June 11, 2017

SJW goes to BIZ

How do we get /pol/yards off this board. I honestly think they have some type of raid going on. The amount of "nigger" threads is ridiculous. Why would make a coin that obviously won't sell. It's like they try to lose money?

>owner of stratis is a nignog
>hurrrr durrr im gun sell
>I'm so racist 
>I like losing money

They are fucking stupid
>>2382318 (OP)
Who else are they going to blame?
The Kikes?
The Chinks?
The Ruskies?
Insert Minority here*?
Jews easily. They don't buy "Jew" coins because welll you guessed it!! It's owned by a Jew. Not knowing that you follow the Jews....
>>2382318 (OP)
The opposite is also true. Anyone can say 'nigger' and you will come out of nowhere and shit talk /pol/. It's not normal.
>>2382318 (OP)
stfu nigger
>>2382318 (OP)
This is how the infestation begins. People start posting more and more /pol/ shit, the old posters get fed up and start to respond with threads like these, /pol/faggots double down and post even more horseshit, someone starts responding with BBC/blacked, someone else responds with Trump spam and befoe you know it the entire board is a cesspool of bait and spam. Gook moot should create a separate crypto board for pass users only.
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So I shouldn't of made this thread. Ooops
>>2382318 (OP)
Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger, faggot
>>2382318 (OP)
>A fucking negroe
Into the trash the coin go
actually get those dumb asses on board with the crypto train. if they have money we will welcome them with open arms,poke their eyes out , and then give them sunglasses.
>>2382318 (OP)
Okay, listen to me nigger. It does not matter if /pol/tards think he's a nigger. You know why? Because it is reflected in price. So you should be celebrating getting early cheap bags.

>not being motivated by pure profit
Come on.
Cool story bro
>>2382318 (OP)
post your address and i'll send you some nigger coins.
if goyim hadn't been discussing crypot on /pol/ this board wouldn't have been created. /pol/ is the reason /biz/ exists. dumb bitch.
What does the average IQ of niggers have to do with your post?
I bet /pol/ is the reason /a/ exists too in your loony white rural mind.
where the fuck would we get the mods to dole out passes, have you seen what those autistic faggots will go to, to spite someone that pissed them off, its a fucking image board, dont say shit, dont reply to nigger posts and eventually they will move on, or piss them off and wait for the shit storm,
i'm not leaving.
From this day forth I will never respond to a suspected /pol/ poster.

All that agree press $ now.
No.This board was born back in 2014 from all the crypto threads on /g/, hence why there was a sticky on /g/ telling users to "take their shitty crypto threads" here. /pol/ was nowhere near as relevant before the Trump/Reddit rush, which started mid-2015.
you can't rewrite history heeb. gas yourself.
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oldfag /biz/raeli here. This has always been a board made mostly of /pol/ users. You faggots came in in the last months are easily recognizable because like you do in places like /tv/, all you care about is posting blacked, tranny and "muh /pol/ boogeyman" threads. Nobody cares about your fucking shit opinions you fucking nigger. This board is about going from NEET to Chad. Fuck off with your astroturfing. You faggots didn't give a shit about this board when it was dead, now that it's become popular you are already starting to spam your bullshit and it pisses me off.
Nice try goyim.
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the old /g/entoomen got rich in 2013 and didn't really give a shit about /biz/, they have never been the bulk of the userbase on this board after 2014. Most people here were /r9k/ and /pol/, which you would know if you weren't a newfag oblivious to the many cringe threads asking "how do I get money" and "how do I fuck a stacy".
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Blue pilled faggot
>>2382318 (OP)
Every board is /pol/.
>>2382318 (OP)
i remember your faggety ass from another thread
get fucked, kid
>trumpcucks ITT acting like pathetic little faggots

Didn't see that coming...
>yeah all of the old /g/ posters just got rich as fuck off crypto before it blew up somehow and just stopped caring about money
The most retarded and false counterargument I have read on 4chan, congratulations. Do you really think ANYONE who got into crypto back in 2014 on /g/ would stop giving a shit NOW of all times?
>Implying BBC shit isn't cancer which migrated from /pol/ into other boards
nigger i've been on /pol since it was /new
new blew up during the palestine flotilla incident (2008)
pol blew up during the MUH TRAY TRAY farce (2012)

also, sage
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>>2382318 (OP)
literally cut your wrist with a blade, sweetie

I'm collecting niggers.

