August 3, 2017

SJWs upset with an ad. They call it racist.

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  2. Current Events
  3. SWJs upset with an ad. They call it racist. Dumb SJWs.
cjsdowg 20 hours ago#1
The SJWs complaining about calls it sick and tell their readers to brace for it. 

This might be the most racist commercial any company has ever produced.

A more than two-minute video produced by Procter & Gamble, the company that manufactures Cascade, Febreze, Mr. Clean, Tide, Swiffer, Downy and a plethora of products, shows various scenes of black parents talking with their children about racism.

The ad, titled “The Talk,” shows scenes of black parents, spanning generations, telling their kids about how the system is stacked against them, how racist white people are and teaching them to fear the police.


Sarcasm aside, I find it outrageously funny call video that speaks about racism. The most racist and sick thing ever. To many on the right no matter how black people speak about racism it is bad. 

BLM-Bad get out the streets.
Kaep- Bad Boy you better not take a Knee.
Now this ad.- Bad Just cus.. I guess.
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
(edited 20 hours ago)reportquote
apocalyptic_4 20 hours ago#2
Dumb SJW's 

So dumb
PSN: Adrian396
XBL: Prime Legacy Nintendo ID: Apocalypse
KILBOTz 20 hours ago#3
to be honest I was surprised when I learned about the talk probably 10 years ago(?) on ce from SArm.
Lightsasori 20 hours ago#4
SJW's? Why would they be mad at this? In fact I think they'll actually like this, the only people I could see hating this are anti-SJW's and redpillers.
"Yare yare daze" ~ Jotaro Kujo
"Children are pure, they know who's the strongest." ~ MaskDeSmith
CruelBuffalo 20 hours ago#5
Lightsasori posted...
SJW's? Why would they be mad at this? In fact I think they'll actually like this, the only people I could see hating this are anti-SJW's and redpillers.

That's the joke
cjsdowg 20 hours ago#6
Lightsasori posted...
SJW's? Why would they be mad at this? In fact I think they'll actually like this, the only people I could see hating this are anti-SJW's and redpillers.

I was being sarcastic; people call others who they say cry racism over nothing SJWs. And these people are cry racism over nothing. There for using their own logic wouldn't they be SJWs ?
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
(edited 20 hours ago)reportquote
Lightsasori 20 hours ago#7
CruelBuffalo posted...
Lightsasori posted...
SJW's? Why would they be mad at this? In fact I think they'll actually like this, the only people I could see hating this are anti-SJW's and redpillers.

That's the joke

cjsdowg posted...
Lightsasori posted...
SJW's? Why would they be mad at this? In fact I think they'll actually like this, the only people I could see hating this are anti-SJW's and redpillers.

I was being sarcastic; people call others who they say cry racism over nothing SJWs. And these people are cry racism over nothing. There for using their own logic wouldn't they be SJWs ?

Well that just wooshed over me lol
"Yare yare daze" ~ Jotaro Kujo
"Children are pure, they know who's the strongest." ~ MaskDeSmith
Kaname_Madoka 20 hours ago#8
I find it funny how these right wingers think "police officer" is a race
Drawn for me by | Popcorn_Fairy: | Volkswagen_Bros: | ShinobiNinjaX:
Kazi1212 20 hours ago#9
Pretty racist to assume people of other races are going to be racist towards you, that's discriminatory.
You have to be high to understand Jon Stewart, he is pinker than an Indian river grapefruit.-Stephen Colbert
thelovefist 20 hours ago#10
Lightsasori posted...
SJW's? Why would they be mad at this? In fact I think they'll actually like this, the only people I could see hating this are anti-SJW's and redpillers.

TC believes that racism is ok in certain circumstances
hollow_shrine 20 hours ago#11
The comment section defies reason. They're legit mad and they cannot handle it. (by mark2000)
14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
Transcendentia 20 hours ago#12
are they going to make an ad about the white/asian/brown kids who are minorities in the school or community theyre a part of? they face bullying and racism too. if the discussion doesnt include everyone's struggles it's just going to alienate and divide.
Lightsasori 20 hours ago#13
hollow_shrine posted...
The comment section defies reason. They're legit mad and they cannot handle it.

It's youtube comments, I always avoid it because it's a literal toxic cesspool.
"Yare yare daze" ~ Jotaro Kujo
"Children are pure, they know who's the strongest." ~ MaskDeSmith
LittleRoyal 20 hours ago#14
apocalyptic_4 posted...
Dumb SJW's 

So dumb

The whole commercial is dumb. 

