under the guise of tolerance despite leaving our homes because of the same culture?
>pressuring other countries to accept our culture
That's only one part of the morally wrong things immigrants tend to do when migrated in European Societies. European Societies have developed in such a way that nearly anyone could express his nature-given Individuality. It's even the downwritten Goal for Europe to be open-minded and empathetic. Now islamic Migrants live in those European open-minded Societies and give birth to their own children (and - oh - they get masses of children; ever saw a bigger German City?) and they indoctrinating them, they pass their underdeveloped Culture, which is much less open-minded, to their children who, of course, influence the native children to the worse. Their culture wasn't able to produce the same kind of social and technological progress of Europe in their very own home countries, but they still express their culture expecting that wealth and prosperity totally aren't related to Culture at all. And this is why Europeans are committing a crime when they let millions of Muslims into the EU. They accept that Millions of Children from Islamic Immigrants are indoctrinated though being born in one of the most developed regions in the World, just because it seems to be morally.
But the Masses are so fucking stupid. Is the fault of anybody supporting this headless Migration, when a German Girl is harassed, when an muslim Girl is forced to wear the head rag (and then is further indoctrinated to think that's the morally good way to go) and when European Citizens do not feel home anymore.
I can not descripte who outraged I am.
This is not what Kant thought for.
>>663526174 (OP)
No human is illegal >>663526174 (OP)
Neger alsjeblieft
Do you live in the same world as I do? All of these sandniggers are going around yelling MONEEEEY, raping women, beating the locals while saying they won't go back. Have you ever been near a fucking refugee center in your life?
I call bullshit on that quote.
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Think rationally, OP.
hahahaah you are so fucked soon
It's 80 million inhabitants of which 7 million are muslim and there are AT LEAST 4 million more on their way to germany.
But hey, winter has finally kicked in. I hope they all freeze to death. We'll warm them up with flamethrowers if they try to leave the camps. VIVA LA FRANCE niggers, eat a flaming dick islamocucks. We guillotined the fuck out of assholes before and we'll do it again.
Right. Because we have pedos in Europe, we should welcome pedo refugees?
It's paraphrasing, but that is the essence of what she said after the mass New Year's rapes in Cologne.
There are videos EVERYWHERE of these imams saying "We are going to take over Europe by breeding their women"
http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/henriette-reker-cologne-attacks_568e372 3e4b0c8beacf5c164
>Germans don't have our freedom of speech
what the actual fuck
Single muslim terrorists who rape our women and children are, you shitbag. In Germany we have a word for people like You, its called Gutmensch
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diamonds tbh
>illegal muslim immigrants flooding Europe
They are neither illegal, nor are they flooding. Your question is invalid.
>>663526174 (OP)
incompatible ethos
diversity can be forced
result is violence
ultraconserv elements will exploit
The Jews were ironically, REFUGEES. Who then proceeded to fuck up the German economy and caused 1927.
Dude, you just likened an entire race to criminals, how is the extra chromosome buddy?
they are illegal and they are flooding 4 million for one country are not flooding? most of them with any possibility of an asylum. you answer is invalid
This. So. fucking. much.
Thank you for understanding philosophical, ethical principals that were already developed thousands of years ago!
There has to be more People like you, PLEASE
>build fence
>build another fence
>build more fences
>turn the entire border of Europe into a labyrinth of fences
>no more refugees
>bernie threads are okay
>trump threads are racist and belong on /pol/
>current news is okay
>unless it's offensive to muslims
Stop nitpicking or tell cucks to fuck off to /pol/ equally. Either everything is permitted or none of it is.
hey little fella
the worm is about to turn
against ye
same here anon
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for you
trump faggot detected.
Jews are no-ones friends. Except to other jews. If one english jew went to portugal and saw 2 poor man on the street, one catholic, and another one jewish, which would you think he helped?
Doesn't specify that it's immigrants doing it. How do we know whether or not this has to do with an increase in immigration at all? Could have just been any group of drunken assholes. Either way, what the mayor said is fucking stupid.
