July 17, 2017

Merkel's approval rating hits 69% this month

  1. Boards
  2. Politics
  3. Merkel's approval rating hits 69% this month
Up 5 points from a month ago (64%)

Welp, with this a victory for her party is pretty much set in stone at this point (9. 24. 2017).

Are you guys ready for 4 more years of Merkel? At this rate she easily outlives Trump even if he wins a second term.

Also lol @ "I'm not sure what the G20 summit is actually supposed to achieve." 46% said yes.

Also generally Germans favor raising taxes on people with a higher income, 68% favour this.

3% want them lowered, lol:

Behold my beauty!
(edited 2 days ago)stickyreportquote
(message deleted)
Triad 2 days ago#3
Lights, they flash in the evening, through a hole in the drapes. I'll be home when I'm sleeping. I can't hardly wait.
Pogo_Marimo 2 days ago#4
I thought Germany was a refugee hellhole. Or is it all refugees responding to the surveys?
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Heineken14 2 days ago#5

Meanwhile, Pizza the Hutt is hovering at what... 39?
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
CherryTsundere 2 days ago#6
Pogo_Marimo posted...
I thought Germany was a refugee hellhole. Or is it all refugees responding to the surveys?

Well, tbf Refugees / Immigration / Asylum politics is seen as the major politicial problem that are the most urgent to be solved: 44% in July 2017 compared to 5% in Semptember 2013.

But the general public trusts Merkel and her government with that as seen by her approval ratings and the polls.
Behold my beauty!
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
chaos knight 2 days ago#7
According to American right wingers, Germany is burning down and under the tight grip of Sharia law. Surely they would know more than the actual German citizens though, right?
Seattle Seahawks
Super Bowl XLVIII Champions
SaikyoStyle 2 days ago#8
chaos knight posted...
According to American right wingers, Germany is burning down and under the tight grip of Sharia law. Surely they would know more than the actual German citizens though, right?

Trump and Breitbart said it, therefore it must be true. That's just logic broh.
Orlando City/USA Soccer 
Dukat/Madred 2020. Make Cardassia Great Again!
Starks 2 days ago#9
69 dudes!
Posted with GameRaven 3.2
ozzyman314 2 days ago#10
If they're happy with the obese potato lady & ok with the police knocking down their doors & having to pay hefty fines for what they post online, good for them.
"The left doesn't take anything seriously except bashing the right"
Loading Signature..........
Iynxor 2 days ago#11
Triad posted...
kaiolino 2 days ago#12
Trumpsters insisted for a year that Merkel was historically unpopular.
they also thing she is some super liberal
Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
Nitro378 2 days ago#14
chaos knight posted...
According to American right wingers, Germany is burning down and under the tight grip of Sharia law. Surely they would know more than the actual German citizens though, right?

Urgh, don't remind me of how 90% of the UK is 'no go zones'.
Why is it only called class war when we fight back? https://youtu.be/fUuK6JtP7xA
Number of 30-day suspensions for attacking Zionism: 3
CherryTsundere 2 days ago#15
kaiolino posted...
Trumpsters insisted for a year that Merkel was historically unpopular.

Her ratings took a dip from August 2015 to August 2016:


But still where between 40-50%

Her average approval from 2013-2017 is interestingly higher than that from 2009-2013. So historically unpopular is wrong.
Behold my beauty!
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Crankard 2 days ago#16
kaiolino posted...
Trumpsters insisted for a year that Merkel was historically unpopular.

probably the same dudes who thought Le Pen would win in a landslide.
She's gonna be in power longer than Hugo Chavez, crickets from the Western media calling her a dictator.
CherryTsundere 2 days ago#18
BetaSquadron posted...
She's gonna be in power longer than Hugo Chavez, crickets from the Western media calling her a dictator.

She got elected fair and square from 2005-2017 you are aware of that right?
Behold my beauty!
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
aarrgus 2 days ago#19
She's the leader of the free world... people see that. :/
Last night I was lying in bed, staring at the stars, and I wondered... Where the **** is my roof?
CherryTsundere posted...
She got elected fair and square from 2005-2017 you are aware of that right?

Chavez was elected fairly every time, didn't stop the Western media from calling him a dictator from the jump.
AP3Brain 2 days ago#21
I can't tell if term limits are bad or not. If people really like the job she is doing she should keep it right? It's a lot more stable than our russian roulette of elections.
Triad 2 days ago#22
BetaSquadron posted...
She's gonna be in power longer than Hugo Chavez, crickets from the Western media calling her a dictator.