Trying to desperate people into groups. Invite anger and get people up in arms and ready to fight because why exactly? To get their brand name out there? Lol.
I-I really needed this~~
Time to stomp some faces!!!
Piersons_Fox 20 hours ago#15

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?
Transcendentia 20 hours ago#16
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

in some american states yes.
hollow_shrine 20 hours ago#17
God I just watched a hotep reaction video to this claiming the lack of fathers in this video is black male erasure and an attack on the black family structure.

I can't.

We're f***ing doomed. (by mark2000)
14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
Monday 20 hours ago#18
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

I can't imagine they do, it'd be really stupid.
LittleRoyal 20 hours ago#19
Monday posted...
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

I can't imagine they do, it'd be really stupid.

I've seen on Facebook "my daughter is 4 and she scared to go driving because she knows he cops want to hurt her just for how she looks" 

So idk, some people.
I-I really needed this~~
Time to stomp some faces!!!
Transcendentia 20 hours ago#20
LittleRoyal posted...
Monday posted...
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

I can't imagine they do, it'd be really stupid.

I've seen on Facebook "my daughter is 4 and she scared to go driving because she knows he cops want to hurt her just for how she looks" 

So idk, some people.

yeah and wasnt it Draje who posted about how he teaches his kid that cops and whites are evil?
Monday 20 hours ago#21
Transcendentia posted...
LittleRoyal posted...
Monday posted...
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

I can't imagine they do, it'd be really stupid.

I've seen on Facebook "my daughter is 4 and she scared to go driving because she knows he cops want to hurt her just for how she looks" 

So idk, some people.

yeah and wasnt it Draje who posted about how he teaches his kid that cops and whites are evil?

Yep, I remember that. On more than one occasion he'd post about teaching his kid to not listen to the police because they're all out to get black people. Quality user, that one.
cjsdowg 20 hours ago#22
hollow_shrine posted...
God I just watched a hotep reaction video to this claiming the lack of fathers in this video is black male erasure and an attack on the black family structure.

I can't.

Don't get me started with that group...
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
cjsdowg 20 hours ago#23
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

Are you one of those people who suggest racism is over ?
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
LittleRoyal 20 hours ago#24
cjsdowg posted...
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

Are you one of those people who suggest racism is over ?

It's not over by any means. Black Americans have it tough. 
I myself am often a victim of racism but it isn't taken seriously since most people who mock me, talk s*** about me and say I can't speak English (without ever talking to me), or make weird noises pretending it's Chinese are in fact black. 
Just an observation not like saying that's how most people are lol. 
I don't even have an Asian accent
I-I really needed this~~
Time to stomp some faces!!!
creativerealms 20 hours ago#25
Dumb ASJWs.
when you stub your toes it's the SJWs fualt.
Kineth 20 hours ago#26
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

Have you ever talked to a black person in your life?
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
cjsdowg 20 hours ago#27
If someone made a video about Asian people making abused I would not complain. It sucks that anyone has to deal with that.
Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
Blue_Dream87 19 hours ago#28
Is this commercial really shocking? Are people really having a problem with it? Some white people feel threatened by this f***ing commercial because, gasp, black people still face discrimination? 

Get over it.
FrisbeeDude 19 hours ago#29
Kineth posted...
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

Have you ever talked to a black person in your life?

I'm guessing not
No one gets in the way of my frisbee games! NO ONE!
boxington 19 hours ago#30
I mean, when a black person does well at something, they're often seen as getting preferential treatment. black people are often harassed by the police, that's why "driving while black" has been a thing for generations. when black people are complimented for their features, they often get the "for a black girl/guy" qualifier. studies have shown that people often see white children as being more innocent than black children. and so on. 

the video got a lot of those notes, because those issues still exist.
(edited 19 hours ago)reportquote
Zembaphobia 19 hours ago#31
of course racists are made about this ad. They don't like being confronted with systemic racism as they deny it exists
KrustyTheClown 19 hours ago#32
cjsdowg posted...
Kaep- Bad Boy you better not take a Knee.
Now this ad.- Bad Just cus.. I guess.

This is what it made me think of. The last two points are something that anti-black racists are always b****ing about. 

"Well, why didn't he have an ID?"