Bull. It is much easier. Just don't give them free shit. I am serious, Europe gives all these Muslims FREE SHIT, like lots of money and other FREE SHIT.
What idiot wouldn't come to Europe if he gets like tons of FREE SHIT. The German government is evicting Germans from apartments to hand over to refugees alongside money. And then they just go out and sell drugs or rob girls... those Muslims fuck up the country.
Yeah, that's exactly why 1000 man rape gangs roam the streets of German cities. Because the ones coming over are loving, peaceful people.
Stop sniffing glue and open your fucking eyes.
It's basically what she said.
>Women should stay out of crowds
>Women should keep a distance of at least an arm's length to "men they aren't acquainted with"
>Women should not "fling their arms around anybody's neck"
>If one english jew went to portugal and saw 2 poor man on the street, one catholic, and another one jewish, which would you think he helped?
Both, you do not know anything about Jews.
Meanwhile Muslims would laugh and then stab and cowardly shoot both poor men.
They'd at least leave the Netherlands.
Nobody ever invaded the Netherlands without leaving sooner or later with a dreaded feeling of having wasted plenty of time.
No, that's pretty much what she said
>the women should have kept the men at an arms length
But there were literally hundreds of men assaulting a few women
>>663526174 (OP)
They should be gassed or drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.
>>663526174 (OP)
Britbottles showed how much they love Muslims by allowing Sharia law. What are we supposed do about it?
>1000 man rape gangs roam the streets of German cities
lmao you're completely insane
moron #4,232,724 ascribing a common element of human nature (culture affinity here) to jews alone.
This picture shows a guy protesting against the opera ball in Vienna, Austria. He's not likely to be a muslim but rather a left wing activist or however these faggots are called.
Show me syrian professor trying to immigrate please
>>663526174 (OP)
>British Muslim here
I think it's hilarious. More and more of my brothers and sisters are coming to the eurocuck lands. Their level of cuck, especially in Britain it is pathetic.
Kek, you don't seem to understand : if we know a certain refugee is a pedo, should we accept him because we do have pedos in our people, altought that it's forbidden?
while this is true for some countries, norway has an increase of over 100% since 2014. and also theyre not called refugees when they pass the first war free country. to go further in the seek for money is called a fucking moneysucking leech immigrant. in norway they live off the system, not getting jobs, prefer not to get integrated, makes societies that only they are a part of. they rape, they steal and they are just a fucking problem. last year in my city a 14 year old girl killed herself because she was gangraped by 4 sandniggers, all deported now luckily. i got a lot of hate towards the immigrants. i have no hate for the immigrants kids that live here, they are actually accustoming to the country's ideals and standards. but people from the middle east coming here in their 20's or 30's have a fucked up vision when it comes to genders. if i ever see a immigrant even try to touch a girl the wrong way i will stab him down. no matter if i get in prison for it or not, yes i would have fucked up my future, but at least i did knowing i saved a girl from getting hers destroyed.
Did you live under a rock? There were 4 such gangs active in Germany at new year's eve and also at least 1 in Sweden. It was all the news talked about for two weeks.
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>avoid revealing clothing, stay in groups and stay an arms length from strangers
This was literally the "advice" she gave
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Why don't you people want rocket scientists, molecular biologists, lawyers, architects and industrial designers in your country?
Freedom of speech faggot here, fuck your fascism
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Guess what these Muslims will likely do to girls like this?
>Their level of cuck, especially in Britain it is pathetic.
Some of your boys in Leicester tried picking a fight with me and ran away screaming after I tore one of their rotator cuffs, the worst bit was knowing that my taxes funded his physio.
You guys are only hard with your mates behind you, especially on man love Thursdays.
But that was over all victim blaming, and while it was a shitty thing to say, it wasn't an immigrant specific thing. The identity of the rapists is irrelevant in this case.