Being in office for an extended period isn't by itself a great measurement of dictatorial character.
Lights, they flash in the evening, through a hole in the drapes. I'll be home when I'm sleeping. I can't hardly wait.
Triad posted...
Being in office for an extended period isn't by itself a great measurement of dictatorial character.

That's my point.
Brandalia 2 days ago#24
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.
You tried to milk him, didn't you? You sick son of a *****!
Triad 2 days ago#25
Oh, ok. 

Is someone saying it is, then?
Lights, they flash in the evening, through a hole in the drapes. I'll be home when I'm sleeping. I can't hardly wait.
Brandalia 2 days ago#26
Triad posted...
Oh, ok. 

Is someone saying it is, then?

Saying it is, what?
You tried to milk him, didn't you? You sick son of a *****!
Triad posted...
Oh, ok. 

Is someone saying it is, then?

Yes, the mainstream press casually and constantly smeared Chavez as a dictator when he's been nothing but democratically elected multiple times.
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

so you admit she isn't trying to turn Germany into an Islamic state?
Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
Brandalia 2 days ago#29
Genericgamer667 posted...
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

so you admit she isn't trying to turn Germany into an Islamic state?

Luckily, you'll never find a post of me saying as much or anything similar. 

Keep collecting that straw!
You tried to milk him, didn't you? You sick son of a *****!
Sariana21 2 days ago#30
Starks posted...
69 dudes!

Sari, Mom to DS (07/04) and DD (01/08)
He did perform a lot of dictatorial acts early on though to earn that title from Western media
Seattle Seahawks
Super Bowl XLVIII Champions
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
KA1N3R 2 days ago#32
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

Well, that's true, but their party is based on christian values, not the christian faith or the church.
Huge difference.
No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
Sariana21 2 days ago#33
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

Well, since Germany isn't bound by the United States Constitution, that might have something to do with it.
Sari, Mom to DS (07/04) and DD (01/08)
KA1N3R posted...
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

Well, that's true, but their party is based on christian values, not the christian faith.
Huge difference.

Christian values like helping the weak and vulnerable

something a good amount of the religious right seems to ignore
Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
Merkel is so popular they put her in FFXV

Triad 2 days ago#36
BetaSquadron posted...
Triad posted...
Oh, ok. 

Is someone saying it is, then?

Yes, the mainstream press casually and constantly smeared Chavez as a dictator when he's been nothing but democratically elected multiple times.

Oh, I see what you mean. 

So I'm looking it up and the media seems a bit split on that issue. Regarding those who do call him that: Could it be true, though, that (as we just mentioned) there are other factors that lead to them labeling him as such? Like lacking proper division of powers/checks and balances? Corrupt behavior? Controlling education and information? 

I honestly don't know all of that. I'm just pointing out that if he has engaged in that behavior or facilitated those breakdowns of a free democracy, that could be why.
Lights, they flash in the evening, through a hole in the drapes. I'll be home when I'm sleeping. I can't hardly wait.
Brandalia 2 days ago#37
KA1N3R posted...
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

Well, that's true, but their party is based on christian values, not the christian faith.
Huge difference.

Ummm... That's a distinction without a difference, dude.

Sariana21 posted...
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

Well, since Germany isn't bound by the United States Constitution, that might have something to do with it.

Somehow, I don't think people who argue that Christianity should have no place in government, mean only the US government. They mean all.
You tried to milk him, didn't you? You sick son of a *****!
Triad posted...
Could it be true, though, that (as we just mentioned) there are other factors that lead to them labeling him as such?

Yes, the overwhelming factors are that Chavez is a leftist politician who nationalized the oil industry and appropriated property of US corporations, expanded social services to the poor, and publicly challenges US imperialism in Latin America. While Merkel is a centre-right politician who supports global capitalism and the US military presence in Europe.
to be fair, the situation in Venezuela is kinda his government's fault
Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
young_flip 2 days ago#40
Good for her. If Germany ever got back on a war footing though, she'd be gone so fast it'd make your head spin.
playing: Twilight Princess HD
add me on steam: prejt2. "Oh my goodness. Freedom!"
mizukage2 2 days ago#41
Brandalia posted...
I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

It only counts if your only explanation for why an action should be taken is 'the Bible says it'. If you can arrive at it by legit secular means its fine.
I mean, i never see the right bash the left on anything because the blame game causes more issues than anything-Josh
I'm sure AFD will take power any day now right guys? :')
Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
TonyKojima 2 days ago#43
But according to alt right extremists Germany is burning right now and anarchy is happening in the streets.
Though the XBOX 360 is good in theory, it's hardware limitations say otherwise - Hideo Kojima 
PSN - Guncrazy56
aarrgus posted...
She's the leader of the free world... people see that.