>pol blew up during the MUH TRAY TRAY farce (2012)
That was a tiny blip in activity compared to the 2016 election. Besides, the /sp/ live trialb owl threads on the Trayvon trial were much more exciting and active during that time period.
shit nigga, some of the best memes i remember came from pol the traytray trial

i'm not a spartan so idk how good the threads were there
>muhhh edge
>follow the Jews....
good goy
I still kek at the phone spamming
>>2382318 (OP)
>How do we get /leftypol/ off this board
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>Do you really think ANYONE who got into crypto back in 2014 on /g/ would stop giving a shit NOW of all times?
Some of them stuck around, mostly ETH shills (now the current shills, those are newfags). But most of them didn't, that's why the board was so dead. You really have no idea how many people became rich as fuck with crypto, don't you? You fucking newfag astroturfer.

>hurr durr your argument is shit because I say it is but I won't give any argument
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>hurr durr your argument is shit because I say it is but I won't give any argument

this is literally you
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apu apustaja is NOT for insulting
>>2382318 (OP)
t. Jaquan Johnson
>You really have no idea how many people became rich as fuck with crypto, don't you? You fucking newfag astroturfer.
You keep repeating this argument and it's not becoming any more rational. Anyone from /g/ who was quietly holding crypto since 2014 is just now coming into a shitload of cash. This is one of the most active crypto discussion boards on the internet. If anything, the old /g/ posters are all refreshing the catalog every 30 seconds right now. When your hobby blows up you don't just go, "Hmm, I'm suddenly killing it right now, let me drop this whole crypto thing I've been doing since 2014 and maybe take up skateboarding instead" They're all still here and the ones that left most certainly came back in during the spring when prices exploded.
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>literally zero argument
>only counter was "n-no u"

at least you tried

>You keep repeating this argument and it's not becoming any more rational. Anyone from /g/ who was quietly holding crypto since 2014 is just now coming into a shitload of cash
The fact that you keep using 2014 as a year of reference for people getting rich with crypto only goes to show how little you know about the topic. Oldfag lurkers will understand what I mean without me explaining (I wouldn't want to make you improve your astroturfing).
> This is one of the most active crypto discussion boards on the internet
Absolutely wrong. It's not even in the top 10. Probably in the top 30.
>If anything, the old /g/ posters are all refreshing the catalog every 30 seconds right now.
They aren't. Old /g/ posters aren't here anymore. They probably come here very seldom like me to laugh at newfags but that's it. The fact that you think this is the best place to discuss crypto and not literally the worst one (as of now) literally identifies you automatically as a newfag retarded faggot.
When your hobby blows up you don't just go, "Hmm, I'm suddenly killing it right now, let me drop this whole crypto thing I've been doing since 2014 and maybe take up skateboarding instead"
At least learn to speak like 4chan NEET samantha. Ffs this is pure cringe.
Crypto is not a hobby for early adopters who got rich you fucking mongol.
>" They're all still here and the ones that left most certainly came back in during the spring when prices exploded.

But why am I bothering? You literally know nothing about what you are talking about. Pls go back to posting blacked threads on /tv/ and leave this place alone. You are too retarded to earn money with crypto anyway.
>>2382318 (OP)
I see that the ShareBlue has made their way onto /biz/

Fuck off shills.
gas yourself kike
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its become ridiculous

you cant even discus the technical apsects of an actual new cryptocoin

its just (((Bancor))) and "with jews you lose!!!" and >betting against mossadcoin


this is a board about money. nobody gives a shit what your religion or ethnicity or political stance is.

we just want to make money
>>2382318 (OP)
Don't like /pol/ dont like anime? go to reddit then you fucking faggot
t. Schlomo Goldstein
>The fact that you keep using 2014 as a year of reference for people getting rich with crypto only goes to show how little you know about the topic. Oldfag lurkers will understand what I mean without me explaining (I wouldn't want to make you improve your astroturfing).
2014 is the year /biz/ was created, that's why it's relevant to the discussion. Keep up m8.
>Absolutely wrong. It's not even in the top 10. Probably in the top 30.
It's connected to 4chan, which is one of the most active discussion forums on the internet. Outside of Bitcointalk and Reddit, which English language crypto sites are really getting enough traffic to compete with 4chan and /biz/? Come on now, top 30?
>They aren't. Old /g/ posters aren't here anymore.
You are just making that up based on nothing other than your agenda, you would have no way of knowing if that's true and it doesn't intuitively make any sense.
>The fact that you think this is the best place to discuss crypto and not literally the worst one (as of now) literally identifies you automatically as a newfag retarded faggot.
Literally never said that, cool strawman though
>Crypto is not a hobby for early adopters who got rich
Wow. What a rational statement. The sad thing about this is that you are actually trying to make this argument as if it makes any fucking sense.

