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- Current Events
- Netflix's awful SJW shows will be the end of it
Netflix is $20 billion in debt. I don't think it will last the next decade, if it even makes it to 2020
Shenmue II = best game of all time
Shenmue = 2nd best game of all time |
Good..... good.....
I am Mogar, God of Irony and The Devourer of Topics.
http://i.imgtc.com/tHc3mIo.png http://i.imgtc.com/PYxw8Lm.png |
Damn_Underscore posted...
Netflix is $20 billion in debt. I don't think it will last the next decade, if it even makes it to 2020 Netflix would be acquired long before it ever went under. It's much too valuable of a platform. But eventually, they will need to start tightening up their content standards.
- The Admiral
CrimsonRage posted...
What SJW shows do they have Shh, don't you know, anon? SJWs are the foundation for everything that's wrong with this world.
NNID: VoudouPriest, PSN: Superhero_Ronius
http://i.imgur.com/IU2F6A4.jpg, http://i.imgur.com/Ab4yyPJ.jpg |
While $20 billion is a lot of debt, Netflix is still consistently profitable which means it's making enough to pay its interest payments and isn't in danger of going under.
Debt is normal for business. It's very normal for rapidly growing business which Netflix is. Having debt is not a bad thing.
S*** I have to stop doing that," Gheb said, as he lay back down and died again. - Forgotten Love
Chiefs are going to win the Super Bowl |
CrimsonRage posted...
What SJW shows do they have I am actually curious about this as well @Damn_Underscore
Smash DS Code: 4554-0120-5368 SB4 Name: Roz
RIP: Orlando of the Axe Karma: 1642 --he delivered! |
CrimsonRage posted...
ImAMarvel posted... I've been posting on 4chan WAAAAY too often. >_>
NNID: VoudouPriest, PSN: Superhero_Ronius
http://i.imgur.com/IU2F6A4.jpg, http://i.imgur.com/Ab4yyPJ.jpg |
Dustin1280 posted...
CrimsonRage posted... Orange is the New Black
I'm a peasant.
Suchomimus posted...
Dustin1280 posted... What is particularly SJW about it?
https://i.imgtc.com/72JF7CA.jpg (by mark2000)
15 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017 |
i love how the article has nothing to do with sjw crap, but conservatrolls like tc just insert it in there to give us the lowest quality bait
Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you. |
_Near_ posted...
i love how the article has nothing to do with sjw crap, but conservatrolls like tc just insert it in there to give us the lowest quality bait CE is nothing if not thirsty, and I'm here for the next six hours. I can help a bro out.
https://i.imgtc.com/72JF7CA.jpg (by mark2000)
15 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017 |
DifferentialEquation posted...
CrimsonRage posted... How exactly are castlevania and stranger things SJW series? I'm not familiar with the other 2 you mentioned...
Smash DS Code: 4554-0120-5368 SB4 Name: Roz
RIP: Orlando of the Axe Karma: 1642 --he delivered! |
DifferentialEquation posted...
CrimsonRage posted... I don't really see any of them as SJW shows. 13 Reasons...maybe, but I didn't really see much that was SJWy. I'd say Orange is the New Black is the SJWiest thing I've watched on Netflix. The entire last season was dedicated to BLM and the demonizing of Law Enforcement.
{}\\{}(o){}\\//{}//=\\{})){}(< \\//{}{{-{}//\\{}
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Suchomimus posted...
Dustin1280 posted... That's an SJW show?
http://soundcloud.com/marcostaz http://i.imgur.com/AgJ8OvU.jpg
http://i.imgur.com/WYvGE.gif Seven Kilo Gold Chain |
Dustin1280 posted...
DifferentialEquation posted... 13 Reasons is a teen drama about a boy listening to a tape recorded suicide note that's circulating among his peers. The most progressive thing one could say about it is that it acknowledges rape is a thing, some teenage boys are entitled a******s, and other romantic rivals would rather fight each other for status than confront the things that actually cause them grief. Far more people rake it over the coals as an irresponsibly themed show with oversimplified representations of mental illness, glorification of teen suicide, misplaced revenge fantasies, and an unlikable deuterogonist. Think Gossip Girl meets teen suicide. I'm not even kidding. It's getting a sequel, because we can't stop watching trash.
https://i.imgtc.com/72JF7CA.jpg (by mark2000)
15 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017 |
Gheb posted...