"Well, how come he/she didn't act right when they were pulled over?"

Always b****ing about this s*** but teaching black kids how to look out for themselves by doing what you f***ing say they should is bad?

Can't f***ing win and just exposes that racists just want to be whiny punk ass racist b****es.
1, 2, 3, and to the 4.
Ammonitida 19 hours ago#33
It was OK until it got to the cop part. Black people are not any more likely to be shot or killed when pulled over by a cop than white people are. Do I have to cite the studies again, TC? Stop peddling hateful propaganda about cops and less people will have a problem with it.
The Admiral 19 hours ago#34
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.
- The Admiral
Piersons_Fox 19 hours ago#35
Kineth posted...
Piersons_Fox posted...

Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

Have you ever talked to a black person in your life?

Of course. 

Were you told stuff like this when you were a child?
Transcendentia 19 hours ago#36
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.
hollow_shrine 19 hours ago#37
I was. I had every one of those conversations with my dad. Well except the ID one. (by mark2000)
14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
boxington 19 hours ago#38
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

it's maintaining a "victim mentality" to inform your children of a very possible reality they might face, using your own experiences (or those that you know) as a standard?
boxington 19 hours ago#39
Transcendentia posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

if you're talking about discrimination or treatment from police, then yea they do.
Ammonitida 19 hours ago#40
boxington posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

it's maintaining a "victim mentality" to inform your children of a very possible reality they might face, using your own experiences (or those that you know) as a standard?

The likelihood of being pulled over and shot by cop is almost nonexistent for any race of people in the US, especially for women.
boxington 19 hours ago#41
hollow_shrine 19 hours ago#42
Transcendentia posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none. (by mark2000)
14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
(edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
Ammonitida 18 hours ago#43
boxington posted...
who said anything about being shot?

1:10 in the video. The myth that being black makes stops by cops more deadly for you. There's no evidence to support that. Only evidence against.
boxington 18 hours ago#44
you can interpret it that way, or it could be about her being arrested/detained.
Transcendentia 18 hours ago#45
hollow_shrine posted...
Transcendentia posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.
hollow_shrine 18 hours ago#46
Ammonitida posted...
boxington posted...
who said anything about being shot?

1:10 in the video. The myth that being black makes stops by cops more deadly for you. There's no evidence to support that. Only evidence against.

I'm not seeing any reference to guns here. What are you talking about? (by mark2000)
14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
hollow_shrine 18 hours ago#47
Transcendentia posted...
hollow_shrine posted...
Transcendentia posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.

Not all of the black immigrants in this country are refugees fleeing home. In fact I've yet to meet any black refugee immigrants. Not from Africa, nor from the Caribbean. I don't know what you're talking about. (by mark2000)
14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
(edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
boxington 18 hours ago#48
Transcendentia posted...
hollow_shrine posted...
Transcendentia posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.

and my parents came here from Rwanda, and have dealt with every issue referenced in the video. 

I'm not saying that back home, things would have been better for them (at the time), but they've experienced hardships due to their race when they came here. 

my dad once even gave me the talk about bringing my ID with me.
Transcendentia 18 hours ago#49
hollow_shrine posted...
Transcendentia posted...
hollow_shrine posted...
Transcendentia posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.

Not all of the black emigrants in this country are refugees fleeing home. In fact I've yet to meet any black refugee emigrants. Not from Africa, nor from the Caribbean. I don't know what you're talking about.

I didn't say that black immigrants are refugees fleeing from home. I said that they are immigrating to America because America is a far better country to be in, with much more opportunity, freedom, and equality. And who you have met is irrelevant, because your anecdotes are irrelevant.
Kazi1212 18 hours ago#50
hollow_shrine posted...
Transcendentia posted...
hollow_shrine posted...
Transcendentia posted...
The Admiral posted...
No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.

Not all of the black immigrants in this country are refugees fleeing home. In fact I've yet to meet any black refugee immigrants. Not from Africa, nor from the Caribbean. I don't know what you're talking about.

You don't have to be a refugee to emigrate to this country with hardly anything. Do you think black people who come here are already financially established people? I seriously doubt it from my experience living in NYC for 20 years
You have to be high to understand Jon Stewart, he is pinker than an Indian river grapefruit.-Stephen Colbert
(edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
  1. Boards
  2. Current Events 
  3. SWJs upset with an ad. They call it racist. Dumb SJWs.
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events
    3. SWJs upset with an ad. They call it racist. Dumb SJWs.
    Transcendentia 18 hours ago#51
    boxington posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    hollow_shrine posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    The Admiral posted...
    No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

    What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

    That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

    Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

    It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.

    and my parents came here from Rwanda, and have dealt with every issue referenced in the video. 

