John Vance Becase as soon as you protest, you're labelled RACIST. Even tho ISLAM ISN'T A RACE !!
Danial Kazmi If you don't like this, don't blame Trudeau. Blame Chretien, Martin and Harper. Khadr is a Canadian-born citizen. He was held in prison under the worst of conditions for eight years without ever having a trial, and his government never stood up for his...See More
Mark Tillman He pleaded guilty, a bullet to his head would be more deserved and a lot cheaper.
Leona Poirier Perdue Daniel Kazmi difficult days ....what do you do with someone who has confessed to killing a soldier?? Was Canada to blame?
Issue is very big for sure. But it is hiis family that should be apologizing to him... specifically his father. He's not here. But he still holds the burden of guilt.
Issue is very big for sure. But it is hiis family that should be apologizing to him... specifically his father. He's not here. But he still holds the burden of guilt.
Joanne Patricia Link Why are we apologizing for something his father created. They held him in prison but actions have consequences. so you say its ok to kill cause they did a bad thing in return by keeping him a prisoner. And so every prisoner held in captivity when they ...See More
Gary Ealy Mark Tillman - He was 15! He was tortured in Guantanamo! There was nothing but circumstantial, unsubstantiated rumor against him! Have you read anything at all about how torture works? Have you read anything at all about Guantanamo? Or have you just sucked up the vomit from the haters?
Leona Poirier Perdue Joanne ... he killed an unarmed American medic.
Gary... No. he should NOT be shot like Mark says. He was tortured.....that is wrong. But 10 million dollars ???
😳 He is not innocent. It was/is war. What are we giving our vets for their suffering and torture?? Ummm
Gary... No. he should NOT be shot like Mark says. He was tortured.....that is wrong. But 10 million dollars ???

Zack Roitner because YOUR govt. used YOUR $$$$$ to torture a kid... that's why, try not paying taxes..
Leona Poirier Perdue Hamdi Abdi Ali not hate. Balance. Seek balance. This is not a balanced approach.
Leona Poirier Perdue Zack Roitner again. Balance. Seek balance. Two wrong will never make a right. In this case...3 wrongs. Never forget the American medics widow and children.
Jordan Todd Love how you're all ragging on Ryan even though Ryan is entirely right. He's labeled a terrorist for defending his heritage but we aren't for invading their Homeland? It's honestly ridiculous, their affairs are none of our business and when we go over there expecting to bully them around, I'd expect them to defend their way of life
Jordan Todd Not to mention complaints of "hard earned tax dollars" being spent on him. As of 2015 Canada had a population of about 35.85 million, give or take a few hundred thousand, and he's set to receive 10.5 million dollars so if you do the math, that's about 30 cents per person. That's not tax dollars, that's tax cents.
Jordan Todd Yes, because 30 cents out your tax money is an unbelievably high sum to pay. It's honestly ridiculous! Who would be able to afford that? It's a travesty that you people refuse to see things from a point of view different than your own. Think about the ...See More
Peter-John Matzig I can't think of another time in the history of war where soldiers attempting to defend against an invading army are labeled terrorists... I agree, he wasn't a terrorist. But, according to the definitions laid out in the Geneva Conventions, he was abso...See More
Jordan Todd How would you consider him a mercenary seeing as he wasn't paid for his involvement and didn't gain anything from it? He was aiming to protect what he believed were his origins, and I personally think it's ridiculous to execute anybody without a fair trial. We have no right to play god.
Ryan Pex By your logic if Canada was invaded you'd all lay down and accept it. You'd be afraid to be labeled a terrorist and submit to foreign invasion. That's not what Canada means to me. If your foreign over-lords asked me to lay down my arms I'd have a simple response: "Molon labe". Hopefully there will be some Canadians who'd stand with me, clearly you wouldn't.
Gordon Elliott Ryan Pex why do you ignore the fact that he, and his family renounced (for all intents and purposes) their Canadian citizenship when they travelled to Afghanistan to kill Canadian and allied soldiers? In all other eras that would be considered a traitorous act would it not? The Khaders are traitors - they willfully abandoned this nation and should be afforded no consideration nor protection under Canadian law.
Carole Carnahan Ryan Pex why don't you go suck a rock, your comments are ridiculous...this so called kid followed his dear
Jordan Todd Love how people try to bring politics into everything. It's not a matter of what party. It's a matter of human compassion, which most of you clearly lack. I'd love to see what you'd do in his situation. I'm an AMERICAN, the nation the sdier he killed w...See More
Maryann Drinkwalter Another bleeding heart liberal / terrorist sympathizer Jordan Todd if you feel he deserves that blood money YOU PAY IT!!!!!!! Then you move over there to that wonderful country with that fantastic murderous heritage
Woodrow Franklin Call Americans should have shot again. In many cases WW2 allied troop took no prisoners. They moving too fast to take of them that's war. If your defending yourself u are a combatant. Your fair game. If your a civilian u shouldn't have a weapon.
James Pike Heres the thing, yeah it sucks to be a child soldier...Did the government of Canada send him over there, NO. Yeah it sucks to be captured, did the Canadian Government capture him, NO. Yeah it sucks to be tortured, did the Canadian government totrure him? NO, so why the hell does the Canadian government have to pay him out?
Jordan Todd I don't have to be a terrorist sympathizer to see things from a different perspective, something you all clearly struggle to do. I understand that older generations were raised with bias and discrimination drilled into them, whether they realize it or ...See More
Geordie McPhee Debi Nicholson Cornyn Combat medics of today are not the medics of ww2. They don't wear the red cross, and they're armed. They are indistinguishable from any other soldier.
Hilda Mae Jarvis You say you are an American if I remember correctly it was your country that was attacked and Canada being part of the UN came to your aid now you are so righteous in your defence of this man ...Why don't you ask the family of the killed medic what th...See More
Jordan Todd I get what your saying Hilda, however our every day veterans were never tortured at Guantanamo bay (although I do agree they should be compensated for what they did for this country), especially as a 16 year old. You believe that defenders of a Nation ...See More
Linda Kierstead Ryan Pex he was no child, he was old enough to make a conscious decision to take a life. I wonder if you would be so sympathetic if the DEAD medic was your brother/son/loved one. Just because he was young doesn't mean we have to pay him!! Get real!!
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