She's the leader of a country that's fining people for posting 'problematic' things online.

Left or right, that should worry you.
Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
Argonian_Maid posted...
She's the leader of a country that's fining people for posting 'problematic' things online.

Left or right, that should worry you.

It deeply worries racists. But nice euphemisms you use there to try to garner sympathy. 

young_flip 2 days ago#46
aarrgus posted...
She's the leader of the free world... people see that. :/

strange comment considering her power within the EU, a wholly undemocratic institution.
playing: Twilight Princess HD
add me on steam: prejt2. "Oh my goodness. Freedom!"
KA1N3R 2 days ago#47
young_flip posted...
aarrgus posted...
She's the leader of the free world... people see that. :/

strange comment considering her power within the EU, a wholly undemocratic institution.

Yeah, not really though
No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
young_flip 2 days ago#48
don't get sensitive when facts are pointed out.
playing: Twilight Princess HD
add me on steam: prejt2. "Oh my goodness. Freedom!"
BetaSquadron posted...
It deeply worries racists.

You know this from personal experience?

BetaSquadron posted...
But nice euphemisms you use there to try to garner sympathy.

The ambiguity of 'problematic' should be seen as... problematic. Right now the thing drawing their ire most is perceived racism, so you're perfectly fine seeing people give up their freedom of speech and perhaps are yourself willing to do the same. But let's not forget that any election can put the wrong people in power (like the most recent one), and administrations like that should absolutely not get to decide what speech people are allowed and not allowed to have.

BTW, does it really not bother you that you're on the side against freedom of speech? Like, did you read 1984 and conclude that authoritarianism was a good idea?
Here, polish my spear. -- Crantius Colto
Argonian_Maid posted...
BetaSquadron posted...
It deeply worries racists.

You know this from personal experience?

BetaSquadron posted...
But nice euphemisms you use there to try to garner sympathy.

The ambiguity of 'problematic' should be seen as... problematic.

Wait, hold on, the Argonian Maid attempts to call Beta Squadron a racist because only racists worry about this law

The Argonian Maid then display their deep worry that Germans outlaw very specifically defined hate speech. That same hate speech law that deeply worries racists

The Argonian Maid just outed themself as a racist

If ever people doubt Rightwing stupidity and defense of racism, here is a perfect example

Edit before Argonian Maid calls themself a liberal 1/3 African, 1/3 Asian, 1/3 Mexican, 1/3 Middle Eastern defender of freedom (Fries)
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me
(edited 2 days ago)reportquote
  1. Boards
  2. Politics 
  3. Merkel's approval rating hits 69% this month
    1. Boards
    2. Politics
    3. Merkel's approval rating hits 69% this month
    Namur 2 days ago#51
    This only means to me that the slow and steady decline of german society will happen amidst cheers and applause... Which makes it even more tragic...
    I haven't lost an arm, brother. It is right over there.
    - Captain Alessio Cortez, Crimson Fists -
    Starks posted...
    69 dudes!

    Illuminati confirmed!
    The internet, where people come to be a dumbass.
    mninp 2 days ago#53
    These polls worked out so well for Hillary.

    Anyone with common sense wouldn't believe any of these polls. The people that do are either not thinking straight or they're just buying into it because it feeds their political side.
    Games I'm looking forward to: Super Smash Bros 3DS & Wii U, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Kingdom Hearts HD Remix 2.5, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV
    CherryTsundere 2 days ago#54
    mninp posted...
    These polls worked out so well for Hillary.

    Anyone with common sense wouldn't believe any of these polls. The people that do are either not thinking straight or they're just buying into it because it feeds their political side.

    You are aware of the difference between a poll asking someone how they supposedly going to vote in a few weeks vs. polls who ask if you are content with the work someone does right now, no?
    Behold my beauty!
    CherryTsundere posted...
    mninp posted...
    These polls worked out so well for Hillary.

