September 15, 2017

Irma Shelters allegedly are only In white neighborhoods.

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  3. Irma Shelters allegedly are only In white neighborhoods.
Florida is limiting the availability of shelters to wealthy neighborhoods as Hurricane Irma bears down on the state, according to the Coalition for Racial Justice. The group alleges that a number of communities, mainly those home to low-income people, immigrants and people of color, have been left without any such facilities, LawNewz reported.

Brittany Williams, who has worked with the coalition on a number of projects, said many communities are between 15 and 20 miles away from Miami-Dade County, where the open shelters are. She added some people would face a 45-minute drive to reach the shelters, if the roads remain open.

"We've had shelters open in our communities in the past, but not this time," Williams told LawNewz. "We don't have anywhere else to go. Historically, the communities that suffer the most went for weeks without electricity. We had water up to our doors, we expected alligators in those waters, and the National Guard wouldn't even enter those areas during prior hurricanes like Andrew and Katrina."

Williams detailed the areas most at risk.

"Homestead, Leisure City, Goulds, Florida City, Naranja, West Perrine," she added. "These are very vulnerable areas, economically, mostly people of color, immigrant communities, and migrant workers who live in camps directly adjacent to Biscayne Bay. People that live in these areas do not have a shelter. These areas are vulnerable because of their relationship to swamps. All of these areas are on swamplands and floodplains. During Andrew, Homestead and Florida City were completely demolished."

The mayor's office in Miami-Dade County told LawNewz that the "matter is being further reviewed."

"The danger now is that Miami-Dade County's local government is prioritizing rich areas like Miami Beach and South Beach and making sure they have shelters while the [areas mentioned above] don't have a shelter of their own," added Williams. "If you go to their website, you'll see who they're prioritizing. It's areas that are wealthy and upper-income."

Local government officials are not the only ones to come in for criticism. USA Today reported that a 24-pack of bottled water was advertised by a third-party seller on for $99.99 on Sept. 6. The same product was available on for $9.99.

After Florida Gov. Rick Scott declared a state of emergency, Florida established an anti-price gouging hotline.

"We have received hundreds of complaints about alleged price gouging since the hotline was activated Sunday," Whitney Ray, a spokesperson for the Florida attorney general's office, told USA Today. "While I do not have a total at this point, I can tell you that many of the complaints reference water, fuel and"

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The hurricane doesn't discriminate.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
TheVipaGTS 5 days ago#2
why would you ever want to limit the availability of shelters?
Burgess 5 days ago#3
This Irma Shelters b**** needs to knock off this racist s***.
Burgess [Z?] ...follow the Mod that failed.
"All that typing made me have to crap."~Dark Magic Vixen
UnfairRepresent 5 days ago#4
TheVipaGTS posted...
why would you ever want to limit the availability of shelters?

You say that but how do you feel about shelters declining sex offenders?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
UnfairRepresent posted...
TheVipaGTS posted...
why would you ever want to limit the availability of shelters?

You say that but how do you feel about shelters declining sex offenders?

let them in but keep a closer eye on them
UnfairRepresent posted...
TheVipaGTS posted...
why would you ever want to limit the availability of shelters?

You say that but how do you feel about shelters declining sex offenders?

God, you're such a terrible poster
scar the 1 5 days ago#7
UnfairRepresent posted...
The hurricane doesn't discriminate.

Between the sinners and the saints IT TAKES AND IT TAKES AND IT TAKES
Everything has an end, except for the sausage. It has two.
The_Donald 5 days ago#8
"Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser."
eston 5 days ago#9
These areas are vulnerable because of their relationship to swamps. All of these areas are on swamplands and floodplains.

That seems like a good reason not to put shelters there tbqh
ItsVinceRusso posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...
TheVipaGTS posted...
why would you ever want to limit the availability of shelters?

You say that but how do you feel about shelters declining sex offenders?

let them in but keep a closer eye on them

More like Irma's eye mirite
Ninja Art: Post Message Jutsu!!
dodgefan91 5 days ago#11
It's almost as if swampland prone to flooding is cheap and thus becomes a low income area. I wonder, why don't they want to put shelters in those locations?
There was literally a free hotline for anyone that couldn't afford to evacuate. This is a non issue unless you think they should have shelter on the beach too.
~A little nonsense, now and then, is relished by the wisest men ~
TWSSted since~ 3/27/12
Highwind07 5 days ago#13
Lots of shelters here in Tampa near the gulf where the flooding is going to be the worst.
Ray_Dorset 5 days ago#14
Trigg3rH4ppy posted...
There was literally a free hotline for anyone that couldn't afford to evacuate. This is a non issue unless you think they should have shelter on the beach too.

