Florida Sheriff and Trump Supporter AND proud politically incorrect loon, Wayne Ivey posted a bizarre controversial commercial on social media urging americans to ARM themselves incase of an attack from MUSLIMS!!
He said citizens need to prepare themselves in wake of deadly attacks around the world and gave a 6 minute speech uploaded to facebook with photographs of attacks in London, the pulse massacere and 9/11 plastered next to him.
Wayne said "Like each of you, i am sick and deeply concerned about the senseless attacks that are taking place around the world. Folks, now more than ever is the time for our citizens to be prepared to serve as the first line of defense, not only for them, but for their families. Doing nothing or thinking it's not going to happen to you is not going to save your life. For those who don't think it's going to happen here, trust me, it's happening all around us"
He then urged people to carry concealed weapons and said Americans were at WAR with muslims and said "What's next is to fully understand that this is war, and you better be prepared to wage war to protect you, your family, and those around you if attacked. No matter who you are, what your position is on guns, there's no denying the fact that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun or knife is an armed and well prepared citizen or law enforcement officer. As you know i am one of the most politically incorrect sheriffs in the country and i'm good what.
He told citizens to wake up and take self defense classes and to watch his police videos on "survival"..
The video attracted both positive and negative comments but the majority criticized his exaggeration on the level of threat and spreading of fear.
Do you think this loon is exaggerating the "threats"? let's see what people think
Wayne - Trump Nutball
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