While $20 billion is a lot of debt, Netflix is still consistently profitable which means it's making enough to pay its interest payments and isn't in danger of going under. Yup. 90% of businesses have debt. Your average small business has hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Businesses are always leveraging their financial position. The reality is that banks wouldn't be lending all this money if these companies didn't have the means to pay them back. So more than likely, Netflix is very profitable if they have that much in debt.
God Bless You
DifferentialEquation posted...
CrimsonRage posted... So a show about horror movie tropes and a ultra bloody videogame based cartoon? You are making SJWs seem awesome.
when you stub your toes it's the SJWs fualt.
CrimsonRage posted...
What SJW shows do they have He probably considers anything that doesn't have a straight while male lead as a "SJW" show. |
I'd says hemorrhaging non-original content is what'll be the death of them.
I've never heard of Stranger Things and SJW in the same sentence. What f***ing mental gymnastics do you use to reach that? The only outrage I've heard about SJW content from Netflix is just "Dear White People" and some crappy Bill Nye episode. I haven't watched 13 Reasons Why but I'm pretty sure that's more dumbass pre-teen drama than SJW s***.
PesticideDream posted...
I've never heard of Stranger Things and SJW in the same sentence. What f***ing mental gymnastics do you use to reach that? The only outrage I've heard about SJW content from Netflix is just "Dear White People" and some crappy Bill Nye episode. I haven't watched 13 Reasons Why but I'm pretty sure that's more dumbass pre-teen drama than SJW s***. It's high school drama. It's actually somewhat decent. I wouldn't call it SJWy though. Pretty standard high school s***, with the exception of the main overarching story.
{}\\{}(o){}\\//{}//=\\{})){}(< \\//{}{{-{}//\\{}
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Dustin1280 posted...
CrimsonRage posted... i wonder why he won't answer the question
Now Playing: Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
(~);} - Get out the pans, don't just stand there dreamin' - {;(~) |
M_Live posted...
Suchomimus posted... honestly it kind of is. There is a lot of plotlines and dialogue about popular social justice topics, which is to be expected because it's a prison show and things like race are a big deal, but when you hear prison inmates use phrases like "problematic" or "patriarchy" it kind of stands out. Then there are more blatant examples... read the backstory for the character Janae, for example, and the finale for one season that I watched is a controversial "social justice" current event that was literally copied in the show (spoilers: they copy Eric Garner's death on one of the black inmates).
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
http://i.imgur.com/LhwwG.gif |
Tezlok posted...
I'm curious to why he thinks Daredevil is SJW DE is literally a parody of Conservatives, don't take him seriously. DU, on the other hand, might actually believe the nonsense he spouts. and he still won't defend the claims he made in the OP. i wonder why that is?
Now Playing: Horizon: Zero Dawn (PS4)
(~);} - Get out the pans, don't just stand there dreamin' - {;(~) |
TheBiggerWiggle posted...
The only show they have id consider SJW is that garbage ass Bill Nye show. agreed, although the worst thing about the nye show is that the panels it uses tend to work against its goal of clarifying the correct answer to an issue
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
Darkman124 posted...
TheBiggerWiggle posted... oh man, that one was bad too i watched one ep (the first one about global warming) and called it quits after. there was a point in the episode where he literally stands in front of the camera and berates the audience for not believing in climate change, as if his primary audience is far right skeptics that bill wants to shame
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
http://i.imgur.com/LhwwG.gif |
DippinSauce posted...
Didn't the most "SJW" show Sense8 get cancelled? Almost. It's getting a concluding two hour episode, that the Wachowski's are optimistically angling to turn into a half season, but they'll likely have to settle for the two hour special.
https://i.imgtc.com/72JF7CA.jpg (by mark2000)
15 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017 |
Nomadic View posted...
PesticideDream posted... Lol
Give me your tired, your poor,Your masses yearning to breathe free,The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest tossed, to me.
Their shows aren't even the bulk of it, it's just that they're having a lot of shows produced out of house and they buy a lot of s***ty movies from film festivals and stuff for high prices.