Fuck, you people are stupid. If the majority of your organization (ISIS) is EU citizens with Schengen passports. Why the fuck would you pay money and the risk to smuggle your investment (suicide bomber) over turkey and into Greece. That is just stupid. What they really want is for retards like you to believe that they do, that is why they planted fake passports in Paris. And you fuckers buy it.
>>663526174 (OP)
>>663526174 (OP)
They are the new world order proxies coming into Europe to steadily destroy the culture so we can start the cleansing if religions and we'll initiate the global government and the new religion
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lol do we speak about the same kind of tribal jews that manipulate US politics so that they declare war on Israel ennemies, throw bombs on a weekly basis on Gaza, and co-opt every other member of their community at work?
That's exactly what she said. It's a MALE problem, not a muslim problem. Ignoring the widespread rape statistics in islamic countries and the fact that THE COPS WHO WERE FIGHTING OFF THE ATTACKERS AS BEST THEY COULD said the rapists were exclusively refugees.
Hell, they even tore up their staying permits laughing saying they'd just get new ones tomorrow and that they should be allowed to do these things because mutti merkel invited them.
progressives are so goddamn stupid.
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>isolated incident
I dont give a fuck bruv. Don't try and deny your cuck. I work in a local government job, pretty sure I got the job because I was filling their quota of ethnic minorities. Its fucking great. Just to show you your level of cuck, I go around saying im raising money for syrian refugees etc. every year. I keep all the fucking money for myself, made £250 last time. Fucking idiots cucks just love to give money away and bow down before their masters.
we need to destroy culture around the world, make it racist to celebrate your history, persecute Christians and shia muslims, use sunni muslims to create chaos in Europe and outbreed, financial collapse soon, new currency, elimination of cash
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Because we already have 10% unemployment? Besides, how good is lawyer that cannot speak the host country's language? An architect that has an unrecognized diploma?
Leave them alone because dutch girls are insufferable cunt and too tall to have proper intercourse with.
I'd almost feel pity for them.
And besides that the weather is permanent SHIT.
Its on video, it was all muslims and you know it.
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No.. they're just cucked by Jews.
got to have a cleansing and collapse for the new world order to be accepted
... by choice.
I don't give a fuck, it's still our home. They have to go.
Not in those fields you don't. And as for language, you have a point but it depends on the standard you hold them to. The UK wanted to make all immigrants pass GCSE English for fuck's sake.
>Sorry Mr Akabusi, I know you're a pioneering heart surgeon but you read very badly from Beowulf...
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That's true, but still though :(
They'll leave eventually, once they realise this place is concentrated misery.
When God made the heavens and the earth he made the Netherlands the most depressing country in the world.
Africans already want to leave that hell.
Few come to Europe.
How would a bigger population change that significantly?
They're still too poor to make the journey.
Even more poor then, in fact.
>>663526174 (OP)
kill every single one who is muslim and inside europe's borders
we need another charlemagne, to erradicate every single one.
Less than 10% of the refugees has any kind of education. Most of them are barely literate while 30% are blatantly illiterate.
Rocket scientists who behave like THIS?
Even your mountains are depressed.
oh,here we go. europeans are weak pansies and its the jews fault because europeans are inferior to the jews,right?
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They should be welcomed with open arms just like every other immigrant that has ever existed ever.
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So you seriously want that Muslims take these innocent Dutch girls' virginity??
Our mountains would be depressed, if only we had some bloody mountains.
we're funding jihadis to take over the government in Iraq and Syria because Iraq belongs to iran now and Syria Russia so the proxy war s over now because Russia fucked up the plan to take over so now the initiation of US military foot on the ground will take place meanwhile ISIS continues the cleansing of the land by destroying all traces of history so that the land be prepared for the sunni Saudi Arabian government that will take over once the war is over and al Baghdadi gets his private island and jet, they needed somebody to claim the caliphate hahah they used a double agent who is now seen as the caliphate for all muslims
is this by junji ito if so what story (ignoring the obvious edit)
Idiot....Open your eyes
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>so the proxy war s over now
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>>663526174 (OP)
Trump will destroy ISIS
It's not like you'll ever take them
Nigger are you dense? We are building 100000 houses for them. They have free money, don't have to work, don't have to adapt and they get to rape, steal and pillage while they're here.
