March 31, 2017

JBL Tells Fans To Get Over Roman Reigns

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  3. JBL tells crybaby smart fans to get over Roman Reigns
Haddes911 13 hours ago#1
Via_Negativa 13 hours ago#2
a... yo... JBL... joey styles and bart gunn knocked you the f*** out

What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
OmegaTomHank 13 hours ago#3
JBL is right
Via_Negativa 13 hours ago#4
How did we "choose" Roman Reigns? When did that happen? I enjoy Roman Reigns, but what is Rosenberg talkin' 'bout?
What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
(edited 13 hours ago)reportquote
Daremo 13 hours ago#5
Rosenberg is sort of right, Reigns was on fire right at the end of the Shield. Sadly, the Reigns we chose wasn't the Reigns they gave us.

We wanted a mostly silent Samoan wrecking machine, a dominant face, a mini Lesnar, and they gave us a smack talking underdog who somehow unfailingly overcame the odds.

Don't expect us to remain silent after that kind of bait and switch.
Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. - Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Via_Negativa 13 hours ago#6
Daremo posted...
Rosenberg is sort of right, Reigns was on fire right at the end of the Shield. Sadly, the Reigns we chose wasn't the Reigns they gave us.

We wanted a mostly silent Samoan wrecking machine, a dominant face, a mini Lesnar, and they gave us a smack talking underdog who somehow unfailingly overcame the odds.

Don't expect us to remain silent after that kind of bait and switch.

He's talkin' bollocks. How did we choose Roman Reigns when the The Shield debuted?

Utter tripe.
What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
(edited 13 hours ago)reportquote
RandomNameMKII 12 hours ago#7
Via_Negativa posted...
Daremo posted...
Rosenberg is sort of right, Reigns was on fire right at the end of the Shield. Sadly, the Reigns we chose wasn't the Reigns they gave us.

We wanted a mostly silent Samoan wrecking machine, a dominant face, a mini Lesnar, and they gave us a smack talking underdog who somehow unfailingly overcame the odds.

Don't expect us to remain silent after that kind of bait and switch.

He's talkin' bollocks. How did we choose Roman Reigns when the The Shield debuted?

Utter tripe.

He didn't say when they debuted.
Via_Negativa 12 hours ago#8
RandomNameMKII posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
Daremo posted...
Rosenberg is sort of right, Reigns was on fire right at the end of the Shield. Sadly, the Reigns we chose wasn't the Reigns they gave us.

We wanted a mostly silent Samoan wrecking machine, a dominant face, a mini Lesnar, and they gave us a smack talking underdog who somehow unfailingly overcame the odds.

Don't expect us to remain silent after that kind of bait and switch.

He's talkin' bollocks. How did we choose Roman Reigns when the The Shield debuted?

Utter tripe.

He didn't say when they debuted.

Yes, he did.
What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
Via_Negativa 12 hours ago#9
"Because as a fan, I remember being in the crowd when The Shield debuted, and you guys, my fellow WWE fans, YOU chose Roman Reigns"
What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
ATfire567 12 hours ago#10
beIee dat bbygurl >:|
Fan of the "Arch-Enemy" trope
*patiently waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3*
Sada_Pop 12 hours ago#11
JBL talking s*** as per usual.
People would have you believe that the accusation of racism is more offensive than ACTUAL racism.
Nicodimus 12 hours ago#12
Daremo posted...
Rosenberg is sort of right, Reigns was on fire right at the end of the Shield. Sadly, the Reigns we chose wasn't the Reigns they gave us.

We wanted a mostly silent Samoan wrecking machine, a dominant face, a mini Lesnar, and they gave us a smack talking underdog who somehow unfailingly overcame the odds.

Don't expect us to remain silent after that kind of bait and switch.

Less is more.
BaronNugget 12 hours ago#13
I think we should get Saxon on this guy again.
MUFC- The Religion.
You don't know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory
I don't mind Roman but I understand why people don't like him, he hasn't evolved
Hardcore_Adult 10 hours ago#15
BaronNugget posted...
I think we should get Saxon on this guy again.