But their strategy right now is to pump out more and more content to try to top Amazon and Hulu just to be the top dog at the cost of going into debt now but making it all back later. Honestly it wouldn't be that hard for them to get out of debt, they have 100 million subscribers and it's rapidly growing, that many people paying $10-$15 (I forget the price) a month is sustaining enough where they could cut back on out of house productions and stop bidding wars at film festivals and be fine. Also @Damn_Underscore how many SJW shows do they have? There's like that Bill Nye show, maybe Sens8 which has been cancelled anyways, and what else? I'm legitimately curious because nothing else comes to mind.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon Octopus
just thought of another one, Degrassi (forgot the full title but there were a few new seasons that were Netflix exclusive). It's one of my wife's guilty pleasure shows and i watched a bit of it... there's a muslim feminist character, like every character is gay or bisexual, hell there's even a plotline where the school started taking in Syrian refugee students (lol)
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
http://i.imgur.com/LhwwG.gif |
- Boards
- Current Events
- Netflix's awful SJW shows will be the end of it
- Boards
- Current Events
- Netflix's awful SJW shows will be the end of it
Dear white people is racist to Asians because it divides everyone into black and white and ignores Asians, though latinos are there on team black people iirc
Bill Nye Saves the World is the biggest piece of trash ever seen. He tries to save the world by indoctrinating kids to be SJW of tomorrow but the scenes are so freaky and often so sexual that kids wouldn't watch it and instead it's just a circlejerk of like minded people dancing on a stage together and it is actually a little pathetic.
I-I really needed this~~
Time to stomp some faces!!!Sense8 is probably the closets thing I can think of being "SJW" like, but it got cancelled (I mean what did the creators expect? Their budget is the size of GoT and it doesn't nearly get as many views so of course I expected it to get scrapped).
"Yare yare daze" ~ Jotaro Kujo
"Children are pure, they know who's the strongest." ~ MaskDeSmithLittleRoyal posted...
Bill Nye Saves the World is the biggest piece of trash ever seen. He tries to save the world by indoctrinating kids to be SJW of tomorrow but the scenes are so freaky and often so sexual that kids wouldn't watch it and instead it's just a circlejerk of like minded people dancing on a stage together and it is actually a little pathetic.
i thought it sucked too but like the first thing that bill nye says in the first ep is that the show is not for kids, it's for the adults who used to watch his show when they were kids
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
http://i.imgur.com/LhwwG.gifRomulox28 posted...
M_Live posted...
Suchomimus posted...
Dustin1280 posted...
CrimsonRage posted...
What SJW shows do they have
I am actually curious about this as well @Damn_Underscore
Orange is the New Black
That's an SJW show?
honestly it kind of is. There is a lot of plotlines and dialogue about popular social justice topics, which is to be expected because it's a prison show and things like race are a big deal, but when you hear prison inmates use phrases like "problematic" or "patriarchy" it kind of stands out.
Then there are more blatant examples... read the backstory for the character Janae, for example, and the finale for one season that I watched is a controversial "social justice" current event that was literally copied in the show (spoilers: they copy Eric Garner's death on one of the black inmates).
How is any of that s*** "SJW"ish?
I don't get it. Seems more like they're borrowing from extremely controversial real life scenarios than being "SJW"
As for the patriarchy nonsense, who cares? It's a female prison. Of course there's going to be anti-male sentiment in an all female prison, just like theirs anti-female sentiment in all male prisons. It's just common sense, not "SJW" s***.
Romulox28 posted...
LittleRoyal posted...
Bill Nye Saves the World is the biggest piece of trash ever seen. He tries to save the world by indoctrinating kids to be SJW of tomorrow but the scenes are so freaky and often so sexual that kids wouldn't watch it and instead it's just a circlejerk of like minded people dancing on a stage together and it is actually a little pathetic.
i thought it sucked too but like the first thing that bill nye says in the first ep is that the show is not for kids, it's for the adults who used to watch his show when they were kids
Oh phew that's a relief! I didn't watch whole thing since I was in charge of snacks and I am an adult who watched his show as a kid.
But everything else I said is still valid! If I used circle jerk right I learned that word here
I-I really needed this~~
Time to stomp some faces!!!Samurontai posted...
How is any of that s*** "SJW"ish?
I don't get it. Seems more like they're borrowing from extremely controversial real life scenarios than being "SJW"
As for the patriarchy nonsense, who cares? It's a female prison. Of course there's going to be anti-male sentiment in an all female prison, just like theirs anti-female sentiment in all male prisons. It's just common sense, not "SJW" s***.
true... i don't really know what people mean when they say stuff is "SJW" since i do not really talk about that (nor do i care about these issues).
it just seems fairly obvious that there is a lot of social justice current events covered on OITNB and from what I watched, I did get the vibe at some points that the show was being used kind of as a soapbox for the writers to discuss hot button issues with a fairly obvious bias. i dont think thats a bad thing at all, just that it was very obvious with the show that there was a bit of an agenda.
as for the last point though... let's be real, what people actually go around using phrases like patriarchy and problematic in their everyday speech? definitely not your average prisoner lol
A Green Butter Alt(TM)
http://i.imgur.com/LhwwG.gifTheBiggerWiggle posted...
