July 28, 2017

How To Criticize Apology

He is not apologetic. An actual apology consists of three things: 

1. Acknowledgement (I did a wrong thing)
2. Remorse and Empathy (I am truly sorry I did the wrong thing, it caused you to feel X)
3. Restitution (I will make it right by doing X)

Here's how they fail:

1. He never owns up to what he did wrong, just the fallout.
2. He completely fails to empathise with how it made that woman feel, instead shifting the blame to her by saying "he didn't mean for her to feel that way". Well, she does feel that way! That's his fault, not hers, but he doesn't understand that.
3. There is no restitution anywhere. Saying sorry after the fact doesn't count.

So beyond disgusted by all this.

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