Let's not and say we did.
I'll get back up for good this time and I ain't comin' down...
completeboy 10 hours ago#16
Daremo posted...
Rosenberg is sort of right, Reigns was on fire right at the end of the Shield. Sadly, the Reigns we chose wasn't the Reigns they gave us.

We wanted a mostly silent Samoan wrecking machine, a dominant face, a mini Lesnar, and they gave us a smack talking underdog who somehow unfailingly overcame the odds.

Don't expect us to remain silent after that kind of bait and switch.

i do not mind roman at all infact i like him but rosenberg is right and so is this quoted comment, people potentially wanted shield version roman but got differently flavored roman

i do not get the hate with roman, if cena got away with decade plus of burials and counting why not roman?

that being said i certainly want taker to win
Video games are a part of my life.
Will_Hill_pimp 10 hours ago#17
No JBL. how about you don't tell me who I can like or cheer.
Fenrir-Juubi 10 hours ago#18
Oh yeah, Philadelphia certainly choose Reigns when they cheered Rollins curbstomping the **** outta Cena and Lesnar while they booed Reigns winning the Royal Rumble.
The passion died.
(edited 10 hours ago)reportquote
Finn-X 9 hours ago#19
The hate started when Wyatt eliminated Bryan in the RR the same RR Roman was part of and where he won

After that the boos just keep coming for poor roman
Via_Negativa posted...
"Because as a fan, I remember being in the crowd when The Shield debuted, and you guys, my fellow WWE fans, YOU chose Roman Reigns"

You're misinterpreting that. Roman Reigns became a fan favorite very quickly into The Shield's run.
Want to watch a fat redneck do stupid crap? I do it for free.
Via_Negativa 9 hours ago#21
RandomNameMKII posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
Daremo posted...
Rosenberg is sort of right, Reigns was on fire right at the end of the Shield. Sadly, the Reigns we chose wasn't the Reigns they gave us.

We wanted a mostly silent Samoan wrecking machine, a dominant face, a mini Lesnar, and they gave us a smack talking underdog who somehow unfailingly overcame the odds.

Don't expect us to remain silent after that kind of bait and switch.

He's talkin' bollocks. How did we choose Roman Reigns when the The Shield debuted?

Utter tripe.

He didn't say when they debuted.

Well? Speak.

What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
Nah, I'm going to cheer who I want. Not going to change my mind when someone is a documented a****** and bully tells me I should.
Incom65 posted...
We've had a main event heel who thinks he's a face for years now. His name is John Cena.
JohnHormel 9 hours ago#23
Ugh not these interviews again where the employees whiteknight their employers. It was so annoying last time when Heyman got his nuts in a twist when defending the 3 hour time slot for Raw.
Maze_ 9 hours ago#24
I hate the way WWE is encouraging talking down to fans for liking what they like and disliking what they dislike.

How can they have heels on screen do that for 70 years and at no point realize it's annoying to do that in real life?
When the going gets tough, the tough go have a little cry in the corner.
"Your mustache is crooked" ~ R.I.P Randy Savage.
JohnHormel posted...
Ugh not these interviews again where the employees whiteknight their employers. It was so annoying last time when Heyman got his nuts in a twist when defending the 3 hour time slot for Raw.

I tried watching the first one of these and got, maybe, 5 minutes into it before I had to turn it off.
This is the Internet; you can't use popularity to prove something is good unless it's something I actually like.
Via_Negativa 9 hours ago#26
MetaIhead_AIex posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
"Because as a fan, I remember being in the crowd when The Shield debuted, and you guys, my fellow WWE fans, YOU chose Roman Reigns"

You're misinterpreting that. Roman Reigns became a fan favorite very quickly into The Shield's run.

I'm not misinterpreting it at all. He said "debut." He was talking about the night The Shield debuted... by his own words.

