Citi T4i Demo Days summary of events so far Factsman (ID: vL1SQRp2) 06/07/17(Wed)19:31:10 No.2335123▶
>tfw you realize that DGB has a pretty good chance to win something at the competition
Yeah I know none of you do any kind of research at all so don't worry I've done it for you.
I'd post what I researched but it's not really complete or organized... I have to type it out and summarize and make sure I provide sources and stuff you know.
Well whatever I'll just post some, just tell me if you want to hear more otherwise I won't waste my time.
>360andme received an honor. "Renowned panelists and fellow finalists voted for their preferred innovation, naming 360ofme the winner of the Peer’s Choice Award."
>in dublin 3 finalists out of 19 won on the presentations from the 17th-18th, results were announced the 19th (Source:
>the three were Aid:Tech, Pole Star, and Paycode, with Aid Tech, a blockchain based solution being the overall winner ( (Source: s/865505924999335936) (Source: e-regional-fintech-winners-unveiled -at-citi-tech-for-integrity-challen ge-in-dublin.html)
>3 finalists out of 14 that presented in Buenos Aires on May 29th and 30th won awards, results announced on the 30th
Yeah this is annoying to organize because twitter is fucking terrible to navigate, and I need to know if I'm not just going to be ignored so I'm just going to stop here and see what happens
main takeaway is that in dublin the t4i winner was a blockchain technology
And in buenos aires the t4i and audience winners were blockchain technologies.
I don't know about Mexico or UAE though, well I know a bit.
Signatura, the company that won the main t4i award in Buenos Aires has also gotten a partnership with a company a few days later, and even more good news, their application of blockchain technology is similar to Digibytes own.
Singapore which is where the last demo days takes place is already current and up to date with blockchain technologies I guess, since I just saw a post saying that their dollar is tied to eth now so public awareness there is probably good at the very least. Also there is 1 other blockchain competitor there, haven't looked into them yet though.
So yeah It basically has at least a 50%, chance of winning since it's near guaranteed that a blockchain technology will be in the awards set. Hel probably 100%, since they've had two blockchain technologies in the awards before.
So yeah I know I didn't end up saying anything different from the crazy shills on here and it won't be appreciated by anyone but here if you wanted good proof and evidence that they will win something on June 10th here you go, even though I didn't add sources for anything in this post because no one cares. This just ended up being more for my own benefit to get my thoughts down on paper and come back to later
>>2335123 (OP)
How much you holding op and when are you willing to sell?
Yeah well, I went though the competitors to see if there was anything to that claim and the only one to have gotten a partnership from a company or anything like that was the Buenos Aires t4i winner, so I think we can assume and that companies don't really care that much about losers. At least not enough to reach out before the price drops to 500 sat, which is something we probably don't want to happen.
If you still don't understand, I'm saying you better hope they win because if they don't the price is going to sink like a rock and then you have no clue if anyone is interested in them at all or not. You'll just be back into the pure speculation phase where there will be no reason for anyone to buy in because there is nothing on the horizon, and people will be selling because there's nothing on the horizon.
Like 60k, about a bitcoin's worth. I probably won't sell now given how I believe that they will win an award and probably get a partnership quickly. Of course it's still a gamble, but I'm up enough that even if it's a gamble I lose, it's not like I'll lose any money so I don't care. If you don't have a good safety net though, as in you bought above 1600 or 1700, I'd advise you to be careful.
This conference/competition is probably only the beginning of DigiByte's rise to worldwide fame.
Don't forget that there are ~5 other currencies using DigiByte-designed algorithms now and that things like DiguSign have a chance at doing really interesting things completely
>>2335123 (OP)
I was actually wondering about this, bought about 200k dgb a few weeks ago on a whim and was wondering why everyone was ignoring all the shit they were announcing in the past week.javascript:;
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