    Anyone with common sense wouldn't believe any of these polls. The people that do are either not thinking straight or they're just buying into it because it feeds their political side.

    You are aware of the difference between a poll asking someone how they supposedly going to vote in a few weeks vs. polls who ask if you are content with the work someone does right now, no?

    He isn't... if he was he wouldn't have made such a dumb post.

    The polls were mostly right on character issues, everyone hated Trump and Hillary and voter turn out(or lack there of) showed it.
    The internet, where people come to be a dumbass.
    KA1N3R 2 days ago#56
    young_flip posted...
    don't get sensitive when facts are pointed out.

    Oh yeah, I'm so f***ing triggered.
    No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
    gogues 2 days ago#57
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    aarrgus posted...
    She's the leader of the free world... people see that.

    She's the leader of a country that's fining people for posting 'problematic' things online.

    Left or right, that should worry you.

    Germany's been going after people for hate speech since before Merkel. After WWII they don't even want to chance that the seeds of the atrocities their country committed could ever be planted again.
    (edited 2 days ago)reportquote
    KA1N3R 2 days ago#58
    gogues posted...
    Argonian_Maid posted...
    aarrgus posted...
    She's the leader of the free world... people see that.

    She's the leader of a country that's fining people for posting 'problematic' things online.

    Left or right, that should worry you.

    Germany's been going after people for hate speech since before Merkel. After WWII they don't even want to chance that the seeds of the atrocities their country committed could ever be planted again.

    And it's not like they remove 'I don't like Merkel'-type of comments, but more like 'I wish we would kill all those refugees'-type of posts.

    There's a difference.
    No, I won't say 'In my opinion', because what I say is subjective anyway. And you should know that.
    Genericgamer667 posted...
    I'm sure AFD will take power any day now right guys? :')

    They're the ones who keep falling. From third place down to fifth of sixth. I'm not even sure if they'll make the 5% threshold to get proportional representation. I kinda hope they do, I have a morbid curiosity to see how a Right-Wing/Populist party functions in a legislative body, though unlike with Trump they'll have basically no power.
    Hip hip.
    I'll have sex with Capitalism as long as we're stranded together on a desert island, but after we're rescued I'm not giving him my number.
    Lillymon 1 day ago#61
    Justin2Krelian posted...
    I have a morbid curiosity to see how a Right-Wing/Populist party functions in a legislative body

    You can look at just about any other European nation to see that in action. Germany is really the anomaly here.
    "We want to support what's right, our opponents want to support what's wrong. That's the difference."
    young_flip 1 day ago#62
    KA1N3R posted...
    young_flip posted...
    don't get sensitive when facts are pointed out.

    Oh yeah, I'm so f***ing triggered.

    Aren't you though? You've been that way since Nov 8th.
    playing: Breath of the Wild
    add me on steam: prejt2. "Oh my goodness. Freedom!"
    mninp 1 day ago#63
    ArabrockermanX posted...
    CherryTsundere posted...
    mninp posted...
    These polls worked out so well for Hillary.

    Anyone with common sense wouldn't believe any of these polls. The people that do are either not thinking straight or they're just buying into it because it feeds their political side.

    You are aware of the difference between a poll asking someone how they supposedly going to vote in a few weeks vs. polls who ask if you are content with the work someone does right now, no?

    He isn't... if he was he wouldn't have made such a dumb post.

    The polls were mostly right on character issues, everyone hated Trump and Hillary and voter turn out(or lack there of) showed it.

    People change their view every single day. I've already pointed out that there are so many factors that go into polls like...who are these people they polled, what are their backgrounds like, what kind of people are they, is the poll biased, etc...things that people are afraid to ask because they don't want to disrupt something that may go with their political agenda. My point still stands...they polled Hillary to win by a landslide...she lost. Obviously the people polled weren't truthful, or they polled the wrong people. Take your pick. Either way, this new poll becomes irrelevant because the same thing can happen this time. Unless you're saying that these people changed their mind that fast which...who's to say this can't happen again. Moral of the story (and my point): you can't trust polls.
    Games I'm looking forward to: Super Smash Bros 3DS & Wii U, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, Kingdom Hearts HD Remix 2.5, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Kradek 1 day ago#64
    That German alt-right movement is gonna hit any day now...
    oh yes I'm sure the majority of Germany will suddenly wake up one day and despise Merket
    Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
    It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
    Kradek 1 day ago#66
    Genericgamer667 posted...
    oh yes I'm sure the majority of Germany will suddenly wake up one day and despise Merket

    Sad that you couldn't tell I was being facetious.
    mninp posted...
    ArabrockermanX posted...
    CherryTsundere posted...
    mninp posted...
    These polls worked out so well for Hillary.