Be quiet.
What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
(edited 9 hours ago)reportquote
Death_Effect 9 hours ago#27
Daniel Bryan's b****y little fans ruined this man's career. Neckbeards who only want to cheer for neckbeards.
I am Ruthless Aggression.
DracoSpire 9 hours ago#28
I'm kind of disappointed that Bring It To The Table has gone back to its company shilling ways after having a much more improved second episode.
Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks
Jigen32 9 hours ago#29
We are over him, and we moved onto the next guy, but they keep bring Roman Reigns back and we are over him so we boo him.
3DS FC: 2852-8396-5214
GameReviews 9 hours ago#30
LMFAO, fans "chose" Reigns. Yeah, ok. Some people may have cheered him loudest out of the members of the Shield, but I watched Raw weekly back then, and there was only a VERY limited stretch of a couple of months, maybe even just WEEKS when this was actually true. Hell, he was already starting to get negative heat before the Royal Rumble that Batista won.

I was never a Reigns fan, even then. I always recognized him as the weak link in the Shield, the worst on the mic, and unseasoned in the ring. He's had so much opportunity to improve, and he has, but he's still not any better than decent at anything other than looking like the guy from Game of Thrones. Still gets booed weekly, can't cut a promo to save his life, despite probably hundreds of opportunities, he hasn't cut a single good or memorable promo (except for memorably bad) and he's STILL nothing special in the ring, though he's improved. 

Saying fans "chose" Reigns is like if someone would choose to eat brown rice once, then gets force fed brown rice for every single meal, week in and week out, for 3 years straight. They stopped liking rice years ago, and on top of that, the brand of rice they keep force feeding you isn't even the same brand you originally asked for. "But you chose brown rice."
I don't actually review games, unfortunately.
Maze_ 8 hours ago#31
GameReviews posted...
LMFAO, fans "chose" Reigns. Yeah, ok. Some people may have cheered him loudest out of the members of the Shield, but I watched Raw weekly back then, and there was only a VERY limited stretch of a couple of months, maybe even just WEEKS when this was actually true. Hell, he was already starting to get negative heat before the Royal Rumble that Batista won.

I was never a Reigns fan, even then. I always recognized him as the weak link in the Shield, the worst on the mic, and unseasoned in the ring. He's had so much opportunity to improve, and he has, but he's still not any better than decent at anything other than looking like the guy from Game of Thrones. Still gets booed weekly, can't cut a promo to save his life, despite probably hundreds of opportunities, he hasn't cut a single good or memorable promo (except for memorably bad) and he's STILL nothing special in the ring, though he's improved.

Not to mention during this time WWE pushed Reigns as the biggest guy in the Shield and protected him more any the others.

That had nothing to do with the fans, he was just big, muscly and Samoan so WWE wanted him to be big
When the going gets tough, the tough go have a little cry in the corner.
"Your mustache is crooked" ~ R.I.P Randy Savage.
FearOfNothing 8 hours ago#32
Rosenberg is a dumbass some times. So just because the fans cheered the Shield as a collective group that means they wanted Roman Reigns to be "the guy"?

Reigns has always been the weakest part of the Shield group. It was painfully obvious once they turned face. IMO Rollins and Ambrose have developed into their own characters. Reigns still uses the same f***ing Shield music and gear and it's been like what now 2 years since the Shield ended?

I think that alone shows Reigns has very little depth and they have no f***ing clue what they should do next with the guy.

He showed he can heel it up pretty good this past Monday on RAW. So do it already turn the guy heel. The fans get up and boo because they don't like the way the character has been pushed down their throats as the new beacon of goodness. But of course WWE will say any reaction is a good reaction bulls*** they say all the time now.
Will we ever get a new Ice Climbers game Nintendo?...still not as of E3 2014 - 6/10/2014
MRW1215 8 hours ago#33
I watched the brief clip from WWE's YouTube, and JBL is whatever, but what Rosenburg was saying was total BS. He said that all the fans collectively chose Roman as the standout guy, "not Dean Ambrose, not Seth Rollins", and that people only turned on him because they didn't like that WWE backed him, too. That's so entirely wrong.

The Shield was over as a unit. They weren't over because of any one specific member, they were over as a group. Even then, in discussions, people tended to favor Rollins and Ambrose over Roman. The only time one could arguably make a case for Roman is the Rumble before WM30, but people only backed Roman because at that point, they wanted anyone but Batista to win, and Roman at least still had the Shield to make him an interesting prospect.