    I'm not saying that back home, things would have been better for them (at the time), but they've experienced hardships due to their race when they came here. 

    my dad once even gave me the talk about bringing my ID with me.

    My dad one gave me the talk about bringing my ID where I go too, and I'm not black. It turns out that taking your ID with you is necessary! Also, I got picked on because of my race when I was a kid too. The truth is that when you're a minority in your environment or a community, you're going to get picked on. How come that isn't ever brought up though? Why aren't white/brown/asian minorities and their struggles included too? That'd make the ad a lot more relevant, no?
    Leanaunfurled 18 hours ago#52
    I don't see what the issue is? That video is just...reality. Though I guess some people really hate reality and try to deny that.
    Currently Playing: Trails of Cold Steel II
    CrimsonRage 18 hours ago#53
    The Admiral posted...
    No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

    So they're supposed to just ignore all the systemic and social roadblocks they face and just "keep up a positive attitude and everything will be okay! :D"

    Maybe that works in fantasy land but not reality.
    cjsdowg 18 hours ago#54
    Transcendentia posted...
    The Admiral posted...
    No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

    What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

    I love who you two act like victims should not feel victimized . Literally Admirals favorite police force have been once more found to be planting evidence on people.
    Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
    boxington 18 hours ago#55
    I can't speak for white people that are minorites in their areas, people of Asian or Hispanic descent, etc., but it's enough of an issue for black people across the country (even in black neighborhoods) that many black people feel "the talk" is necessary. 

    if other communities wanna do the same thing, I encourage them to, since it'll make a lot more people's lives easier.

    Edit: at post 51
    (edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
    hollow_shrine 18 hours ago#56
    Transcendentia posted...
    hollow_shrine posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    hollow_shrine posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    The Admiral posted...
    No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

    What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

    That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

    Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

    It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.

    Not all of the black emigrants in this country are refugees fleeing home. In fact I've yet to meet any black refugee emigrants. Not from Africa, nor from the Caribbean. I don't know what you're talking about.

    I didn't say that black immigrants are refugees fleeing from home. I said that they are immigrating to America because America is a far better country to be in, with much more opportunity, freedom, and equality. And who you have met is irrelevant, because your anecdotes are irrelevant.

    My anecdote is no less limiting than your diaspora narrative in trying to understand why many black immigrants don't share black Americans experience with racism. At least until they encounter the person who can't or won't appreciate the differences in their cultural upbringing and only sees skin color. (by mark2000)
    14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
    Transcendentia 18 hours ago#57
    cjsdowg posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    The Admiral posted...
    No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

    What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

    I love who you two act like victims should not feel victimized . Literally Admirals favorite police force have been once more found to be planting evidence on people.

    I'm pretty sure Admiral denounced cops that plant evidence. Anyone who is sane would denounce them, dude. Why are you trying to assassinate his character?
    Transcendentia 18 hours ago#58
    boxington posted...
    I can't speak for white people that are minorites in their areas, people of Asian or Hispanic descent, etc., but it's enough of an issue for black people across the country (even in black neighborhoods) that many black people feel "the talk" is necessary. 

    if other communities wanna do the same thing, I encourage them to, since it'll make a lot more people's lives easier.

    Edit: at post 51

    How much of the talk is necessary because the talk keeps cropping up as a center-piece of the narrative within the community? Because last I checked of the data, there were more black women graduating college than any other race or gender, more white people are wrongfully killed by cops, etc. Are you saying that the majority of black people have to fear cops or forgetting their ID at home in 2017?

    And I grew up as a white kid in an almost entirely non-white community. The victim narrative never seems to include people like me, though, or Asians or brown people or other white people who were in some way a minority within a community or a school. If the idea is to be inclusive and eliminate racial tensions, you need to include everyone. Right now videos like these might address part of the truth but they do so in a way that alienates everyone else and makes innocent people feel like they're responsible for something they didn't do.
    CrimsonRage 18 hours ago#59
    Transcendentia posted...
    Why aren't white/brown/asian minorities and their struggles included too? That'd make the ad a lot more relevant, no?