Even IF they choose to leave, even though a lot of "guest workers" have illegally stayed since 1972, they will still have done billions and billions of damages. Look at our retarded government. They've been cutting the people's money since 2007 and yet now they claim we can house hundreds of thousands of refugees without problems. We haven't fucking integrated the sandniggers we already have.
Each refugee costs us 35k annually, not factoring the cost of building a 100k homes in. Every single fucking one of them. Even the ones who DON'T get to stay still get medical care, housing and benefits while they're here. Let that sink in. That's more than most people in the netherlands make annually. And for what? So we can be REPLACED WITH MUSLIMS?
Fuck all of that.
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hes a troll, dont fall for it.
>99,9999% Muslims
>Peaceful Muslims have nothing to do with extremistic Islam
Where the fuck is the goddamn difference?
Indoctrinating your little Girl to like wearing "HIJAB"?
Forbid your Daugther to go into Swimming Classes?
Forbid the Biology Teacher of your Children to speak about Sex?
Only buy halal Food?
Classifying Girls/Women by "clean/unclean" by their Virginity?
The fucking Difference is, that those "peaceful" Muslim feel as comfortable as they do not feel a need to defend their underdeveloped Religion, but they do share the same Moral Values as those Fuckers down in Syria!
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>Wake up
>listen to morning call to prayer
>make breakfast for all 12 refugees the state has placed in my home
>leave for work, no refugees leave for any work
>get into smart car
>pay 26 pounds per gallon for gas
>doesn't matter, only have to drive 2 miles anyway
>watch a riot in the distance
>street is full of refugees
>workplace has burned down
>head back home, park car
>car is stolen by chavs
>alright, its insured
>refugees are fucking in the street outside
>get fined for loitering in front of my home
>go to watch TV, forgot to pay TV tax, TV is shut off
>get on internet, only sites available today are The Daily Mail and Facebook
>complain on Facebook about refugees fucking outside my house, get fined for disturbing the peace
>friends call the police on me, house is searched, all my butter knives and most of my fence is removed as they are weapons
>make dinner for refugees, remember, only non-offensive Halal foods
>brown rice and tap water today
>tap water is too clean
>get murdered by refugees
>house is taken over by chavs
Such is life in Europe
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thanks man
Trump will use the world as a playground like the big baby he is and i kinda want to See it happen just to see the USA fail yet another war
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You think?
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>>663526174 (OP)
geez what a fucking propaganda pic. god damn rednecks
what do i think? i think you gotta be a brainwashed piece of shit to watch the news or even care about anything happening in the world today
isis doesnt exist. its just israel in a hollywood stupid creating more fear for the rednecks of the world
Trump is anti-war as fuck, you cockmongler. Wars cost trillions.
ISIS = israel in costumes
My eyes are open. The only people causing harm to western countries are the far-right idiots.
lol, Pioneering heart surgeon are already working in UK. Nevermind, highly qualified immigration may be beneficial for our countries, but how the great mas of sandniggers labor slaves are going to fit in?
Why? Because their opinion isn't yours they must be wrong? What about the crime statistics? Their lower intelligence? Their unwillingness to integrate and adapt? That's all a myth I suppose, made up all the racist governments in the world who strangely decided to let all these people in the first place?
Fuck, you are delusional
pls join isis & convince
>implying Europeans are just going going to places and killing innocent civilians in mass shootings cause MUH RELIGION.
You're dumb
>They have free money, don't have to work, don't have to adapt and they get to rape, steal and pillage while they're here.
Cut that shit and they're off to probably England or something.
The sole reason they're here is because of the benefits. The whole immigration to Holland is completely artificial. No human would ever voluntarily come to the Netherlands if they didn't have to.
>Fuck all of that.
Then do something about it.