When keeping it real goes right.
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>>2382318 (OP)
>tfw went toe to tow with a die hard pol-fag once
>tfw railed him so hard in a single post he stopped replying immediately
It's actually really simple. all their care about is how much they hate nogs/jews. once they see you don't give a fuck about (((them))) or darkies, and you only care about making money, they are powerless. they tuck their tiny cock between their legs and run straight back to /pol/.
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>you cant even discus the technical apsects of an actual new cryptocoin
Nobody does this. Where do you think you are?
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Im from /pol/ and i am holding 212 ETH faggot.

Gas the kikes racewar now.
>>2382318 (OP)

This isnt your echo chamber faggot.

t. 2,000 STRAT long-time holder
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>>2382318 (OP)
There are literally two fucking posts on crypto currencies in /pol/ right now. Goddamn faggorts
of course its literal, how else could the posts be on there?Hypothetically?
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fucking niggers
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>>2382318 (OP)
/biz/ has always been a natsoc board
fuuuck that!!

/biz/ was almost never about nazis, niggers, or whatever the fuck

every other topic was about how to make a million out of 3 cents, trading stocks, a bit of forex, frugal living and that shit

sure, we're all aware of (((them))), but crypto can bring a bit more equilibrium in this regard

enter the shitniggers of /pol/. they crawled out of their cesspool as soon as they smelled money

here's to hoping the market will obliterate them
>>2382318 (OP)
Pol has been about since bitcoin took off. It would get discussed on pol because of da jews etc.

There a few crypto threads the last few days on pol too. Probably bagholders trying to bring in new people to unload on.

Plus the major hack that wanted payment in bitcoins for the NHS etc was discussed.
>worldwide network letting you talk to everyone comes to fruition
>people have discussions on the basis of their ideas, with no identity politics
>retarded masses come in
>can't handle being judged on their intellectual output because they have none
>all they have is their precious identity and groupthink
>get called out for being faggots, niggers, spics
>normalfags throw a tantrum until the Internet replicates locked down power structures of real life

>new protocol for making money meritocratic and democratic
>people start to build a budding economy out of it
>retarded masses come in...

Why do you normalfaggots have to ruin everything? Can't you stick to your reddits and animes and video games?
Why costs a Nigger that much? I always thought Nigger would be cheap and could be swapped without giving a coin for it?
>/pol/ blew up with Trump
You are reddit. The definition of it.
Reminder that I don't care about how much you hate people that aren't white.
What are you gonna do about it?
What can you do?
sent niggers
>>2382318 (OP)
remember OP that /pol/ is always right
wat? owner of stratis is a nigger? never gonna buy this low iq shitcoin. thanks for warning me OP
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>>2382318 (OP)
>make a coin
>lose money
cant lose if you never put anything in in the first place
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Why is Africa so poor?
tribalism, low-iq borne out of non-challenging plentiful environment, r-selection breeding
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also absence of meaningful agriculture despite fertile lands and animalistic inability to plan ahead
The only thing /pol/ related in crypto is (((bancor))) and strat having a nigger ceo meaning you should sell.

Also niggercoin is pretty funny and might make us rich
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Really makes you think.
>nigs sitting on all that wealth
>don't do anything with it
>don't mine it
>done enhance it
>don't sell it
>surprised they're all poor
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>window still broken by another nigger
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Just leaving this here since its a /pol/ hate thread.
actually I'm in favour of them going full-on totalitarian commie (that's never been tried before)
it'd cull their numbers and perhaps even stop the cancerous aid coming from overseas
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butthurt negro detected
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How's crypto going to solve this though?