    You'd probably still complain about it tbh
    Transcendentia 18 hours ago#60
    hollow_shrine posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    hollow_shrine posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    hollow_shrine posted...
    Transcendentia posted...
    The Admiral posted...
    No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

    What's interesting is how the Democrat party has been doing this for decades, and it's been so effective at keeping people down. Whereas black people who come to America from other countries don't have the same issues.

    That's because most of those countries ended slavery (assuming there was a slave trade) decades before us and then went on to become nations where black people are the majority instead of the minority. So there's none of the racism, institutional or otherwise, keeping them down. Then consider that you have to already be extraordinary to even emigrate here. You're trying to draw a contradiction where there is none.

    Those people are fleeing their countries because their countries are awful places to be. They want to be in the land of opportunity, not those third world countries. That's why my family immigrated to America too. And a bunch of us come with nothing, and yet we excel in every area more than Americans who were born here and raised here for generations.

    It's simple - people who come here with nothing and who were not exposed to victim rhetoric end up outclassing literally everyone else. It's more than possible. That's why everyone wants to come to America.

    Not all of the black emigrants in this country are refugees fleeing home. In fact I've yet to meet any black refugee emigrants. Not from Africa, nor from the Caribbean. I don't know what you're talking about.

    I didn't say that black immigrants are refugees fleeing from home. I said that they are immigrating to America because America is a far better country to be in, with much more opportunity, freedom, and equality. And who you have met is irrelevant, because your anecdotes are irrelevant.

    My anecdote is no less limiting than your diaspora narrative in trying to understand why many black immigrants don't share black Americans experience with racism. At least until they encounter the person who can't or won't appreciate the differences in their cultural upbringing and only sees skin color.

    Ironically enough, it seems to me that it's usually black Americans who want to tie immigrants down to just their skin color, no? When was the last time we asked about the cultural upbringing immigrants had and how it differs from the cultural upbringing of blacks and whites who were born in America and raised here for generations?
    cjsdowg 18 hours ago#61
    Transcendentia posted...

    I'm pretty sure Admiral denounced cops that plant evidence. Anyone who is sane would denounce them, dude. Why are you trying to assassinate his character?

    Who did I assassinate his character, he defends the Baltimore place all the time. However we have case after case of them doing stuff like this. And people tell him about how bad they are in cases with out video footage he doesn't want to hear them.
    Bender: Well, everybody, I just saved a turtle. What have you done with your lives?
    ZCheveyo 18 hours ago#62
    cjsdowg posted...

    Honestly, it doesn't matter. You and Admiral on two sides to the same coin. You both deny it, but you are both racist, and if your personalities and characteristics on CE are anything to go by, then you are both horrible people to simply even be around.
    "There's nothing gay about liking a nice feminine penis."
    Capn Circus 18 hours ago#63
    KrustyTheClown posted...
    cjsdowg posted...
    Kaep- Bad Boy you better not take a Knee.
    Now this ad.- Bad Just cus.. I guess.

    This is what it made me think of. The last two points are something that anti-black racists are always b****ing about. 

    "Well, why didn't he have an ID?"

    "Well, how come he/she didn't act right when they were pulled over?"

    Always b****ing about this s*** but teaching black kids how to look out for themselves by doing what you f***ing say they should is bad?

    Can't f***ing win and just exposes that racists just want to be whiny punk ass racist b****es.

    Every decent parent regardless of race has that discussion with their children. It's called socialization and parenting. It's some pretty basic ****.
    "I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
    (edited 18 hours ago)reportquote
    The Admiral posted...
    No better way to ensure a group of people will perpetually remain an underclass than by giving them a victim mentality.

    Says the s***poster who wants racial profiling.
    hollow_shrine 18 hours ago#65
    Transcendentia posted...
    boxington posted...
    I can't speak for white people that are minorites in their areas, people of Asian or Hispanic descent, etc., but it's enough of an issue for black people across the country (even in black neighborhoods) that many black people feel "the talk" is necessary. 

    if other communities wanna do the same thing, I encourage them to, since it'll make a lot more people's lives easier.

    Edit: at post 51

    How much of the talk is necessary because the talk keeps cropping up as a center-piece of the narrative within the community? Because last I checked of the data, there were more black women graduating college than any other race or gender, more white people are wrongfully killed by cops, etc. Are you saying that the majority of black people have to fear cops or forgetting their ID at home in 2017?