    Anyone with common sense wouldn't believe any of these polls. The people that do are either not thinking straight or they're just buying into it because it feeds their political side.

    You are aware of the difference between a poll asking someone how they supposedly going to vote in a few weeks vs. polls who ask if you are content with the work someone does right now, no?

    He isn't... if he was he wouldn't have made such a dumb post.

    The polls were mostly right on character issues, everyone hated Trump and Hillary and voter turn out(or lack there of) showed it.

    People change their view every single day. I've already pointed out that there are so many factors that go into polls like...who are these people they polled, what are their backgrounds like, what kind of people are they, is the poll biased, etc...things that people are afraid to ask because they don't want to disrupt something that may go with their political agenda. My point still stands...they polled Hillary to win by a landslide...she lost. Obviously the people polled weren't truthful, or they polled the wrong people. Take your pick. Either way, this new poll becomes irrelevant because the same thing can happen this time. Unless you're saying that these people changed their mind that fast which...who's to say this can't happen again. Moral of the story (and my point): you can't trust polls.

    In terms of the popular vote, the polls were generally accurate. They just whiffed on a few key states.
    Seattle Seahawks
    Super Bowl XLVIII Champions
    Namur 1 day ago#68
    @chaos_knight Well the polls brutally overshoot the %s of even the "popular vote" (something that doesn't exists in the "democratic" US).
    I haven't lost an arm, brother. It is right over there.
    - Captain Alessio Cortez, Crimson Fists -
    Kradek posted...
    Genericgamer667 posted...
    oh yes I'm sure the majority of Germany will suddenly wake up one day and despise Merket

    Sad that you couldn't tell I was being facetious.

    oh I was responding to mininp and his "people change views everyday" crap
    Switch FC: SW-0826-5923-7882 NNID: Seadrake
    It is a remake, not my fault you people think ports are remakes (but only on Nintendo systems)-Demondog666
    (edited 1 day ago)reportquote
    Genericgamer667 posted...
    KA1N3R posted...
    Brandalia posted...
    I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

    Well, that's true, but their party is based on christian values, not the christian faith.
    Huge difference.

    Christian values like helping the weak and vulnerable

    something a good amount of the religious right seems to ignore

    Honestly I'm always a little offended when people call those Christian values. I mean, those same values are also in Judaism, Islam, Buddhism and most atheists follow them too. The only uniquely "Christian" values is loving Jesus in a non-prophet way.
    "The US military is not an effective proxy for humanity" ~ Folding Ideas
    Faciendere id pro RAVz
    mninp posted...
    ArabrockermanX posted...
    CherryTsundere posted...
    mninp posted...
    These polls worked out so well for Hillary.

    Anyone with common sense wouldn't believe any of these polls. The people that do are either not thinking straight or they're just buying into it because it feeds their political side.

    You are aware of the difference between a poll asking someone how they supposedly going to vote in a few weeks vs. polls who ask if you are content with the work someone does right now, no?

    He isn't... if he was he wouldn't have made such a dumb post.

    The polls were mostly right on character issues, everyone hated Trump and Hillary and voter turn out(or lack there of) showed it.

    People change their view every single day. I've already pointed out that there are so many factors that go into polls like...who are these people they polled, what are their backgrounds like, what kind of people are they, is the poll biased, etc...things that people are afraid to ask because they don't want to disrupt something that may go with their political agenda. My point still stands...they polled Hillary to win by a landslide...she lost. Obviously the people polled weren't truthful, or they polled the wrong people. Take your pick. Either way, this new poll becomes irrelevant because the same thing can happen this time. Unless you're saying that these people changed their mind that fast which...who's to say this can't happen again. Moral of the story (and my point): you can't trust polls.

    How do you pack that much stupid in one post?

    Polls by month change. In August, Hillary was up by a huge amount, then Russia started leaking information to Wikileaks and polls changed. By November, Hillary was only a few percent up, which held true in the election

    Shilling must be hard for you when the facts prove you wrong
    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me
    TonyKojima posted...
    But according to alt right extremists Germany is burning right now and anarchy is happening in the streets.

    15,000 protestors isn't a trivial amount.