Needs more rape
>douse me 'ouse in petrol
>let's try America this time mam, I hear their president hates ethnics as well
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You should go on vacation in Syria then.
I actually planning to move to the netherlands because i love good weed but the retarded gubbermint will ban it in a few Years anyway
>Wars cost trillions
Not when your friends own arms companies.
And now Erdogan turned him into the most efficient energy source on the planet, considering how hard that guy is spinning in his grave.
I do, every day. But there are thousands of them flooding in every week, there's not much I can do alone. What we need is a massive terrorist attack where hundreds get killed before our government wakes up.
Either that or wait for Wilders, who is going to win a landslide victory.
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Berber Muslims and Persian Muslims along with Indonesian muslims, aka non-arabified (yet) Muslims are leaving Islam by the numbers. They tried to fight it but they couldn't.
Watch the entire video.
Kek... falls for the Buddhism = peaceful fallacy.
Religions are meant to expand, if they dont they die. All religions must expand. Otherwise they will be consumed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYAcLudBbhg [Embed]
"Normal" Muslims have been arabified. The only "difference" left is the asian muslims in the far east. They're the last bastion of "moderate muslims" and they're falling to wahhabism and arabism quickly too. Give it 20 years and you'll have a hive-mind that can only be related to global communism... but worse and far more reactionary violent.
trips of truth
Pretty much we want Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel to be in power of the middle-east, we have funded Sunni Jihadists in the past to fight Russia, now we are using the sunni's to cleanse the Christians and shias in the middleeast and destroy the iraq and Syrian government, all the moderate rebel groups the US and saudis funded since 2011 were terrorists against the government of Syria
why are american political cartoons so literal? do people who draw and publish them think I can't understand a simple metaphor and have to slap me in the face with what they mean?
>>663526174 (OP)
act like men
>I actually planning to move to the netherlands because i love good weed
If it weren't for the weed the Netherlands would be a deserted country because everyone would have killed themselves already.
Government won't wake up and Wilders will get shot if they really think he's gonna be a danger.
What you need is a war plan.
And make sure the EU doesn't get its own army, that's the death of Europe and we gotta beg America again.
Americans are too fat to See the irony
Ataturk was a bastard who wasnt even turkish. He was a drunk as well. Forcing your 95% muslim population to secularism is absolutely insane! What if the same was done to christians in Germany and they werent allowed to wear a cross? This is not reasonable.
Keep in mind ataturk also required farmers to wear suits. I am not fuckin around. Farmers. Out in the field. With fucking suits
>hurr durr muh western values are everyones values right?
god fucking kill yourself
If all the refugees in cologne wouldve smoked weed instead of drinking alcohol no women wouldve been harmed
Anyone who is actually okay with this influx of "refugees" is a cuck and should be treated as such
you are just jealous that we were chosen for the job of cleansing the old religions and cultures, don't worry it's a long term plan
>>663526174 (OP)
Huge sympathy for the Syrian refugees but fuck all the cunts taking advantage of the situation and sneaking in to cause trouble.
>no women wouldve been harmed
They'd probably have gone home very confused, their minds lingering on the strange yet fascinating philosophical questions asked by a bunch of stoners.
Im a cuck with a fetish for arabic woman and im perfectly OK with how things are going right now
>What if the same was done to christians in Germany and they werent allowed to wear a cross?
Germans WEREN'T allowed to wear a cross in public buildings in the past and are still not allowed to wear any religious symbols when acting in a public official position.
It was the fucking Muslims who have started to demand that policewomen are allowed to wear the hijab etc.
Secularism is absolutely key to German society.
Yeah that's utter bollocks. There's problems with how the crisis is being handled and crims are getting through amongst the legit refugees but 90% is hilariously alarmist.
The Degeneracy started when we started abandoning Christianity!
We should be killing all non Christians and enforcing the one true way of Christ, that's what made Europe great!
Many germans would be okay with a ban on religion in general
>>663526174 (OP)
Dutchfag here.