I dunno. This seems like more of WWE's agenda machine at work. I don't really understand why WWE feels the need to be so antagonistic of the audience. At this point, WWE is basically going "God dammit, stop booing Roman! He's awesome, and we love him, and you should, too! Shut the f*** up already and do what we tell you to do!". And I don't get that mentality. And they've been like that even in the past with John Cena, as well.

Why purposely antagonize and s*** on your audience? Perhaps if WWE stopped doing that, people wouldn't feel the need to be so vocal and critical of WWE's decisions. But every time the fans don't do what WWE wants them to do, WWE just goes "f*** you! f*** each and every one of you! We'll do what we want, dammit, and you'll like it!".
Snarkoleptic @
Gaming. Sarcasm. Comedy. Stupidity. New videos every weekday at 4PM ET!
BaronNugget 8 hours ago#34
I am not a smark by any means but insulting a large portion of the audience isn't going to get Reigns over, you would think a financial analyst would know that.
MUFC- The Religion.
You don't know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory
Via_Negativa posted...
MetaIhead_AIex posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
"Because as a fan, I remember being in the crowd when The Shield debuted, and you guys, my fellow WWE fans, YOU chose Roman Reigns"

You're misinterpreting that. Roman Reigns became a fan favorite very quickly into The Shield's run.

I'm not misinterpreting it at all. He said "debut." He was talking about the night The Shield debuted... by his own words.

Be quiet.

So who were they cheering for on the "night they debuted" then? We didn't have the WWE network back then, so most of the crowd didn't know any of those guys. It's clear as day he didn't mean the exact night of their debut. Basic language comprehension skill should help you figure this one out. You remember how over Roman Reigns was for the majority of The Shield's run and it's obvious he was talking about who the crowd was getting behind the most early on. Rosenberg is a WWE fanboy and goes to shows a lot, so of course he'd bring up crowd reactions from The Shield days.
Want to watch a fat redneck do stupid crap? I do it for free.
(edited 7 hours ago)reportquote
Via_Negativa 7 hours ago#36
MetaIhead_AIex posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
MetaIhead_AIex posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
"Because as a fan, I remember being in the crowd when The Shield debuted, and you guys, my fellow WWE fans, YOU chose Roman Reigns"

You're misinterpreting that. Roman Reigns became a fan favorite very quickly into The Shield's run.

I'm not misinterpreting it at all. He said "debut." He was talking about the night The Shield debuted... by his own words.

Be quiet.

So who were they cheering for on the "night they debuted" then? We didn't have the WWE network back then, so most of the crowd didn't know any of those guys. It's clear as day he didn't mean the exact night of their debut. Basic language comprehension skill should help you figure this one out. You remember how over Roman Reigns was for the majority of The Shield's run and it's obvious he was talking about who the crowd was getting behind the most early on. Rosenberg is a WWE fanboy and goes to shows a lot, so of course he'd bring up crowd reactions from The Shield days.

The Shield...
What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
Fenrir-Juubi posted...
Oh yeah, Philadelphia certainly choose Reigns when they cheered Rollins curbstomping the **** outta Cena and Lesnar while they booed Reigns winning the Royal Rumble.

The same Philly crowd that months later CHEERED Reigns when he won the world title the night after TLC 2015?
JUS FC: 4854-3681-3756 (Kayin12)
PSN: BahamutKnight0
G-Ziss 7 hours ago#38
It really doesn't matter if the fans "chose" Roman Reigns or not. If the fans no longer like Roman Reigns, then he should no longer be "the guy", plain and simple.

Also, just because a guy is hot in a faction, that doesn't mean people want him to be the next big thing on the solo scene.
There is a good chance that this post will be unfairly moderated
(edited 7 hours ago)reportquote
BigBear108 6 hours ago#39
Saying the fans "chose" Roman is like saying the fans "chose" David Otunga when Nexus debuted.
After reading through this topic, RialPowers and BigBear108 are currently my favorite users EVAR. -pkmnlord
DracoSpire 6 hours ago#40
Bahamut knight zero posted...
Fenrir-Juubi posted...
Oh yeah, Philadelphia certainly choose Reigns when they cheered Rollins curbstomping the **** outta Cena and Lesnar while they booed Reigns winning the Royal Rumble.

