>>3008955 (OP)
Both are parasites and operate differently within the human social structure.
It's like asking "why Vultures don't hunt for their food?" The answer is what it is, you can't change it.
Women have a preference for activites that involve people (baby sitting, school teaching, hanging out at the mall, playing Second Life) but men have a preference for activities that involve things (lego, cars, arduino, computers). Crypto is considered a thing.
>>3008955 (OP)
Woman make enough fiat by whoring themselves out
Black's make enough fiat by stealing
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>>3008955 (OP)
im black
i wouldn't recommend this to other niggers though, our inferior brains simply weren't meant for this stuff
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>>3008955 (OP)
I took my husband's $VTI and put it all on Monero <3
He's gonna be so happy when he gets home from deployment, right?
>>3008955 (OP)
It's called genetics. Biological determinism isn't a meme.
>>3008955 (OP)
black guy here who owns crypto
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>>3008955 (OP)
But they are you moron, you just choose not to see them because it fits your racist/misogynistic agenda
Stratis - The most successful ICO so far
CEO Chris Trew is black
CEO Shawn Wilkinson is Black
The /biz/ wifu Galia Benartzi slut is a woman
>>3008955 (OP)
i'm black and there are black crypto youtubers
>>3008955 (OP)
you're just wrongfully assuming that no one on /biz/ is black.
>>3008955 (OP)
>tfw you realize drug dealers and prostitutes are literally millionaires now thanks to laundering with Bitcoin for years
>tfw you realize most drug dealers and prostitutes are black or women.
gr8 b8 tho ;)
>>3008955 (OP)
Been here since last year, reaping the profits, where you been op?
>>3008955 (OP)
No you racist mysoniginist piece of shit. We need to raise more awareness that there are not enough women and PoC involved in crypto and maybe start some outreach programs. Also we should shame Bitcoin for not hiring a more diverse workforce until their stock drops.
>>3008955 (OP)
>why aren’t more chinks in the NFL?
>>3008955 (OP)
Because women and niggers are not pioneers. Women only show up a to follow men after men have made the area safe and niggers never built a single sea worthy vessel in 5000 years of human history.
>>3008955 (OP)
I don't even do this. I just make money doing what /biz/ tells me.
>>3008955 (OP)
They get their gains through food stamps and other forms of welfare.
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I'm Nigerian and I trade crypto. Why would you make such a sweeping generalization?
>>3008955 (OP)
I'm Mexican american. There are already some of us because of corruption, greed and to buy drugs, lolis and toilet paper.
The U.S. never stopped being a slave republic it just evolved. Doing stupid shit like taking down those civil war statues in new Orleans means nothing. It just satisfies stupid activists (professional victims) and gives them something to do.
The Democrat party never stopped being the party of slavery. They just adopt new methods. Works really well to. Black people gravitate to slavery somehow. Notice how fast they switch to Islam when the arabs turn up. Islam has been making literal slaves of them for all time and still keeps them today. At least the Arabs got one thing right, they castrate their slaves.
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I dont think the early crypto adopter is necesserely smart. Some of us are, but this sphere is also full of batshit insane anarcho-libertarians and fags who just hop on the trend hoping to get rich fast..
>>3008955 (OP)
Low IQ
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Off to Reddit you go
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>>3008955 (OP)
Blacks buy Bitconnect or Veritasseum.
>>3008955 (OP)
Beener checking in :D
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Nigeria is the third biggest economy in Africa after South-Africa and Egypt, if I remember correctly.
I'm personally a big fan of Namibia and Botswana, because they're going for sustainable, ecological long-term growth. Sacrificing immediate profit of selling resources (iron, minerals, ...) for long-term expansion of their tourism industry. They still got a long way to go though. If I could, I'd buy a Namibia/Botswana index fund.
From a genetic point of view they aren't and never will be smart the only black people who are are usually race mixed with White/Asian since its those people that lived in harder conditions (ice age) that allowed only the most intelligent to survive. It's really no surprise every single ancient civlization was built by people who had neanderthal DNA in them whereas most Africans have a very tiny amount or non at all like those in the subsaharan region
>>3008955 (OP)
>no women
There are some who take BTC for "payment"
>no blacks
They spam HYIPs for BTC from followers
Everyone uses crypto but not all of them do the trading aspect.
>>3008955 (OP)
ur obviously an idiot. I know several blacks involved with it. Just because we aren't out in the open galavanting about our BTC doesnt mean we don't know about it.
There are statistics showing 90% of bitcoin community is male and 60% being white.
This is a fact. Just like stock traders are mostly men. Which is another fact.
Modern man has 100k years, primitive man overall has 3 million years. Getting the right to work and vote 100 years ago wont change thousands of years of evolution and instinct. At the end of the day men are intrepid, strong hunters. Women are fruit collectors, child caring, social creatures.
And no, I never hunted in my whole life, but you got the point already.
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