June 18, 2017

Roma Labor

From a thread at that site GameFAQs doesn't like for some reason, but I read it anyway:
I am in central Europe, my country has our fair share of gypsies. Last year we had a construction project starting starting in a large town. The mayor of this town told us he would not authorise the final permits to start unless we employed several roma guys as labourers.

We were apprehensive but decided that if things were going to get better in this whole gypsy situation, the mayors idea was the right way to go.

So I drove around the gypsy area of the town (which is quite a sketchy thing to do anyway), and I asked the guys sitting on the steps outside their buildings if they wanted a job. Out of the 30 or so guys I asked, only 10 were interested. The rest were happy just to keep getting the benefits from the government. And I was offering to pay them the same wage as my guys that have been with me for more than 5 years, a lot more than minimum wage. Plus if they did ok I told them I would take them to the next project.

Finally I got 10 guys who wanted the work.

On the first day only 6 showed up and all late. And they were the laziest f***ers I've ever seen. Every time you turned your back they stopped working and sat down. On the first day! I can expect that behaviour on a friday when you've been with the company a while! On the second day only 4 turned up, and 2 of the guys where different. With some excuse like 'ohh my brother is busy today so I will cover for him'. Of course he has no idea what he is supposed to be doing, so we have to show this guy again.

After a week of this bulls***, we'd had enough. In a week they had done basically nothing. And I'm not joking, nearly all of the tools (all new!) had been stolen. Every shovel. Every pickaxe. Every drill. And all the clothes and boots we had given them. So on the friday of the first week they didn't even have enough tools to work. Just shrugging their shoulders when we ask where everything had gone.

We tried. We were completely fair and acted with no bad preconceptions towards them. They f***ed it up them selves, what should we do with people like that? What more can we do? Were we just unlucky with the guys we got?

Already this year my car was broken into 3 times. Last week the police called saying they had caught the group responsible. I went to the court to make my statement, and of course they were all gypsies.

I don't even know what to do or say any more. I don't want to come across as prejudiced and racist but its not easy when they wont do a damn thing to help them selves.
(edited 2 days ago)

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