Florida has done pretty much everything they can possibly do in this regard.
Shelters are generally public schools. They're located where they're located.
***not actually a communist, only dirty on occasion
Not being in predominantly black neighborhoods doesn't mean "only in white neighborhoods" it could just as easily mean in 50/50 neighborhoods or any ratio.
Those who act like sheep, will be eaten by wolves
Howl 5 days ago#17
It's almost as if there's a separation between rich people and poor people, and that rich people have better access to goods and services. Huh...
Posted with GameRaven 3.2.2
UnfairRepresent 5 days ago#18
Howl posted...
It's almost as if there's a separation between rich people and poor people, and that rich people have better access to goods and services. Huh...

That doesn't make sense in this context.

Government shelters aren't good and services like a furniture store.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
Putting shelters in low income areas (flood zones) defeats the purpose of a shelter, you should really be staying home at that point.
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
ayy lmao ayy lmao || oaml oaml yya yya
The Admiral 5 days ago#20
Aren't those predominantly minority areas in flood zones? Kind of makes sense not to put shelters there...
- The Admiral
UnfairRepresent 4 days ago#21
Tropicalwood posted...
Putting shelters in low income areas (flood zones) defeats the purpose of a shelter, you should really be staying home at that point.

So instead they should travel 20 miles across flooded zones?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
Iodine 4 days ago#22
The Admiral posted...
Aren't those predominantly minority areas in flood zones? Kind of makes sense not to put shelters there...
In Belichick we Trust
A_Good_Boy 4 days ago#23
UnfairRepresent posted...
Tropicalwood posted...
Putting shelters in low income areas (flood zones) defeats the purpose of a shelter, you should really be staying home at that point.

So instead they should travel 20 miles across flooded zones?

What's your argument for placing flood shelters in areas predominantly predisposed to flooding?
Posted with GameRaven 3.2.2
ZCheveyo 4 days ago#24
UnfairRepresent posted...
Tropicalwood posted...
Putting shelters in low income areas (flood zones) defeats the purpose of a shelter, you should really be staying home at that point.

So instead they should travel 20 miles across flooded zones?

No, they should have f***ing left before it was flooded. This hurricane didn't jump around a corner and catch people off guard. Everyone knew it was coming. Hell, they had time to walk that damn 20 miles....
"There's nothing gay about liking a nice feminine penis."
AlephZero 4 days ago#25
opposing views dot com
"There is value in segregation." - qwertyman2002
01001100 01010101 01000101 00100000 00110100 00110000 00110010
ZCheveyo posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...
Tropicalwood posted...
Putting shelters in low income areas (flood zones) defeats the purpose of a shelter, you should really be staying home at that point.

So instead they should travel 20 miles across flooded zones?

No, they should have f***ing left before it was flooded. This hurricane didn't jump around a corner and catch people off guard. Everyone knew it was coming. Hell, they had time to walk that damn 20 miles....
TheVipaGTS 4 days ago#27
People aren't asking for the shelters to be DIRECTLY IN the affected areas...they're asking for shelters closer to those areas that aren't 30-40 minutes away...
UnfairRepresent 4 days ago#28
TheVipaGTS posted...
People aren't asking for the shelters to be DIRECTLY IN the affected areas...they're asking for shelters closer to those areas that aren't 30-40 minutes away...

And he was never seen again
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
Ray_Dorset 3 days ago#29
ZCheveyo posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...
Tropicalwood posted...
Putting shelters in low income areas (flood zones) defeats the purpose of a shelter, you should really be staying home at that point.

So instead they should travel 20 miles across flooded zones?

No, they should have f***ing left before it was flooded. This hurricane didn't jump around a corner and catch people off guard. Everyone knew it was coming. Hell, they had time to walk that damn 20 miles....

Plus the state put out a phone number that people could call so they could be evacuated if they needed it
(message deleted)
UnfairRepresent 1 day ago#31
Highwind07 posted...
Lots of shelters here in Tampa near the gulf where the flooding is going to be the worst.

^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
  1. Boards
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  3. Irma Shelters allegedly are only In white neighborhoods.

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