July 22, 2017

German Ratings board rejecting certain games to "protect" Minors?

  1. Boards
  2. Politics
  3. German Ratings board rejecting certain games to "protect" Minors?
Dwavenhobble 10 hours ago#1

TLDR version:

German considers Mein Kampf being available less harmful to the country than girls in sexy outfits or even innuendo in games.

For some insane reason rather then put an age rating on certain games such as Valkyrie Drive or Criminal Girls 2 and thus make it clearly marked not suitable for minors. Instead the German ratings board is refusing the titles classification and thus same claiming it could be harmful to children for the game to even be able to be sold to adults.

So is this the latest in the "Every game must be made for every person" or just some insane worry that the rising rape stats in German are caused by video games?
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
Bat178 10 hours ago#2
Germany have been censoring games for years, this is nothing new. At least they aren't Australia.
Awww, isn't that cute? He thinks he can beat me!
Dwavenhobble 10 hours ago#3
Bat178 posted...
Germany have been censoring games for years, this is nothing new. At least they aren't Australia.

Mostly though it's not truly been them doing it so much as an old ruling about how you can't show Nazi Symbolism but while artistic uses (including film) allow it, no video game company has yet actually challenged it for games to see if games are seen as an artistic medium to the German legal system
I'm on youtube just like everyone else but still
Tamamo-no-mae 10 hours ago#4
germans(the rating agencies) are a little more sensitive about violence and sexual content than america is, some games with graphic violence have had to be censored in the past in order to be released there, and games like criminal girls have been denied classification before outside of japan except for the censored version released recently.
KenZoe 10 hours ago#5
/shows a boob on American television

(!) "All networks must change the way they send live broadcast" (!)

Ye, keep talking about European censorship, America......

/re-watches 90's German gameshow 'Tutti Frutti' ( . ) ( . )
Proud to be a Dane; We have the worlds oldest monarchy, oldest national flag and were first in the world to legalize porn!
knutjob 5 hours ago#6
Germany has always been uber conservative on game censorship
Airship_Canon 5 hours ago#7
Germany Sucks. 

In other news: Water wet.
In war; there aint no giving in- The trick is to win
The allied force; an army without sin
CrumbsShrugged 5 hours ago#8
Dwavenhobble posted...
German considers Mein Kampf being available less harmful to the country than girls in sexy outfits or even innuendo in games.

They literally just started selling Mein Kampf again, and I'm pretty sure you can only get the annotated version that explains how shitty Hitler was on every other page.
CherryTsundere 4 hours ago#9


Rating: M


Rating: 12

Also, games that don't get a rating can still be sold but aren't allowed to be advertised or openly displaced, so this is partially fake news.
Behold my beauty!
Hyena 20 4 hours ago#10
In Germany it's illegal to burn the flags of foreign allies at national events. It's okay to burn German flags, though (so long as you bought them. Burn one that is government property, and you're in big, BIIIIG trouble-- more trouble than you'd be in for simply ripping a window frame/siding off of the parliamentary building.)
Meet Captain Euro, the coolest superhero this side of Aquaman!~~Portal of Evil
[Disillusioned Independent]
(edited 4 hours ago)
Hyena 20 posted...
In Germany it's illegal to burn the flags of foreign allies at national events. It's okay to burn German flags, though (so long as you bought them. Burn one that is government property, and you're in big, BIIIIG trouble-- more trouble than you'd be in for simply ripping a window frame/siding off of the parliamentary building.)

Wrong, it's also illegal to burn the German flag, if you do it in public that is:


"Denigration of the state and it's symbols"
Behold my beauty!
kislev 3 hours ago#12
Still not as bad as Australia
We need a new Final Fantasy Tactics
CrumbsShrugged posted...
Dwavenhobble posted...
German considers Mein Kampf being available less harmful to the country than girls in sexy outfits or even innuendo in games.

They literally just started selling Mein Kampf again, and I'm pretty sure you can only get the annotated version that explains how shitty Hitler was on every other page.

They did that because originally the state of Bavaria had the copyrights, but it expired recently.
Behold my beauty!
  1. Boards
  2. Politics 
  3. German Ratings board rejecting certain games to "protect" Minors?

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