The only show they have id consider SJW is that garbage ass Bill Nye show.
This. And honestly, thats the most blatant and cringeworthy pandering ive ever f***ing seen in a show
As a fan of the OG Nye and the original show, that was a f***ing let down and its a god daln shame Bill did this
Paintballreturns:Jesus Christ Raptor you're a terrible Mod stop banning me because you're butthurt.Topic is ridiculous, the TC is pathetic. Sad!
Sig User Logic
http://i.imgur.com/lA5fm7w.jpgRomulox28 posted...
as for the last point though... let's be real, what people actually go around using phrases like patriarchy and problematic in their everyday speech? definitely not your average prisoner lol
Fair enough, you've got a point there
Gheb posted...
While $20 billion is a lot of debt, Netflix is still consistently profitable which means it's making enough to pay its interest payments and isn't in danger of going under.
Debt is normal for business. It's very normal for rapidly growing business which Netflix is. Having debt is not a bad thing.
They burn a lot of cash. I haven't spent much time digging through their financials but I checked operating cash flow on Yahoo Finance and it was ugly. I'm not saying they are at death's door, but cash flow is the most important metric when determining if a company is over-leveraged.
It looks like they are losing Disney because they will use their own streaming service. If that's the start of a new trend, Netflix has a problem.
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." -Thomas SowellImAMarvel posted...
CrimsonRage posted...
What SJW shows do they have
Shh, don't you know, anon? SJWs are the foundation for everything that's wrong with this world.
They absolutely f*** up a lot of things they have no right meddling in, a lot of the time.
We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon, but there ain't no whales, so we tell tall tales, and sing our whaling tune.Dear White People, which really isn't SJW except for some "f*** the police" moments.
I could see Orange is the new Black doing it.
Closest Castlevania gets to being SJW is leaning very hard on Christianity. Something about priests being universally evil, running around with knives and beating old men to death without a single one featuring a redeeming quality. They could've used the Church as a villain without making all Christians out to be Nazi's.
Can't think of anything remotely SJW about Stranger Things. Monsters invading from another dimension. A kid with powers. Nope, nothing SJW.
John Watson: "Well it isn't obvious to me."
Sherlock Holmes: "The world is full of obvious things that nobody notices."Herugrim posted...
Can't think of anything remotely SJW about Stranger Things. Monsters invading from another dimension. A kid with powers. Nope, nothing SJW.
It's got a little girl who does badass stuff.
ChaoticKnuckles posted...
Can someone please explain how the hell Daredevil is "SJW"?
I remember people saying Jessica Jones was SJW but I didn't hear that about DD. And it doesn't make sense for JJ either though. I assume people say it because of the mention that Killgrave raped her which he in fact did so... I don't really see the point there.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon OctopusHerugrim posted...
Closest Castlevania gets to being SJW is leaning very hard on Christianity. Something about priests being universally evil, running around with knives and beating old men to death without a single one featuring a redeeming quality. They could've used the Church as a villain without making all Christians out to be Nazi's.
They didn't, though.
Rewatch episode 4. It's made explicitly clear the Wallachian church was especially corrupt, and did not represent the ideals of Christianity. Towards the end a priest is even able to make holy water.
Currently Binging: Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex
http://i.imgtc.com/YQId2Bz.pngChaoticKnuckles posted...
Can someone please explain how the hell Daredevil is "SJW"?
I really don't understand where all this socio-political s*** comes from. I watched the movie Get Out for the first time a few weeks ago. Loved it...but when it ended I said to myself "What was all the controversy about? It's just a movie with an interesting concept."
Same thing with Ozark. I just binge-watched it, and then when I was done I Googled it, and the first few article titles were s*** like "The most controversial scene in Ozark!" and "The 3 times Ozark almost crossed the line...and the one time it did." I didn't even click on them...I don't remember seeing anything in the show that "crossed the line". It's a f***ing TV show, anyway. The media is just laughing all the way to the bank making mountains out of literally nothing, and getting people to click on their stupid articles. Then, people start to believe the s*** that is written in them. Learn to think for yourself.
And yeah, there's nothing SJW about Daredevil. It's a damn good show. And hell, I'm as anti-SJW and politically incorrect as they come.
I miss my Seattle Supersonics- Boards
- Current Events
- Netflix's awful SJW shows will be the end of it
Wow. Are some people really saying there is little SJW propaganda in Netflix Shows? Most of the shows are. Are you f*cking blind and deaf?