I don't like it. European politics are laughably weak. Our politics are ruled by "decency" and white guilt, and our media are mostly leftist idiots who cry about the "far right" which means anyone anti-immigration. We have no strong politicians except for said "far right", because being nice is more important than doing shit and all they want is to secure their next four years of power (while they cry about "populism").
We only get to vote in 2017, BTW, so we've got another year and a half of this shit before we can even have a say in it. While the government and the media use all their power to spin everything into a positive light. And this they call "democracy". The rule of the people. And thousands of "the people" will be "refugees" by the time we get to vote, too.
But what really drives it home for me is that the left gets to have its cake and eat it, too. They wanted the Arab Winter. They were dancing on the table when it was still the Arab Spring. They loved it. They called idiots like ISIS freedom fighters. The European right predicted this, and no-one listened. The European right said it was better to have Ghadaffi or Assad rather than some rebel group. We were right, and what do we get? The left using it to get MORE mass immigration!
But we know who the immigrants are. Our bureacracy is too good, though I predict the hardcore commies will try to destroy all records if they ever lose power. Until then, they're just ushering them in with the full knowledge that getting them out will be very hard.
There are no houses for them, either, because none of the populist assholes thought our housing crisis was important. And then they bring in these faggots without a plan, and what do we get? "Wir schaffen es".
Fucking Merkel should be tried before a court of law. We should make new laws against feels before reals politics. No political decisions without solid proof that it's in the best interest of the country.
I live in a place which has a massive amount of Muslims or people from Muslim backgrounds and yet it is still white people who cause the most crime.
You're an idiotic piece of shit that has probably never met a brown person before yet sits on le internet all day to complain about them. You have probably never tried to look for a job in your life yet complains about the brown people stealing them. You have probably never had sex with a woman yet complains about the brown people taking them.
Topest of keks
No, it started when we adopted christianity.
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Someone start shooting already. When's the last time you heard of a white man mass shooting Muslims on home turf.
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>people stil believe this meme
Not the same fucker but I just watched that whole thing. That's kind of alarming. I'm also and atheist, but I feel like I'd much rather live in a majority Christian country long before I'd live in a Muslim one. Are there any other religions with heavy ties in modern terrorism or is it just Muslims? Surely there's an extremest for every religion.
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diagnosed Moot level symptoms of cuck, if you want to stop 4chenning, now's the time, Mr. Faggot
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When's the last time you heard of a Christan terrorist. Fag.
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Humanism, Moralism, Ethicism.
Brought to you by semitic religions. No, Degeneracy started when we thought it was a good idea to get rid off National Socialism.
Medieval christian Europe was packed with sectarian war. Just like the Middle East since the dawn of Muhammed.
Whites killing whites over kike on a cross
>what made Europe great.
pick none
Remember, this bitch was STABBED because she's pro-immigration. She should know a thing or two about victim-blaming. She won the fucking elections because of that, too. So at least most people in Cologne got exactly what they wanted.
Nope now it's just Islam, and some Buddhist assholes killing people in Sri Lanka. But besides that, mostly radical wahhabbi/salafist muslims, and their moderate counterparts.
I'm Atheist too, but leaning towards classical european values.
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Christians evovled. Unlike some people.
Actually you'd be glad to know they already took measures about that. Hollande said (backed up by Valls) that any immigrants with bi-nationality who was implicated in crimes would get his French nationality removed. This is normal. Though, what is new is that this also applies for people born in France from migrant family. It means that now, with the emergency state, they can evict entire families without problems. Considering they did this in relation with terrorism but will probably be extended to many other situations, many mass evictions will be conducted in the following decade. Let's just hope that the next president will not ruin this...
judging by that incident where some 15 year old refugee kid stabbed a 14 year old for verbally defending a girl a month earlier, that pic is ironically accurate in all pics
Why is the picture of the Paris attacks there? One is training to use their weapon, the other was clearly done by people with the intent to kill
Please enlighten me buddy
How bout you post a picture of a white christian terrorist in the past 10 years.