The same Philly crowd that months later CHEERED Reigns when he won the world title the night after TLC 2015?

That was after they finally started booking Roman right by attacking the man with three H's at the TLC PPV. The positive reactions would continue up until the Royal Rumble, as his change of booking wouldn't last.
Goodnight HULKAMANIACS and jabronie marks without a life that don't know it a work when you work a work and work yourself into a shoot,marks
MrSCARY 6 hours ago#41
Roman Reigns is garbage.

If Vince wasn't horny for him he would be midcard at best.

Every fan I know in IRL can't stand Roman. Personally speaking, I tend to fast forward anything he's in now, even if it's against someone I like. I usually use his ppv matches to get a snack or smoke or whatever.
wcwnwo90 6 hours ago#42
I'm pretty sure when the shield debuted everybody picked Dean as the guy because we all thought he was the next Roddy Piper. Boy were we wrong. JBL is right though. Roman is the right man now.
Mizerous 6 hours ago#43
ATfire567 posted...
beIee dat bbygurl >:|
Playing: Final Fantasy VIII/ Xenosaga Part 1
Via_Negativa 4 hours ago#44
MetaIhead_AIex posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
MetaIhead_AIex posted...
Via_Negativa posted...
"Because as a fan, I remember being in the crowd when The Shield debuted, and you guys, my fellow WWE fans, YOU chose Roman Reigns"

You're misinterpreting that. Roman Reigns became a fan favorite very quickly into The Shield's run.

I'm not misinterpreting it at all. He said "debut." He was talking about the night The Shield debuted... by his own words.

Be quiet.

So who were they cheering for on the "night they debuted" then? We didn't have the WWE network back then, so most of the crowd didn't know any of those guys. It's clear as day he didn't mean the exact night of their debut. Basic language comprehension skill should help you figure this one out. You remember how over Roman Reigns was for the majority of The Shield's run and it's obvious he was talking about who the crowd was getting behind the most early on. Rosenberg is a WWE fanboy and goes to shows a lot, so of course he'd bring up crowd reactions from The Shield days.

Basic language comprehension? LMAO.

Clear as day? How so? I'm going off what he ACTUALLY said. You're going off what you think he meant. Big difference. Stop embarrassing yourself, fo' real.

You're the one struggling, bud, and you're trying to tell me 'bout "basic language comprehension"?

What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
wcwnwo90 4 hours ago#45
I love how deep the arguments get on this board. Where my popcorn?
lilJoe457 4 hours ago#46
Man. WWE isn't gonna change what they do till it affects their wallets. So stop going to the shows and watching for a little bit.
The King of Old School.
Stalinrules 4 hours ago#47
I picked Dean.
Ozzy Rules!
Via_Negativa 4 hours ago#48
Each member of The Shield lacks a certain something. We gotta put up with these three mediocre talents for the next 15 years?
What! The Farmclub! It's the mother f'ing -chika-chika- Farmclub!
(edited 4 hours ago)reportquote
MRW1215 posted...
The Shield was over as a unit. They weren't over because of any one specific member, they were over as a group.

Roman Reigns got chants and cheers for him specifically at points. That's what he means. 

GameReviews posted...
Some people may have cheered him loudest out of the members of the Shield, but I watched Raw weekly back then, and there was only a VERY limited stretch of a couple of months, maybe even just WEEKS when this was actually true.

That means Rosenburg is correct then. And it was longer than that but alright. 

Maze_ posted...

Not to mention during this time WWE pushed Reigns as the biggest guy in the Shield and protected him more any the others.

That had nothing to do with the fans, he was just big, muscly and Samoan so WWE wanted him to be big

That's called being the enforcer of the group. They do it with all stables.
Veggeta_MAX 1 hour ago#50
Get rekt smarks lmao
I'm Veggeta X's alt
FFBE ID: 196 912 851 750+ ATK Orlandu

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