    And I grew up as a white kid in an almost entirely non-white community. The victim narrative never seems to include people like me, though, or Asians or brown people or other white people who were in some way a minority within a community or a school. If the idea is to be inclusive and eliminate racial tensions, you need to include everyone. Right now videos like these might address part of the truth but they do so in a way that alienates everyone else and makes innocent people feel like they're responsible for something they didn't do.

    The idea isn't to be inclusive. The idea is to draw attention to one group's continuing effort to cope with various forms racial inequality in America though "the Talk." That one group is specifically black people. It's not about racial unity or some vague "we're all humans" platitude.

    I can't control how you feel about this video, but I can assure you with one-hundred percent certainly that it's not about you. (by mark2000)
    14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
    boxington 18 hours ago#66
    at post 58 (my phone sucks at quoting sometimes) 

    the issue is bigger than black women going to college, or remembering to bring your ID along; it's about perceptions. 

    if it's about accomplishment, it's because of a handicap. if it's about beauty, it's with an asterisk. 

    and as far as safety goes, a black kid isn't always gonna know that he/she might be seen a certain way, and that the best way to avoid conflict is to be aware of potential threats, and how to deal with them. 

    maybe things are better know, but we're talking about a generational thing, where experience is passed along about "the black experience". not all families do it, but it's a thing
    Capn Circus 18 hours ago#67
    boxington posted...
    my dad once even gave me the talk about bringing my ID with me.

    Pretty basic stuff, man. Common sense, actually.
    "I think that man will be president right about the time when spaceships come down filled with dinosaurs in red capes" - Tom Hanks
    hollow_shrine 18 hours ago#68
    Transcendentia posted...
    Ironically enough, it seems to me that it's usually black Americans who want to tie immigrants down to just their skin color, no? When was the last time we asked about the cultural upbringing immigrants had and how it differs from the cultural upbringing of blacks and whites who were born in America and raised here for generations?

    This comes up pretty often conversations about the cultural erasure of the term "African American" when used to describe people who didn't emigrate from Africa, or the experience of having the label of "black" and all its implications suddenly thrust upon you when you move here despite living your whole life prior without all that cultural baggage. The conversations are happening and the general educated consensus is that these distinctions (and indeed race itself) are unscientific reductive and useless at describing anything except cultural bias. But that nugget has yet to filter into our cultural understanding of race which continues to affect law, economics, realpolitik, etc. (by mark2000)
    14 Transwomen of color have been murdered since 1/1/2017
    itachi15243 18 hours ago#69
    Can anyone actually explain how this is racist?

    I'm kinda confused. It seems to just serve as a warning to black people that racism exists, and some stuff to be prepared for
    I do drawings and stuff
    ColdOne666 15 hours ago#70
    TC needs to learn how to English.
    FFX is the best game of all time. The only good Nintendo franchises are Pokemon and Fire Emblem. Comics are for kids.
    Blue_Dream87 15 hours ago#71
    itachi15243 posted...
    Can anyone actually explain how this is racist?

    I'm kinda confused. It seems to just serve as a warning to black people that racism exists, and some stuff to be prepared for

    Because they didn't talk about Hispanic/Asian/White problems. Therefore it's safe to assume the people behind the commercial don't believe they face any problems, and only black people have problems. 

    At least that's what I'm getting from the other side.
    Kineth 9 hours ago#72
    Piersons_Fox posted...
    Kineth posted...
    Piersons_Fox posted...

    Do black families seriously indoctrinate their children with this victim complex propaganda?

    Have you ever talked to a black person in your life?

    Of course. 

    Were you told stuff like this when you were a child?

    I experienced that stuff as a child too. I had to have the conversation with my parents before they were even thinking they had to or were ready to when I was 5 years old and first made aware of what race was. Look, you are just out of line to call it a victim complex. It's literally an alternate set of rules of engagement with the world. I know I'm wasting my time actually showing my heart on this subject, but you have no real basis to call it propaganda or a victim complex. You think you're the first person to present this argument? It's not original and has been responded to thousands of times. You haven't presented a valid statement just because you refused to listen the other myriad of times.

    I mean, who are you to say that we're viewing ourselves as victims?
    If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
    (edited 9 hours ago)reportquote
    1. Boards
    2. Current Events 
    3. SWJs upset with an ad. They call it racist. Dumb SJWs.

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