    Anti-capitalists branded 'insane' by Arab refugees for destroying a 'beautiful country' as internet mocks G20 rioters for sending snapchats from their iPhones
    Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T - Johnny Depp 'Once Upon A Time in Mexico'
    (edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
    CherryTsundere 4 hours ago#73
    KamenRiderBlade posted...
    TonyKojima posted...
    But according to alt right extremists Germany is burning right now and anarchy is happening in the streets.

    15,000 protestors isn't a trivial amount.


    Anti-capitalists branded 'insane' by Arab refugees for destroying a 'beautiful country' as internet mocks G20 rioters for sending snapchats from their iPhones

    >protests at a g20 summit

    Oh, wow this never happens!

    Behold my beauty!
    CherryTsundere posted...
    Oh, wow this never happens!

    Do you think that level of violent protest is acceptable?

    Nearly 200 police have been injured in two nights of clashes, officials have revealed, and authorities say around 10,000 thugs were involved in last night's chaos. 
    'If people did this in Egypt they would be shot,' said Ibrahim Ali, a 29-year-old Egyptian who came here in 2011. 'The state provides everything: housing, unemployment benefits and education. Yet those people are not happy. I don't get it.'
    Germany's interior minister described the rioting as 'the opposite of democratic protest'.
    Thomas de Maiziere said: 'These were unbounded violent excesses out of a desire for destruction and brutality.'

    He added that 'completely uninhibited attacks against people and objects, looting and arson by anarchists from Germany and Europe, have nothing to do with political motives or protest'.

    Police say riots were extremely violent in the early hours of this morning in the city's Schanzenviertel neighborhood. 

    The fires burned across the city as the world leaders attending the G20 conference spent the evening listening to Beethoven's 9th Symphony and dining in style. 
    Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T - Johnny Depp 'Once Upon A Time in Mexico'
    (edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
    CherryTsundere 4 hours ago#75
    KamenRiderBlade posted...
    CherryTsundere posted...
    Oh, wow this never happens!

    Do you think that level of violent protest is acceptable?

    Nearly 200 police have been injured in two nights of clashes, officials have revealed, and authorities say around 10,000 thugs were involved in last night's chaos.

    No, but this isn't specific to germany. As evidenced by my link.
    Behold my beauty!
    CherryTsundere posted...
    No, but this isn't specific to germany. As evidenced by my link.
    Doesn't mean it's acceptable for people to behave this way either.

    They're grown adults; they should know better.
    Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T - Johnny Depp 'Once Upon A Time in Mexico'
    Members of the anarchist Black Bloc group - which wants to overthrow capitalism - split throughout the city, setting alight cars and looting shops while groups fight riot police.

    These people need to be "ARRESTED" and locked up for decades.
    Are you a MexiCAN or a MexiCAN'T - Johnny Depp 'Once Upon A Time in Mexico'
    Congratulations to the American right wing, for convincing the American people of the falsehood that Merkel was unpopular and bad.
    All animals can scream.
    Sativa_Rose 4 hours ago#79
    KA1N3R posted...
    Brandalia posted...
    I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

    Well, that's true, but their party is based on christian values, not the christian faith or the church.
    Huge difference.

    They were against gay marriage until just recently. Is that really a huge difference?

    I think there's a bit of a double standard when it comes to religion in politics when it comes to Europeans from an American standpoint. Like American liberals will look the other way when European politicians do/say socially conservative stuff.
    I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
    CherryTsundere 4 hours ago#80
    Sativa_Rose posted...
    KA1N3R posted...
    Brandalia posted...
    I'm always amused by the people who think Christianity should have no place in government cheering on Merkel, whose party runs on creating a Christian government.

    Well, that's true, but their party is based on christian values, not the christian faith or the church.
    Huge difference.

    They were against gay marriage until just recently. Is that really a huge difference?

    I think there's a bit of a double standard when it comes to religion in politics when it comes to Europeans from an American standpoint. Like American liberals will look the other way when European politicians do/say socially conservative stuff.

    They still were, only 26.9% of the CDU voted for Same-Sex marriage. Meanwhile 100% of the SPD, The Left and The Greens voted in favour for it. 

    Merkel voted against it, two former Family Ministers interestingly voted for it.
    Behold my beauty!
    (edited 3 hours ago)reportquote
    1. Boards
    2. Politics 
    3. Merkel's approval rating hits 69% this month

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