> nigs sitting on huge amounts of natural ressources
> dont do anything with it
> dont even invent a fucking wheel, let alone tech to exploit all the abundant ressources around them
> white man sitting on scarce resources
> invents pretty much all the tech we have today
> brings unimaginable wealth, prosperity and technological advancements to africa
> nations prosper under white mans rule
> (((somehow))) decides its a good idea to return african nations to their subhuman inhabitants
> negros chimp out, destroy everything the white man gave them
> former prosperous nations now failed state hellholes

muh colonialism
muh white man keeping the negro down
Nobody in this thread has even mentioned nigger hate or whatever you autist, you just went on an autistic shitfit because some of your trigger words were mentioned.

Grow up already.
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Trump voters
>haha upcoming moon mission guys
>since we already went in, let's shill this coin on other boards to get people to buy in
This is what I literally read multiple times in the past few weeks. You only have yourselves to blame. Your greed made this so.
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Will crypto solve societies problems though?
it'll solve the problem of monopolistic central banking ponzies and other involuntery kikery
ancap paradise, if you will
parasites and vampires shall perish
The only color /biz/raelites should care about is green (or orange denominated in green)
But that's against what /pol/ stands for isn't it?
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> /pol/ is a NatSoc board
> NatSoc want to break free from debt slavery and jewish rule
> cryptos provide the means to achieve that goal

everything checks out, anon
Well said
>/biz/ suddenly actually makes money
>le reddit retards from other boards suddenly flock in and want to take over with their SJW poison
>/pol/ is one person
daily reminder that the future is libertarian right, Hoppe style
I believe the next stage comes after nanotech commoditizes; we already have feasible energy generation and cryptocurrency so what remains is the ability to produce whatever without having to invest into capital-intensive machinery to do so
Exactly what business owners thought at the outset of Nazisim, how it actually turned out for them is debatable
>>2382318 (OP)
So self righteous faggot
>>2382318 (OP)
it will sell though
sometimes racist people are rich
this is the actual ground floor, coin was created yesterday less than 24 hours ago
only a few hundred dollars in to the market will send nigger coin to the coon
The reason they are spamming nigger stuff is because one of their gay idols got in trouble for saying the n word in a joking manner recently.
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Send Golywogs and /pol/ will politely dissap....piss all over every board forever
>2014 is the year /biz/ was created, that's why it's relevant to the discussion. Keep up m8.
you are further showing how retarded you are. The date of creation has nothing to do with the topic, you are literally arguing by going on wikipedia or knowyourmeme or some other shit, you mongoloid astroturfer kys.
>It's connected to 4chan, which is one of the most active discussion forums on the internet. Outside of Bitcointalk and Reddit, which English language crypto sites are really getting enough traffic to compete with 4chan and /biz/? Come on now, top 30?
M8, not my fault you're a newfag that knows nothing about crypto.
>You are just making that up based on nothing other than your agenda, you would have no way of knowing if that's true and it doesn't intuitively make any sense.
I know it's true because I am an oldfag and I have seen the kind of people who were here in the past
>Literally never said that, cool strawman though
You said that and you even reiterated it in your last post. Stop being retarded.
>Wow. What a rational statement. The sad thing about this is that you are actually trying to make this argument as if it makes any fucking sense.
It doesn't make sense for you that early adopters got rich? Get the fuck out of my board nigger
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You have agenda though.
And we know what it is.
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>>2382318 (OP)

you talk like a niggerfag.
>points finger at someone's agenda
>promotes an unnatural, cancerous totalitarian system second only to mohamedan death cult
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>nigger that keeps bumping this shit thread just so everybody can see his shitposting tells me I have an agenda
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fuckin delusional commie nigger scum.
will u ever learn?
then why do you ask africa why they're so poor?
ignore it. the stupid people will get purged one way or the other. this market is not made for idiots.
Natural progression for now-weaboo's:

/b/-> /pol/ -> /biz/
/b/-> /fit/ -> /r9k/

Choose your fate nao bruvva
>newfag newfag newfag
>oldfag I'm an oldfag oldfags will know
reddit pls go
Literally your every post condensed.
The guy making these threads is literally one of them DGB failures
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>/b/-> /pol/ -> /biz/
Bitcoin has always kept a relationship to /pol/.
(Of course also to /g/ for obvious reasons). I've been on all the boards.
>>2382318 (OP)
People running from the SJW infestation that is /pol/ right now find /biz/. I was one of them. Then I bought some cryptocoins, then I became upper middle class in a week or two. Now I'm borderline addicted.
>he fell for the propaganda 
go out into any African country not touched by whites and see how tribal it is
the places where whites and chinks helped developed are doing the best of the whole lot

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