They did, not denying that.. but it wasn't great while the religion was actually "ruling the land" absolutism was a bit better. But Europes unity was being reconstructed with Nat Soc. We desperately need a new roman empire that sees to the common good of Europe :/ and not themselves (EU).
xD can u teach me a little more about history? we r only lerning about nights n stuff atm
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Wasted trips
Cologne is pretty much just an even shittier Version of San Francisco with Bad music taste (https://youtu.be/86X4PBAztuw) [Embed]
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>>663526174 (OP)
Nazi Crusades
They need to happen
What you need is Wilders light.
Someone who is exactly Wilders, but less inclined to voice extreme viewpoints, has more charisma and is immune to accusations of racism/xenophobia.
Someone educated, intellectual and charming.
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k. Although... there have not been any white people mass murdering muslims in US etc.. l wonder why? Or anywhere else for that matter... except for ISIS l guess they could count as Israeli special ops killing shia muslims and christians
>>663526174 (OP)
I feel indifferent.
As a european it has a neglible impact on my life. I go to work. I browse /b/. I sleep. I go out. i drink. I sleep.i go out. I fuck a girl. I sleep. Monday returns. I go to work. I get drunk. Rinse. Repeat.
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I sadly don't have images of Anders Breivik killing a bunch of white kids on a holiday camp, I don't care if he was religious but he did what he did
I got them fair and square
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You sir have just made no sense what's so ever. Please stop saying shit you don't understand.
>>663526174 (OP)
World War 3. It will soon be over, and this time, Europe will lose.
He's unfortunately not Dutch.
But the Dutch system works differently, and here he'd probably already be arrested for 'hate speech'. (yes we're like that)
Yes there are whites killing motherfuckers over shit. sure but it's not about WHO does what.. It's about what it will eventually lead to.
It's not about radical islam.. it's about what it will bring in the end. What's the end game? What's the goal? What will become of us when the conquerors come?
White terrorists rarely have any grand master plans that are supported by 3 billion people. They're mostly a fucking joke.. like the KKK.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC2VQjSgpso [Embed]
Out of insanity not a mass belief of religion
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These are the people the Muslims are invading. It won't even be close
Reminder: This piece of shit was an "integrated" immigrant in the Netherlands. The attackers in Paris? All Westernised "integrated" Muslims.
The multicult doesn't work. Integration is a myth. Moderate Islam is a lie.
Of course arrest and deport them. Or if they are a good thing, make them legal and let them stay.
It depends on what country and it's situation. Refugees can be a cheap workforce.
Definitely need to be integrated and end up considering themselves western but with muslim origins, instead of just muslims living in the west.
That's my opinion as a finn.
l'm just so far ahead of the mainstream media brainwashing that you have absolutely no idea what l am talking about. You are a lobotomized gerbil running around in the matrix. What l'm saying is how come there are no whites killing muslims in the US? Yet vice versa muslims are killing whites?
>>663526174 (OP)
I'm still waiting to see a true, poor fucking starving immigrant! 90% of the ones i have seen let into the 1st countries have a more expensive smartphone then me!
I'm starting to think they are poor as in unfortunate to be Syrian, not poor as in don't have enough for a bowl of fucking rice.
Atleast US has real niggers to scare the sandniggers away
UK "Sharia courts" have only have offical standing if both parties agree to obey its ruling, they cant judge criminal cases, and UK Laws override any judgement Sharia Court would make, also Any Group could form a council or court for a decision as long as all parties agree to follow its decision - Arbitration Act 1996
So you are saying ISIS are not cleansing the middleeast of Christians and shia muslims? Do you even know when islam split and why?
Sir. Contradict yourself some more please.
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The crusades actually, it's why I asked if there was any of extremists in other religions you dumb fuck.
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Except he wrote an enormous manifesto, just google a summary and tell me it was "out of insanity"
Pretty much this
I genuinely could not give a give a shit about some people fleeing into my country cos they dont like being shot, raped and shot again.
People are people. Now act your age
EU is in an awful condition
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